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Master Key
Master Key | Masako Togawa
28 posts | 23 read | 65 to read
The prize-winning debut mystery from one of Japan's best-loved crime writers The K Apartments for Ladies are occupied by over one hundred unmarried women, once young and lively, now grown and old--and in some cases, evil. Their residence conceals a secret connecting the unsolved 1951 kidnapping of four-year-old George Kraft to the clandestine burial of a child's body in the basement bath-house. So, when news comes that the building must be moved to make way for a road-building project, more than one tenant waits with apprehension for the grisly revelation that will follow. Then the master key is lost, stolen and re-stolen--and suddenly no-one feels safe. Fiendish intrigue, double identity and an ingenious plot make this a thriller worthy of comparison with the work of P.D. James.
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Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Nor surprise that I liked this book since I stacked it from @vivastory review and several other Litsy friends with similar tastes also like it. Jan and I decided on two books for our joint read (my pick this month) and since I couldn‘t decide o picked two. This is a short and quick read with some good twists and turns. I generally love Japanese literature (Japan is at the top of my travel list) and this was no exception.

BarbaraBB Glad you liked it! I want to read more by him! 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB we are now reading your recommendation. Loving it so far! 4mo
vivastory @JenP I'm glad that you liked this! It really kicked off my love this year for suspense novels in the 50s & 60s. I also really liked the other book pub by Pushkin 4mo
JenP @vivastory thanks! I‘ve added that one too 4mo
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Finally got around to this little gem of a Japanese mystery written in 1962. Lots of neurotic old ladies living in the K Apartments for Ladies in post-war Japan, many with secrets. Really interesting twists at the end that I didn‘t see coming. A little hard to keep all the names straight as they all sound similar!

vivastory Glad that you liked this one. I also really liked Togawa's other book also pub by Pushkin 4mo
batsy I really enjoyed this one, too! 4mo
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa

This was really good. A nice short mystery, no words wasted.
April 2023 #BookSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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In a bid to put 2022 behind me, I'm going to give October, November and December's picks early and all at once!

The Master Key is a series of intertwined events centring on an apartment block in Japan. The Circle is a social horror that challenges our thoughts on privacy and openness. The Guest List was a fun closed island mystery that didn't demand a whole lot of concentration.


The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Look what beauty has arrived, eventually! 🗝️😊
Now I'm going to have to find the time to fit it into my schedule... 😎

#Noirvember #noir #Japan #mystery #November #buddyreads
@RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author

RaeLovesToRead Happy Reading!! (Fröhliches Lesen?) 😊🗝 2y
Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead Exactly! 👏✌️😊 2y
The_Penniless_Author Never saw that cover before. Enjoy! Can't wait for the long-anticipated review 😄 2y
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Yuki_Onna @The_Penniless_Author 😁 -That cover is the only current German edition - I really like many of the mystery/thriller covers by this publishing house - stylish... 😎 2y
Trashcanman I see you 2y
Yuki_Onna @Trashcanman Thank goodness you do, George! 😎 I missed you so much. How is it? How are you doing? 🖤 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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I loved this clever mystery! Just slightly creepy with page-turning drama. And a great ending. Thanks @batsy for putting this one on my radar!

batsy Happy that you enjoyed it! It's got a bit of that creepy vibe that's perfect for spooky season :) 2y
sarahbarnes @batsy agreed! 👻 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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I enjoyed this creepy Japanese thriller about a women‘s apartment building. Perfect for this spooky time of year! 👻

Cinfhen Have you read this @BarbaraBB ??? I know you love Japanese thrillers 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Thanks, I did! And loved it too. It‘s excellent! 2y
BarbaraBB And I love that puzzle in the background 😍 2y
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BarbaraBB No but I really want to! Did you? 2y
catiewithac @barbarabb not yet, but I want to! What are some of your other favorite Japanese thrillers? 2y
BarbaraBB I‘ll tag a few! 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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I love this kind of thing.

A twisty, punchy mystery novel made up of interwoven character pieces. Secrets, lies and lots of sneaking about. Plus a bonkers ending to tie it all up with a bow.

