Everyone should embrace this trait 📚
Enjoy your book 📖
Everyone should embrace this trait 📚
Enjoy your book 📖
So I've done the procrastinate thing again🤣😭 but I have all my unanswered #LitsyLove letters organized and tomorrow I'm going to sit down and just finally catch up before it becomes an even bigger overwhelming mess. Lord help me. 🤦 If I do this I think I'll be able to focus properly on a book without streeeess
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1) Yes. I start other books, often ones that I then procrastinate on by starting yet more books. Visit Litsy. 🙈🙈🙈
2) At 3 ch/30 pp/30% if they are very boring/off-putting. When the urge to whack the author/characters over the head with the hardcover edition (in large print) gets too strong. When the inaccuracies outshine the plot/characters; founding member of the #HistoricalFictionInaccuracyAnnoyanceSupportGroup
Sending this package for the winterswap. Fingers crossed it will reach @mellissimo in time..
#Litsylove #winterswap #Sinterklaas-giftpaper #procrastination
I‘m two assignments away from finishing my master of information management (library) course and I‘ve hit a major procrastination phase. I just can‘t seem to sit down for any length of time and get them done. This is not at all like me!! I just keep finding myself making excuses to read instead of work. Argh!!
Some #Litsylove #bookmail going out today. Yes, 2 out of the 3 are late. I am hoping that mailing priority will help catch up the time.
@vkois88 @Mommamanzi @Avanders @Shadowfat
This used to be my desk. There‘s two more stacks behind these three! Plus a view of the other side of my floor stacks. I really need to do a cull, but it‘s so hard to get rid of my babies😭 Plus I have a huge stack put aside for the #MegaGiveaway I‘m planning for when I hit either 1500 followers or 250,000 litfluence, whichever comes first👍
Sitting here tonight, contemplating just how long it‘s gonna take me to dust, reorganize, cull, catalog & reshelve my entire collection. This is only half of one side of my library. There‘s the other half, the other side which includes 5 stacks on my “desk” plus the two large bookcases in the lounge room.😱 Please send help!! #upshitcreekwithoutapaddle #organisethismariekondo #hotmesslibrary #isithoardingifitsbooks
Saturday morning chores...
This is a read-in-one-sitting book from a philosophy academic & chronic procrastinator who doubts that complicated filing systems are ever quite going to work for us. Instead he advocates self-deception, giving yourself permission to not do a perfect job (even if you've never done a perfect job in your life) and loud music early in the morning. And coffee. It's very tongue-in-cheek but it's fun. And my alarm is set for Imelda May o'clock tomorrow!
Reminds me of all the great displays @MrBook and all the other #LitsyLibrarians make!
1. 39
2. Nope. Only child
3. Yes, I have 2 wonderful gremlin children.
4. The Wise Man's Fear, Rogues, Sandman
5. The Hobbit, Treasure Island, People of the Lakes, so many more...
6. 😀
7. Awesome (I may be stuck in the 90's)
8. That I'm a nature nerd.
9. Both
10. All of them!
11. The tagged book. 😒
12. @HelloImJez
#hallowhoareyou @Gyldholm
If you haven‘t received your #halloweengoespotal package yet, it could be coming from me!
I suck at this.
Received mine earlier this week, yay!
Should be doing any number of other things right now but instead I'm going to spread out my book collection onto both halves of the living room shelves. #shelfie
I have this down to a T! Just think of all the extra reading time I'd get, if I just *did* the important thing straight away.
#MyOwnWorstEnemy #90sinJuly @Robothugs @Cinfhen
I filled my iPad with a few options for my #24in48. I've got a stack of books on my nightstand. I think I'm ready
So somehow I've filled in most of February and March but still need a podcast guest in the next two weeks. Maybe it's you!
Working from home is very convenient....unless you fill your office with books that keep distracting you. Can't seem to get any work done today-just want to pick up a book and call it a day 🙄
I've been having so much fun with @Litsy that my productivity has gone way down. So I had to leave myself this little reminder because self control and adulting are hard. 😂😂😂 #bookwormproblems #litsyaddict
Nothing like waiting until the night before you're leaving for your trip to get all of your $h!t done! Procrastinator's unite!