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Dans les bois | Harlan Coben
58 posts | 97 read | 44 to read
Paul Copeland a mis vingt ans pour accepter l'ide que sa soeur, comme trois autres adolescents cette nuit-l, est morte assassine dans le camp de vacances du lac Charmaine. Mme si deux corps seulement ont t retrouvs dans les bois, les chances de revoir Camille vivante se sont vanouies avec le temps. Aujourd'hui, Paul est la morgue et c'est tout son pass qui lui saute la gorge. Devant ses yeux, un espoir fou. Le cadavre d'un homme. L'autre adolescent port disparu...
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Hanging out with my little friend. It has been unusually cold here for us.

AmyG What a cutie! 13mo
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I'm a fan of mystery/detective fiction, and of course I love horror, so this book intrigued me.

I felt that it was quite staged but the story was compelling. Overall, I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

#horror #fiction #mysteries

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Paul Copeland was a teen working at a summer camp when four campers were murdered, including his sister. Twenty years later, Paul learns that one of them escaped, only to be murdered in the present day. What really happened on that night in the woods? This book was easy for me to get trapped into, and it was a real page-turner! Coben is so good at hitting the reader with a final twist in the last few pages.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Came across this in my book and it made me feel so old 😂

vivastory Remember they even had different tiers? For true movie nuts you could keep like 5 out at a time 😂 2y
BriannaT @vivastory How times have changed 😂 I also remember people saying it would make blockbuster go out of business and I didn‘t believe it! 2y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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#TheWoods #HarlanCoben #AwesomeApril #Readathon #BookSpinBingo #BookSpin

Paul Copeland, county prosecutor, is grieving over the murder of his sister. He is now working on a murder investigation that could be related to his sister's case. Twenty years ago, four young people went missing in the woods while at a summer camp. Two were found murdered and two are still missing. Can Paul's sister, Camille, still be alive?

EadieB This book hooked me from the start. I found it to be a fast-paced suspenseful read. Harlan Coben is the master of the twist and this book does not disappoint. If you like stories about family secrets then you will enjoy this one. It is definitely one of his better stories. I am now looking forward to reading another of his books as Coben always delivers. This is my #BookSpin for April. 2y
Andrew65 My first standalone by Harlan Coben and still a favourite. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 Yes it was really good. I got approved for The Dark Tide first thing this morning! 2y
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Andrew65 @EadieB I never seem to get approved for Harlan Coben books, Both book 1 and 2 pending, Book 1 been on list almost two years! (edited) 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 I never got approved for his books either. Are you talking about The Boy From The Woods. The Match my library has a copy. Aren‘t they published yet in the UK? (edited) 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes they are now, but they were both requested before they were published. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 Well! That's their loss as you love his books and would give them a good review! 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Most definitely, it even says in my profile he is one of my favourite authors. First task once I officially finish work next Monday is to get my Net Galley up to date. A number of reviews to write and a large number of books to read. Just finished my 100th review for them. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 I still have 18 books to read and I‘ve done 125 reviews. 100 is good for you as you joined a bit after me. 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Quite a few reviews I still need to write. Will definitely take me over 110. 125 is excellent. Not sure how many more I‘ve got to read, but approved for another couple today. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 Those will definitely keep you out of trouble! I keep saying that I won‘t request anymore until I finish what I have but it doesn‘t work out that way! 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Ditto! I am a tad more selective these days but some you can‘t not request! 😂 (edited) 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 I just requested the latest Cork O‘Connor. Just had to have that one! Hope I can get it! 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB I‘m hoping to get the next Roy Grace and. Vera Stanhope book. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves is not available for me to request yet but I got denied Elly Griffiths (edited) 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Got the previous couple of Ruth Galloway books on net galley, but from some reason The Locked Room wasn‘t available on their site over here. (edited) 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 That‘s strange! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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My first Harlan Coben read, and I loved it. Immediately bought 3 more.

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The Woods | Harlan Coben

Great suspense

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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While I love serial killer reads, this one didn't really make me scared and paranoid, which is a bad sign for me!

