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Still Missing
Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
30 posts | 23 read | 37 to read
Alex Selky, going on seven, kissed his mother goodbye and set off for school, a mere two blocks away. He never made it. Desperate to find him, his mother begins a vigil that lasts for days, then weeks, then months. She is treated first as a tragic figure, then as a grief-crazed hysteric, then as anreminder of the bad fortune that can befall us all. Against all hope, despite false leads and thedesertions of her friends and allies she believes with all her heart that somehow, somewhere, Alex will be found alive. Beth Gutcheon builds a heartrending suspense that culminates in a climax you will never forget.
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Every step she took in the direction of a normal life was a step away from her lost child.
What I‘m trying to say is, there may come a time when you will have to consider…accepting…
Accepting what? That it‘s too painful to go on hoping, so I should give up on him? I should cut him off to save myself the inconvenience of missing him?

LeahBergen Isn‘t it well done? ❤️ 5mo
CarolynM 💔 5mo
BittersweetBooks @LeahBergen so well done! I can‘t believe it took me so long to find it and read it. 5mo
jlhammar Heart-wrenching read, but so very good. 4mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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#BookReport for February

All good reads, Still Missing was the standout.

Cathythoughts Yes, Still Missing is a stand out for me too ❤️👍🏻 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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This one‘s a gripper. We feel every moment along with Susan, mom of a missing kid. We feel every moment with the detective in charge of the case. And we feel thankful that our kids are grown up and we don‘t have to worry about them going missing. The ending brought tears to my eyes.

jlhammar Yes! This book just makes you feel so much, so deeply. Great review! 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review! Scary book , so well done. 5mo
CarolynM Great review. I‘m still marvelling at how much I liked this book, given the subject matter. 5mo
18 likes3 comments
Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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I read this with the sick feeling in my stomach that I have had on the (thankfully few) occasions when my kids were out significantly later than I expected. How much worse it would be to have a child actually go missing is beyond my imagination. I can‘t say I enjoyed this read, but I thought the exploration of the impact on the family, friends and neighbours, and also on the police, was masterful. More in spoiler comment below.

CarolynM I really liked that it looked at the situation where the police get it wrong & the impact that has. I also liked that Susan‘s refusal to accept that solution was seen by everyone as irrational, even though she had good reasons, as well as blind hope. While I was emotionally glad for the ending, I feel it was an unlikely one. And also that it left a whole other story to be told. 5mo
CarolynM Off to look at all the other reviews now🙂 5mo
BarbaraBB Great review. The feeling the book left me with comes back to me now. 5mo
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Cathythoughts Great review. I agree it was a difficult read , but so well written. And yes the ending did leave a whole other story to be told. Susan‘s thoughts / words at the end have stayed with me .. that this should be the ‘simplest moment of my life ‘ … when she sees him and their dog runs to him… I don‘t like to think about what her son must have gone through. I‘m glad we all read it together. It‘s good to be able to share the intensity of this one. (edited) 5mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM Yes! This is the sort of book that I REALLY avoid. I find that I can read all sorts of horrible, “out there” books but the reality of child abduction is just too visceral. I, too, was happy about the ending (for myself and my reading experience 😆) but it did seem implausible in the real world. (edited) 5mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts That‘s quite perfect way of putting it, Cathy. I‘m so glad we read it together and got to rehash the intensity of the book together! 5mo
willaful @CarolynM Yes, exactly this. There was so much devastation. What happens *now*?! 5mo
daena Great review, and indeed an ending that left an open story. 5mo
Tamra @CarolynM agreed, I felt there could be more to the story. I wanted to know how each of the characters moved on or didn‘t. (edited) 5mo
GlassAsDiamonds Oohh… Persephone edition… the glory! 5mo
jlhammar It really is beyond imagination. I was also grateful for the ending even though it left a lot unsaid/unexplored and we know their path forward will be difficult. Great review. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Heartbreaking, compelling, upsetting, and extremely moving. I was shocked by some of the turns the story took. I felt like I was sitting right beside Susan Selky, there in the late 1970s in her Boston home. I kept turning the pages, feeling like the more quickly I read, the sooner I might get some answers for Alex‘s mother. I quite admired her, and I appreciated the peek from Detective Menetti‘s perspective as well. (continued)

Caryl As you can see in the photo, I found my Persephone Biannually from the season it was published. I remember reading about it then. I never would have picked this one up on my own. I'm so glad I did. Thank you, @jlhammar & #PersephoneClub!

@LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @sisilia @CarolynM @daena @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Tamra @andrew61 @Cathythoughts @jlhammar @Karons1 @julieclair @willaful
(edited) 5mo
Caryl Also: Wanted to let you all know, in case any of you live near Bath, that Persephone's Morning Book Group will be discussing Still Missing on March 21st: https://persephonebooks.co.uk/pages/book-groups 5mo
CarolynM Yes, I admired Susan too, but I could see how easily she would be misunderstood. Great review. 5mo
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Cathythoughts Great review! The characters were so well written. I‘d love to go to Persephones Book Group for that discussion …… Dream on 😆 5mo
LeahBergen What a great review and I‘m so glad we read it together, too! I‘ve bought so many Persephone books over the years but always avoided this one. 😬 I‘m with you, @Cathythoughts … I‘d love to go to that book group, too! 5mo
jlhammar Fantastic review! I felt the same. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Adding to the sentiment that has been expressed before, it was rough and unsettling to read. Susan‘s point of view and raw emotion most definitely kept me hooked. I appreciated the study of how relationships around a person during a time of crisis and trauma morph into something unfamiliar and unexpected. #PersephoneClub

Tamra Great review! 5mo
LeahBergen Yes! I thought it was so interesting how her relationship with her friends changed especially. 5mo
willaful @LeahBergen Interesting and tragic. How are either of them going to come back from all this? 5mo
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jlhammar Great point about the relationships. That was really well done. 5mo
daena @willaful @LeahBergen especially Jocelyn. Who appeared to be quite toxic before it all began. 5mo
Tamra @willaful @LeahBergen I wondered afterwards whether they was or could be a sequel about the aftermath. The end felt a bit abrupt, as if she might have more to say. Talk about PTSD! I don‘t think I‘d ever let my kids ever do anything alone again and that would be terrible. 5mo
daena @Tamra agreed! 5mo
Caryl Yes, the relationships! I was especially interested Jocelyn, and Susan's downstairs neighbor, Margaret, intrigued me as well. The last two scenes with Susan and those characters were so well done. 5mo
LeahBergen @daena Jocelyn very quickly showed her true colours, didn‘t she? 😬 5mo
LeahBergen @Tamra All I could think about is “HOW is this kid gonna come out of this??” 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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What a very tense read which evoked both the troubling politics of the late 70s (homophobia) but also the trauma of a child's disappearance. Poor Susan is surrounded by a host of troubling friends + relatives esp ex h Graham. A v dramatic end had me on tenterhooks
#persephoneclub @LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @Aimeesue @CarolynM @jlhammar @Tamra @rubyslippersreads @sisilia @Ruthiella @Gissy @elkeOriginal @daena @Karons1 @julieclair @willaful @Caryl

jlhammar So tense! And same for me with that ending. Great review! 5mo
Aimeesue Troubling friends is right! Sheesh. 5mo
Tamra I was surprised at the homophobia, but I shouldn‘t have been. 5mo
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willaful @Tamra I know just what you mean. 5mo
LeahBergen @Tamra @willaful @andrew61 I was really worried there for a bit and thought, “Oh no! Is the author going to make the only gay character a pedophile???” 😬 5mo
Cathythoughts Yes , A very tense read ! So true to the time. I thought the story was written so well. 5mo
willaful @LeahBergen Yes. And I really want to know what happened to him! 5mo
Caryl The homophobia was disturbing. I hated that turn of events. Gutcheon did swerve to show things from another angle so that the homophobia was clear, and so I was somewhat relieved, but I still wish she had plotted that part differently. 5mo
CarolynM Great review, it was a very tense read for me too. As to the homophobia, in cases like this one I think it‘s still all too real - stuff Auberon Levy (the lawyer) said about why he wouldn‘t get involved is still there in people‘s minds today☹️ 5mo
andrew61 @willaful @jlhammar @Caryl @Cathythoughts @Tamra @Aimeesue Definitely a book to spark a lot of discussion. I liked Menetti + his interactions with his wife and Susan. It felt like every person susan was close to, he wd disclose something unsavoury about. The encounter that led to Phillipe's arrest was brutally described, + I'm relieved she did not take the bk in that direction also leah. Will be interested in yr thoughts Cathy on her other bks. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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What a compelling, engrossing book! And yet another I probably wouldn't have read on my own, given the grim subject matter. The time and place are so wonderfully evoked and I appreciate how complex Gutcheon's characters and storytelling are.


