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Proust e il calamaro. Storia e scienza del cervello che legge
Proust e il calamaro. Storia e scienza del cervello che legge | Maryanne Wolf
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Interesting relationship between the brain and reading.

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This book is sadly lacking in Proust and squid. I wanted to like it, but half of this book was a slog in technical brain science terms which I‘m sure is interesting to neuroscientists, but difficult to follow for those that are not. The good bits: a brief history of early writing systems and how the Sumerians, Akkadians and Greeks developed alphabets and trained children to read and write and some insight into evolutionary advantages of dyslexia.

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Next up 🤓

staci.reads It's so good. 3y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Her later book Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World is amazing as well. 3y
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Finished 9 books. But couldn‘t get a bingo ☺️ Still I have to catchup with #chapteraday read of Emma. All most all are 4-5 🌟read esp like the tagged book.

I have met my monthly fitness goal #BFC21 so planning to continue the same exercise and prayer routines. All we need is good physical and mental health in this pandemic time. Stay safe everyone and stay healthy. Happy reading month ahead🥰

#bookspinbingo #bookreport #wrapup

TheAromaofBooks Great month!!!! 3y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🎉 Keep up the great work! 🙌🏻 3y
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Very informative book about how brain adapts to reading & writing. The historical background on the development of languages & writing systems are interesting. It addresses the associated disorders such as dyslexia. Author describes various pathways & neurological connections in the brain which will be easier to follow with little understanding of anatomy. future of reading brain in digital era is fascinating. 4.5🌟
#nonfiction2021 #bookspin

wanderinglynn Sounds fascinating. 3y
Crazeedi Looks good 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That does sound interesting! Stacking 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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I don't read much nonfiction, but lately I've become very interested in learning how the brain reads and processes language, so I picked up these two books and hope they'll be just what I'm looking for!

Ddzmini I‘ve read the left on and it‘s very informative loved it 👌🏽📖😋 5y
KimmyM @Ddzmini Good to know!! :) 5y
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A quote from this article, Literacy Might Shield the Brain from Dementia, quoting the tagged book (yes I‘m still recovering from Still Alice). You can read the article here:

Read in Scientific American: https://apple.news/AarGXF-oSTyewESlQ74ZrWg

Crazeedi It took me a while to get over that book too. Great quote 5y
Sace Let me just move this book up the TBR pile.... 5y
GingerAntics Never thought of what all goes into reading. Hm. I may have to check this book out. 5y
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This cover is great and the book 📖 😋😍😍😍 #7Days7Covers #CoverCrush #day4

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Beautiful words Proust ... beautiful words 😍 I love the way Wolf is explaining reading and how we translate information 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼📖😋

SaunteringVaguelyDownwards You'll probably like her new book too, focusing on the differences between reading in print and digital formats: 5y
Ddzmini I have that one on my tbr @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards thank you 🙏 📖😋 5y
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Love these quotes 😍📖😋

rockpools Intriguing title! 5y
chapter_fifty2017 Had this one on my shelf for quite awhile , very inspiring quotes , l think it's time l should give it a go !.👍😏 5y
Ddzmini @RachelO yes it is @chapter_fifty2017 you should we could make it more popular it‘s great so far 📖😋 5y
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Agree Mr. Epstein that would be great if we could find out what our favorite Author is reading 📖😋

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I‘m going to finish this book as I put it down in May before my psychology conference and I‘ve been so busy with school and moving I‘ve not had the chance to pick it back up. I‘ve been neglecting my good for your mind growth books 📖😋 “Reading is one of the single most remarkable inventions in history” by Maryanne Wolf

Crazeedi This sounds very interesting !! 5y
Ddzmini @Crazeedi it is that‘s why I want to finish it because I love how it‘s written and all the great information I‘m Learning 📖😋 5y
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Ahhh, so this is why I remember where I'm up to in the text by the next four words I am yet to read!

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This is a fascinating book on how the brain is able to read. I loved the chapters on the development of written language and on dyslexia.

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I seem to be on a #nonfiction journey this year. I‘m totally behind on my #goodreads reading challenge already, but I like to take my time with nonfiction reads.

Ddzmini Reading the same book an so far it‘s really interesting 😋📖 6y
McGonagall Good to know @Ddzmini I just started, but I‘m enjoying it so far too 😊 6y
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What a great quote to open a book with already loving this read 📖😋

Ddzmini @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards I have it on my Tbr list 🙏📖😋 (edited) 6y
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Book: Prost and the Squid (Maryann Wolf)
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean (The Kraken) 🦑
Song: Under the sea (Little Mermaid 🧜🏽‍♀️)
#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho 🖤🦑🖤 6y
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Giving this a pick because the subject is fascinating. The writing can be technical, boring, and long winded, but it‘s well-researched and you can tell she cares about the subject. Character recognition, symbols, and dyslexia are all explored. A good look into how the reading brain develops.

