Another concern about the AI aspect.
Another concern about the AI aspect.
Hey NaNoWriMo folks, some not great news: https://pivot-to-ai.com/2024/09/02/nanowrimo-gets-ai-sponsor-says-not-writing-yo...
Who's doing #NaNoWriMo ? 😜😁
First year "offically" doing Nano...because, why not? It's 2020 ? Let's see how far I get before going crazy... good luck to all who are participating!
Feel free to add me as a buddy! #NaNoWriMo #Nano2020
Took some time out of #Scarathlon reading to start this free #nanowrimo prep course I found on insta run by #influuntpublishing I keep signing up for November nano and camp nano and then contributing nothing but I‘m determined to at least get started again! Like has been stressful between work and hubbys health issues and aside from reading, writing is something I want to get back to. Who else is writing in November?
#scarathlon #teamstoker #nanowrimo #halloween
😱🙀😿😢😭 Halloween is almost over. It really is my favorite holiday. The weather has been awful today and sadly we live in an area where there are no TorT.
1 point participation
Okay. As I read this article it made me angry. The author is kind of a dick and I don't really agree. I mean...no 'really' about it. I just don't agree.
However, by the end of the article, I saw their point (as poorly delivered as it was).
Celebrate the reader. That part I like. As we are all readers here...and encourage one another daily on being such, it makes me smile. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
I still haven‘t written a thing. I know what happens, I just haven‘t started writing it yet.
#nanowrimo #campnanowrimo #nano #campnano #nanofail #july #camp
Weekend mission: getting caught up with #nanowrimo
I wanted more time than l intended (l got up so late today!) But l still hope to make it!
I haven‘t updated in awhile, I‘ve been lucky to have time to sit down and pluck away. I didn‘t jump from my modest 6000 words to over 40k in a single day, I r just been too lazy to update. It‘s very very rough, I‘m sure I‘ll scrap a lot of it in the end but this is great progress, nevertheless!
And I‘m off to a....slow start. I really wanted to hammer away tonight but it‘s just not happening. But I‘m happy with what I have so far. Good luck to all who are participating!
Today kicks off National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo.
Best of luck to all who are participating this year; make that novel happen! 📖
I‘m with you in spirit; I‘m editing my novel this month as my own “nano goal”.
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
1. I'd like to finish all the books l started (or scheduled) for readalongs l never finished. At least three of them
2. Yes, it will be my 13th. But November is shaping up as a tough month.
3. The dark days inviting fire in the fireplace
4. Happy November to my awesome #HobbitHistory travel buddies @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey @wordslinger42 @eanderson 🙌
Is it time to panick yet?
I mean, l have done basically nothing for #NaNoWriMo so far and there's only just a week to go.
Excuse me while l get a bit panicked now.
I know some of y‘all are writers and will be giving NaNoWriMo a try and guess what? Story Bundle has you covered! https://storybundle.com/nano
Who's getting ready for #NaNoWriMo?
Who‘s doing Camp Nanowrimo in July? I just decided I would. Anyone want to be in the same cabin?
Going to get some serious writing done in a few minutes. Anyone else still #nanowrimo ing? I'm at 30k so far and feeling fine! #amwriting #amtired #unrelatedphoto
I stopped by the library today to pick up my holds. And other books because I have a sickness. 😂 I saw this poster on the side of a shelf and thought it was a great reminder. So nano-ers... have you written today? #nanowrimo
I decided to do #nanowrimo after all. I‘m horribly behind, and will probably (most definitely) not finish but decided it will be good practice for next year. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. #amwriting
I'm taking part in #NaNoWriMo for the 12th time. And no, it doesn't get easier with practice 😄😨
Who else is partecipating? Let's jam together! 🙌🙌🙌
I'm expanding on a short story l wrote at the beginning of the year, an historical fantasy set in 1920s Germany and lovely based on Snow White
Started writing my words today at lunch!
Yes, that‘s my handwriting: loopy curvy cursive! 🖊📝
So this is my first NaNoWriMo. I'm less nervous about the story and more nervous about the website. Do I write my story on the site? Or can I write it anywhere, post my word count, and then at the end post the story (assuming I make it 🙄 schedule for Nov is starting to pile up) I'm sure I'm sweating the small stuff, but ya know, want to be as involved as I can! #nanowrimo2017 #help
Just a quick #NaNoWriMo check in...how are my fellow Litten Wrimos doing? I'm planning this weekend's writing right now. Going into today, I am running about a day's worth of words behind on my plan. Not too bad, considering how hard the election hit me. I hope to get caught up, and maybe a little ahead, between my writing today & tomorrow. Hope y'all are doing well, having fun & doing well on your word counts! 💕 ✨📝✨
I just started #NaNoWriMo today (sadly, plans I couldn't get out of kept me from being able to start yesterday with everyone else). I am behind on my word count, but not by as much as I feared I would be. My aim is to catch up tomorrow & get ahead! Sending out all the good #NaNo thoughts towards my fellow Litten Wrimos. Hope y'all are having as much fun as I am! ✨📝✨