One of my favourite Japanese mysteries to date.


BarbaraBB Mine too! 2y
BarbaraBB Although there are so many great of Japanese mysteries! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB Agreed! ❤ 2y
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The_Penniless_Author This ending was bonkers in a much more plausible way than the Honjin Murders. I was legitimately impressed by this one, whereas the other I just sort of accepted as the kind of ridiculous thing you need to come up with to tie the story elements together. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I have a big stack of Japanese mysteries and thrillers... this is probably my fave so far, but I have more to go 😋 2y
vivastory The following by Togawa remains a favorite of the year 2y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory I will be buying that one soon ❤ It looks like another couple of her books have been translated, but they aren't recent editions so may prove tricky to get hold of 🤔 2y
Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author My copy still hasn't arrived...😬 2y
Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead The Lady Killer is the one by her I own and have read (about three years ago). I loved it!!! An absolute fave...💖 2y
The_Penniless_Author @Yuki_Onna That's probably my next purchase. I think I'm going to pick up one of her books anytime I travel back to New York. 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Halfway through this one... it's very compelling. I'm not sure what the central mystery is yet, but I'm enjoying wafting from strand to strand.


@TrishB @scripturient @squirrelbrain @Mitch @julesG @Susanita @Oryx @CGainor3 @Leniverse @rockpools @jenniferw88

rockpools Sounds great! 2y
Mitch Perfect book for the setting! 😍 2y
BarbaraBB I liked this one a lot! 2y
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Branwen This looks good! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen review to come soon! 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Enjoyed this book so much I read the entire thing in two days. What started out seeming as though it would be a series of interwoven vignettes involving the residents of a boarding house for women in Tokyo eventually coalesced into a single, tightly plotted narrative with an ending that was both surprising and yet fit perfectly with everything that had come before it. I've never read a mystery quite like this one. Maximum ⭐️s!

The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Oh, and while buddy reads are definitely not a competition, I am nevertheless #1 buddy 😁 2y
batsy I enjoyed this a lot, too! So atmospheric and compelling. 2y
Yuki_Onna 🙌 Who said they would be the worst buddy reader ever? 🤔😂😉 Now you're No. 1 while my edition hasn't even arrived yet! 😁
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RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna I know, right?! 😉 The cheek of it!!! 2y
The_Penniless_Author @batsy Yeah, honestly I would have enjoyed it just as much even if things hadn't tied together so neatly at the end. I could have read a whole book of interwoven anecdotes in that setting. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead My secret to success in life has been setting rock-bottom expectations, then exceeding them 😂 2y
RaeLovesToRead No matter how low I set my expectations, I will always find some way to wiggle out of achieving anything. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Maybe you should do the opposite and set your expectations sky high. Then when you don't meet them, you can say, "Well, what did you expect? I was aiming for the stars!" 2y
BarbaraBB I loved this one too thanks to @Vansa who introduced me to it! (edited) 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Look what came up as this month's Bookspin pick...

The Universe wants us to do this buddy read, Randy and Sam! @The_Penniless_Author @Yuki_Onna

Dare you argue with the Universe?