@Aimeesue @LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @Caryl @sisilia @Tamra @Ruthiella @CarolynM @Gissy @elkeOriginal @daena @Cathythoughts @andrew61 @jlhammar @Karons1 @julieclair @willaful

LeahBergen Look at that old cover! 👍 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review.. as you say the time , the place , the characters. So good. Love your book ❤️ 5mo
jlhammar It really was! Wonderful review. I hadn‘t seen that edition yet. Very cool! 5mo
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Tamra Love that edition cover! 5mo
Caryl That must be the original cover! Yes to complex characters. I really liked her writing style. 5mo
CarolynM Great review. Yes, to the complexity, that‘s what made it so satisfying for me. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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I avoided this one for a long time due to it being about a missing child, but I‘m glad I finally read it. The way Gutcheon follows the MC‘s thoughts is fantastic - not quite stream of consciousness, much more readable for me. Great writing, and the late ‘70s setting made me nostalgic but horrified - did we really not look for missing kids until 24 hrs later? Egad. (MA native, so I also enjoyed the Boston area setting) Recommended.

Tamra Crazy right - 24hrs? The panic! 5mo
jlhammar Yes! The way she was able to let the reader experience Susan‘s thoughts and feelings was masterful. 5mo
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LeahBergen Great review! Yes, I felt all ‘70s nostalgic, too. I kept thinking how much of the plot would be different if cell phones had been around then. 😆 5mo
Aimeesue @Tamra As if anyone who‘s actually met a six year old could believe they‘re deliver not coming home after dark! 5mo
Aimeesue @jlhammar SO well done! 5mo
Aimeesue @LeahBergen We wouldn‘t have had to chase that Graham down, that‘s for sure! 5mo
LeahBergen Exactly! 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review! Such a well written book. 👌🏻 5mo
Caryl Yes, it made me curious to read more books published in the late 70s. I also had fun Googling row houses in Boston to get an idea of where they lived. I bet the setting was very clear in your mind! 5mo
CarolynM Lovely review. There was a great sense of time and place. I certainly noticed the lack of mobile phones and the impact that had too @LeahBergen 5mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM I was like, “Just call him!” 😂 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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3⭐️ This novel really invited me to experience the hell parents have to go through when their child disappears without a trace. The story was set in the 80s and the reference to drugs and homophobia feels like a time travel to that era. #persephoneclub

Tamra Agreed, it is a time capsule! 5mo
LeahBergen I really enjoyed the throwback feel to that era. 5mo
Caryl Time travel, indeed! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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I had always avoided this Persephone novel as the subject matter (a missing child) seemed so disturbing. Well, it WAS disturbing but also utterly compelling and extremely well-written. It‘s best to go in without reading any blurbs or reviews as it does have some great twists.

A solid #PersephoneClub pick!

