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Notes From a Big Country
Notes From a Big Country | Bill Bryson
37 posts | 85 read | 34 to read
When an old friend asked him to write a weekly dispatch from New Hampshire for the Mail on Sunday's Night and Day magazine, Bill Bryson firmly turned him down. So firm was he, in fact, that gathered here are nineteen months' worth of his popular columns about the strangest of phenomena -- the American way of life.Whether discussing the dazzling efficiency of the garbage disposal unit, the mind-boggling plethora of methods by which to shop, the exoticism of having your groceries bagged for you, or the jaw-slackening direness of American TV, Bill Bryson brings his inimitable brand of bemused wit to bear on the world's richest and craziest country. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Humorous essays about author Bill Bryson‘s move back to the USA after 20 years abroad. First published in 1999, so some of the essays are a bit dated (particularly the ones about technology), but are still good for a chuckle. And there are a few actual laugh-out-loud moments. Originally written as newspaper columns, the pieces are short and quick to read. Great to keep on hand for a brief, uplifting humor break during a busy or stressful day.

Clwojick Sounds great! I‘ve heard tons of great things about this author. 2y
dabbe I am not lying. I laughed so hard I peed reading A Walk in the Woods. And if you grew up in the 50s-60s, The Thunderbolt Kid is for you. His book on Shakespeare was fascinating as well. LOVE this guy. 🤣❣️🤣 2y
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julieclair @Clwojick @dabbe I definitely want to read more of his books. I had no idea he had a book on Shakespeare! 2y
dabbe @julieclair I didn't either until a teacher told me about it. It's titled Shakespeare: The World as a Stage, and it was informative and funny (a Bryson trademark!). 2y
julieclair @dabbe Thanks for the heads up about Shakespeare. I‘ve added it to my TBR stack. 👍 2y
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A delightful read!! I loved the compilation style of this book with Mr. Bryson‘s newspaper columns. Each “chapter” was the perfect length and packed with so much humor that I was actually laughing out loud several times 😆 I‘m buying a copy for part of my dad‘s Christmas present because I know he‘ll love it (and I don‘t want to give up my copy 😉)

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Looking for my next read in my TBR box (yes, I have a box of my TBR books 😆) I stopped when I saw this cover. Loved the fall vibes and I love Bill Bryson, win-win! 50 pages in and I‘m reminded why Mr. Bryson is an auto-buy author for me 🥰 I had to snap a few pics of my fall decorations, even though it‘s 80 degrees outside, I‘m feeling autumn 🍁🍂🎃

robinb Love your decor! And that typewriter! 🧡 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Looks good. 🧡🍁🍂 3y
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I started to get out books to make #candycanebookspines - and I saw I have a candy cane spine all in one book! Ha!

#festivephotochallenge #wintergames #TeamFozziwig

BarkingMadRead So cool!! 5y
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Cinfhen Well done🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉bring on summer 🧡🤩 5y
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A collection of comedic columns on Bill Bryson's experience of moving back to the United States after living in England for 20 years.

#booked2019 #foodonthecover
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

alisiakae 😻😻😻 5y
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This book is a collection of news paper articles Bryson wrote for The Times about America and living there in 1997 and 1998

It was entertaining but it had dated quite badly. There was a lot of discussion about current affairs and i had no idea what he was referring to

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A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things!

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This audiobook made me laugh out loud. A lot.The people that passed me on the highway this morning must have thought I was nuts. #audiodriving
Bryson is hit or miss for me. This was a definite hit. I also will only listen to his audio books if William Roberts narrates. He is perfect. If you haven't listened to A Walk in the Woods yet, pick the William Roberts version.

AlaMich I loved In a Sunburnt Country, which I read a million years ago. I should do it again as an audio. 6y
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I can't believe that I'm up. Onward with #24in48
"In fact, a moose is a cow drawn by a 3 year old." ?

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And off we go! #24in48
I completely forgot that was this weekend.
Here's my planned stack for the #readathon.
The most I've ever done is 12 hours. I'm hoping to beat that this go around. @24in48

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Next up on audio on #Libby.
I love William Roberts as a narrator.

