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Veleno d'inchiostro
Veleno d'inchiostro | Cornelia Funke
Un libro di penna e spada, carta e fuoco, sangue e inchiostro: difficile non finirci dentro! Dopo Cuore d'inchiostro tornano Lingua di Fata, Resa e Fenoglio, perch "le storie non finiscono mai con l'ultima pagina"
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Sang d'encre | Cornelia Funke
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A grey, rainy bastille day, I might as well eat croissants and finish my book :)

BookishMarginalia Bon appetit! 3y
julesG Same here, but without the croissants. Asked my kids what Bastille Day was and they both said "that British band had an important concert?!" ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ Ah well, they know how long the 30-years war lasted. ?? 3y
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catsuit_mango @julesG i thought you were in Germany? Or do you get the day off for another reason? 3y
julesG I'm in Germany. Summer holidays for the kids and me here in grey and wet Westfalia. 3y
julesG No day off in Germany. But I try to drum some general knowledge into my kids. These days, it seems, I'm failing miserably. 3y
catsuit_mango @julesG if that's any consolation I do not know a lot of French who would even know when and what the German national holiday is... 3y
catsuit_mango October 3d,reunification (but I lived in Germany) 3y
julesG Yep, 3rd October - but I have no idea why they chose that date over 9th November, the day the Berlin Wall fell. In general though, I'm a sponge when it comes to trivia. I just soak it up. Unfortunately, I can't always access the knowledge when I need to. 😬 3y
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Sang d'encre | Cornelia Funke
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Afternoon reading spot

Kaylamburson 😍😍 3y
Traci1 I love this series. 3y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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It‘s also a really nice book but the first one was better.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I kept thinking I only had Inkheart and meant to get book 2. The joke is on me because I realized last night I already have book 2. Oops! Book hoarder problems. I enjoyed the movie version of Inkheart (2008) even though it was a bit different. Probably because Brendan Fraiser was in it. Actually it has a pretty great cast all around. #tbrpile

iread2much Did you read in the author‘s notes how she wrote the series hoping Brendon Frazier would play the MC? That‘s always creeped me out a bit, even though he is one of my favorite actors. 3y
iread2much *Frasier. Autocorrect 😓 3y
bookishbitch @iread2much OK, that is definitely a bit extra for sure. 3y
iread2much @bookishbitch 😅 totally 3y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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That‘s book 27 of 2020 done.

I enjoyed this one better than the first book and am interested to know how the series ends but it‘s not a favorite.

#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2020

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Snakes by Bastille

Books about/featuring snakes in the story or on the cover.

One of my currently reading featuring a snake on the cover. My guess from reading the first book is that this snake will show up in the story at some point but I‘ll have to continue reading to find out.

#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2020 #btbjuly20

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke

Summary: Although a year has passed, not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of Inkheart, the book whose characters came to life— and changed her life forever

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke

Genre: Fantasy
Author: Cornelia Funke
Date Started: Monday, November 11, 2019.
Date Finished: Wednesday, November 27, 2019.
Why I chose this book: I was also told about the book and thought it would be a nice book to read.

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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Late start for #inktober2019 but the important thing is doing art. I thought of a magician conjuring a ring of magic


Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I‘ve seen a lot of open invitations so I‘m joining in the fun. 🤗

#7covers7days #covercrush

📷: Google because my copy is in storage 👎🏼

rockpools Great cover! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Finished! 456 pages read in this today, and about a dozen in the Hazel Wood #summersendreadathon

Clwojick Yay! Way to go 🙌🏻 This looks like a great book, so it‘s been added to the #NeverEndingTBR 😂 5y
wideeyedreader @Clwojick Thanks! This series is one of my all-time favorites, I really recommend them! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Post-dinner update! I‘ve been reading so much today my eyes are starting to hurt a little, but it‘s okay bc I love this book! #summersendreadathon

Clwojick 😂 Same my eyes are not impressed with reading this much with contacts in. 5y
wideeyedreader @Clwojick Oh, I can imagine not! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Update for #summersendreadathon! I think I‘m making pretty good progress so far @Clwojick

Clwojick You're doing great! 😍 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I'd almost forgotten that I'd found the first one slow at times & just remembered that it eventually became really charming. This was similar. Some parts dragged forever, but still I wanted to know what would happen next. I still enjoyed Dustfinger, Mo, & Elinor, but found Farid & Fenoglio absolutely impossible at times. They never thought about consequences of their actions! But I continue to love the idea of a book about loving books & words.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Week 3 Check-in: I'm doing this late b/c I was finishing the tagged book tonight. Thanks to a lot of dancing to BSB last night, I'm at 180 min. of activity - a full hour extra! I've read 4/8 books so I'm right on track for the halfway point. For the optional challenge, I'm including Anne of Green Gables, which isn't specifically a motivational text, but I realized this year that I find it really inspirational in its messages of hope & love.