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I read this because I watched the Netflix adaptation and, as we all know, the book is better. I enjoyed reading the story and my imagination took over and moved it away from the tv setting. I found the book moved at a fast pace and I was involved and hooked right away and up to the end. An enjoyable little mystery which kept me reading and wanting to know more.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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The usual twisty thriller you expect from Coben, an entertaining, not brain taxing read.

Cathythoughts Sounds perfect 👍🏻✨ 4y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Already bailed on bottom right today ☹️
Reading The Woods and may get to Bunny next.

Cinfhen Harlan coben usually delivers ❤️and Bunny is whacky pants 😜 4y
Cathythoughts Would you try The Eighth Life ?! 😬or are you even interested 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I have my eye on that one! Because my concentration is pretty rubbish I‘m leaving until I know I can commit. Although if a kindle offer comes along! 4y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I've found Harlan Coben a bit hit and miss in the past, though he's never less than readable. This was definitely one of his better ones.
As so often in this type of crime novel, the past returns to disrupt the present. In this case our hero, a recently-widowed Newark public prosecutor, is forced to re-examine all his certainties regarding the disappearance and presumed murder of his beloved sister some twenty years previously. Gripping.

Amoon I agree that his books are hit or miss.i think the best one was the first one I read “Tell No One”. 4y
Minervasbutler @Amoon yes that was a good one 4y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I finished my fifth #BookspinBonanza book today. This was another crazy Harlan Coben and as usual a lot of threads come together in ways I didn‘t expect. This is the oldest book of his I‘ve read so far, and some of it is a little dated, but it was still fun.

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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I finished this one up on my lunch break today. It looks like few people liked this book but I really loved it. It took me a bit to get into it but once I did I could scarcely put it down. I found this very entertaining, silly character names and all.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I‘m home for the foreseeable future (thanks covid) so I spent today finishing my #bookspin book, which is also my first #quarantineread ! I didn‘t love it and will probably put it in the resell bin, but the concept was really interesting and I‘m glad I gave it a chance! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks What I'm hearing is “room on the bookshelf for a new book“! 😁 Great review! 5y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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So-so ... Not my favorite.

The Woods | Harlan Coben

Ugh. This book felt like five different stories all crammed into one, and tied together with ridiculous and far-fetched coincidences and resolutions. (And the names of the characters ...Cingle Shaker?? Flair Hickory?? You've got to be kidding me.) This was my first Harlan Coben book. It will also be my last. I'll stick with Dennis Lehane, thank you.

LeahBergen The character names! 😆😆 It sounds like he used that “Your Porn Star Name” game to generate them (your first pet + the street you grew up on). 😆 (edited) 5y
Amiable @LeahBergen Ha! Maybe he did! 😄 5y
TrishB I haven‘t read this one, but I‘ve read a few of his and really enjoyed them- your summary doesn‘t sound like his usual. 5y
Amiable @TrishB I guess I picked a clunker! 😬 5y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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My #PreferredGenre is Mystery, Suspense and Thrillers and Harlan Coben is one of my favourite authors - both his standalones and his excellent Myron Bolitar Series. Myron cracks me up and can make me laugh out loud - wherever I am. 😳 If you have not read him my favourite standalone is The Woods. Totally recommended.

Not sure how John Grisham, Simon Kernick and Chris Kuzneski crept in to this!


Bklover Myron❤️ 5y
Andrew65 @Bklover I wish he‘d write a new one. 5y
ShelfRighteous I loved The Woods, a perfect nail biting mystery❤ 5y
Bklover I think there might be a few I haven‘t read. I somehow got the Myron books wildly out of order. And I‘m going to have to check out The Woods! 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 5y
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El bosque | Harlan Coben

Demasiado recomendable, intrigante desde el comienzo y con un final que no se espera... 🙌🏼

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🎃📚🎃 5y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Love this book, but the cover not so much!

