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Prophet Song
Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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'Paul Lynch is peerless' Donal Ryan, author of Strange Flowers An Irish Times 'Book to Look Forward to in 2023' A fearless portrait of a society on the brink as a mother faces a terrible choice, from an internationally award-winning author On a dark, wet evening in Dublin, scientist and mother-of-four Eilish Stack answers her front door to find the GNSB on her step. Two officers from Irelands newly formed secret police are here to interrogate her husband, a trade unionist. Ireland is falling apart. The country is in the grip of a government turning towards tyranny and Eilish can only watch helplessly as the world she knew disappears. When first her husband and then her eldest son vanish, Eilish finds herself caught within the nightmare logic of a collapsing society. How far will she go to save her family? And what or who is she willing to leave behind? Exhilarating, terrifying and propulsive, Prophet Song is a work of breathtaking originality, offering a devastating vision of a country at war and a deeply human portrait of a mothers fight to hold her family together.
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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One of the best books I have ever read. All the stars. This is a brilliant book about a community's decent into war. The author is able to make the reader believe it will all be OK as the world erupts around this family. I lost sleep to race to the end of this novel. #bookerwinner2023 If you only read one novel this year, read this! 5 🌟

AmyG This book was so good….I swear, I got heart palpitations. 2w
rmaclean4 @AmyG truly a masterpiece in pacing. 2w
tpixie Wow! 🤩 thanks for the recommendation. The Postcard by Anne Betest is the best book Fred that I‘ve readin a longtime 2w
rmaclean4 @tpixie thank you for the recommendation! 2w
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Yikes. Dread-filled slide into autocratic regime in Ireland. Language often overripe, nature metaphors heavy. What to tell the children when norms are upended? Even Winston & Julia got a picnic break, but not the Stacks. Worse to worser. Booker prize winner. 2023

40 “the man has been trained for the rules of the game but the game has been changed so what now is the man?”

103 “history is a silent record of people who did not know when to leave”

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Wandering through Target and saw this for $8. Not on my TBR list but seeing it was winner decided to give it a go. Dystopian the reviews say. Well for me it was too much of what I‘m seeing now on my TV screen , especially towards the end which I had to speed read . Writing and descriptions well done. It did make me feel uncomfortable.To think that what he wrote about could easily happen and that some of it is.Right now.

CatLass007 When I read the summary of this book when it won the Booker Prize, I got the impression of everything you just said. Thank you for doing the hard work so I didn‘t have to. 1mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Loved Prophet Song but don‘t think it will beat out Brotherless Night for best of the year.

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Tagged was best of the week.

I read six books, three of my May #ReadYourKindle numbers, one of my #SeriesLove24 authors and May‘s #BookedinTime #BiblicalFiction choice. A good reading week for me.



CBee I started Prophet Song a couple of weeks ago but it didn‘t grab me. I should try again as I don‘t know if it was the right time to start it 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
Read4life 🤓🤓🤓 2mo
Deblovestoread @cbee. It took a bit for me to get into, partly because I didn‘t read the blurb so spent some time trying to figure out what year it was all taking place. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
CBee @Deblovestoread I read the description and it looks right up my alley so, maybe I‘ll try again at some point 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This book has shown me I like my dystopian fiction to have an element of the impossible to it. Prophet Song is dystopian fiction that feels just a few votes away from possible. Riveting and harrowing. 4.5 🌟

Grateful for the beautiful day to offset the despair created by the book.

sarahbarnes Agreed. 2mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Started Prophet Song this morning. Will finish Buried in a Bog tomorrow on my drive to Portland and back. I‘m 40% into Thorns and will likely bail and move onto Swans.


Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This book is powerful, scary, devastating but also compassionate and tender. So deserving of its Booker Prize winning status. The reviews were right, I doubt I will ever not be able to recall the details of this book no matter how long has passed.
Comparisons to handmaids tale and 1984 cannot be denied but this book is a masterpiece in its own right and deserves its own status as a literary classic.

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Out for a drive and all roads lead to book stores. 😊

Discovered a cute & well curated shop in Menomonie, WI, Dragon Tale Books. Had a super chat with the owner.

The tagged book is for me, husband got the other two, but I can guarantee I‘ll be the one rereading Wind-up Bird Chronicles.