wanderinglynn Not late! It‘s only 9pm here. Way to go! 🙌🏻 A fantastic week! 🎉 5y
Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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jmtrivera @wanderinglynn Haha, thanks! It's midnight here, but I didn't want to forget my check-in! 5y
jmtrivera @Megabooks Thanks!!! 5y
sudi 👏👏👏 5y
BarbaraJean I love Anne of Green Gables being motivational/inspirational for you! 💜💜 (edited) 5y
jmtrivera @sudi Thanks! 5y
jmtrivera @BarbaraJean I realized a few months ago that it's just so uplifting and full of kindness. I've been a more positive person since beginning my audio reread, and I'm not usually a negative person to begin with, so that takes some doing. 😄 5y
crazyspine I remember reading that series when I was a little girl with my mother. 5y
jmtrivera @crazyspine Oh, that's sweet! 💜 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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So far, I'm at 80/120 minutes of exercise this week, and starting to get my food back on track after 4th of July weekend. I hope to be finished with 2 more books by the end of the week too! Good start to #BFCr2 Week 3!
@Crazyspine, @laurar311, @WriterAtHeart,
@mc916, @Honeybeegirl, @BookishBelle, @BookBridget, @Econaghan

wanderinglynn w00t! Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
Purrfectpages I never thought of putting chick peas and strawberries together. 5y
Lcsmcat Are there cucumbers in that too? 5y
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jmtrivera @Purrfectpages It was my experiment today. Not bad, actually, though I felt like it needed something else. I'll have to keep tweaking. 5y
jmtrivera @Lcsmcat Yes! I love cucumbers. One of my favorite refreshing treats! 5y
crazyspine Looks so healthy 5y
Lcsmcat @jmtrivera It looks delicious. Maybe with a little red wine vinaigrette. Yum! 5y
jmtrivera @Lcsmcat Ooh, I should try that! 5y
jmtrivera @crazyspine And yummy too! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Tonight's 30 minutes completes my 2 hours of exercise for #BFCr2! And I'm nearly halfway through book 3 of 8. Doing okay, I think! 👍💪🏻

@Crazyspine, @laurar311, @WriterAtHeart,
@mc916, @Honeybeegirl, @BookishBelle, @BookBridget, @Econaghan

BookishBelle You‘re doing great! 🎉 5y
jmtrivera @BookishBelle Thanks! I'm feeling pretty good about it! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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A thunderstorm and a full brain mean mint tea and a quick chapter.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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July's TBR looks packed, but isn't that what summer breaks are for? #JulyTBR

wanderinglynn Some of my faves on that list. 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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1/5⭐ Slooooow. The narration was very much: "Something minor happens, like a butterfly flying past...or did it?" *long philosophical inner character thoughts & entire background explanations for their current emotions* I don't think there was any consistency in how the book/real world connection works. I didn't care for Brendan Fraser's audio narration. His speed varied greatly, making it difficult to understand, and he emphasized words strangely.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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All of these I have lined up to read soon. But I can't decide which to read NOW. 😕
What do you think?

Nitpickyabouttrains You know my vote is les mis in space 5y
jmtrivera @Nitpickyabouttrains But is it too soon? Will all my Feels be calm by meeting time? I don't want to have misdirected Feels! 🤔 5y
Nitpickyabouttrains A valid point. But I want to talk about it!!! 5y
jmtrivera @Nitpickyabouttrains I am taking that as your commitment to be my Feels outlet. 😂 5y
elkeOriginal Obelisk Gate! 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke

Finally got round to finish it. It‘s a really good book with a very good sense of character development. Many frustrating characters like Orpheus and Feneglio but the Black Prince and Dustfinger make up for their arrogance. I‘m excited to start reading the next one!

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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As you can see by the Sunshine sticker on the front cover, this was my most read novel as a young reader. After doing my book boost about this F novel, I decided to read it again, and WOW. I forgot captivated I get into this book, and I also picked up on hundreds of new details. Using my teacher hat, imagining using this book as an IR or a LC in my classroom would be amazing! I also did some research this time around while reading.

kennedimartin https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/activities/teaching-content/inkheart-flashli... would be a great resource to use in the classroom for pre and post comprehension questions. Using ESOL 36, teachers can spark their students imaginations and comprehension. Using UDL principles 2.1 and 2.2 can help any student comprehend the text better and get a deeper understanding for the plot. #lae3414sp19 5y
alexandracarpenter I loved these books when I was in elementary school! The ESOL strategy you chose would work really well with these books and I think that any classroom would benefit from having this series. 5y
audrey.wilson I had never heard of these books until your book boost! They sound amazing and truly captivating, can‘t wait to ready them. 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke

So far, it‘s really good. A really interesting story to read a book in a book! Can definitely see the character development from the original characters, just hoping that the plot doesn‘t get too lost.