#BoringCovers #UglyCovers #PuttingYouOffCovers

Day 2 of #BoringUglyCovers

riversong153 Agree! Good book but the cover didn‘t do it justice. I find that to be a problem with the genre. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Definitely boring for such a good author too! You would think he might have noticed how boring it was! 5y
Librarybelle Definitely not the greatest Coben cover! 5y
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gradcat Totally agree! I‘ve read all of his books (although I think he‘s not a good writer, he comes up with outstanding plots—I read them because I LOVE a great plot), it seems like several of his books have uninteresting or even boring covers. 5y
Crazeedi I have only read one of his books, so I cant make a judgment, I just never picked up another one 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi He is one of my favourite authors. 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 interesting to know Andrew! I may have to check out another 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Love his standalones, but my favourites would be his Myron Bolitar Series, makes me laugh out loud. 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi See my old post. Andrew65's post on Litsy https://litsy.com/p/NW1VZEFoZjMz 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 thanks for recs Andrew! 5y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben

At a camp, 4 teens go into the woods. The next morning 2 are found dead, 2 are still missing. Decades later, a man is identified as the missing boy from the camp. Paul Copeland and his camp girlfriend Lucy's lies must come out into the light for the mystery to be solved. They both have fruitful lives now that they want to protect. And what secrets does Paul's family hold, and also what is Lucy's dad (the camp owner) have to hide?

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ • Only my second Coben, but liked it less than Tell No One. Still, a page turner and will read more!

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I love summer break!
Summer break is for being the first person at the library in the morning, for cramming in 100 pages while your son naps, and for staying up way too late to finish just one more chapter.
Happy reading! 🌞

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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Great book with more & more surprises & mysteries climbing out of the woods. A real page turner.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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1. I love exploring cities but I am much more of a rural girl. Grew up on a farm 🐴🌳

2. I love mountains and beaches ⛰🏖

3. Cycling and walking 🚴‍♀️👣

4. Camping if the weather is fine, clamping if the weather isn't and hotels if it's in the city 🏕🏤

5. Tagged! Not really fun but reminds me of the outdoors 😁

#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn I‘m a big fan of walking! 👍🏻 Thanks for playing! ⛺️ 6y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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This is my second book experience with Coben- who I know is a go-to author for many readers (including some in my own family!), but though the audio is well-performed and with great details to the quality, I just didn‘t feel connected to any of the characters... also this made 2007 feel like a long time ago.... #AudioColoring is still fun though!

rockpools I thought that was the cover - I‘d have totally bought the book 😍 6y
TorieStorieS @RachelO Thanks- that‘s just my coloring- the woods of this book are more murderous than magical! 6y
Palimpsest Ooh, I love your coloring book! 6y
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TorieStorieS Thanks, @Palimpsest I collect them!! 😊😊😊 6y
k.reads.5 Gorgeous coloring! 6y
TorieStorieS @pl.2886 thanks!!!! 6y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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“In the end that awful night always found her.”

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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Book number 48 of my year and my goodness I need a good one. So far his books really catch my interest so here‘s hoping for a good read 🤞

Caffeinated_Reader Super great read. It sort of reminded me of another book I read by him called Don‘t Let Go. Similar dramatic chaotic plots that left ya in a tizzy lol still a great read. 6y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben

Coben thinks up creative and interesting plots; then beautifully writes it up into a beginning, middle and end!

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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I love a good mystery, and these are some of my favourite mystery books and authors. Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay write some of the best standalones out there IMHO (and these are two of my favourite ones) and the other two are from my favourite Historical Mystery Series (Maisie Dobbs and Sebastian St. Cyr). #ReadingResolutions

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Love Harlan Coben books and this would have to be my favourite of his standalones! He is a master storyteller, and the master of the twist. #StandaloneCrimeNovel #MarchMadness

Alfoster So agree! Loved this one too!😍 7y
Andrew65 @Alfoster Think it was the first standalone of his I read and loved it. Also love the Myron Bolitar series. 7y
Alfoster Me too! Met him at the LA Book Fair and he was so gracious!😍 7y
Andrew65 @Alfoster So jealous now 😂, that must have been great. He comes across as a nice person! Love the Myron humour, the books gave me laughing out loud! 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Trying to finish this before book club. #itsgoingtobetight

Eggbeater Omg! Hurry up! 7y
kimmypete1 I‘m trying!!! I think I‘m just going to buy the book to finish it. Easier. 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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It's #FriYAYintro time! @jesshowbooks
1. Book Club for the tagged book! #BitchesBeReading is our motto.
2. 5'5" and a half (the Hubs assumed for almost 11 years of our relationship that I was lying about that half inch, until we started with a new doctors office and the nurse read my height aloud. I had no idea he had thought I was lying all that time!)
3. Almost 10 years.
4. The Woods and Mind Games.
5. The Hubs & Me on VDay.

