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Into the Wild (Bound for Schools & Libraries)
Into the Wild (Bound for Schools & Libraries) | Jon Krakauer
The extraordinary bestselling true story of a young man's uncompromising pilgrimage that ended in tragedy.
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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This book is so interesting and the young man frustrating. The book details as much as possible the last days of Chris, a young man that goes out on his own to experience life. He makes his way to Alaska and wants to survive out in the wilderness. Trouble is he has few supplies and thinks he will be okay. The saddest part is when his parents go to the bus where he died and see how he lived for the last part of his life. Great true story.

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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Into the Wild is unlike anything I‘ve read before. It charts the true story of Chris McCandless, who in 1992 lived off grid in the Alaska wilderness but eventually died due to starvation. Krakauer become enchanted and obsessed by Chris‘ story and his mental journey and so in this book he tracks Chris‘ movements as he travels in his last years, (cont. I‘m comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻)

i.z.booknook (1) speaks to numerous people Chris spent time with as well as looking at aspects of Chris‘ childhood and family. Krakauer successfully builds an incredible, detailed profile of Chris and his beliefs and reasons for doing what he did, as well as drawing on historical figures who felt the same pull of the wild as Chris did, broadening Chris‘ story to contemplation of youth and defiance. 8mo
i.z.booknook (2) . The pages flew by and Krakauer truly does Chris‘ story justice and just like Krakauer it is a story I struggle to keep out of my head. I also watched the film when I finished the book and I think it is a great adaptation, the actors were all perfectly cast and they stuck to the truth as much as possible and like the book, it did not shy away from presenting the good and the bad. Highly recommend. 8mo
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Reminds me of my brother and his judgement of our parents, which for years made family get togethers fraught. A year or so ago he was interrogating them about the town they chose to raise us in. I think at 45 he‘s finally softening a little after years of recriminations. It‘s gotta be tough being a parent!

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer

"there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon,"

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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“Jim Gallien had driven four miles out of Fairbanks when he spotted the hitchhiker standing in the snow beside the road, thumb raised high, shivering in the gray Alaska dawn.“ ~INTO THE WILD by Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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At the front of the bus, Billie picks up a pair of Chris's patched, ragged jeans and, closing her eyes, presses them to her face.

Suet624 💕💕 2y
Maggie_Reads Loved that book! Outside of my regular reading genre but I was hooked. Cried a few tears over it too. 2y
RayHallucinogen @Maggie_Reads the movie had a soul, and told the story beautifully. The book on the other hand, gave us this bigger picture that it wasn't only Chris's story. Way too many people left the society to find their tragic death in the wilderness. 2y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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This book was really insightful into Chris McCandless's Alaskan adventure. I loved the movie, but Krakauer definitely helped me understand the mindset he might've been in. I also enjoyed learning about the other people who had tried to live off the land, climb mountains, etc.

If you're familiar with the story, what are your thoughts on his journey?

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Curling up this Christmas morning with a book I've been meaning to read for a while. 🥰

I hope everyone is having a warm & relaxing holiday!

Ruthiella Enjoy! 😀 2y
Eggs Merry Christmas! 2y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Actually got a solid amount of reading done this weekend while camping in Hope, AK. Finished our road trip audiobook (Into the Wild), read about half of a Kindle book on Saturday morning while I was waiting for my fiancé to wake up, and then actually made some progress on Bleak House since it was the only physical book I brought. Determined to finish in 2022!

HeathHof Cool pic & yay reading time! Are you going to check out the diamond 💎 mine? 2y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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This was my first Krakauer book and will not be my last. It was an interesting story about a young man who was from a well off family who goes out into Alaska to investigate a new life for himself.

TheBookHippie I highly recommend the movie. 2y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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See what Lindsay had to say about Into the Wild on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Mondays. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-into-the-wild

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I have to admit, I find the controversy surrounding this story more interesting than the story itself. Krakauer is a good writer, but he frequently lets the story get bogged down in repetitive details and spends too much time jumping around instead of just telling what happened from start to end.

