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Ice Planet Barbarians
Ice Planet Barbarians: The Complete Series: a SciFi Alien Serial Romance | Ruby Dixon
66 posts | 70 read | 32 to read
LOST You'd think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you'd be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they've left their cargo of human women - including me - on an ice planet. FOUND And the only native inhabitant I've met? He's big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me...
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So much fun (after the horrors of the first chapter).
Didn‘t think I could get into human/alien sex but it‘s fantastic 💙

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So...funny story. I originally got the tagged book because I know it's really popular and I thought it would be a fun book to read and then discuss for one of my book review videos, particularly the spicy book one I'm planning to film next week!

But then....🎶I FOOLED AROUND AND FELL IN LOVE! 😱 I ended up legitimately really loving it! So much that I already bought volumes two and three of the series! 💙🩵 WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?! HELP! 🤣😂

vivastory 😂 😂 Asking for a book intervention? 8mo
HeyT I'm working on a like ten year reading project so I haven't gotten around to reading this series yet but I bought them because the covers are gorgeous! 8mo
Branwen @HeyT Right?! The covers ARE really nice! 🤭💕 @vivastory YES! SEND HELP! 😂🤣 8mo
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One special edition I couldn't pass up was this one of Ice Planet Barbarians by ERRA Books. It's hardcover with sprayed edges and signed by the author. The text is also blue! It also came with two stickers. I love the whole design and I'm glad I ordered it.

maich It is beautiful😍 8mo
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I may have also....bought some questionable 'sexytime' books as well! 🤭 I'm planning to film some book review videos in early February featuring various romance titles and I wanted to do one specifically featuring books like this! IT'S ALL FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES, OKAY?! 🤭🙈🫣

MeganAnn It‘s no secret that I adore Ruby Dixon‘s Ice Planet Barbarians series! I‘ll be anxiously awaiting your romance book videos to see what other titles I should add to my TBR. 9mo
Branwen @MeganAnn Awww, thank you so much! I'm super excited for you to watch them! 🥰 And I'm glad to hear you're a fan of this series, that makes me even more hyped to start reading it! 9mo
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#RushAThon #SeriesLove2023

Yes, I read some space smut this month & I don‘t regret it. 😉 I was looking for a free & fast series book for my Kindle Summer Reading Challenge, this one was on the challenge list, on Kindle Unlimited & I had heard about it on TikTok so it was my pick. It‘s a quick read, lots of spicy alien sexy times & surprisingly not bad. If you just want some steamy mind candy, it‘s a good pick & I might grab the next one.🤷🏻‍♀️

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 13mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 13mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 13mo
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I don‘t read a lot of romance but this year I binged Ruby Dixon‘s Ice Planet Barbarians and fell in love with it! Conky does fan art of it and I finally managed to grab some of her prints and a few bookmarks (she also gave a free sticker!) now to just get some frames and add these to my art gallery wall!

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I read my first alien smut... and I liked it ? (sung to the tune of Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl"). I kept passing this cover in the bookstore and finally picked it up out of sheer curiosity given that it's available on KU. To my complete and utter surprise, I was quite entertained! Both by the plot, and the... erm... anatomical descriptions of said otherworldly beings during, well, you know ?. NGL, I'll probably read more of the series! ??

ChaoticMissAdventures OMG I caved and bought this too!!! I haven't started it yet but I am excited for the guilty pleasure read! 1y
peanutnine I've been meaning to read this! I bought a copy while browsing the bookstore, with a much more innocent-looking cover, not realizing until later about the smut. Not mad about it 😅 1y
swishandflick You know, the more I think about it the less "smutty" it actually feels. I've read books that are WAY spicier, but this was different in the sense of them having completely different languages, cultures, and BODIES that made it quite the page turner for me (shock value?). It was definitely my first foray into "alien romance", but I felt like this was a good gateway book. Keep me posted on what you think! ? @ChaoticMissAdventures @peanutnine (edited) 1y
Blerdgal_Fenix Girl — the Barbarian Prize is chef kiss for me 🥰 I was shocked, I was on the train heading to work and had to look around because I thought people knew what I was reading. (edited) 1y
swishandflick @Blerdgal_Fenix Shew girl, don't tease me like that, that's 5 books in! (I say while frantically loading up my Kindle, bahaha). PS: I put stickers on the back of my Kindle, one of which says "probably Smut" so I'm pretty sure they'd have a decent guess ? (edited) 1y
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Bk6 of #WinterReadathon is done! Pandora‘s Star, while a great read, was a bit much for my brain today(yay Xmas🙄)so I switched to a much lighter, and much more raunchy, SciFi instead. And found myself enjoying it too. It‘s kinda like Fifty Shades but without the handcuffs, & if Mr Grey was a 7ft tall blue alien with horns & a tail. A dozen women are kidnapped by mean aliens & crashland on an ice planet. Sexy times ensue. #BookspinBingo