Aimeesue I‘ve avoided it for the same reason, but I absolutely agree that it‘s an excellent book. The writing is stellar. 5mo
Tamra I went in blind and the end of the first chapter was a punch in the gut! 5mo
rubyslippersreads I felt the same, but ended up gobbling it down. I‘d like to read more by this author. 5mo
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willaful Ah, I love your background there... 😍 I have some of the same Viragos. 5mo
jlhammar Yes, so compelling! Those are some lovely shelves you have there. 5mo
sarahbarnes Well I‘m stacking this now. 5mo
Cathythoughts Haunting book. I feel the same Leah. Compelling and so well written, as you say. 5mo
Cathythoughts Look at all those divine books. You are a connoisseur my friend 👌🏻❤️ 5mo
Hooked_on_books I don‘t think you have enough Persephones 🤔 5mo
batsy Shelf envy 😍😍 5mo
julieclair I had decided not to read this one because of the subject matter, but all these glowing reviews have me second guessing that decision. 5mo
LeahBergen @Aimeesue It really surprised me! 5mo
LeahBergen @Tamra I know! 😩 5mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads I know I read one of hers waaaay back in my junior high days. It was about a group of girls in an elite boarding school in the ‘60s. I‘m going to hunt it down again! 5mo
LeahBergen @willaful I can‘t resist them (especially when I find them for super cheap). I just add them to the stockpile. 😆 5mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar Thank you! 😊 5mo
LeahBergen @sarahbarnes The late ‘70s setting was really fun, too. I hope you enjoy it! 5mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Haha! Thanks, Cathy. 😘 5mo
LeahBergen @Hooked_on_books I don‘t. I don‘t have them ALL yet! 😂 5mo
LeahBergen @batsy 😆 Thanks, Suba! 😆 5mo
LeahBergen @julieclair I was surprised at just how well done it was. I shouldn‘t have worried; I mean, it‘s a Persephone book, right? 😆 5mo
britt_brooke 🤩 5mo
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen That the title that interested me too. 5mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads I thought it might! 5mo
sisilia I covet your stacks of Persephone and Virago 😻😻😻 5mo
CarolynM I‘ve just started. Will come back to read the comments when I‘m done. 5mo
LeahBergen @sisilia 😆 Thanks, Sisilia! 5mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM I always do that, too. 😊 5mo
Caryl I think my favorite parts were: Those first two pages, the description near the end of Susan remembering and missing Alex that was so sensory-intense (pages 332-333), and the ending. I thought it was genius to write the ending from the perspective of Detective Menetti. 5mo
CarolynM I wouldn‘t have chosen to read this one, but I‘m glad I did. I‘m also going to track down more of her work. I really liked that she took us far enough into the darkness to have an impact without descending completely into depravity. 5mo
LeahBergen @Caryl Oh, that‘s so true! That ending from his point of view WAS genius. 5mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM You are so right! My worry abound this one (going in) is that it would be TOO gruelling (ie; as to the mother‘s pain, etc) and it totally wasn‘t. It was such a … what‘s the word… approachable?… look into a profound and horrifying experience. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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An excruciating read, on so many levels. And I'm left full of questions. Looking forward to the #PersephoneClub discussion.

jlhammar Perfect image! You had mentioned reading and enjoying Gutcheon before. Any in particular you‘d recommend? I‘d like to try more of her work. 5mo
willaful @jlhammar I read Domestic Pleasures, which is quite different. Big story with lots of characters and a romance that keeps having terrible timing. Lots about parenting. 5mo
LeahBergen I‘m trying to remember (I should look back) if the blue car with the white tire was only “seen” by the three psychics or was it also see on the street that morning? 5mo
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willaful @LeahBergen Oh, I was wondering that too. 5mo
Cathythoughts I can‘t remember about the white tire either. But when he saw it I felt chills moving through me. @LeahBergen (edited) 5mo
willaful @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I found the place -- it was described by an actual witness, under hypnosis.
Cathythoughts @willaful Oh great. Well done 👍🏻 Excellent detail from the book. Will be remembered. 5mo
Caryl Excruciating is the perfect word. And good detective work locating the first mention of that detail! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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So, so good. Devastating, poignant, unputdownable. And what an ending!


LeahBergen I just started it last night! 👏 6mo
Tamra It is not one you can just stop in the middle of! 6mo
Cathythoughts Totally agree! And , yes , I keep thinking of that ending. ❤️👍🏻 6mo
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Cathythoughts I keep trying to find more by her , but no luck yet. 6mo
Caryl Thank you so much for suggesting we read this book! You chose three great words to describe it. Yes, the ending! I especially liked that it was told from Detective Menetti's perspective. (edited) 5mo
jlhammar @Caryl So glad this was a pick for you! I had no idea that I was nominating a Persephone that people had been avoiding, that was outside of their comfort zone. I just thought it sounded compelling and I trust that if Persephone prints it, it‘s worth reading! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Now , it‘s a dark and difficult book to read. The disappearance of a young child. It reads like a true crime book, suspenseful and brilliantly written. Character development is excellent. The far reaching effects of the missing boy and the psychological trauma is so well done. I loved this book. I‘d love to read more by Beth Gutcheon. Look forward to discussing it all , and the ending. Great book ! #PersephoneClub