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This is a good article about who reads and how reading makes people feel. Very interesting stats listed.


Weaponxgirl I saw this and also found it interesting. Need to find out the stats for my own country 6y
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So far an interesting look at the development of the reading brain.

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1. How to Find Love in a Bookshop, Veronica Henry
Proust and the Squid, Maryanne Wolf
We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, Samantha Irby
Becoming, Michelle Obama
How Long Til Black Future Month, N K Jemisin
How to be Less Stupid About Race, Crystal M. Fleming
Ideas In Food, Aki Kamozawa and H. Alexander Talbot
The Nine, Tracy Townsend
2. Educated, Tara Westover
3. Buddhism without Beliefs, Stephen Batchelor

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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Complemento ideal del lector para entender como ocurre la lectura a nivel cerebral y neurológico.

visz ¡Muchas gracias! 😁 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 6y
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So, I‘m a Reading Specialist, and I had difficulty getting through the technical information about literacy and dyslexia in this book. It‘s well researched, broad in scope and highly detailed, but not approachable in style. additionally, she based some of her points on the “vocabulary gap” which has fuzzy research itself. So between a pick and a so-so for the brain related science and research. #teachersoflitsy

zsuzsanna_reads Thanks for the specialist review! It's often so hard to know how far non-fiction books reflect the field. 6y
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My lazy afternoon plan, coffee, Malley-Os and finishing up a book.

Lauram Malley-Os! 💜 6y
heikemarie I want to hear more about these “Malley-Os,” they look like they should be in my mouth. (edited) 6y
CoffeeK8 @heikemarie they are so good! They‘re chocolate covered Oreos from a candy company in my hometown https://malleys.com 6y
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Socrates is kind of a jerk, who knew?

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Relaxing on vacation in San Francisco 😎

Wan.der.love My city 😊😊 check out City Lights Bookstore if you‘re staying downtown!! Iconic place in SF. 6y
CoffeeK8 @Wan.der.love will do! I already stopped at green apple on the park yesterday 6y
readordierachel Awesome! Have a blast! 6y
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A miracle every time #teachersoflitsy

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Not going to lie; this is sometimes boring.
Reading is wondrous. All us littens know this to be true. This book gives you a scientific reason as to why reading is such a beautifully wondrous thing.

anwade88 I read this several years ago and I‘m surprised how much of it has stuck with me :) 6y
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I realized I haven‘t had a glass of red wine in forever. Problem immediately fixed.

Cathythoughts I‘m glad you sorted that one 🍷. You can‘t beat a book & a glass of red 👍🏻❤️ (edited) 6y
kspenmoll Good for you! 6y
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Just got this in the mail today. I look forward to reading it. On my TBR list probably for September.

Nute She has written another interesting and informative book about how the reading brain is being affected by the advancement of digital technologies. 6y
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Switching gears a little...

staci.reads Just finished Proust and the Squid a couple weeks ago. Fantastic information! 6y
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Really recommend this! Very accessible for people who don‘t know much about science but are fascinated by the history and neurology of reading! I learned so much and it definitely made me appreciate reading more for the miracle it is.

I‘d recommend reading it in physical copy rather than audio if you have the option tho - I think my appreciation of some details wasn‘t as good cause I wasn‘t seeing it written down

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This article is fantastic: @alltopstartups/the-reading-brain-why-your-brain-needs-you-to-read-every-day-f5307c50d979" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://medium.com/@alltopstartups/the-reading-brain-why-your-brain-needs-you-to...

MissAimz_55 Love it! So true 7y
Deblovestoread Great article! Thanks for sharing it. 7y
CAnne Good article! 7y
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Eggs Excellent ❣️❣️ For developing readers especially, the bonus is expansive vocabulary 👍🏻 7y
ephemeralwaltz Thanks for sharing! 7y
theokiereader Ha! My husband and I joke about his inability to catch on to people‘s social cues when he‘s talking to them. Meanwhile, he teases me about my uncanny ability to read into someone‘s emotions. He‘s a big podcast listener, but not a big reader. When he reads, he reads nonfiction. I‘m a big reader, and my genre of choice is literary fiction. Interesting in light of this article! 7y
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Both! My husband and son will be all 🏈🏈🏈 but since we‘re not going to a party this year I‘ll be finishing one of the books above! #bookbowl

Hoopiefoot Both! I love to read while watching sports 😄 7y
CoffeeK8 @Hoopiefoot when my husband I were first dating he‘d watch baseball and I‘d read a book and it worked out perfectly, the tradition continues every year, for all sports 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Neither it was my son‘s birthday today. We watched the recorded game after our kids went to bed. Lol 😂 7y
CoffeeK8 @ForeverNerdy sounds efficient & fun! 7y
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❄️ Snow day today! Stay warm east coast littens (and thanks to @MinDea for this cozy blanket)

Lacythebookworm I‘m using this for one of my challenges in 2018! Enjoy! Love the blanket 😍 7y
MinDea I am so glad you like the blanket! 7y
CoffeeK8 @MinDea it‘s my daughter‘s favorite! 7y
MinDea 🙌🙌🙌 7y
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I️ too feel like I️ live my life in service to words.