Andrew65 Love the description 😂 Well done 🎄🎄🎄👩‍🚀🚀👽 (edited) 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Rissreads This cracked me up! 🤣 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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This was better than I expected. There was actually some world building though I would have liked to know little more about Georgie. Of course, there is a bit of steam but there was a decent plot which is sometimes nonexistent in this genre. A quick read or as in my case, listen. Liked that the voices were two different narrators. Liked and will listen to the next book. 4⭐️

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This may not be the most inventive of plots, and the author herself has put some trigger warnings at the start, but overall I enjoyed this.
It was a palate cleanser and had the whole alpha man being protective, steamy scenes you expect from this sort of thing 😂

This was my #DoubleSpin for this month ☺️

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I made a special trip to Oh Doughnuts today so I could finally try their Taco Dip. It‘s filled with taco-seasoned cream cheese and topped with melted cheese and tortilla chips, and it‘s everything I dreamed it would be.

ICE PLANET BARBARIANS is also largely what I expected, but it‘s too soon to say whether that‘s a good thing or a bad thing. Will the dodgy bits be dodgy enough to eclipse the potential fun bits? Stay tuned to find out.

Kimberlone That donut flavor combo 😵‍💫 I‘m glad you liked it! Sounds way too chaotic for me haha 2y
xicanti @Kimberlone chaotic isn‘t the descriptor I would‘ve chosen for it. All the flavours are in perfect balance, just like a good taco. It‘s a 100% savoury doughnut, if that‘s what‘s throwing you off? No sweet component at all. Nothing meaty, either. 2y
Kimberlone @xicanti I think it‘s the taco/donut situation that is throwing me off…maybe I‘m just not into savory donuts though? 2y
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xicanti @Kimberlone fair enough. Savoury doughnuts aren‘t for everyone. 2y
Avanders That donut sounds insane… I‘m intrigued!! 2y
xicanti @Avanders it was so good! I‘m definitely getting it again. 2y
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❄️Hated this!❄️


This book is absolutely FUCKED about Dominique

khooliha Real unhappy this is the next pick for my romance book club - I hate it! 2y
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Ridiculous and fun, just the book I needed right now.

KristiAhlers That‘s exactly how I felt about this book. Light, and doesn‘t take itself too seriously. Perfect after a heavy read or just a bad day really. 2y
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Okay, so I was not expecting that. I knew there had to be a reason it was a popular TikTok book, but wow, this is just erotica thinly veiled as sci-fi.

The writing was pretty good, the sex scenes were expertly done, but there were a few moments that left me feeling like the characters/setting/premise weren‘t fully formed. However, I don‘t think the audience for this book is here for those things 😆

This is my #bookspin pick for March

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Looking for some good alien abduction smut? I‘ve read the first 3 books in this series in 2.5 days 🙃 and I‘ve worked and taken care of my family. 🤣

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“Up until yesterday, I, Georgie Carruthers never believed in aliens.”

I needed a palate cleanser after my last series read so I hopefully won‘t enter a reading slump 😬

#FirstLineFridays ❄️💙❄️

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

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This was really funny and enjoyable read, I liked this more than I thought I would. I am planning to continue with the series.

#SeriesRead2022 #19822022 (5/41) #TheSupernaturalYear (Monsters) #JumpStart2022

Lizpixie Nice work👍 3y
AkashaVampie I have heard this is a weird read. I believe I have heard OliviaReadsAlatte on YouTube talk about it. 3y
PageShifter @Lizpixie Thanks!