Godmotherx5 Funny about your height. 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Reading this for #bookclub... the past and current mystery along with the trial, is definitely interesting. Some of the characters are ridiculous and some of the dialogue is a little cringe-worthy, but I'm still intrigued. This is my first Harlan Corben book, not sure how I feel about him as an author yet. #audiobooks

kimmypete1 Yeah idk either, and I waited too long and idk if I‘ll finish! 7y
kimmypete1 Um, I still have 8 hrs 44 min left. And that‘s with 2x. I even upped it to 3x on my walk today. #badplanning 7y
MidnightBookGirl You can do it! I have faith in you. Plus, you'll have listening time Sat morning. @petersonks15 7y
kimmypete1 I‘m no good at listening unless I‘m doing something else (walking, candy crush, cleaning) and idk that I‘ll get it in, but I‘m sure going to try! 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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1. NONE I dislike love triangles.
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. Cliche, but The Notebook
4. @MidnightBookGirl (if you did this already, sorry, but I didn‘t scroll before I started posting and it‘s too late to go back now 😁)
#tuesdaytidbits #onawednesday

JenlovesJT47 I don't blame ya, love triangles can be frustrating! 😅 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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This book definitely kept me riveted. It was a quick read. There were some difficult themes. The main character annoyed me several times and I look forward to discussing this with my book club. The ending was very tangled. Overall I liked it. #librarybook #bookclub

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Large print! They are not kidding. #library #bookclub

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I'm starting this thriller book club read that I got at the #Library tonight and drinking Sleepytime tea at the same time. We'll see which one wins. Place your bets!

Eggbeater Of course the book won. Sleep is for the weak! It is good so far. 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I love a walk in the woods, but beware what you find in the woods. #nature #noteworthynovember This is my favourite standalone by Harlan Coben, and that is saying something as I love everything he writes.

riversong153 He is my favorite author!! 7y
Andrew65 Glad I am not alone in this. 😊 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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This is only my second Coben book, & I‘m pretty happy with him. Don‘t know that I‘ll get into all the series he has - I‘m trying to catch up in series this year. But I‘ll keep my eye out for more stand-alones. They‘re good, solid, satisfying mysteries.

Alfoster Yes! Love him😍! Any can really stand alone. 7y
Sweettartlaura Good to know, @Alfoster 🙂 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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OH HAY PT 2. Review 2 of 3 for ya! I have yet to read a Harlan Coben book that I didn't like. This one was especially intriguing because I had no clue what the twist could be. I was extremely surprised with the ending and my jaw dropped more than once. I even have my mom reading it. #winning #stayoutofthewoods

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The Woods | Harlan Coben
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#welllovedreads Love everything that Harlan Coben writes, he is a master in the suspense and twist art, but this would be my favourite of his standalones. Do yourself a favour (you know you are worth it) read this book!

Ms_T I read this a couple of years ago and enjoyed it 👍🏻 7y
Andrew65 @Ms_T 😊 7y
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The Woods | Harlan Coben

It was a nice read but i didn't find it a great book. He rushed it a little bit to much at the end.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Can't wait to start with this one!

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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curled up in bed with a good thriller

The Woods | Harlan Coben

Well that got weird... I want work to be over so I can keep reading. My lunch break wasn't long enough. 😂📚

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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Time to read one of my own books. This will be the second book that I have read by Harlan Coben.

The Woods | Harlan Coben
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I usually figure out all the pieces of a mystery before the end, but this one kept me guessing up to the last couple of pages.

Josie I love Coben! I haven't been disappointed yet 8y
Read4life He keeps you guessing. Coben is definitely one of my favorite authors. 8y
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