GlassAsDiamonds Ooh... I‘d missed this Bryson! 😊😊😊😊 6y
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I went through a big Bill Bryson kick years ago, and whipped through the majority of his books. This one was fun - a collection of articles he wrote for a British paper on life in small town #America

#NuYear @TrishB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen He‘s awesome 😎 7y
TrishB A popular writer 👍🏻 7y
JoeStalksBeck Are you doing the nonfiction swap? Forgive me I‘m old and forgot lol I never got a confirmation and was just wondering about it 😊thanks ❤️ 7y
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HeatherBookNerd This is a great one! 7y
TheKidUpstairs @JoeStalksBeck I'm on the fence, but I'm probably going to skip the nonfiction swap 😣 I trying to keep my swaps to a minimum this year, and I've got #FeedaReader, and @SkeletonKey and I are going to be starting a new postal book club soon. 7y
JoeStalksBeck I understand! Do you know whose running that swap? 7y
TheKidUpstairs @JoeStalksBeck it's @inwhichHeikereadsharder - sign ups are open until Jan 19th 😁 7y
JoeStalksBeck Ok thanks! 7y
JoeStalksBeck 🤦🏼‍♀️ I‘m an idiot 7y
AlaMich In a Sunburned Country is my favorite! 🇦🇺 7y
APLitlife My husband loved all his books. 7y
heikemarie @JoeStalksBeck I got yours!! Just checked 💜 7y
JoeStalksBeck @inwhichHeikereadsharder lol! I forgot who was running it I‘m signed up for so many and doing my swap lol! Thanks! 7y
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11-20-17: #novemberbythenumbers Sounds like a fun read! @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads 📖#️⃣2️⃣0️⃣


Probably my least favourite Bill Bryson. Comes across as a bit whingey but still some funny moments.

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What a delightful audiobook! This was my first Bill Bryson book, but it certainly won't be my last. I'm just surprised that it was written 18 years ago because all the political problems seem to be the same today. At least I got to laugh at stories about drive-in theaters and junk food. 😜

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Turns out I have quite a few red, white and blue books. Happy birthday America.

erinreads Cute picture! 💕 7y
shanebeth ❤️💙❤️💙❤️ 7y
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A selection of Bryson's newspaper columns, this is a great combination of Bill Bryson and short stories. Funny, self effacing and brutally witty, I'd recommend it for any fans of his who just want a few moments of humour instead of a whole book worth.

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Oh how I do love Bill Bryson!!! (Talking about air travel in America).


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#Philadelphiafreedom made me think of something somewhat patriotic or having to do with the U.S.A. #rockinmay @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Exactly! The Declaration of Independence was written and signed in Philly! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸and the flag was sewn there too!!! 7y
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why yes, i have been on a Bill Bryson kick but who can resist? this one is about seeing America through fresh eyes and i did laugh out loud and startle people, which is its own kind of recommendation :)


Funny stuff, as usual, if formulaic: setup, meat, jokey callback. It is a collection of newspaper columns, though. I did finally pinpoint the thing that sticks in my craw about Bryson: he tends to make people in service industries the butt of the joke, as if they're stupid/incompetent... instead of hardworking people who deal with a lot of bs all day from people who think they're superior to them. It bugs me, but then... I once worked in retail.

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Literary edition of "I've Never." Copy and share this picture with the hashtag #IveNever and list something literary you've never done. Comment, if you like, if you have done mine. Despite my podcast obsession, which one might think is similar... I've never listened to an audiobook. ?

