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House of Sand and Fog
House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
Kathy is a young recovering alcoholic recently seperated from her husband. When her family home is repossessed she is devastated. Her house is sold at auction to Behrani, a former Iranian Air Force officer for whom it represents an entry into real estate and a passport to the future for his family and his own version of the American Dream. For Kathy, its loss is the last of a sereis of insults life has dealt her and the stage is set for a gut-wrenching tragedy.
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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1. I think all kids should definitely take "Life Math" where you learn how much it takes to pay the deposit and rent on an apartment, how down payments and credit scores and interest rates work. It should be totally separate from pure math and all about navigating practical realities.

2. Kathy in House of Sand and Fog. Why, oh why, did she keep ignoring the tax bills? Such a devastating book.


TheSpineView Life math.. good one! Thanks for playing! 7mo
Reggie Omg #2 I remember walking out of that movie and just being shell shocked with sadness. 7mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 10mo
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So my pup's face kind of represents how I'm feeling right now. This novel was an experience! If you are not a fan of any of the following, skip this one: unsympathetic characters; complex nature with no clear protagonist/antagonist; emotional & unsettled ending; slow burn towards end result. It is a pick for me, but I can see how many people would absolutely hate it. Virtually all content warnings I can think of apply.

CuriousG I would love to read some sort of companion novel that has alternating sections from Nadi and Esmail. When it comes down to it, they are really the only two characters I liked in any way. I was able to find things about all the characters I could sympathize with and feel empathy for how hard it can be to make good decisions when it feels like life is beating on you, but I certainly didn't *like* Kathy, Lestor, or Mr Behrani. 14mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m happy you enjoyed!! I absolutely hated it 😂😂 14mo
CuriousG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I wouldn't say "enjoyed", but I did think it was very good. I can totally see why people would absolutely hate it though - so much about it that is uncomfortable, annoying, or outright unpleasant. 14mo
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dabbe Hello there, sweetest pup! 🖤🐾🖤 14mo
catiewithac Is this an English springer spaniel? 14mo
CuriousG @catiewithac Bernese Mountain Dog - he was the runt of the litter though, so on the small size for a Berner 14mo
CuriousG @dabbe Meelo says hello! 🙂 14mo
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Chipping away at this one. I was too caught up in my university craziness to read this when it first came out, but it's been on my TBR for the last decade or so and finally got around to it. Just a constant shifting of opinion as to who I think is more sympathetic, or more accurately, less abrasive and making the least terrible decisions. I like it, but definitely not sure yet where I will fall on opinions of characters.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I read this years ago and couldn‘t get into it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1y
Tkimsal Lol! My book club still argues about this book and some of the choices made by the characters in it many years after we read it. I loved it. 1y
CuriousG @Tkimsal I'm into Part II now, and of the opinion that 99.9% of the choices made by everyone are terrible. Lol. I'm still enjoying it because humans really are messy and make a lot of terrible choices, so I guess that part isn't inaccurate. I feel like they are all past the point of salvaging anything though. I guess I'll see! 14mo
CuriousG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I am into it. First I enjoyed the tension of feeling like 2 imperfect people, but both in situations I can sympathize with, then the building of both making increasingly questionable decisions and making them less sympathetic. At this point I'm not sure I like any of them. I can see how the style and dynamic is definitely not everyone's cup of tea though. It is frustrating! 14mo
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30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 23 “House of Sand and Fog,” by Andre Dubus III.

BarbaraBB Loved this book 1y
CuriousG I have a copy of this sitting on my coffee table right now. Saving it for a trip to a cabin this summer when I can dive in with virtually no distractions. 1y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus III, Andre III Dubus
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Did a buddy read with a friend back when Oprah announced this as her book club pick. Our opposing views led to one of *the* most spirited discussions about a book I ever had.

#MayMontage #DiscussionBook

BarbaraBB I loved this book back in the days 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I don‘t remember much about this other than for some reason I didn‘t like it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1y
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TheBookgeekFrau @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Spoken like a true reader 😂 But from what I remember, I can see why you didn't like it 1y
Eggs Sounds like a controversial read 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @Eggs A lil bit 😲 1y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus

I‘m sure I either read this before, or watched the movie. You know it‘s a good one when you don‘t mind hearing the story again. Such a sad story, in which there are two sides. I honestly don‘t know who I felt worse for. I can see how the events that folded out could easily take place any where. I‘d you haven‘t picked up this book yet, so yourself a favor and go for it. I‘m glad I did….again.

