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The Warm Hands of Ghosts
The Warm Hands of Ghosts: A Novel | Katherine Arden
During the Great War, a combat nurse searches for her brother, believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise, in this hauntingly beautiful historical novel with a speculative twist from the New York Times bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale. January 1918. Laura Iven was a revered field nurse until she was wounded and discharged from the medical corps, leaving behind a brother still fighting in Flanders. Now home in Halifax, Canada, she receives word of Freddies death in combat, along with his personal effectsbut something doesnt make sense. Determined to uncover the truth, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers about haunted trenches, and a strange hotelier whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could Freddie have escaped the battlefield, only to fall prey to somethingor someoneelse? November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped in an overturned pillbox with a wounded enemy soldier, a German by the name of Hans Winter. Against all odds, the two men form an alliance and succeed in clawing their way out. Unable to bear the thought of returning to the killing fields, especially on opposite sides, they take refuge with a mysterious man who seems to have the power to make the hellscape of the trenches disappear. As shells rain down on Flanders, and ghosts move among those yet living, Lauras and Freddies deepest traumas are reawakened. Now they must decide whether their world is worth salvagingor better left behind entirely.
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I wanted to love this novel, but something in it just does not work. Set during WWI, a sister desperately searches for her brother. The end was wrapped up too neatly, and for all the action, I found that it dragged in the middle of the novel. I still love this author, but this was a miss for me. 3 🌟

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I'm struggling with the rating on this one. It could have been a low pick. Parts of it were so, so good. The premise was great and writing was solid. The end wrapped up a little too easily though and there were a few parts that lagged. In the author's note, Arden discusses her inspiration and ideas, which I don't think the book quite lived up to. It did make me want to read more WWI books though.

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I am in love with this cover!😍

julesG 😍😍😍 3mo
Gissy 😍👌❤️ 3mo
rmaclean4 What a cover!! 2mo
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Not a tough choice for April! The decision between March and April was a little tougher… and I think I‘ll leave the next decision until this one is a little less fresh. #readingbracket2024

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The author referred to this as steampunk WWI. And there's something brilliant about it. There's the end of the Victorian era bumped up against the 20th century. People are into seances. There's trench warfare and no mans land and shell shock. It's all very surreal and the author ran with it.

#Aardvark @AardvarkBookClub

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

RaeLovesToRead Ooh... I got this in a subscription and the word Steampunk now has my ears pricked... 😁 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! This one is on my TBR - I really loved Arden's Winternight trilogy. 3mo
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I'm totally in love with this book. Steampunk WWI is how the author referred to it. We're currently waiting for an orange line T train.

TheBookHippie Well, I loved her trilogy so I best get this on the TBR. 3mo
vlwelser @TheBookHippie it's an Aardvark book. In case you need something pretty for your collection. 3mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🤭🤭🤭🤭 3mo
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My current book bestie wandered through the TD Garden this evening. 🖤💚 Boston

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I'm now all caught up with my March special editions. Received the March adult fantasy book from Owlcrate today. Love the red.

Sace That‘s one gorgeous book! 😍 3mo
Prairiegirl_reading Soooo much prettier than the copy I just bought. 😞 3mo
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Today my book bestie and I are catching some sun on the train.

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Today's book bestie will be played by this gorgeous gem that I haven't started yet.

emz711 How is it? 3mo
vlwelser @emz711 it is so great so far. But I'm only about 50 pages in. 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Stacked! ❤️📚 3mo
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On paper, this should have been a 5 star read for me: historical fiction, lovely prose, siblings separated by WWI, PLUS fantasy & romance. While I did end up rating it 4 stars, there were a few things that didn‘t quite work for me in execution: Faland & his magical mystery hotel, the slowest slow burn romance(s) that don‘t come to fruition until literally the final chapters of the book, and some of the plot logistics of the climax and dénouement.

Saknicole I was just recommending this to Sara. She‘ll love the fiddler. We both really love books with those types of figures. Like Tigers Wife or The Book Thief. 3mo
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I didn‘t know anything about this book going in—I just knew I had to read it since I‘d loved her Winternight trilogy—and I‘m glad, so I won‘t say too much. It‘s about the horrors of war and other horrific things, and of things beyond war. It‘s about love, both family and romantic. It‘s not like the Winternight trilogy at all. I may even recommend it more highly.