@AkashaVampie this WAS weird! And unbelievable. But this was also hilarious when I wanted to read something really easy. This made me laugh and this was something you can't take seriously
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AkashaVampie @PageShifter totally understand. Haha 3y
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3y
Librarybelle Glad it was funny and enjoyable! 3y
Clwojick Looks interesting! 😏😜 3y
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So, I heard a lot of discussions about this book. I love a good Spicy book and I‘m also super curious. Main Character with an Alien is in fact weird I realize that. On the same note so is storied where High School students date vampires that are 400 years old. Both come with moral issues if you catch my drift. Not the best not the worst but something that I don‘t regret reading. 🌶3/5🌶


Ummmm…wow 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Read this for a book club. New to the romance genre and haven‘t read any sci-fi romance so the sci-fi aspect intrigued me. Was not at all expecting to like this book as much as I did. The detailed rape scene in chapter 1 took me by surprise but other than that enjoyed the book. Will definitely be reading more in the series.

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I couldn't resist getting Ice Planet Barbarians in its new traditional pubbed cover. It's out today.

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Ok so curiosity got the best of me. I.. didn‘t hate it? Yes there is graphic alien um.. stuff. BUT I kind of liked the storyline lolol idk. I have no idea how to rate this and I don‘t think I could recommend this to anyone with a straight face👽
I will probably read more in the series tho because I‘m invested now 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Discord is making me read it...

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4.2⭐️ all right, fine… call it peer pressure, call it idle curiosity or just call it a need to be part of the cool kids club. Whatever you call it, the truth is I broke down and finally read this book, and it wasn‘t as bad as I thought it would be. It had a really good storyline, and there is definitely more to it than just sex. So yes, I‘m glad I read it and I enjoyed it.

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Booktok got me too curious to pass it up when my library got a copy!

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This book came up in book club last time… none of had read it but we had heard all about it …
I am going in !


Littlewolf1 I‘ve heard a lot about it… Looking forward to hearing Your thoughts 3y
reading_rainbow Omg this is definitely on my TBR 😂 you have to let us know how it is 3y
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I listened to this on audio after seeing it all over tik tok and really enjoyed it, it will make you feel a certain type of way about horns but you‘ll enjoy it! 😂

archaeolibrarianologist Keep reading. The series was surprisingly good. I'm burning through her other series now. 3y
Seekingtardis @archaeolibrarianologist I started book 2 as soon as I was done! And loving it too!! 3y
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After seeing this book incessantly on TikTok, I finally gave in 😂 I don‘t know what I expected, but this wasn‘t as bad as it could have been. Very much an 18+ read. Check the TW. I don‘t know if I‘ll read any others in the series (I think there are 22 total!?) but I‘m thinking these might serve as a quick break in between longer books.

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BookTok made me do it.

I've read a lot of galleys recently that I haven't enjoyed and was starting to go into a reading slump, when I decided to give this book a listen after hearing about it on TikTok. It's super fun and what I needed to get out of my slump.

(though a serious trigger warning for rape in chapter 1)

LibrarianRyan I agree. I had the same thing. BookTok made me read it. I have my review written, just not posted yet. 3y
Littlewolf1 I been seeing it a lot, but have not gave into yet... emphasis on YET 3y
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Great, extremely drawn out spicy scenes, and hilarious writing. Not sure if it‘s supposed to be funny, but I ended up highlighting a ton of funny parts. Super simple/digestible writing, so it‘s definitely readable in one sitting.

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Tiktok made me do it. I was curious. 😁

archaeolibrarianologist I'm deep into this series and I've got to say, they are really good. World building is solid and the overarching storyline continues throughout the books no matter whose POV. I'm going to be sad when I run out of IPB books. 3y
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Started and ended the month in a steamy way! Gotta cool down! 🤪
Check out my November Wrap Up!


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New video out today! Getting crafty again, making bookmarks for Liberation Library!


TheNeverendingTBR Subscribed ✅ 4y
Samary @TheNeverendingTBR thanks!!! That‘s so nice of you! 🤘🖤 4y
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Bailing on this one because of the combo of alpha nonsense I don't like and being bored despite all the aliens.

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Great for a stressful week!