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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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LindaLappin Absolutely agree. One of my favorites. I used this for years in my first year EFL classes in Italy, and the students really identified with the story. 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Nope, nope, NOPE!
What a spoiled, ignorant, hypocritical fool. I‘m sorry for his family and that he had to choose the dumbest way to pursue a dream that was completely realistic. You can denounce how most of society lives and forge your own path, just be fucking SMART about it!

I know kids in Scouts that have more sense than this guy.

At least it‘s another off my TBR. It‘s also my March #BookSpin.

Erinsuereads I literally can't stand any of jon krakauers books 3y
TheAromaofBooks I haven't read this book, but I felt rather the same way about this guy's general story.... like what he did was choose slow suicide, not a new way of life. 😕 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @ErinSueMreads This is my first Krakauer. I didn‘t mind so much the writing, just the story of Chris itself. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Exactly!! 🤦‍♀️ @TheAromaofBooks It‘s such a frustrating story, especially when you know other people practically worship the guy as some sort of patron saint of the free spirit… 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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This was my January #bookspin @TheAromaofbooks. I did enjoy the read. It was sad and heartbreaking. I am glad I have finished it. I hope the family of Chris McCandless is okay now. And that Chris McCandless is wherever he wants to be.
TBR since at least June 2nd. 2019; 203 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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So I walked into my local bookshop and the cashier said "I love when you come in! You never read the same kinda thing"
Which is true I've grown to read more stuff that isn't YA

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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Eat Pray Love

Klou Brilliant!! 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer

It was a rollercoaster! One minute, I admire the character's bravery and tenacity, next I get so worked up with his stubbornness. A true display of real human life.

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Jon Krakauer is an auto-buy author for me and this book is one of the reasons why. An absolutely fascinating book. Ebook on sale today.

HeathHof Oooh thanks for the heads up on this one, going to purchase it now!😊 3y
Alora Loooved this book and movie 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I can't identify with Chris McCandless at all, but for some reason I found this book beautiful, fascinating and haunting.

This was my #BookSpin for September @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
TheNeverendingTBR So much love 💟 3y
eeclayton @TheNeverendingTBR Agreed. Krakauer presents this story with so much compassion and respect ❤️ 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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So I‘m an idiot. I knew there was a movie on his but I didn‘t realize this was a true story! Wow. I never watched the movie but since I enjoyed “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer I thought I would try this one even though I didn‘t think I would enjoy it as much. I was completely wrong!

After reading the book it sent me down the rabbit hole of researching this more. I was completely invested! 1000% would read again!

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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#weeklyforecast #currentlyreading #netgalley

Into the Wild is a buddy (re)read with my son who chose it as his independent reading book for English class. It was one of the choices for “coming of age” books 😳

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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10/10 had a few tears reading this but is absolutely a must read

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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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1. Hotel to be honest. Never been in a yurt though friends who have done the Silk Road loved it so pretty sure I would too. Family tradition is a water ski trip in January where we sleep in a cabin. Have been doing that since I was 12 also in January is a tent at Rainbow beach where the stingers are bad. No showers and drop toilets! Did a lot of under the stars as a teenager. 2. LapReader as that‘s how I read when camping. 3. Tagged. 4. 3 books.

ImperfectCJ I almost chose that same book...such a good one! Glad to have you at camp! 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Eggs 🙌🏻🖤⚪️☑️👏🏻 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I didn‘t get to read too much in May (thanks, final grades), but what I did read ended up having an unintentional theme. Any guesses on what the theme might be? The answer is in my monthly reading round-up! >> https://www.bookishprofessor.com/blog/category/monthly+round-up

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo!! 3y
Crazeedi Welcome to litsy! Glad you are here 3y
bookishprofessor @Crazeedi thank you! I‘m enjoying it so far! 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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This was my 3rd Krakauer book, and it did not disappoint! I love Krakauer‘s style of in-depth research, journalism and story telling. This book chronically the well know story of Chris McCabdleness‘ demise in the alaska wilderness. I enjoyed the way krakauer told the story. It keep you interested in a way most non-fiction pieces can‘t. Highly recommend.

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Up next! I loved Into Thin Air last year and this one has been on my TBR for a while now. I‘ve heard good things! #backlist #nonfiction

DHill I loved both of these! 3y
Therewillbebooks Loved Into the Wild 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I thought this was an okay book. I read it on the advice of my high school junior and I definitely see how an English teacher can foster great discussions based on it!