The_Penniless_Author I agree with the universe on very little 😅 I might try to keep up with you on this, although I still have a hundred pages or so of Ship of Magic to finish. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author When I say buddy read, I just mean tag me in your review and I'll do the same 😉🙃 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author And when you say 100 pages of Ship of Magic... you mean another like 1800 pages of the trilogy 😁 2y
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Yuki_Onna You're not being serious? 😊😚
-Plus, I had a quite an extraordinary evening tonight and have made a new aquaintance who is - as well as our taxi driver home - living in the same street as me? The taxi driver is my direct neighbour even...
And now: The Master Key. 🔑
What's up with the Universe, Rae? 🤔
(edited) 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Oh wow! That's awesome! 😄 I will tag you in my review when I've finished The Master Key... I'm looking forward to it 😊 2y
Yuki_Onna Yes, please, do so!🤗 I will try to order The Master Key in time for September reading now - as that's clearly the wish of the Universe! ☝️😁 It seems it will take up to three weeks to arrive when I order it - it's not a well-known book here - but then: It's the Universe's will the three of us read it sometime in the remainder of this year.
Who am I to defy the Universe's plans? 🤷‍♀️
@RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Woo! 🥳🥳🥳 I should probably mention I'm the worst buddy reader ever... I always start out with good intentions, but I'm very distractible! I do love Japanese mystery fiction though, so hopefully that will keep me focused 😊 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna I've never been a buddy reader before, but I'm pretty confident I can take that "worst-ever" title from you ? 2y
Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Oh, me too.... *eyeroll* I'm a quite slow reader, life gets in the way frequently. The three of us can battle for the title 💪🤣
Heck, I don't even know when I'm gonna get to the book - and when the book's gonna get to me in the first place...
I'm pretty content with your way of buddy reading, Rae. Confident even that even I can do this - read the book sometime this year and tag you two with the review. 😅😉
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author @Yuki_Onna Awesome! 😊😁 Let's keep it super casual ❤ We can all be terrible at buddy reading together! 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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An exquisite sense of claustrophobia & dread permeates this Japanese domestic noir, published in 1962. The narrative is structured like a Russian doll with each external event leading deeper into the psychological muck of the women's boarding house, filled with unabashedly strange & wayward older women that society would prefer not to think about. The translation by Simon Grove was awkward at times ("Cheerio"?), but otherwise I greatly enjoyed it.

EvieBee This sounds fab! Great review. 2y
sarahbarnes Wow - definitely adding this to my list. Great review! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm I have this on my tbr! Looking forward to it. Great review 👍 2y
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batsy @EvieBee @sarahbarnes @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you! If you're ever in the mood for something a little strange yet absorbing, with a strong atmosphere, this would be a good pick 🙂 2y
LeahBergen Wonderful review! 👏 2y
batsy @LeahBergen Thank you! ❤️ 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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* 🔑🏚️🧒🩸👵🏼🕵🏾‍♀️🎻
* Would love a sequel to Brandon Taylor's Real Life
* ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thanks for the tag @Bklover and tagging anyone who wants to play!

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Great emoji narrative 💗📚🤩 2y
vivastory How are you liking Master Key? I ordered it literally as soon as I finished 2y
batsy @vivastory I loved it! And I'm glad that you liked The Lady Killer; it's next on my list. 2y
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nathandrake1997 A sequel to REAL LIFE would be ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2y
batsy @nathandrake1997 Right??? I wanna know how Wallace is doing 🥺❤️ 2y
Centique Yes! a sequel to Real Life would be fantastic 🙌🙌 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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After supper, the corridors echoed for a while with the sound of people walking up and down, the clatter of dishes and the splash of running water in the communal wash place. Then silence fell upon the building, to occupy it, usually, for the rest of the night.

Sometimes, one would hear the sound of a radio or the muffled tones of someone practising on the trumpet. But these noises also subsided...

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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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#BookReport 14/22

I traveled the world this week: from Japan to Argentina to Africa. All three were completely different and all were VERY good.

Cinfhen Yay!!! 🌏💫✨ 2y
batsy Love when that happens! 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Today's arrivals... Japanese mysteries with green covers!! Don't they look harmonious together? 😁💚

The Village of Eight Graves is the third (translated) in the series (I believe). I enjoyed The Honjin Murders & plan to read The Inugami Curse next...