Ruthiella Nice moderate haul! 😃 3mo
Tamra @Ruthiella I did seriously rein myself in! 😅 3mo
Cathythoughts Nice haul. ❤️ The Prophet is good. The others look good too. (edited) 3mo
sarahbarnes I really liked Prophet Song. And loved Wind Up Bird, too - one of my favorites by him. 3mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This book is amazing. I'm glad it won the Booker. And beat all of the other Pauls. We read the Booker winner every year in IRL book club and I think this might be slightly less depressing than the previous 2 years. Jk. 😂

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

AmyG I loved this, too. Excellent book. I was so anxious reading it. 3mo
Cuilin I thought this was excellent too. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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So thoroughly horrifying only because it all seems entirely possible as we watch through our screens as the governments swing far right & implement emergency measures to change laws & rape the earth & drop bombs mercilessly on innocent souls ~ so who are we in our safe white suburbs to think we are exempt? The writing is poetic & flows across you like a dark ocean that won‘t stop rolling in & you may drown but the water sparkles nonetheless.

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover 🖤🤍 3mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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19 Mar-15 Apr 24
I cannot recall being as frightened by a book since ‘In Cold Blood‘, which aroused a similar feeling that this could just as easily happen to me. As the book begins, Eilish‘s life seems so normal.
Lynch‘s depiction of a totalitarian Ireland is literally gut-wrenching, particularly the final 100 pages which depict the fear and desperation that lead to millions fleeing for a place of refuge. The ending has left me absolutely shaken.

mjtwo I should add this is a completely different book to ‘In Cold Blood‘ and is quite a strange comparison - it has just given me a similar feeling of terror. 3mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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I am still trying to calm down after reading this. Frightening. Excellent book.

CBee Oof. Sounds good but definitely intense! 4mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch

I disliked almost everything about this book. I disliked the writing style, the narrative choices, the audio narration, and most especially the main character.
I should have bailed.


Ruthiella I haven‘t even attempted this book because I think I‘d feel the same way. 4mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Caroline2 Is the one that won the Booker? I can never remember which Paul won. 😂 4mo
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Leniverse @Caroline2 Yes, that's the one. 😂 I've read one of the other Pauls and wasn't a huge fan there either, but at least I didn't hate it. Waiting for the third Paul from the library so I can make a proper comparison 😆 4mo
Caroline2 Gotta compare all the Paul‘s eh. 😏 👍 4mo
Leniverse @Caroline2 I mean, the judges went to great lengths to ensure we read Irishmen named Paul, seems only right to check if the best Paul won. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Am stuck for words.
I read a lot of speculative dystopia style fiction but this is one of those that is set now but is becoming dystopia because it's seemingly an end to a society we inhabit.
But it's on the brink of possibility. And it's happening in other countries.
The balance of beautiful lyrical prose against the immense terror is incredible. And the greyness throughout, the realms of knowing and speculated fear.
Such talent.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 loved this too. 5mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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“… history is a silent record of people who did not know when to leave…” Wow. That was a dark ride. The Booker winner never disappoints me. I also tend to have a thing for Irish authors. A dystopian nightmare, set in Ireland, with a toleration government, though it could have been anywhere. And anywhere today. The main character made me so very angry I might never recover. It‘s phenomenal!

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This one felt like all those around the world, who feel their worlds ending, were whispering their shared pain into your heart. This one is heavy and carries a message that should not be ignored.

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Wow, I'm out of words. This book just left me breathless. It broke my heart over and over and over again. At first I wanted to wait until the German translation would be available, but I'm glad I didn't. This books captures the danger of this time we're living in all too well. This is how it started back then, and this is where we seem to be headed to. This story is a huge warning signal. And shows that it can happen anywhere, everywhere.