Gandalf‘s opinion is not as high, but what does he know? He‘s a cat.

rubyslippersreads Gandalf looks very wise to me. 😻 3mo
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Bk25 of my 2024 #BookMail is this stunning edition,I absolutely loved her Winternight trilogy. Jan 1918, Laura Iven has been discharged from her duties as a nurse & sent back to Nova Scotia, leaving behind a brother still fighting in the trenches at Flanders. Home, she receives a telegram informing her of his death, but it doesn‘t make sense. Determined to find out more she returns to Belgium.Their stories twist around ghosts & a strange inkeeper.

tpixie Lovely cover and end pages!!! 4mo
Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes I loved her trilogy too! I also really enjoyed Warm Hands of Ghosts. Love your copy. 4mo
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For March The Warm Hands of Ghosts was my top read 👻
#TopRead2024 ##ReadingBracket2024

JaneyWaneyB I loved The Warm Hands Of Ghosts too 😍 such a beautiful story 4mo
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Loved this book! Lauren, an exfield nurse, her brother, Freddy, goes missing during WWI. Freddy gets trapped in a pillbox with a German soldier after an explosion. They escape, but then Freddy becomes trapped in a purgatory type state. Meanwhile, Lauren has returned to her nursing duties at the front to look for him 🖤

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I have just finished this book, it is wonderfully
heart-wrenching. It transports you to WWI and all the horror of war whilst giving you a golden thread of hope to hold tightly throughout. This story has a realness whilst touching the fantasy veil just enough that you could imagine soldiers telling this tale in the trenches. This story will stay with me, and so will the

#HistoricalFiction #Fantasy #WeekendAllBooked

Bookbuyingaddict Hi 👋 it‘s on my TBR purchased the special edition in Waterstones with the spreyed edges ! Sucker for those 😆 4mo
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Do not despair. Endings—they are beginnings too.

#aardvarkbookclub #jointoday

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This is my favourite way to spend a Sunday Afternoon. A big cup of tea and a good book. This is the beautiful picture on the endpapers of this special edition from Waterstones. Think this tale might be a heartbreaker

Happy Sunday Litsy


BookmarkTavern Wow! 🤩 4mo
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You will not know who your enemies are, nor will they reveal themselves as you expect. You will not know whom to trust, but you must trust regardless. Do you understand?

#aardvarkbookclub #jointoday

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I devoured this haunted historical fiction / fantasy in one sleepless night. Beautiful, devastating, hopeful. Highly recommended.

Lindy Perfect photo accompaniment 👌 4mo
AlaMich I‘m looking forward to this! 4mo
BookishTrish @Lindy Thank you for- exhausted me thought she was being quite clever! 4mo
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Jan 1918 & Canadian, Laura Iven, returns home injured from volunteering as a nurse in the war. The only family Laura has left is younger brother, Freddie who is fighting on the front lines but soon after returning home, Laura receives a box containing Freddie's jacket & tags with a note saying that he is missing presumed dead. Laura cannot bear the uncertainty & decides to return to Belgium to find out what happened to her brother. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf This was a read which mixes the realities of life on the front line of war with the supernatural. The narrative switches between Laura & brother Freddie, as she searches for him among the many casualties. I think one of the major plus points of the book is how well the author conveys the callous attitudes of those in charge of the war effort, who have little compunction in sending men to their deaths by either the enemy or disease, 4mo
OutsmartYourShelf whilst they enjoy the comforts of home miles from the fighting. I thought that the supernatural element was underplayed though, & that 'the fiddler' could have been a much darker character. He seemed to promise menace but delivered only slight unease. Overall I thought it was an intriguing read but that it fell a little short in some areas. 4🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Random House UK/Cornerstone/Century, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6064637302
Read 3rd-7th Mar 2024

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
Kimberlone Just got my library loan for this! Been hearing great things, can‘t wait to start! 4mo
Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes Loved this book! 4mo
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Y'all this is going to be one of my top 10 reads of this year I think! Between the time period, the setting and the characters this gothic-esq book was everything! One sitting read! #bookspin @thearomaofbooks

Meshell1313 Ooh stacked! ✅ 4mo
CoverToCoverGirl Stacked! I find the Halifax connection and the mention of The Halifax Explosion intriguing. It‘s a great city not far from where I live, so I‘ll have to check this story out. You might find this link interesting https://bigthink.com/the-past/halifax-largest-accidental-explosion/ 4mo
TheLudicReader @CoverToCoverGirl which independent bookstore do you own? (Always great to see fellow Maritimes on Litsy!) 4mo
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TheAromaofBooks I loved the Winternight trilogy so much. This one really intrigues me!! 4mo
CoverToCoverGirl @TheLudicReader I‘ve been blessed to have be there for twenty years but my husband and I took over ownership in 2018. I laughingly say my personal library has around 30,000 books in it. So many books and so little time. And I have an amazing bookstore family and community. That‘s how my Litsy handle came into being. 🙂 (edited) 4mo
TheLudicReader Awesome, I will definitely stop in the next time I am up your way, @CoverToCoverGirl 4mo
CoverToCoverGirl @TheLudicReader that would be amazing! Please reach out beforehand and hopefully we will be able to connect with each other. The store has a Facebook page and a website if you‘d like to check it out. www.covertocoverbooks.ca 4mo
TheLudicReader @CoverToCoverGirl I absolutely will! 4mo
KristiAhlers @TheLudicReader I sadly don't own one but I visit as many as I can. Dream job though one day. 4mo
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#KatherineArden is becoming one of my favorite authors! #WarmHandsOfGhosts