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This book just made me mad.... Lester and Kathy, really? The way the Behranis were treated. I had high hopes for this one and it didn't pan out. Boo.

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I haven‘t stopped thinking about this since I finished. Compelling prose and impressive distinction in the voices of the multiple narrators. I had empathy and distaste for the characters and their choices in equal measure. The build up in tension as the conclusion unfolded was like watching a car crash that you can‘t look away from. Full credit for the emotional experience, but I‘m happy to leave these reckless and damaged characters behind. 4⭐️

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Finished my #LMPBC book today, so it will go out in the mail tomorrow! Review forthcoming. 😀

BarbaraBB I loved this one when I read it years ago. 3y
Tamra I recall liking this one too, but that‘s all I remember. 😌 3y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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Started reading House of Sand and Fog but I‘m not feeling it right now. Any suggestions on what I can start next? #newsuggestions

Billypar Two I read last year that I'd recommend for feeling jaded are Bunny by Mona Awad (if you want something on the strange side) or Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson (coming of age drama told in a very unique style). 4y
Admillican @Billypar Thank you so much for the suggestions! I don‘t have either of those but I‘ll see if my library does. :-) 4y
Billypar Hope you like them if you give either a try! (And if you haven't already read Reading Lolita in Tehran, that's a favorite of mine too). 4y
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BarbaraBB I loved that book so much I don‘t dare give suggestions 😉 4y
Admillican @Billypar I have that one! 🙌 4y
Admillican @BarbaraBB I‘ll definitely come back to it! It‘s been on my list for a while, I just haven‘t been able to get into for some reason. 😕 I‘m glad to know it‘s a favorite! 4y
BarbaraBB And I know what you mean about not getting into books. I have that so often lately! 4y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Day 15 - #Fog #ForeverNovember
#TheHouseOfSandAndFog #AndreDubusIII

Great movie too! Read this in 2010.

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
BarbaraBB Loved this book! 4y
EadieB @BarbaraBB Me too! 4y
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SomedayAlmost Good one! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I tried to read this years ago and couldn‘t finish it 😫 4y
EadieB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Some books you just got to move on if it doesn't work for you! 4y
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Circling the Sun ☀️ too many characters!!!
House of Sand and Fog - I really can‘t remember... it‘s been so many years!

Hunger- #Unpopularopinion Even when bad things happen to you, you can choose to move past it OR you can choose to blame your parents and everyone else and write about it in a book. I couldn‘t finish it, just seemed like pages and pages of self pity... I speak as a survivor of sexual abuse who moved past it.

Ruthiella I DNFed The House of Sand and Fog too. It was just so bleak and easy to see where it would (tragically) end up. 4y
SamAnne @Ruthiella I didn‘t like Hunger either. Maybe for different reasons. I skimmed the second half. 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚😐📚 4y
emilyhaldi Oh my gosh I hated Hunger and felt the same way as you!! It‘s certainly an unpopular opinion but I really can‘t stand Gay‘s writing for that reason 🙊 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @emilyhaldi I‘m soooo happy someone agrees with me!!!!! 🎉🎊👍🏻 4y
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A bureaucratic error sets in motion a cascade of events fueled by the hangups and weaknesses of the main characters. I liked the way the twists play out, how each feels surprising but also inevitable. The main female character is overly aware of her breasts, one of my pet peeves about men writing from a woman's perspective, but aside from that, I enjoyed this one.

Another for #bookspinbingo ! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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BusyBookmark So good! 4y
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Major book haul on Friday; 6$ for a library branded reusable grocery bag and all the books you can fit in it! House of Sand and Fog up next with Cindie once Oscar Wao is done. My TBR list just got VERY long!

ErikasMindfulShelf Nice haul! 6y
britt_brooke Excellent! 6y
Julsmarshall You have some great ones in that stack! 6y
SW-T Good haul! Happy reading 😊 6y
Sleepswithbooks What a beautiful haul 📚📚 6y
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I can see what this book is polarizing for many. For one, it‘s a slow burn and mostly character driven, which can make for a slow read. And secondly, none of the characters are particularly likable. That said - I found their flaws refreshing. This is not your typical “good guy” vs. “bad guy” story. Instead, I found myself alternating who I was “rooting” for and it ended up in a completely different place than I expected.

