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The Turquoise Shop | Frances Crane
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TheBookHippie 😅♥️ 11mo
TheSpineView Good luck! 11mo
Graywacke You got this! (And … enjoy trying) 11mo
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StayCurious Wow! 11mo
Ruthiella You can do it! 👍 11mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Oh the first of the month when we think we can read ALL the books 11mo
kspenmoll @Crinoline_Laphroaig True! 😂😂 11mo
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My husband gave this to me this past year. I just started it. My goal is to read a chapter per day if I can. #teachersoflitsy #achapteraday #porchlife

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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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My plans:
~Continue with Wolf #bookedintime
~Read next section of MessyLives #sundaybuddyread
~Read/catch up on A Room #achapteraday #pemberlittens
~ Finish GE & ZNH chapters in A Life, 40 pgs #ninewomenwritersbeginagain
~Read several ch. of Night Gate #kindle #Enzofilesseries #serieslove2023
~listen to 4 ch. Broken #a karenpirienovel #audible

Cinfhen Nice genre of books you‘ve got going 😊 13mo
Andrew65 Love Peter May! 12mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Early morning “ garden” breakfast. The overcast sky makes it cool & comfortable. #porchlife #coffeeandbooks #pemberlittens #achapteraday

BarkingMadRead Loooooove 13mo
Bklover Looks wonderful! 13mo
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My #weekendreads

Read 213/604 pages of Wolf Hall on the train to & from NYC today. #bookedintime #Cromwell #HenryVIII
Plan to finish section of Messy Lives #sundaybuddyread
Plan to Finish Nuns on 215/292 #nunlit
Continue reading A Life on 59/259 #ninewomenwritersbeginagain
Start to peruse To See Takes Time #MOMA #GeorgiaOKeefe
Read chapters for A Room #pemberlittens #achapteraday

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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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“ If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting for both of us and her.” (Mr.Beebe,24)

#pemberlittens #buddyread #hashtagbrigade #chapter3 #achapteraday

Bklover I can just picture her! #hashtagbrigade 13mo
BarkingMadRead Love this quote! 13mo
IndoorDame Great quote!!! 13mo
TheBookHippie I seriously added this to favourite quotes of the year. But also this means passion is inside bursting to get out 😳😅😂. 13mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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#coverlove #pemberlittens #buddyread #hashtagbtigade #achapteraday

In ch1 we meet the characters & have initial impressions of who they are & how they behave. Class is glaring at us, through the attitudes towards 2 characters.

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—Googleplex- finished this past week‘s chapter yesterday. Hope to catch up. Have to read slowly to process.
—Middlemarch- only on chapter 27 #achapteraday behind but enjoying this reread!
—Inspector Montalbano short stories. I read when I cannot sleep
—Jane and the Stillroom Maid, close to finishing.
—Lessons in Chemistry #bookclub meeting soon so I need to finish, but that‘s easy-I am savoring every detail!

Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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#weeklyforecast #audiomystery #Pemberlittens #achapteraday #sundaybuddyread #mystery

5 hours left of #audiomystery
#sundaybuddyread - read 1st section
#Pemberlittens -read one ch daily
Keep reading #mystery - about halfway thru

Librarybelle Nice choices! 3y
Cinfhen 💓 3y
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• Honestly, I am not following everything too closely. Bright side, I did learn the meaning of "regicide" (the killing of a king). I always love learning new words •


#achapteraday #LeoTolstoy #WarandPeace #thegreats #dailycheckin #doorstoppers #tomes #fiction #novels #russianliterature #russianlit #readharder #classicliterature #classics #currentlyreading #history #war

EadieB Love this book! 4y
bibliobliss @EadieB 😉 I'm trying to get into it!! 4y
EadieB @Readage I did the audio which was a bit easier. 4y
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bibliobliss @EadieB Yes, sometimes that really helps!! 4y
EadieB @Readage I even like to listen and follow along with the book. 4y
bibliobliss @EadieB I do that all the time!! 4y
EadieB @Readage it‘s great! Like having someone read to you! 4y
bibliobliss @EadieB Yes...and if the narration is superb it takes reading to a whole new level of enjoyment 4y
EadieB @Readage It sure does! Hope you enjoy the book! 4y
bibliobliss @EadieB thank you 4y
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