Eggs Me as well--my life story and no regrets 🤗 7y
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Nothing better than getting a book as a gift from your co-teachers! I️ can‘t wait to read this one. #teachersoflitsy

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I've been listening to this book each morning on my way to school and continued this evening on my walk. The first part about the development of writing was interesting and not something I've read much about. The current section about how individuals learn to read is mostly review for me, but a good reminder as I consider how to best help the struggling readers in my classes.

#audiobook #nonfiction #TeachersofLitsy #ReadingAboutReading

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I started this audiobook while putting up apples this afternoon. That included slicing a batch to go in the dehydrator and baking some oatmeal apple cookies (some for now and some to go in the freezer). Either may end up as part of my #snacks during Dewey's #readathon. There's also an apple French toast casserole to bake in the morning and a jar of apple cider vinegar started.


robinb Yum, yum! Those oatmeal apple cookies look good! 😋 7y
Daisey @robinb They're delicious, and just enough oatmeal and apples to sometimes qualify as breakfast! 7y
robinb Exactly....sounds great! 7y
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Cinfhen Yum!! 7y
tpixie Yum! And homemade apple cider vinegar 7y
Daisey @tpixie Yep! I make my own vinegar pretty much every year now that I know how simple it is. 7y
tpixie @Daisey awesomeness!! I need to come up there and have you teach me! 7y
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@LectricSheep tagged me to show an orange stack (I avoided going with all Penguins 😆).

Hmm... I don't know who has already been tagged so ... show me a MINT GREEN stack. Anyone?


LectricSheep Beautiful! 🙌🏻🍊 7y
elkeOriginal Nice ombre effect 👏👏👏 7y
saresmoore Gorgeous! I did red and only used one Vintage spine. 😬 (edited) 7y
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Gailthurber Ooops I did lime not mint. 7y
batsy Love! Vintage Christie aaaah 😍 7y
Chachic Mint green is such a refreshing color! I'd have to see if I have any books in that color. 7y
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Maryanne Wolf is a neuroscientist quoted in the following article about the value of reading printed books over reading on screens: https://m.mic.com/articles/99408/science-has-great-news-for-people-who-read-actu...

saresmoore Fascinating! I've even noticed some of this to be true in my own reading. I find if I'm reading anything particularly dense, complex, or demanding that the ebook format really diminishes my comprehension and recall. 7y
shawnmooney I have heard many of these claims before but have experienced none of them in my reading life. If the reading is for research or academic study, which thankfully none of mine is, some of this makes sense, but as for reading fiction I experience zero difference and in some ways consider ebooks to be the better way. 7y
RealLifeReading Fascinating article! 7y
Lindy @saresmoore @shawnmooney I only read a few ebooks a year because my reading device has an unpleasantly small screen (iPod touch). I think I do the F pattern skim thing when I'm reading websites and articles on my laptop screen, however. 7y
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My #booksleeve finally arrived!

BookishGirl06 Love the book sleeve 7y
Lylah Ahh, sailor moon! 😍😍 7y
underthebelljar I have this book and still need to read it. Have you started it? 7y
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pocketmermaid @BookishJess Yes - I relied on the first chapter heavily for a school project recently. I bought myself a copy because I knew I'd want to read more. It's fascinating and I want to read more books like this! 7y
pocketmermaid @BookFanGirl06 @Lylah I couldn't resist the book sleeve! The character design is by my friend Karen who put it up on Spoonflower and looks someone bought the fabric to make book sleeves! I got so excited when I saw it on etsy! 7y
moranadatter That sleeve is amazing. Who made it? 7y
moranadatter @pocketmermaid Thanks! The HP one is adorable. 7y
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Excited to dig into this. It's a little bit for research for my final project, and a lot bit for fun. A little light reading for Monday morning. 😉#mugsoflitsy


Interesting, but not as revelatory to me as Dehaene's work, which she brings up a lot. More nuanced on dyslexia, though.

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Yesterday's book mail. I love to read about reading, and this looked too good to pass up.

MrBook Ooh, let us know your thought upon completion. Eager to know your verdict! 8y
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