Texreader I really enjoyed this one as well as Into Thin Air by Krakauer as well 3y
Megabooks I felt he inserted himself into the narrative too much in this one. 3y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Megabooks yes! I felt that way too! 3y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Texreader I may read Into Thin Air, thank you for the suggestion. 3y
Crazeedi This one I didnt like as much as into thin air 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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So grateful to my book swap buddy @Blackink_WhitePaper for these thoughtful gifts! I‘m so excited to read this and use the gratitude journal!!!

Blackink_WhitePaper I am glad u liked it 😀 happy reading ! 💐 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Some of my favourite quotes of all time are within this book. ❤

Enchanted_Bibliophile I've been meaning to read this ons forever. But never seems to get around to actually doing it. 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Enchanted_Bibliophile It's such a great read, I highly recommend it! 👌 4y
CuriousG Have you read the book his sister wrote? I think kt is called The Wild Truth, or something like that. 4y
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TheNeverendingTBR @CuriousG I actually had this book years ago but I don't know what happened to it,it sort of disappeared into the void! 😂 (to answer your question, no I never got to reading it) 😐 is it a good read? 4y
CuriousG I found it quite interesting. It provides a lot of background info about family dynamics that you don't get much of in Into The Wild 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @CuriousG What's your thoughts on it all? 4y
CuriousG I listened to it on audio and really enjoyed it overall. I think it provided a lot of insight into Chris' motivations for leaving and his lack of connection with parents. It wasn't perfectly constructed by any means, but I think it was worth my time. 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I found this at our on post thrift store for pennies! I can‘t believe I hadn‘t read it sooner. What a great dive into the life of Chris McCandless, Krakouer does him great justice. I visited Alaska a couple of years ago and fell in love with its beauty, I‘ve begged my husband to get us stationed there. While I‘m an adventurer at heart, I‘m not as brave as Alex Supertramp. (And I would‘ve called my mom a hundred times)Book 10 of 2021

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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My favorite part of this version of the Bernie at the inauguration meme is they only photoshopped his upper body in order to keep McCandless‘s Xtratuf boots. #LitsyHumor

Crazeedi 😅😅 4y
LibrarianRyan That one is pretty good. 4y
Chrissyreadit I love this so much 4y
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Tanisha_A I am dying 🤣 4y
Saknicole Omg so good 3y
Kimberlone @Saknicole right?! #alaskacore (edited) 3y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Posting about this since Into the Wild is such a popular book on Litsy. One of my regular podcasts did a deep dive in honor of the 25th anniversary of the publication, including insight on the publishing world at the time and an in-depth interview with Krakauer. Growing up in AK, I‘ve been aware McCandless‘s story my whole life, so it was interesting to learn more about the research and writing of the book.

Link to Spotify below 👇🏼

Mitch Just downloaded it - thanks so much for the heads up 👍🏼 4y
Kimberlone @Mitch you‘re welcome, even as someone who is super aware of the story, I learned a lot from listening. I hope you enjoy! 4y
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youneverarrived I‘ll definitely listen to this! Thank you for sharing 💚 the book and the film both made a huge impression on me. 4y
Kimberlone @youneverarrived oh good! I hope you learn something new. My least favorite part of the book is Krakauer‘s frequent inserting of his own life experiences, but I like that he addresses the criticisms he received about that in the interview! 4y
kspenmoll Thanks- cannot wait to listen. 4y
Kimberlone @kspenmoll hope you enjoy! 4y
JakeRuble I‘ll download this now! Thanks for sharing! 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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An inspirational book for anyone with a drifters spirit. A look into the life of a young man who‘s desire to find himself was greater than his need to conform. All though some see this as a tragic story about the end to a young mans life, I see it his as a beautiful story of discovery that ends too soon. (I don‘t think this is a spoiler as the books starts with this information and it‘s literally on the cover, I apologize if I‘m wrong)

Buechersuechtling Oooooooh, I was inclined to read it, after I saw the film. Now that you brought it up again, I feel like I want to read it now‼️ 4y
JakeRuble @Buechersuechtling the film did a great job capturing the spirit of the book, but of course it‘s difficult to get all the emotion into film. It‘s a great and quick read. I highly recommend it. 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I am torn on how to rate this book. I keep going back and forth. While I don‘t know how I feel about him as a person, think the story of McCandless is incredibly interesting and he certainly did what made him happy. Krakauer‘s telling of McCandless‘s story seemed to be highly researched and keep me interested.

