#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Out of the Furance
#Scarathlon2022 @StayCurious
#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Out of the Furance
#Scarathlon2022 @StayCurious
This story about a young girl trying to take care of her younger brothers and her ailing mother while tracking down her missing father shows how life can be awful, complicated, messy, and beautiful all at the same time. It took me awhile to get into the book and feel a connection to the characters but it was a quick and good-enough read to me.
This didn‘t work for me. Granted, I don‘t know anything about the Ozarks or the drug issues there, but this felt like a stereotypical drug novel. The descriptive language felt way over the top. And it was bizarrely short. The story didn‘t seem to have enough substance to carry it further than its brief 200 pages. Book 23/24 for #bfc28 and book 5/6 for #Easterextravanagza
A mystery written in Ozark‘s prose. A simple but solid story, set in a world that felt like an alternate universe to me. This was written in a way that I found weirdly beautiful, but also raw and almost uncomfortable at times. Definitely unique.
This was my #finishinaday pick for #booked2020. I haven‘t seen the movie yet, because I‘m a read the book first kind of person. The book was definitely gritty. Ree Dolly‘s world is harsh, dirty, and unforgiving. I have conflicting opinions on this one. I thought some of the details were gratuitously gritty, but what do I know? I‘m not from Ree‘s world.
The imagery in this book and the words were over done. The characters were boring. I kept waiting for something to happen but nothing ever did. I don't ever like to give up on a book, this one I almost threw in the trash it was so awful. 😳 😳
The strength of the book is the sense of place but it‘s weakness is too many cliches in the story and to some extend the characterizations. Overall, there is enough here to keep it from being meh - but barely. 2019 no. 12
I can‘t help but listen to another story about Missouri‘s drug backdrop. It‘s ever-present. #wintersbone
This was a tough one. As much an allegory for the roughness and self-reliance of rural America as it is the story of a gutsy Ozark teenager‘s quest to save her family‘s home, this felt like an extension of Cormac McCarthy‘s Southern trilogy. Ree Dolly is the most memorable character I‘ve met so far this year.
How‘s everyone doing post-polar vortex?
📚Winter‘s Bones
📽The Shining
🎼Let it Go
#manicmonday 🥶 @JoScho
Extremely grim and completely riveting. Ree is struggling to care for her mother and young brothers when her father goes missing while out on bail from charges of cooking meth. She needs to find him or they risk losing their home and land. The characters in here are strong and flawed and perfectly executed.
Winter‘s Bone is a landmark work of #CountryNoir, lyrically and evocatively written, with a genre-defining, indomitable female protagonist. Woodrell‘s short story collection The Outlaw Album remains my favorite, though. Full review - https://hillbillyhighways.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/country-noir-winters-bone-by-...
Listened to this short audiobook. Enjoyed the narration and story. #audiobook
Such a fun #readthemoviesswap package! Thank you so much @wonga ! I love everything! And Scooby & Jax are so excited about their treats! Thanks for a fun swap @DoonTheGoon !
It was just ok. I might watch the movie.
I‘ve finished nonfiction, #countrynoir, and #specfic books in the last week, so I get to pick three new books to read! I‘m going to continue my annual reads on the US presidents in chronological order with a book on William Henry Harrison, read Rob Kroese‘s Dream of an Iron Dragon in honor of its #DragonAwards nomination, and you can‘t run a country noir blog if you haven‘t read Winter‘s Bone.
What a wonderful box! Thank you so much @readinginthedark for sharing your home with me! My husband has already absconded with the tagged book and I can‘t promise the gummies will make it much past the time I post this. Xoxo #hometownswap @MicrobeMom
⭐️⭐️ Started this as an audiobook, didn‘t like it, finished it in print to see if it was the narrator‘s fault. It wasn‘t. The purple prose is beautiful but that‘s about the only thing I‘d like to genuinely compliment about this book. It took me forever to get through it not just because nothing happened but because nothing captured my interest. An accurate depiction of a poverty-stricken meth-central community? Maybe. I didn‘t care for it.
I tried to listen to this on a roadtrip... The writing is quite beautiful and I didn‘t mind the narrator but it seems like not very much happens in it. Is it worth finishing??
#4NewFavesin4Days Day 4 (a little late)
I‘m so glad @Cinfhen posted more than one for today. 😁
Not your fun beach read, but definitely wants you to get through to the end. Interesting plot that gets you through!