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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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A bit of bleak read but quite profound. Situations across the world could really happen anywhere and that's a scary thought

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This book was chilling, because it seems so plausible. Tyranny has overtaken the government of Ireland, and “enemies of the state” are disappearing. When Eilish‘s husband is arrested, she struggles to keep her family safe while trying to locate him. Nightmarish and beautifully written. I want to read more by Paul Lynch. This one will make my #bookerdozen for sure, still putting together that list, the idea of which I stole from @vivastory .

vivastory Looking forward to your list! I haven't read the book yet, but it does sound intriguing 6mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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It‘s hard to call this book dystopian since (as @TrishB said) this could happen anywhere in the world next week. And in reality people in some places are experiencing things along these lines right now. I loved this book even though it is painful to read. Lynch artfully crafted a story of a life moving from the mundane day to day to a fever dream of disbelief, to a nightmare. 💔

BarbaraBB Great review. 6mo
batsy Lovely review. I've got this on hold and am prepared for something bleak... 6mo
TrishB Great review. It will be a read that stays with me. 6mo
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sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB thank you 🩵 6mo
sarahbarnes @batsy it is quite bleak, but excellent and worth reading. I‘m looking forward to your thoughts on it. 6mo
sarahbarnes @TrishB same. I‘ve been thinking about it a lot since I finished it. 6mo
Reggie TrishB had me stack it and now you‘ve made me go put it on hold. fever dream into nightmare got me. Great review! 6mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Bleak and brilliant.
Dystopian- sort of, because given the current status of the world I can see this happening anywhere next week.

rockpools Scary. I‘m not sure if I want to read it or avoid it now! 6mo
BarbaraBB Great review. Glad you loved it 6mo
sarahbarnes Yes. I feel exactly the same way after reading this. 6mo
TrishB @sarahbarnes a scary feeling! 6mo
azulaco Loved this book but it scared me. It is all too plausible. 6mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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I read this because it won the Booker Prize, and I had been expecting The Bee Sting, which I loved, to win. I also love this. It deserves the award. Prophet Song is devastating, heart-wrenching, and terrifying. The language conveys the relentless claustrophobia of the situation. In a near-future Ireland an autocratic regime is challenged, and civil war erupts. A woman with four children and an elderly father has to survive the violence. Brilliant.

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Next up . . . Leaving Australia for Ireland

Tamra I‘m anxious to get to this one. I hope it‘s good! 7mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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(Nothing better for reading than a 🐈‍⬛ warmer)

I just finished and I thought this was fantastic. It took me a while to sink in. But the second half was all a dream. I‘m happy with the book, devastated by it, a little exhausted, and thinking over the paragraph with the title in it near the end, and the opening line.

wanderinglynn Aw, so sweet! ❤️🐈‍⬛ 7mo
TheBookHippie Looks wonderful! 7mo
Tamra Now I‘m even more anxious to read it! I hope you are feeling better every day. 7mo
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Graywacke @Tamra negative today 💪 And just in time, as my daughter arrives this evening. 7mo
RaeLovesToRead Oh kitty snuggles! 🥰🥰 7mo
Graywacke @wanderinglynn @RaeLovesToRead she appreciates your comment. @TheBookHippie She let me know i did alright this afternoon. She‘s a tough judge on laps. 7mo
wanderinglynn It was probably the flannel pants that tipped her over to give a positive lap review. My cat always enjoyed my flannel pants. 😉 Enjoy time with your daughter! 7mo
Tamra @Graywacke yay!! 7mo
Graywacke @wanderinglynn 🙂 maybe! She‘s also down with blankets. 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
BarbaraBB Fantastic review. It sounds like a winner for you! 7mo
Graywacke @BarbaraBB yes, it was. 🙂 I gave In Ascension‘s 5 stars too, but the audio production played a role in that. 7mo
BarbaraBB I liked it a lot too. Still need to read In Ascension though! 7mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Just, you know, still here. Reading Prophet Song in quarantine. Happy Festivus 😉

Ruthiella Let the Airing of Grievances begin! 🧹😂 7mo
Graywacke @Ruthiella ❤️ we‘ll start with 🐈‍⬛ (😳) 7mo
Tamra Cozy! 7mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
jewright So sorry you are sick. It‘s really been going around again. 7mo
Graywacke @jewright thank you! I‘m happy that i‘m past the fevers and worst symptoms 7mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Next book I‘ll start