charl08 I love these covers so much. Just seen they've redesigned them. I will be scouring second hand sites for the original ones! 2y
vivastory I'm also going to be binge reading Japanese mysteries soon. 2y
Yuki_Onna Oh, I'm so looking forward to discovering Seishi Yokomizo! Haven't read anything by him yet, but the three books you mentioned are big here atm. Those new covers are so beautiful!!!
I've read 'The Lady Killer' by Masako Togawa and loved it. It conveys the atmosphrere of Japan/Tokyo in the 60s so greatly... The perfect mixture of Haruki Murakami's early works, novel noir, mystery and the Japanese TV series Kaiki daisakusen/Operation: Mystery...
(edited) 2y
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Yuki_Onna Haven't forgotten your poetry, dear. Still delving into it. It's just I need to be in the right space of mind and that's not so easy atm. Sorry. 😶 But I'll write you soon! 2y
BarbaraBB That book arrived fast! I hope you‘ll enjoy it and I am looking forward to your thoughts on both of them! 2y
BarbaraBB @Yuki_Onna The Lady Killer sounds great! The Master Key is set in the same time period. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @charl08 I love them too! Haven't seen the other covers.. I think these are quite recent. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory I've also got the decagon house murders, murder in the crooked house and a couple of thrillers! Love Japanese fiction, especially mysteries! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna If I like this one I will definitely seek others out (provided they have been translated!) Really looking forward to them - sounds like they will be atmospheric! As for the poems, don't worry about it 😊 Take your time. Chapter 6 is about mental health and Chapter 5 has some upsetting stuff in too, so feel free to skip them if you don't want to deal with that kind of stuff! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB I couldn't wait!!! 😁 Thanks! Will tag you in the review. 2y
Yuki_Onna @BarbaraBB The German edition of The Master Key ist on my wish list! Has been for some time, as well as Slow Fuse, her other work translated into English and German. 😊 2y
RaeLovesToRead @charl08 Hmm... both of them are good... not even sure which I prefer 😄 Got mine on Amazon UK! 2y
The_Penniless_Author You've inspired me to stack one again, Rae. I've been meaning to read Togawa forever and haven't gotten around to it, but those covers are too good to resist. 2y
Branwen Those covers are amazing! So spooky and cool! 😲 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Does this mean I'm the Litsy equivalent of an influencer? 😄 Hope you enjoy too! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen I love Japanese mysteries! Have created a shelf on my GR for Japanese fiction 😊😁 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead A Litfluencer, yes 😁 2y
BarbaraBB @Yuki_Onna I‘ll have to look up Slow Fuse! 2y
Yuki_Onna Thanks for the trigger warnings, Rae! But I don't shy away from mental health topics and other deep stuff... I'm eager to see how other people deal with it, learn about different perspectives and am happy to read your work about it! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Aww thank you! Again, there is no hurry. It's just really nice that you want to read them 😊 2y
charl08 Just finished the Master Key - what a great read. I'm wondering if anyone has made it into a film or series. So many great roles for women. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @charl08 I'm really looking forward to it, but it'll have to wait till after my holiday because if I get really into a murder mystery, I'll just want to hide in the hotel and find out what happens!! 😀 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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This oldie uses a highly original approach to the classic crime story. Set in Tokyo, just after WWII in an apartment complex for single women, mysterious things start to happen. Many of the women carry secrets, big and small, safe in the anonymity of their homes, when suddenly they are revealed.