I saw the movie when it came out. I liked the movie better, which is unusual for me. Dinner courtesy of Sonic. Safe to say it‘s @MrBook approved. 😉 #bookanddinner
Book 1 of #MountTBR. Read in January. This has been on my list since I saw the movie. Set in the Ozarks of Missouri, 16 year old Ree looks after her mentally ill mother and two younger brothers. When Ree finds out that her unreliable father put up their home and land as part his bond, she sets out to find him. Dangers abound, even from family, as Ree navigates the world of meth production her father and distant family deal in to save their home.
His old testament prose and blunt vision have a chilly timelessness. I believe this novel will speak to readers as long as there are readers.
Woohoo! I really underestimated myself and I've read some great ones in the bunch. It's been a good year o' reading and I still have a few months to go. #2017readingchallenge
Somehow even better than the movie! I just moved to the Ozarks, so I thought a little grizzly local flavor might get me out of my reading slump!
I am on vacation with my mom and sister, and as great as it is to be with them, I am glad they are understanding of my need for time to myself. Twice today I got a little time to read. The second time was in the backyard of our rental and I have to say it was a great setting.
Hiking in AZ today, I was able to find a little time to myself to read next to a creek and it was just lovely
Wow. There's a reason I never saw the movie. I always thought I would read the book. Glad I did. This was as raw, as poetic, as brutal as anything I've read. A genuine, jaw-dropping, masterpiece. Gritty and untamed, I could feel the cold and the hunger in every sentence. Outstanding.
This is an excellent story about a young girl in the Ozarks trying to take care of her family while searching for her absent father against a ticking clock. It's gritty and dark and tense, with a really compelling heroine. Highly recommend. The film adaptation, which stars a young Jennifer Lawrence, was excellent as well.
#aseasoninthetitle #marchintoreading
#springcleaning for @Liberty means maybe a book haul for me!?! If you liked the movie, READ THE BOOK!!
This book floored me when I read it. I had never read anything like it. #springcleaning
This was the pick of the month for the book club I belong to. It was a bleak and often depressing read but I appreciated that it gave me a new perspective. Not everyone in the US grows up in a warm, supportive environment. Not everyone has access to an education or enough money to live comfortably. I felt sad for the protagonist: A poor teenager living in the Ozarks who now has to single-handedly support her family. I'd like to see the movie.
I recently finished reading this book for school. It's not the type of book I'd typically read, which may be why it wasn't my favorite. I thought the character development and description for every character, especially Ree, was great, and the book in general was good, but it ended with several loose ends and it's just not something I think I would've read personally had it not been assigned for school.
Very different from my normal reads, but that's what #bookclub is for! Quick yet meaty, this epitomizes the phrase "blood is thicker than water" with its backcountry families that operate almost entirely outside the law while holding to an even stricter code amongst themselves. Anybody seen the adaptation with Jennifer Lawrence? I haven't, but the trailer seemed to capture the book pretty well.
I really enjoyed this book, both for its bleakness and its beauty. The book was able to give a richer sense of family history and superstitious perception than the movie. There were times that the prose style really grabbed me and also a handful of times I wished Woodrell had toned it down a notch.
A powerful little book! The lifestyle depicted is so foreign to me. It disturbs me that this is a modern story, and that generations of families live knowing nothing but drug use, violence, and fear. But Ree was a wonderful character, and she gave me a little hope. There were some subtle uplifting moments in the book, about nature, and family and friends.
Snagged this one at a book swap party the other night and it's already sucked me in. Took awhile for me to start letting go of Jennifer Lawrence's face as Ree, but the story pretty quickly builds a world of its own. #Andawaytheygo @Liberty
Just about done with this book. Perfect for this time of year. Its darkness is just perfect though the character names keep confusing me.
I thought the movie was well done, but I've heard that the book is worth a read. Also, Jennifer Lawrence is a queen. #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
I picked it up because of the movie was famous, and jennifer lawrence. Plus, the cover was so pretty. I love the cover. I find it hard to finish the book. The demographic was different, with heavy snow. The author surrounded the protaganist with the theme of family and drugs.It was quite horror truthfully, when Ree was badly beaten and when she found her father. It was dark and depressing and inspire me more to advocate against drug abuse.
Einer der besten Romane, einfach neu entdecken! #wintersbone
ree is creepily strong and independent..she must felt so lonely..