Tamra Me too! 😊 6mo
Becker Nice artistic touch to your photo. I have that book on my shelf. Maybe it‘s time to pull it out. 6mo
jlhammar I‘m loving it so far. Look forward to reading more this evening. Great photo and review! 6mo
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andrew61 Great review Cathy, I'll have to move it up my list to read next. 6mo
CarolynM Lovely review, Cathy. I will get too it soon. 6mo
LeahBergen Great review, Cathy! I‘m going to get to it VERY soon. ❤️❤️ 6mo
Cathythoughts @andrew61 @CarolynM @LeahBergen Thanks guys. I‘m looking forward to hearing what ye think of it. 6mo
Cathythoughts @jlhammar It‘s very good ! Look forward to hearing what your final thoughts are ! 6mo
Cathythoughts @Becker Oh do ! Pull it out now 😁. 6mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Should be interesting 👍🏻❤️ 6mo
LeahBergen That ending! I was so surprised! 5mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I know ! Me too. And they can‘t contact her , And then when she comes upon the scene outside her house and she says this should be the most simple moment of her life.. and the dog running over to him. What an ending ❤️ I loved the ending. 5mo
Caryl I loved that the ending was told from the perspective of Detective Menetti, and then switched to Susan in the last pages. I needed Alex to be found and to come home to his mom. That reunion was so beautiful and sad. 5mo
Cathythoughts @Caryl I agree, Im glad we got to experience Menetti‘s feelings in the ending , and that his son was there too, that brought another dimension to it all. 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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I don‘t know if I would have picked this book on my own, because the subject matter was so painful. But I absolutely raced through it, and would definitely try other books by this author.


@quietjenn @Caryl @sisilia @CarolynM @daena @LeahBergen @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Tamra @andrew61 @Cathythoughts @Karons1 @julieclair @willaful @jlhammar

Tamra Yes! I‘m curious about her other titles. It was certainly a fast paced, agonizing thriller. 6mo
Tamra Was this made into a film? I can see it working. 6mo
rubyslippersreads @Tamra Yes, I think back in the 80s. Unfortunately, I can only find it on Starz, which I don‘t have, or I‘d watch it. 6mo
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LeahBergen I was thinking the same thing about the subject matter. 😬 I‘ll be starting right after I finish my IRL bookclub pick (as I know I‘ll want to read it straight through)! 6mo
Cathythoughts Yes , I agree. It‘s a difficult read. But so good. I raced through as well.. must put up my review too. So well written 👍🏻❤️ 6mo
Cathythoughts I want to try other books by her too. But I‘m finding it hard to get them.. 6mo
jlhammar Yes, so painful, but I‘m so impressed by the writing and completely gripped so far. Can‘t wait to get back to it this evening. I was also wishing I could watch the film, but I don‘t have Starz either. 6mo
elkeOriginal I remember the movie! When I read the book summary I immediately remembered it and had to look it up. Judd Hirsch as the detective. 6mo
Caryl I felt the same way! I was hesitant to give it a try, but I decided to trust Persephone Books -- and all of you! I'm very glad I read it. (I bet Judd Hirsch was a great Detective Menetti. And Stockard Channing as Jocelyn!) 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Flew through this one - it was gripping! The mother‘s attempt to quell the panic when her son is late coming home from school is so well written. Spot on!

🤫 Mum‘s the word until fellow #Persephoneclub friends have read it.

Tamra Definitely unlike any other Persephone I‘ve read yet - it‘s a modern thriller. 6mo
daena I‘m really enjoying it so far. The pacing is impressive 6mo
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jlhammar Wow, finished already! 6mo
Tamra @jlhammar it‘s because of the pacing like @daena says - it sucks you in and you‘ve got to know! 6mo
CarolynM Looking forward to getting started on this one🙂 6mo
batsy A modern thriller Persephone! That sounds super intriguing. 6mo
Cathythoughts I‘m only seeing this now. But , yes I flew through it too, I‘d love to read more of her. 6mo
Tamra @CarolynM once you start you won‘t want to put it down! 6mo
Tamra @batsy it‘s definitely out of the norm. 6mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts yes and funny I‘d never seen her name before. I‘m curious as well. 6mo
Caryl It is definitely a page-turner. So much so that I felt like my turning of the pages would help solve the case! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Gasp! 😳 I just read the opening chapter.