#rubydixon #scifiromance

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My reading has taken me to some strange places this year but I've been enjoying them! Several young women abducted from earth by green aliens end up stranded on an icy planet which is home to some tall, blue, and handsome aliens. This is Georgie and Vectal's story. I liked how he was very protective of her and made sure she had all she, ahem, needed. 😉 Quite spicy.
#audiobook #SciFiRomance

i.besteph I love the review 😂😂👏🏽 4y
Lreads @I.be.Stef Thanks! I usually suck at reviews. This book was such fun. ☺️ 4y
i.besteph @QuietlyLaura 🤗💕💕 4y
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⭐⭐⭐#Romanceopoly sun challenge "outerspace" set on an alien planet or spaceship

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1. I‘m actually trying to settle on a book atm, but I‘m thinking of starting Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas.
2. Fantasy
3. Tagged and it was delightful!
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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Totally different from anything I‘ve ever read. I saw someone else post about in here and it intrigued me. I‘m sooooo glad I checked it out.

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I. Loved. This. Book. It‘s funny, there‘s sex, avatar-like aliens...what‘s not to love?! I want to read the whole series NOW.

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🤣 I CANNOT 👏🏽 STOP 👏🏽 LAUGHING 👏🏽 at this book! Just, please read it and take it for the absolute romp it‘s supposed to be - it‘s not at all meant to be a crucial addition to the romance genre, it‘s the love child of its author who truly loves her characters which is plain in her writing. Seriously, I am eating this *ish up like a horny teen - it‘s hi-lar-i-ASS. The author notes a T-Warning for rape in book 1, but its not a theme!

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Is this book ridiculous and weird? Yes.

Does it involve graphic sex with oddly humanoid aliens that strongly resemble the Avatar dudes? Yes.

Did I find it too weird to be remotely hot? Yes.

Did I enjoy the heck out of it anyway? Also yes.



rabbitprincess That is an awesome review 😆 4y
readordierachel 😆😆 4y
Prairiegirl_reading Omg! My grandmother was Ruby Dickson lol. She was so prim and proper, I could never read this!! 🤣🤣🤣 4y
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sprainedbrain @Prairiegirl_reading but it‘s a different spelling, Angie!! 🤣🤣🤣 4y
Prairiegirl_reading @sprainedbrain I still couldn‘t get Grandma out of my mind though!!! 4y
sprainedbrain @Prairiegirl_reading I can‘t even imagine. Hahahaha! 4y
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*Ice Planet Honeymoon
Then I just had to read this extended epilogue to the first book! Great stuff - honestly I have a crush on a blue dude with horns and a tail? Ok 🤷🏻‍♀️🔥

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I have seen this series all over Instagram I thought “what?!?!” But I‘m ready to try anything and I‘m so freaking glad I did! This book was A-Mazing! Absolutely insane and so good. I loved the characters and the steam factor was 🔥🔥. I‘m a believer and I‘ll definitely read more.

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This book is a ridiculous silly fun read, though warning for sexual assault early in the book. Women from earth are stolen for a space slave trade and crash land on a harsh planet with total sweetheart aliens. Yes it is insane, I loved it. #romantsy

Maude It sounds quite interesting☺ 5y
LibrarianRyan Stacked 5y
SW-T I‘d forgotten about that one! It was a ridiculous silly fun read 😂😂😂 5y
sprainedbrain That sounds like a perfect distraction! 5y
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Wow, I did not expect this book to be so freaking good

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I'm trying out a new podcast today. It's a podcast discussing the Ice Planet Barbarians books by Ruby Dixon. 😁

I couldn't find it in the podcast app I usually use - Pocket Casts, but was able to find it in Spotify.


Ruby Dixoin has really become an overnight favorite for me. I'll be binging this entire series before moving onto her other one.

SW-T A coworker passed this on to me and I‘ll admit I wasn‘t expecting much, but I ended up liking it 😊 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Chelleo Welcome 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!! :) 6y
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OK. So I initially wasn't really digging this... but then somewhere around the middle I had a change of heart and I ended up liking it a lot. It's ridiculous and steamy and funny. If you're looking for some escapism, this is a good place to start.

(TW for sexual violence/rape in the beginning tho)

#spaceromance #scifi #aliens #spicy