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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
22 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
The citizens of San Antonio, Texas are threatened with extermination by a terrifying outbreak of the flu. Quarantined by the military to contain the virus, the city is in a desperate struggle to survive. Inside the quarantine walls, Detective Lily Harris is working burial statistics duty at the Scar, San Antonio's mass graveyard, when she finds a murder victim hidden amongst the plague dead. But Lily's investigation into the young woman's death soon takes a frightening turn as yet another strain of the deadly flu virus surfaces, and now Lily finds herself caught up in a conspiracy orchestrated by a corrupt local government intent on hiding the news from the world and fighting a population threatening to boil over into revolt. As the city erupts in violence, Lily is forced to do the unthinkable. With the clock ticking toward annihilation, Lily must lead her family through the quarantine walls and escape with news that just might save us all.
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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I love my new book mask, made by Creationsbyanastore on Etsy 😊

BookInMyHands Last week a library patron gave me a mask she made from that material! So fun ❤️ 4y
jen_the_scribe @BookInMyHands That's so nice of them! I love mine 😊 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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#WhatWouldYouDo @DannyHattan

1. Books. I don't even own a tv set.
2. I like both, but prefer coffee.
3. Really too hard to renounce chocolate for anything.
4. I tag @Dagmar @nairy_fstukh

Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Thanks for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks 💛💛💛

1. Both, but mostly reading. 📖
2. Chai or Green Tea Latte! 🍵
3. Chocolate always🍫
4. @Cinfhen @TheAromaofBooks @ImperfectCJ

Cinfhen Thanks for the tag 4y
Cinfhen And YESSSSSSS, always chocolate 🍫 4y
TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the tag!!! ❤ 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Chocolate 🍫❤️ 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Thank you @inthegreensandblues and @rsteve388 for the tags

☢️ Books during the day and TV after dinner
☢️ Coffee but also hot chocolate
☢️ Both

CrowCAH Thanks for the tag; I‘ll create a post! 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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1. Books
2. Tea or coffee
3. Chocolate! 🍫❤️
4. Anyone want to play??

Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Thanks for the tag, @Kshakal ❤️

1) Books
2) I like both, but mostly drink coffee
3) Chocolate
4) @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Endowarrior21


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you 💛💛💛 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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1. Two, probably three, Pearl Jam shows. 😩
2. White Rage by Carol Anderson and Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman
3. Getting up early to run and make a cup of coffee before everyone needs me. 😁 @MoonWitch94 #thoughtfulthursday

Mitch That morning routine sounds a lovely way to start the day! 4y
Mitch Except of course the run part! 🤣🤣🤣 4y
MoonWitch94 Coffee ☕️ is essential 💕 Thanks for playing ☺️ 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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I‘ve read 5 books and 2 short stories so far during this quarantine all on my trusty tablet, which in less than 9 weeks is pretty good for me 🤷‍♀️grateful for online library resources these days, though i know we miss going in to an actual library. Also, I have NOT been doing my hair and make up every day, don‘t let this pic fool you 😜 sometimes you gotta do something to make you feel better, though 😭 #week9

Mishu94 Looking good! 😍💛 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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@Dostoyes Thank you! The box arrived safely. 🎉

#quarencationswap @Chrissyreadit

Chrissyreadit 🤩😍🎉👏 4y
AmyG @Chrissyreadit When do we open our boxes? (edited) 4y
Dostoyes Woohoo! You should also be receiving another shipment soon. 4y
AmyG @Dostoyes I am so very excited. Thank you. 😘 4y
AmyG I also got your other package as thr return says “bookstore”. Thank you again! 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Read left to right and top to bottom.

TheLudicReader That‘s fantastic. 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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You might have to enlarge the photo, but read the titles, left to right, top to bottom. And “Don‘t go out!” 😀

ravenlee I love it! 4y
katy4peas So pretty! 4y
jmtrivera So fun and clever! 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Amazing! 2 books called "And". 4y
Lcsmcat @Curiouser_and_curiouser It‘s actually two copies of the same book, by Fay Chivers. I was going to tag it, but it‘s not in the Litsy data base. 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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I snagged this #quarantinereadschallenge from @CoffeeK8
1. Allegedly - Tiffany D. Jackson
2. Are you kidding me?
3. Never met a bookstore I didn‘t like, but I love The Strand
4. Velocity by Kristin McCloy
5. I think they did a great job with Ordinary People
6. Next up is Where the Crawdads Sing
7. The Paris Wife
8. Bear Town & not in a good way
9. Trying for 75
10. Bed or on my deck in the ☀️
11. A Little Princess
12. Have at it.