I didn‘t read the blurb in advance.

BarbaraBB Yes, it‘s not your typical Persephone! 6mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB yes, riveting! 6mo
Tamra She knows how to drop bombshells at the ends of chapters. 6mo
jlhammar Yes! I stayed up too late starting this last night. Didn‘t want to stop. Eager to get back to it today. 6mo
LeahBergen I‘m excited to get started! 👏👏 6mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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It‘s now February so that means it‘s time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!

@jlhammar ‘s pick for us this month is Still Missing by Beth Gutcheon. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other‘s posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that‘s not written in stone. 😉 And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!

@LeahBergen post https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2699298

LeahBergen Thanks for sharing! 6mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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It‘s now February so that means it‘s time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!

@jlhammar ‘s pick for us this month is Still Missing by Beth Gutcheon. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other‘s posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that‘s not written in stone. 😉 And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!

Tamra Pulling it off the shelf now! 👏🏾 Thanks for the reminder because I can‘t believe it‘s February! (edited) 6mo
Cathythoughts Thankyou ! I have my lovely copy , I confess to having started already and it‘s unputdownable …. 👍🏻❤️ 6mo
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BarbaraBB Such a good book, enjoy! 6mo
jlhammar Can‘t wait to get started! 6mo
LeahBergen @Tamra Where did January go?? 6mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Oh, that‘s good to hear. I feel like something unputdownable right now! 6mo
LeahBergen @Liz_M Thank you! 6mo
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB I noticed that you enjoyed it! 👍 6mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar Me, too! 6mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts yay! Now I want to start right away. 6mo
Caryl Looking forward to this! 💖 6mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen @Tamra January flew by !! @jlhammar It‘s so good.. 😳 I‘m flying through it. 6mo
LeahBergen @Caryl So am I! 👏 6mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Yay! 👏👏 6mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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repost for @LeahBergen

Here we are, #PersephoneClub … our 2024 reading schedule! It looks like it‘s going to be another great year. 🩶

As always, anyone on Litsy is welcome to join in and read along and discuss with us at any time.

Original post:

LeahBergen Thanks for the share! 8mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Reading like a true crime book, this is the story about the disappearance of six-years old Alex Selky, and its effects on his mother Susan. When all are picking up the pieces and try to cope with what happened, she can‘t. She becomes estranged from her friends and family. It all feels so realistic. As a mother I can relate to Susan, as a partner to her husband, as a woman to her friends. It‘s painful to read and very well written. ⬇️⬇️ #persephone

BarbaraBB And I think, although it may not seem so at first, that the book is quite progressive, regarding that is was published in 1980. 4y
Cathythoughts Sounds good 4y
squirrelbrain Sounds like a good one.... 4y
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Megabooks Stacking great review 4y
Kalalalatja Stacked! 4y
Reggie Wow, stacked. 4y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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#WeeklyForecast 50/20

I am having The Altruists (not pictured) in progress but also started The Book of Disquiet for #ReadingEurope2020 and A Tale for the Time Being, to make a head start for #ReadingAsia2021. Luck is one from the bottom of my TBR (I can‘t even remember why I bought it) and Still Missing is a gorgeous #persephone I bought and totally blame on @Reviewsbylola 💕

Cinfhen How many more days to vacation??? 4y
squirrelbrain I have A Tale for the Time Being, and hadn‘t even thought of it for @readingasia2021.... 🤔 4y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Five days of work. Or four, maybe I‘ll be finished by Friday! 😘 4y
cathysaid ❤️ A Tale for the Time Being 4y
Kalalalatja A Tale for the Time Being has been on my radar for years, but I keep forgetting about it 🤦‍♀️ 4y
LeahBergen I‘m eager to hear what you think of Still Missing (I don‘t own that one yet 😆). 4y
Reviewsbylola I loved that Persephone published Still Missing because it‘s a more recent book, so it feels a bit different than their other books. 4y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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This #bookhaul is totally #blameitonlitsy but I‘m happy with it 😍