sprainedbrain Oh my... I've done that one. So. Many. Times. 😃 8y
Jess_Read_This I inwardly gasped when I read yours; I love audio books! 8y
Sydsavvy Oh do it! Tell us what you like to read and let us give you top suggestions. You can listen while doing chores around the house, while exercising, while driving, and even in bed-can set a timer to help you fall asleep. 🤓 I started them years ago because I wanted to work on my listening skills; I definitely think it worked, but that was a side benefit. 😊 8y
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ferskner It took me a long time to get into them, but I've found some great narrators and now I listen all the time. The Boys in the Boat in audio is AMAZING. Narrated by Edward Hermann. 8y
eva_lution Hahaha, I knew this would cause quite a reaction! I'm an avid podcast-listener, so I always have those on when I'm doing things around the house, during my commute, etc... my sister is very into audiobooks, but I just think I already have something that fills that space, and audiobooks don't appeal to me in the same way. I'm willing to entertain it, and welcome suggestions. 8y
eva_lution I read a lot of nonfiction, especially popular science. Fiction I'm picky about... not a "chick-lit" person. I do like classics, enjoy a little sci-fi (especially hard sci-fi, the sciencier the better, ha) and weirdness but not into high fantasy. 8y
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I don't really snack while I read, so coffee in my favorite mug is my #booktober pick for "Reading Snacks." I do eat lunch at my desk most days, but I don't think that counts, haha.

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I made everyone listen to this audio book! Bill Bryson's American/British/hybrid accent and humor made this one of the funniest looks at America ever! #bestnarrator #octphotochallenge (I know this challenge was for characters, but this jumped into my mind and I couldn't get it out).

Zelma Nice choice. I ❤️ Bryson. It haven't listened to him on audio yet. 8y
Dogearedcopy I don't think there are strict rules about interpreting the meme prompts; and interestedly, I've seen others cite audiobook narrators! 😉 8y
BeththeBookDragon I definitely did audiobook narrators. I drive 2.5 hours back and forth to work everyday... and Bryson is a favorite!! 8y
missjenniferlowe ❤️❤️❤️ Bill Bryson 8y
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A mostly funny look at being an American--our foibles and follies. Bryson is always funny. His book on walking the Appalachian trail remains my favorite.

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Hmmm...it isn't just me.


All this means, of course, is that statistically in New Hampshire I am far more likely to be hurt by my ceiling or my underpants--to cite just two potentially lethal examples--than by a stranger, and, frankly, I don't find that comforting at all.

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These are as close as I could come to bookmarks for #booktober. One is a card from a friend that was holding my place in Secrets and Lies and the other is an article about Leonard Cohen that a friendly regular at an old job thoughtfully printed out to give me. It's dated 2009, I don't know why it was tucked into a book on my shelf. I squirrel away personal notes like that, though. @RealLifeReading

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Why do I not feel safe?


I'm not at all sure why, but I always found it strangely compelling to turn on the TV late at night and find a guy who looked as if he had bought all the clothes he would ever need during one shopping trip in 1973 (so that, presumably, he would be free to spend the rest of his waking hours around oscilloscopes) saying, in an oddly characterless voice, "And so we can see, adding two fixed-end solutions gives us another fixed-end solution."

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Be safe, sleepers

HotMessJess Well shit. Nothing is sacred any more. 8y
Nebklvr @HotMessJess Exactly. My favorite hobby is now deemed dangerous..... 8y
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We love our nonsensical rules....

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#FunFridayPhoto I have only listen to a handful of audio books over the years, but this one always comes to mind when I think of funny books. I laughed constantly while listening to Bill Bryson describe the culture shock of moving back to the USA after many years living in England.

missjenniferlowe I love the books bill bryson narrates himself! 8y
Suzze @missjenniferlowe I love his part American, part British accent. 8y
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I'm not a bookmark person. But today I have fallen in absolute love with one. A simple red strip of leather. Serious love. I want to read more books just so I can use it all the time.

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And so begins my travel journey with Mr Bryson

Joanne1 I read a couple of chapters of this each week when I take one of my English classes to the library for silent reading time. Very funny. 8y
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Which Bill Bryson book should I start with?

KendallMorganHall There is no right or wrong way to go about reading Bryson. Just dive in and enjoy. 😊 Having said that, I started with In a Sunburned Country and was hooked. I hope you love Bryson as much as I do. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I started with his Walk in the Woods. It's still a favorite! 8y
LauraBrook I started with A Walk in the Woods also, and kept right on going. Thought it's a little dated, my favorite (so far - I'm saving a few titles for awhile) is Neither Here Nor There. Or The Lost Continent. Sorry, I'll stop. 😊 8y
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