CoffeeK8 I loved a little princess too when I was a kid! 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Social distancing...from my family. 😊

TEArificbooks Great view 4y
peaKnit @mdm139 thank you! What I realize you can‘t see is the State Highway between me and that water, but honestly, and the silver lining right now, it‘s not very busy. 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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1. The Shining
2. The Tale of Despereaux
3. @Powells
4. Goodnight Moon
5. Princess Bride
6. Next year‘s OBOB books #Oregonbattleofthebooks
7. WestMerica from Scythe
8. Cabinet of Curiosities
9. Give up my iPad games and read instead
10. Outside
11. Babysitters Club
12. @BookInMyHands

Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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1. Beach Read by Emily Henry (#BOTM)
2. A loaded question, but I'd usually say Harry Potter
3. @strandbookstore
4. To switch it up from HP - Outlander
5. The Shawshank Redemption
6. I'm supposed to pick just one? 😱
7. Again, Harry Potter
8. Gone Girl, before it became a cliche
9. To read what I want without the pressure to meet goals
10. Beach/Cruise 🏖
11. You guessed it, Harry Potter
12. @Kaylamburson @mrozzz


Kaylamburson So good to hear from you!! Thanks for the tag!! 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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We stopped and visited for a few minutes from a “safe distance”. My mom is missing everyone so much which is a little funny because she didn‘t miss us much when we could see her and is protective of her retirement schedule 🙄

JenReadsAlot That made me smile! 4y
peaKnit @JenReadsAlot I‘m so glad! Jordyn is on the bike too. My mom is carrying on missing everyone and I‘m like, what?! But I‘d never say it😊 4y
TheLibrarian 😂 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Rocking social distancing bingo...I don‘t have plants.

Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Quarantine got me down. My dad is pretty sick and it‘s kind of scary. Really hating being stuck in the house. Plague was not the dystopian fantasy I had always hoped for🙄 I would have preferred to have been a chosen one or even zombies. Ugh where‘s the rabbit hole I‘ve been waiting for my whole life! #wheresmyrabbithole #quarantinegotmedown #latefornomoredates

wordslinger42 I'm so sorry to hear about your dad 💜 I'll be praying he recovers soon!! I'm so thankful for the Litsy community in all this mess! (Also, I love your Alice cups, especially the one on the right!!) 4y
TrishB Hope he‘s on the mend soon ❤️ 4y
Kalalalatja Hope he feels better soon. Take care ❤️ 4y
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SW-T Hope your dad gets better soon! 4y
wanderinglynn I hope your dad feels better soon. 💚 And I love your Alice cups! 4y
LibrarianRyan I got you. 4y
Jas16 Really hope your dad feels better soon 4y
ReadingRover Thanks @wordslinger42 @TrishB @Kalalalatja @SW-T @wanderinglynn @LibrarianRyan @jas16 I appreciate it. He‘s in the hospital with COVID19 and bilateral pneumonia. He has COPD so that complicates things. Right now he‘s just on oxygen. Hopefully he won‘t need to be put on a ventilator. Thanks again. I just kinda needed to vent a little. 4y
ReadingRover @wordslinger42 @wanderinglynn I got both of those cups from different swaps from awesome littens!!! The one with the straw even came with reusable ice cubes! ☕️🐇🌹🐢⏱🎩🧁🍄 🐛 4y
tracey38 Sorry to hear a out your dad. Hope he is on the mend soon!! 4y
ReadingRover @tracey38 thanks. I appreciate it. 4y
BookBabe Thinking of you @ReadingRover … hope you‘re doing well. I‘m sorry your dad got sick…I‘m recovering from covid + pneumonia myself right now and it‘s not fun, can‘t even imagine with more health complications like COPD. 🙏🏻 2y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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I really thought I‘d be a reading machine while on this extended “break” from school. But I just can‘t seem to focus. Anyone else having this problem??

wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 that‘s how I‘ve been lately! 4y
Amiable Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ 4y
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Daisey I thought I would have more reading time, but adjusting to doing any virtual teaching is requiring more time and effort than I expected. 4y
megnews The graphic is right on. 4y
Soubhiville It has been hard to concentrate. Not a problem I usually have. 4y
tjwill Same here. 4y
LapReader I wish that in NSW Australia we were allowed to have a break from school. 4y
JoScho Accurate! 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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Thought I'd share some of my travel photos with all of you... 😃

(Just trying to keep it light and make you chuckle during this difficult time.)

Bklover 😂😂😂😂😂Love it!! 4y
readordierachel 🤣💕 4y
ljuliel I‘m playing “ circle ⭕️ what is missing in the second picture “. ....... the BOAT ⛵️. AM I RIGHT ? 🧐 4y
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Amiable @ljuliel YES! Due to social distancing I had to tell the ship captain that he couldn't bring the boat into my living room. 😃 4y
JacqMac 😂 4y
ljuliel No worries. Wait a couple of months and you can share a photo with a boat and a seashore. 👍🏼. 4y
squirrelbrain Funny - that did make me chuckle - thank you! 🤣 4y
Lindy 😂 4y
Amiable @squirrelbrain Then it was totally worth baring my feet on social media! 😬😄 4y
batsy Clever 😂😂 Thanks for the laugh! 4y
Aimeesue 😂😂😂 4y
Tanisha_A 😁 4y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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#maybookflowers Day 16 This is the only book on my shelf that begins with Q. #startswithQ #setinsanantonio

Eyelit That kitty figure! So cute!! 7y
Bookzombie @Eyelit Thank you! 7y
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Quarantined | Joe Mckinney
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#photoadaynov16 Day 19 Books with #onewordtitles from my shelves, some read and some not.

Seekingtardis Again I say #booktwin I have every book on this shelf! 😂😂 8y
Seekingtardis As phantom of the opera is my favorite play EVER I own several "random" re tellings ??#publishedfanfiction 8y
Bookzombie @Seekingtardis 😂That's awesome! 8y
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