JoScho I really enjoyed Behind Her Eyes 👀 6y
Kalalalatja Persephone 😍😍 6y
emilyhaldi Ooohhh I spy a #persephone 💗 6y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi That‘s the one I blame on you and your family 😘 6y
sisilia Behind Her Eyes freaked me out 😰 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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This was the most thoughtful child abduction stories I‘ve ever read. Given the subject matter, I expected a fast paced read with lots of twists and turns. Obviously I‘m used to the mediocre thrillers that are published by the hour these days. 😂 This was so much more. Quieter, but with a constant tension, Gutcheon looked deeper into the ripple affect that such a tragedy causes. #Persephone #pop18

emilyhaldi Oooohh a thriller that i might like?!🤞🏻 6y
BarbaraBB This sounds great. Which #popsugar prompt did you use it for? 6y
vivastory This sounds fantastic 6y
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LeahBergen I‘ve heard such good things about this one! 6y
Mdargusch Great review. I wonder if I bought this one? 🤔 6y
Reviewsbylola A book set in the decade you were born. @BarbaraBB Originally though I was planning on reading a different book and I still hope to get to it. 6y
BarbaraBB @Reviewsbylola that decade won‘t work for me 👵🏻😂! The Bonfire is great, I am almost sure you‘ll love it. I hope you‘ll get to it soon! 6y
Eyelit I really liked this one, too. Great review! 6y
Cinfhen Sounds really good! 6y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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It‘s been a long day. Time to unwind with a #bathandbook. This is an interesting one. From what o can tell, it was originally published in the early 80s, which is also when it takes place. About a missing boy, it feels eerily similar to the case of Adam Walsh. Like most Persephones though, it‘s more introspective.

KellyHunsakerReads Who makes the bath bomb? 6y
Captivatedbybooks Omg i thought that was a small cake! 6y
Robothugs That‘s a bath bomb?! 6y
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Reviewsbylola Lolol. It‘s the Valentine‘s Day version of Tisty Tosty bath bomb from Lush. It smells like rose and also has little rose buds in it. When you get a fresh one, it‘s one of their most amazing bath bombs ever. 😍 🌹 @Hunsakermountain @Captivatedbybooks @Robothugs 6y
Robothugs 😳 Whoa. Well I bet that is AMAZING. You enjoy that book & bath 😂 6y
Mdargusch I‘ll be anxious to hear how you like the book 6y
TheNextBook I just recently got into bath bombs and I am terrified to go to Lush. I want to keep my money in my wallet! 😳 6y
Reviewsbylola You will never have a bath bomb as good as Lush‘s. And you will be out a lot of money. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 @TheNextBook 6y
Hollie I thought that was a snack, but then realized it was a bath bomb- if looks so fun! 6y
emilyhaldi Perfect night 💗 6y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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My morning has a London vibe to it. 🇬🇧 I was thrilled to have the opportunity to visit Persephone Books on my trip last month and although I didn‘t purchase this particular book on my trip, I have made it my mission to read more from my #Persephone stacks.

emilyhaldi Yes!!! 🙌🏻 I have a feeling I won‘t find a Persephone book I don‘t like 🤞🏻 6y
LeahBergen Sigh. 😍😍 6y
Mdargusch I need to start doing some Persephone reading. 6y
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Sarah83 That mug 😍 6y
AmberWB I want that mug!! 6y
minkyb ❣️ 6y
Gissy Beautiful mug! 😱😍❤️ 6y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Yet another monthly #persphone selection. This is the gift that keeps on giving. Now I need to actually read them. 😂 #bookmail

daena 😍 7y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻 get reading!! This one sounds interesting... Different than the other Persephone's I've seen ❤️ 7y
Mdargusch That helps! 7y
Reviewsbylola I know, it‘s a very recent book for them. @emilyhaldi 7y
LeahBergen 😍😍😍 7y
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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I've been MIA on the challenge lately, so I'm rejoining with a really good one for the #missing prompt... a young boy disappears and the reader witnesses the fallout. It was one of my earlier #persephonebooks reads - and it's a gripping and heart wrenching read. Couldn't put it down. #maybookflowers

Mdargusch I love Persephone books!❤ 7y
quirkyreader Wonderful bookmark. 7y
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