Caroline2 Oh I just bought this the other day and can‘t wait to jump in. 👍 4mo
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Laura was injured on the front while she was serving as a nurse in WWI. She was sent home to Halifax to heal just in time to lose her parents in the Monte Blanc explosion in the harbor. When her brother Freddie‘s belongings are sent to her from the front, she heads back to Europe to figure out what happened to him.
Meanwhile, a mysterious man is luring soldiers to his hotel with wine & fiddle music.
Seriously one of the best books I have ever read

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#aardvark bookmail!

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That college humanities sequence really paying off recently

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During the Great War, a combat nurse searches for her brother, believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise, in this hauntingly beautiful historical novel with a speculative twist from the New York Times bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.

#aardvarkbookclub #magicalrealism #historicalfiction

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This should be interesting. Looking forward to this one.

#Aardvark @AardvarkBookClub

AardvarkBookClub It‘s a wonderful genre bending tale! We hope you love it ❤️ 5mo
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One of the few books I'm managing to read with this last bout of asthmatic bronchitis. It's very good so far. Katherine Arden is becoming a must read.

bthegood hope you feel better soon - 🙂 5mo
Bren912 You must be physically exhausted!! Feel better soon! 5mo
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 5mo
Susanita Bronchitis is the worst! Hope you feel better soon. 5mo
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London felt like limbo to her, the glittering center of the modern world become merely the war‘s antechamber.

Caroline2 I‘m looking forward to this one. 5mo
K.Wielechowski @Caroline2 it‘s excellent so far 5mo
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I went to a bookstore and only came out with one book. I have accomplished an impossible feat. 😂😂😂

Read about it here: https://wildwoodreads.com/2024/02/22/a-bookstore-and-a-restaurant-the-perfect-da...

Ruthiella A miracle! 👏👏👏 5mo
wildwoodreads It is! My husband was so proud 😂 5mo
Redfae 😂 This made me think of Galadriel (LOTR) when she passes the temptation of the one ring. 5mo
wildwoodreads @Redfae I‘m pretty sure that‘s the highest compliment I‘ve ever received tbh 😂😂😂 5mo
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Gaaaaah. The perfect blend of speculative and historical. I would do anything for Laura and Freddie, and the way the Faland reveal crept up slowly was just masterful. Showed the realities of the war without being completely fatalistic. A+. #historicalfiction #speculativefiction

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Arden is a masterful writer able to situate readers in a time & place with such effortless ease that before you even realize you‘ve been transported to the battlefields of WWI, you find yourself there struggling to survive, searching for the missing, &, impossibly, finding reason to hope & dream in the midst of the horror. This haunting story about a sister looking for her missing brother as war rages is fantastic. I really enjoyed this one.

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I really enjoyed this book! Historical fiction w/ mystery and supernatural elements.
WWI nurse Laura Iven lost her parents when a ship exploded in Halifax, Nova Scotia's port. She returned to the battlefields in search of her brother, her only remaining family member. In her search, she comes across the mysterious Faland, a being who comes & goes at whim, feeding off the despair surrounding
him. 5/5 ⭐ #NetGalley #TheWarmHandsOfGhosts

currentlyreadinginCO Also 5-starred this! 5mo
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I‘m very excited about the release of Katherine Arden‘s new book. I adored her Winternight trilogy and although the premise of this book is intriguing, I had sort of been hoping for another Russian setting. But I‘m happy anyway!

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A fun blend of historical fiction and fantasy in the vein of Mary Stewart and Simone St. James. This novel follows Laura Iven, an injured Canadian WWI nurse, who longs to find her younger brother, Freddie, a missing soldier. She finds help in unexpected places. Reality blurs with some characters facing an impossible choice: to rejoin the harsh, fast-changing real world or hide in an enticing fantasy world.

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Sometimes you need fantasy to help understand reality, because we cannot imagine such a fantastic time. I learned about WW1 because Katherine Arden taught me about the Fiddler, and the warm hands of ghosts.

And yeah, I'll remember this story for the rest of my life. So, five stars.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm This sounds right up my alley. Stacked! 7mo
currentlyreadinginCO It's so special 😌😌 and comes out Feb 13, I hope that you love it! @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 7mo
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Spent the last few days utterly immersed in this remarkable book. It is unlike anything Arden has published before but it is every bit as good, altho there are hints of Midnight and Chaos if you look carefully. One of the best ARCs I‘ve read this year. Get it in 2024.

currentlyreadinginCO I just started this arc and now I'm excited, great review! 7mo
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