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“...the pale blue glow of at least one television in every home. And I am told that many family meals are eaten in front of that screen as well. And perhaps this explains the face of Americans, the eyes that never appear satisfied, at peace with their work, or the day God has given them; these people have the eyes of very small children who are forever looking for their next source of distraction, entertainment, or a sweet taste in the mouth.”

Wife Thank you so much for my lovely surprise. I got it in the mail Monday. I‘ve been working extra days and haven‘t had a chance to post a proper thanks, but I will. 🌹 6y
StephanieGeiser @Wife 💕 I‘m so glad it arrived safely! 6y
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My friend and I saw #Oprah speak live in November. During her talk she couldn‘t recommend this book more highly; to the point where she demanded we buy two copies - one for ourselves and one for a friend because we will need someone to talk to when we finish. I‘m seeing my friend tomorrow and surprising her with a copy.

Because when Oprah demands, Oprah gets.

Alfoster Nice! I loved it! Have the movie taped but haven‘t watched it yet. Hope it‘s as good as the book! 6y
Wife @HOTPock3tt I remember really liking this one. And I liked the movie too. 6y
StephanieGeiser @Alfoster @Wife Awesome! Good to hear that this book lives up to the hype! Can‘t wait to get started! 6y
HOTPock3tt @Wife @StephanieGeiser I might have to give this a try 🤔 I was just blown away by Oprah‘s book club pick ‘White Oleander‘ 6y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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#IllMakeYouSorry #NoFemmeber A film favorite of mine, book is still TBR. The song title has a great double-meaning that could be a threat or a depressed person's admission to a partner: it reminds me of something Kathy's character might say in either context. Screaming Females frontwoman Marissa Paternoster's lyrics & visual art (pictured here) evoke depression, contrasting SF's high energy. MP's guitar skills and punk vocals are unmatched 🎸🔊

Cinfhen I really WANT to read this one!!! I can‘t stop adding books to my TBR 6y
BarbaraBB I haven‘t seen the movie but absolutely loved the book and highly recommend it! @Billypar @Cinfhen 6y
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Billypar @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB It's such a strong story with amazing characters- I know I will love the book. But soooo 💔 6y
Aimeesue The book was brilliant, though it was heartbreaking and devastating for everyone. Read it years ago, and I still think about it on occasion. 6y
Billypar @Aimeesue I heard a more recent interview with Dubus where he was openly wondering if he should have made it as bleak as he did. But it does make it stick with you! 6y
Aimeesue @Billypar Oh, I think it needed to be that bleak. Those are the books that make you think. At least they make me go back and see if I can find a pivot point in events where things could've gone differently. But I'm a weirdo who gets annoyed at pat endings. 😋 6y
Billypar @Aimeesue I'm with you: I think all endings should shake you up in some way. This film ending haunted me for so long after I watched it, but I wouldn't have changed it a bit. 6y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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Since I used the Auden yesterday, I‘ll go with this for #fog. #litsyclassics @Sarah83

kricheal I love this book. It's sad, depressing, so heartwrenching but written incredibly beautiful by the author. 6y
zsuzsanna_reads I have the book, but I've seen the movie and it was so sad, I can't bear reading it. 6y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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#Houses in classic literature. Some I‘ve read, and some are still TBR, but all are in my library. #newhogwartsadventure @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

ravenlee Funny story - for some strange reason, every time I see Bleak House it starts the song Brick House in my head. Can‘t help it. It makes me laugh and exasperates me at the same time (it‘s hard to have it on my shelf, and I haven‘t even read it yet). 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus

You ever finish a book and just kind of lay there contemplating life? This book had me feeling that. Reflecting on my own stubbornness and situations.

House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus

I can sum this read up in one word - TRAGIC. No ups and downs in this book, it just goes from bad to worse. And, when you think it cannot get any worse, oh it does.

keys_on_fire That last sentence brought back memories of Phoebe from Friends when she watches It‘s A Wonderful Life 😂 6y
LitsyOwl @keys_on_fire Love me some Phoebe 💕🧝‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 6y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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Whenever I see the #films before reading the books, I am almost never motivated to read the book- this is the case with HOSAF, which is an excellent film. Luckily I read Life of Pi and Girl w. Dragon Tattoo before seeing the films. We all know which is typically better, but @BarbaraBB may have posted an exception to the rule (no disrespect to Mario Puzo intended). #nuyear @TrishB @Cinfhen