It‘s a great read! Thank for sending me this one @Vansa such a good choice ❤️

#pop22 #ProtagonistWithMobilityAid #52BooksIn52weeks #UnlikelyDetective

vivastory This sounds fantastic! 2y
BarbaraBB @vivastory It is your kind of book, no doubt about that! 2y
squirrelbrain It does sound good! 2y
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RaeLovesToRead This looks like my sort of thing... and I haven't fulfilled that prompt yet! 2y
charl08 Tempting! Love these editions of Japanese classic crime. 2y
LeahBergen Oh, this sounds good! 👌 2y
BarbaraBB @RaeLovesToRead @charl08 @LeahBergen I can really recommend the book to all three of you. It is a kind of a Japanese #Persephone book, classic mystery and spinster lit in one book! 2y
LeahBergen Well, consider me SOLD! 2y
RaeLovesToRead Already ordered myself a copy!! 😁 2y
BarbaraBB @RaeLovesToRead Really? Ooow That‘s cool! I really think you‘ll like it! 2y
RaeLovesToRead I read a lot of Japanese fiction, including some mysteries, so it sounds right up my street! 😊 2y
quietjenn This sounds right up my alley! 2y
BarbaraBB @RaeLovesToRead @quietjenn I‘m glad to bring attention to such an old book (published in the 60s). It deserves to be read! 2y
batsy Japanese mystery slash #spinsterlit? Hell, yes 😁 I just saw this in a bookshop over the weekend but managed to somehow not buy it ... I need to rectify this 😂 2y
BarbaraBB @batsy you need to indeed 🤣 2y
Vansa Apologies for the late reply!! So glad you liked it!!!! 2y
BarbaraBB @Vansa I really did! I‘m so glad you introduced me to a new author! And as you can see above, many people now want to read the book 👍🏽😘 2y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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I‘ve never read a mystery like this: so moody and atmospheric, with the looming feeling of dread and decay settling in. The women all seemed like ghosts, floating into each other‘s lives but trapped in their own loneliness. The mystery wasn‘t compelling for me, and the resolution felt convoluted and improbable, but I didn‘t mind because I was so captivated by the characters. Have you read any ‘puzzle mysteries‘?

The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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You absolutely didn‘t need to do this Vansa but I‘m thrilled with these early Christmas 🎄 presents! I love your choices! The Tokyo noir seems right up my alley but I also am curious of the Indian book you chose for me. Thank you so much 💚💚

Vansa I really hope you like the books!! 😍😍😍 3y
BarbaraBB @Vansa I‘m sure I will. You are too kind 💚 3y
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Master Key | Masako Togawa
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@Avanders you did not need to send me another book! You are too generous! Thank you 🙏🏽 #cozyswap

Avanders Yay!! 👏🏽👏🏽🍁🎃🧡❤️💛 I‘m glad it came so quickly ☺️ 4y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Japanese style curry with chicken, potatoes, cabbage and carrots, and a Japanese mystery which won the Edogawa Rampo prize in 1962

JennyM Delicious 6y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Full of lunch and working on book 3. 📚 #readathon

Gaylagal2 Very, very cute cat ❤️ 6y
Lcsmcat 😻 6y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Afternoon, Littens! How is everyone doing? I had to duck out for a bit to see a friend visiting from California, but I‘m back and working on book 3. Hope everyone is having a great day. It‘s beauuuuuuutiful here in Maine. - @Liberty #readathon

TheBookgeekFrau Still plugging along on book 1, but loving every minute of it! 6y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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Who is participating in the @deweysreadathon this Saturday??? SO EXCITED. I have the honor of running social for them on Litsy again. And reading! I‘ve got my reading stack picked out! It‘s mostly books I‘ve been meaning to get to for a long time, mixed with a few I started but had to set aside for work reading. YAY BOOKS! 📚

ladyonequestion Going to try and participate, don't think I'll manage 24 hours but I need to motivate myself to finish some books! 6y
wanderinglynn I‘m going to participate as much as possible. I have my calligraphy class Saturday mornings, but other than that, I will be reading, reading, reading! 😀 6y
Tamra Currently reading Piecing Me Together and it‘s lovely. 6y
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DGRachel Nope. Every time I even THINK about doing a readathon, my life goes to hell in a hand basket. I‘ve learned my lesson. 6y
Cailey_Mac Omg I‘ll try!🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
Jocelyn73c I'm going to be giving it a go for the first time 🤗 I'm very excited!! 6y
phatsallylee I'm counting the hours until it gets started! 6y
sprainedbrain 🙋🏻‍♀️ love Dewey‘s! 6y
Linsy This stack looks great! I‘m finally participating this time!! 📚🎉 6y
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The Master Key | Masako Togawa
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I thoroughly enjoyed this re-issue of Masako Togawa's 1962 novel, The Master Key. While this novel certainly falls into the mystery genre in the absolute sense, there is more nuance with this one, and someone looking for a rocket-fast pace might be disappointed. There are elements of Kanae Minato's Confessions; Agatha Christie; and John LeCarre's early novels to this. A fun and enjoyable read with delightful surprises. #netgalley

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