Jeannineth I read it a few years ago and it has stuck with me. Tragic story. 4y
Allthebookclubs Krakouer really does a great job telling Chris‘ story! I could‘ve gone without some of the others he used to parallel, but I enjoyed his writing. 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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New Years morning hike followed up by snuggles on the couch reading Into the Wild 🪵🍂🪨

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Thank you @jhod and @rockpools for the birthday card's you made me feel cared about.
For my birthday I turned off social media because I wanted to avoid people then I ate seafood and got drunk 🥴

#oneyearolder #livingmybestlife #drunkbirthday #litsyfamily #litsyfriends #timealone #thankyouforbeingmyfriend #reading #reading #read

jhod Sounds perfect! X 4y
rockpools Yay! Have a wonderful Christmas, too 😘 4y
BookishTrish Happy Holidays, Kay! 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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When I was visiting my sister in Fairbanks they were in the process of moving the bus to the museum and we were able to catch a glimpse of it from the side of the road. I enjoyed the book and the romanticism of his ideals of nature but am glad the bus has been moved to help reduce the number of deaths and rescues of people trying to recreate his experience.

TheBookHippie I donated to the fixing up of it ! 4y
lucifare @TheBookHippie That is awesome! Thank you for sharing the link as well! 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Honest question- how does one read a paperback book WITHOUT causing the cover to curl up? 😅🙈 #currentlyreading this intense true story... gonna be an interesting one to review, for sure.

Shmemilina Don‘t know how to get it to not curl up in the first place but a rubber band around the edge usually helps get it back into shape! 4y
dainarmb @Shmemilina good call, I'll try that! Thanks 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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#12ColorsofDecember Day 2: Snow White ❄️🏔

It‘s hard to see on the cover, but the famous decommissioned bus that Christopher McCandless spent his summer in Alaska and his last days of life the following winter is featured, covered in a blanket of snow. Photo taken about 230 miles from the bus‘s original location.

#WinterGames #TeamRedNosedReindeer @StayCurious

InkintheMargins I teach this text and Chris's story to my juniors. They always feel so strong about him, one way or the other. Did they ever settle on where the bus would be moved to? 4y
Kimberlone @MadDashReading I‘m not sure it‘s current location (I believe it was temporarily relocated to be refurbished), but it‘s final home is meant to be the Museum of the North at University of Alaska Fairbanks. As an Alaskan, I have mixed feelings about Chris‘s story, and to be honest not a huge fan of Krakauer‘s book (I think Into Thin Air is a much superior book). While the film is much more romanticized, it‘s beautifully done. 4y
Crazeedi @Kimberlone I agree that Into Thin Air was much better book 4y
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InkintheMargins The text definitely has its flaws. We always watch the documentary Return to the Wild and discuss Krakauer's authorial license with the story. I haven't read Carine McCandless's book yet, but my students always find her to be very credible. Yes, my students fall in love with the beauty of his transcendental ideas (the film is great for that!), but repel against the illogical choices he seems to make. It is always an impassioned conversation. 4y
Kimberlone @MadDashReading I agree it is a fabulous book for discussing the complicated story of who Chris was, along with the conflicting viewpoints in the story telling. 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Yes!!! 💙 4y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Starting book 80

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Truth! This sentiment profoundly affects me and through it I can appreciate McCandless‘ deep frustration with society and wealth. Although I still find him to be spoilt and inflexible, I understand why such insincerity and superficiality drove him into the wild.

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer

Reading this for work, will have to go over it with a fine tooth comb.

Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer

Man, so much to say. To thine own self be true right? He was honorable in his ideals, but cocky and Ill-prepared which amounted to disrespect of the land he held so high.
Alaska turned out to be his demise by means of poisoned seeds, ultimately leading to his starvation (awful). I, like the author find comfort to imagine him in a euphoric state during his last days.
We all choose our paths. He died doing what he loved. To thine own self be true.