Tamra I am so anxious to read this one! I caught the tail end of an interview with Lynch and his advice was to sit quietly, turn off the phone, and read a book. 😊 Basically carve out a space from the world. 7mo
Graywacke @Tamra sounds wonderful (staring at my power button…) I‘m dealing with covid - which means I‘ll have to add in fevers, tissues and patience with my attention span. 🙁 But maybe tomorrow will be better! 7mo
Tamra @Graywacke get better a few pages at a time! And lots of napping in between. 7mo
Bookwomble I hope your COVID symptoms are easing off, Dan ❤️‍🩹 7mo
Graywacke @Bookwomble thank you. Yesterday was better, and even stopped sneezing for a while. Hopefully today is a lot better again. (I‘m 100 pages into PS) 7mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Pre Christmas Summer Holidays Reading (and travel) all planned
Destination 1 - Prophet Song (Ireland)
Destination 2 - Tiger Work (Nigeria)
Destination 3 - Helena Rubinstein - The Australian Years
Destination 4 - Roman Stories (Rome)
Destination 5 - Those who Saw the Sun (North Carolina)
Destination 6 - Mobility (Azerbaijan)
Destination 7 - The Premonition (Japan)

BarbaraBB Looking good! I loved 7mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch

Lynch was awarded the Booker for this dystopian novel & may be the title‘s seer: just before he won, anti-immigrant riots erupted in his city, Dublin. the apocalyptic scenes mere days before his win-streetcars were set alight and looters struck-recall Prophet Song. It opens with a new right-wing government passing an Emergency Act. Soon, citizens are forced to flee. An unsettling read set in a just-around-the-corner imperiled Western democracy

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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The winner of this year‘s Booker Prize

I book I‘ve actually read and given the subject matter I‘m not sure enjoyed is the right word, but it‘s scary and makes you think

Amiable That‘s the book that‘s one long text block, right? With no paragraph breaks? 8mo
AnneCecilie @Amiable If so I didn‘t notice. It has chapters and paragraphs. I‘m terrible at noticing things like that when I get lost in the story, but that might be why you get lost too. 8mo
Amiable @AnneCecilie Oh, I thought I read a review in “The Guardian“ that said it was a story told without quotation marks or paragraph breaks in “ long immersive sentences that increase the feeling of inevitability-- there is no breathing space for Eilish, no pause or respite in the nightmare.“ I was struck by that description. I'll see if I can find the review. 8mo
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AnneCecilie @Amiable thank you for sharing The Guardian article, I hadn‘t read that. I never noticed the no quotation marks and the long sentences. Might be because I didn‘t care about the first and I speak without any full stops myself so never notice when there‘s a lot of commas in a text. 8mo
Amiable @AnneCecilie I‘m glad you said you didn‘t notice it when you were reading. The lack of quote marks doesn‘t bother me but I was hesitant to give the book a go when I saw that about the lack of paragraph breaks. 8mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Booker prize winner! 🥇https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/nov/26/booker-prize-2023-prophet-song-paul-lynch-novel-wins?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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In Ireland, a new law has been passed giving the new government more power. Larry is a trade unionist who goes missing after a demonstration, leaving his wife to keep the family together and take care of the kids. This might prove harder than imagined as the situation spins out of control and war breaks out.

With everything happening in the world this book shows how it is to live in a war zone and the choices people make.

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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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A frightening novel that expresses how close any of us are from having to escape the terror of civil war and repressive regimes, is also a salutary tale for those who qn motives of immigrants who are forced to leave their home. The story of Eilish + her family is set in a Dublin in which the brutal repression of a union strike leads to a dictatorship that destroys the family. Disturbing but excellent writing that may well win the prize in Nov.

Cathythoughts Great review! I‘m reading this one at the moment for irl Bookclub.. I agree the writing is brilliant 👍🏻 9mo
andrew61 @Cathythoughts it will make for a great discussion Cathy, look forward to seeing your thoughts on it. 9mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Tempted to send my copy to Suella Braverman.

Bookwomble But, might she get more dystopian ideas? 🤔😏 10mo
charl08 @Bookwomble ah. That's an outcome I hadn't anticipated 10mo
Bookwomble @charl08 I think SB would see Orwell's "1984" as "The Dummies Guide to Authoritarian Regime Management"! 10mo
charl08 @Bookwomble 😱😱 10mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Prophet Song is what I would describe as an absolute banger. This story of the rapidly accelerating decline of democracy and the emergence of a totalitarian state in Ireland is real heart-in-your-mouth storytelling. As implausible as the premise seems, as the freedoms of democratic citizenship are stripped away in this story, it becomes evident that is really the point- this is happening to people who believe it couldn‘t happen to them, And yet…

Cinfhen Great review! 10mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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The state is supposed to leave you alone, Michael, not enter your house like an ogre, take a father into its fist and gobble him, how can I even begin to explain this to the kids, that the state they live in has become a monster?

Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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#BookReport 38/23

Lots of reading done in the past week and I finished some books that I had been reading for a longer time. Favorite? The Rebecca Wait, despite the two shortlisted ones for the #Booker23 🤷🏻‍♀️

TrishB I‘ve loved all of Wait‘s books, but The View on the Way Down is probably my favourite. 10mo
Cinfhen Wow!!!! Fantastic week indeed!!!! 10mo
squirrelbrain The Wait is my favourite from this pile too! 10mo
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BarbaraBB @TrishB I bought that one. Thanks for the heads-up! Have you read Our Fathers? 10mo
TrishB Yes, I‘ve read all of hers ♥️ 10mo
BarbaraBB That makes my expectations for The View very high 🤞🏽 @TrishB 10mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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#Booker23 9/13

This book started out as a dystopian novel and ended up being the reality of so many people in warzones, and of refugees trying desperately to cross the Mediterranean in hope of a better alternative. I see and appreciate what Paul Lynch means with his book and it‘s a scary prophecy.

squirrelbrain Great review! 10mo
BookwormM This really scared me 10mo
BarbaraBB @BookwormM Yes it went very fast downhill. Very scary! 10mo
Megabooks Yikes! Great review but sounds overwhelming! 10mo
Cinfhen I kind of hope this makes the shortlist so then maybe I‘ll get to it. Great review 10mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Who's a lucky girl then?! Better get reading! #booker23

Many thanks to @julesG for helping me get the Litsy app back again when I mislaid it! 😘

julesG Yeah!!!! Glad to see it's working again! 11mo
CSeydel Wow! 11mo
TheKidUpstairs Wow! What a win! Enjoy the bounty!! 11mo
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Deblovestoread Congrats! That‘s exciting! 11mo
currentlyreadinginCO Oh wow!! 11mo
Ruthiella Wow! Awesome! 🤩 11mo
squirrelbrain Wow, Jess, that‘s amazing! So jealous…. (Mind you, I‘m reading the last 2 on the list already!) Also, I nearly bought you a Booker for your birthday so I‘m glad I didn‘t! Parcel is on its way as I‘m away next week. 11mo
jhod @squirrelbrain haha you're so fast!! Thank you! 😘 11mo
Chelsea.Poole Nice!! Congrats! 📚 11mo
Caroline2 Why Jess! You lucky duck you!! 😀 10mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Set in a very near-future Ireland, which has become a totalitarian police state, Eilish‘s husband is taken by those secret police and she struggles with her family of 4 children and a father descending into dementia.

For about 3/4 of this I loved it, although it is a challenging read, with no breaks between different characters‘ dialogue, and a lot of stream of consciousness narrative.

Towards the end though, the dystopian police state ⬇️

squirrelbrain …became more like conventional warfare and it didn‘t feel as dystopian. There also wasn‘t much about the outside world, whether that be Ireland and the reasons behind the politics, or what the rest of the world was doing. And, as for the ending, another book that doesn‘t actually end and this one really did feel like it was lining up a sequel; the last 1/4 and the ending nearly took it from a pick to a so-so. 11mo
BookwormM Dystopian got me excited now not so much 🤣🤣 11mo
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sarahbarnes I love some dystopian fiction, so this is disappointing! I can‘t get this one in the US yet so I‘ll probably wait. 11mo
BarbaraBB Like @BookwormM and @sarahbarnes I am a sucker for dystopian, so I had been looking forward to this one. Your review makes me temper my expectations! (edited) 11mo
Megabooks Sounds interesting. I just finished this, which also featured a dystopian Ireland. 11mo
Megabooks Great review!! 11mo
Caroline2 Argh!!! What is with this fashion lately for naff non-endings?! It‘s so bloody lazy!!! A bad ending can ruin a book for me. Think I might wait for a 99p kindle deal then. 😉 11mo
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