Had to put it on stand by for now as I‘m reading a book for a book club but will get back to it when I can

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I had a really hard time getting through this book, and I had a hard time putting my finger on why... one thing that was weird to me: it seemed the author wanted us to judge Fenoglio for writing such evil villains and dark plots... but... Funke was the one writing them. It was all very meta to me, and it made me focus more on being unhappy about villains and plots and less on enjoying the story. It felt a bit clumsy to me.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Excited to start book two of the series! I may purposefully take this one slow, to give book three time to arrive.

Traci1 Love this series. ❤❤ 5y
EastWind76 @Traci1 I just noticed your profile picture... is that K9?? ❤❤❤ 5y
Traci1 @EastWind76 yes it is. 😁 5y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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monalyisha Adore! 6y
TK-421 ❤️ 6y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Mo‘s magical reading ability and steadfast devotion to his family makes him my #favoritewitchorwizard #newhogwartsadventure

vkois88 I don't think I finished this one... though his familial devotion WAS the quality of the character that I can remember 6y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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popped up on my Facebook memories from 2 years ago. wish I was at the beach today. This was a reread if one of my all time fave trilogies


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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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“You know, I think that a book always keeps something of its owners between its pages.” ~ Inkspell - Cornelia Funke

#bookquotes #bibliophilequotes #fantasy

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I‘ve had the urge over the last few days to return to this old favorite from my young reader years 🙂 It‘s one of my literary happy places, and doesn‘t it have the loveliest cover? 😍🖌📖

TK-421 I loved the Inkworld books! I've also been thinking I need to re-read them 6y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I just finished this and can't wait to read the third. I'm listening on audiobook, but bought these lovely used hardcovers for my shelf.

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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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I had never seen this edition but it's gorgeous!!

Rachbb3 It is! 6y
Zelma Wow, that is gorgeous! 6y
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Tintenblut | Cornelia Funke
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I started the first book in this series (Tintenherz/Inkheart) more than ten years ago but for some reason I bailed on it. Just after Christmas I finally picked it up again and I'm now on book two. Even though the story did not (yet) manage to captivate me quite as much as I hoped it would, I'm really glad I gave it a second chance because it is so imaginative and beautifully written.

#currentlyreading #CorneliaFunke #germanbooks #ya #Tintenblut

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke


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Tintenblut | Cornelia Funke
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Aus dunklem Wald kommt Hoffnung hell,
die Fürsten tut's verbittern.
Sein Haar ist schwarz wie Maulwurfsfell,
er lässt sie Mächt'gen zittern.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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This book was quite a lot slower than Inkheart, so it took me a lot longer to get through it. The plot was again really strong, and I loved the World of Ink, but I felt it lacked a lot of character development.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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This is a recent acquisition that is #blue - the snake on the cover, in particular. I found it at Recycled Reads during one of my monthly visits. I need the other two in the series so I can give them to my friend for her kids. I was excited by its great condition! #30daysofreadathon

LibrarianRyan I LOVED inkheart. I really need to read the rest of the series. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @LibrarianRyan I didn‘t read Inkdeath, I think. I used to have copies of at least the first two but if I still have them they‘re in storage. 7y
LibrarianRyan @jpmcwisemorgan I think I left my copy of Inkheart in the teacher set I created. It had everything written and highlighted so that the page numbers in the booklet made sense to the next person to use the set. 7y
BarbaraJean I loved Inkheart, but got so frustrated with the other two! She throws in a whole new unnecessary complication at the end of this one that felt like it was only there so she could make it a trilogy. I guess it didn't stop me from reading the third one, though... 😏 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @BarbaraJean I kind of think that‘s why I didn‘t finish the series. It‘s been a long time so maybe I‘ll revisit. 7y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Love when a fantasy book has a map in of the its world/land.
Anyone else?

#maps #somewhereelse #inkspell #cornellafunke #commutingbibliophile #trainreads

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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#currentlyreading Inkspell ✨

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Don't mind me, just crying over my favorite characters.

Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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The fingers of a good book #booktattoo

MrBook 😎👌🏻🙌🏻 7y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke
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Cheering on all the #readathon participants!! 🎉🎉I had to work all day, so I wasn't able to take part, but it looks like everyone has read some fantastic books! And so my TBR pile grows! 😉📚Reading until I fall asleep...😴

bmsddk Thanks! Hope you have a great night read 🌛 8y
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Inkspell | Cornelia Funke

I read Inkheart and loved it so I started this one and never finished it, it was pretty bland.