Reggie Omg HOSAF, my friend was so mad when I took him to see this movie which effectively shot our whole day to hell because of the sadness.... oh the sadness. Side note: we thought Shohreh Aghdashloo was robbed of the Oscar that year. 7y
BarbaraBB I loved the book HOSAF, one of my all time favourites. Therefore i don‘t dare see the movie! In the case of Life of Pi I was sooo disappointed seeing the movie after reading the book! Let‘s see what happend when I read The Godfather! 7y
merelybookish I've come to prefer movie before book. 7y
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TrishB If if see the film first I never want to read the book - I always try and read book first! 7y
Billypar @Reggie I heard an interview with Dubus in 2016 and he reflected on HOSAF and more or less agreed with your friend - he wasn't sure if he were to do it over that he would make it SO depressing. Agreed on Aghdashloo- such a powerful performance. 7y
Billypar @BarbaraBB You are definitely nudging it closer to my 'want to read soon' section of the older books on my shelf. Maybe 2018 is the year. I'll look out for your Godfather review! 7y
Billypar @TrishB that has always been my reaction too, but @merelybookish was there a particular example that changed it for you as far as preferring movie first? 7y
merelybookish No. I just realized I can see the movie and enjoy it for what it is, then I can read the book and enjoy that too. But reading the book first means I am usually disappointed by the movie. Actually, in most cases, I don't even want to see the movie of a book I've read. Like @vivastory I'm coming to think the best way to to film a book is to make a miniseries. Or make an adaptation rather than a re-telling such as Clueless. 7y
Billypar @merelybookish That's interesting- going movie first because the book can hold its own. Sometimes for me it's not even a matter of direct comparison- I'll always feel more connected to the film adaptation of About a Boy because I saw it before reading it, even though the book was still good. Agreed on miniseries, and whenever an adaptation had its own vision, like Clueless or Frankenstein, I think it tends to do the best. 7y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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This book...just wow. Especially the ending, it will eat you alive with no mercy. Five heart breaking stars
If you are looking for a dark book, this is for you!
You will find yourself trading ideas with how you want the book to end, but you will never see the true ending coming until you finish.
I will say if I didn't have an Iranian boyfriend myself I might have had a harder time getting past some of the Persian vocabulary.

Sha0102 Gosh in my TBR list now! Is it one book or 2? 7y
Magic_Kiwi @Sha0102 It is a stand alone novel! I was just lucky to realize I had two copies on my shelf. 😇 (edited) 7y
chapter_fifty2017 Have you seen the film ? I found that very harrowing indeed and have always wanted to read the book . Your review was great but check out film and i should read the book too 🤔 7y
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Magic_Kiwi @chapter_fifty2017 definitely read the book! I'm hoping to watch the movie tomorrow. Need to mourn the book for a bit longer😢 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I loved this book, too 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I read the book first and it helped me enjoy the movie even more @chapter_fifty2017 7y
chapter_fifty2017 Always the best thing to do , i will have to read it now x🤞 7y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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"These people do not deserve what they have"
I'm beginning to hate the male lead of this book! I really don't want to, but he is so rude! I understand Americans can be horrible but honestly he should be thankful to be in the states. Such a grumpy old man, honestly. I hope the main women gets her house back! ??

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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus III, Andre III Dubus
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Great read. Love how Dubus plays with the language, so subtly that it took me a while to notice. Excellent story.

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#homebythesea - not a cheery beach read, but a powerful book. #maybookflowers

Alfoster Love this one!😍 7y
Cinfhen Started this years ago...need to try again, I wasn't in the right reading mind.... 7y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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This is the book that immediately came to mind for #immigrantsong
I also wanted to throw this book against the wall when I finished! (but would recommend reading it) #rockinmay @Cinfhen

Cinfhen This is one of those books that intimidate me, but I don't know why! I'm gonna finally read it this year...maybe 🙈 7y
DivineDiana Such a gripping and disturbing book! One of my brother-in-laws is Iranian which made this even more powerful to me. This is a book you will not forget! 7y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen I know what you mean. That is why this one has been sitting on my nightstand for 2 months! I know I'll like it. I just need to start it!!! 7y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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#bookhaul. Found a flea market in Oslo today and found some goodies to bring home 😍 I bought Let it Rain Coffee solely because of the title.

RealBooks4ever I hear Gravity's Rainbow is a tough one to get through, but I still want to read it!! 😆 7y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus
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Hi, my name is Amy, and I cannot be stopped when it comes to library book sales.
(All this for $35!!!)

JackieSmith WOOOOOW! 😍 8y
Suzze Great titles! I loved 8y
LizzyM Great stack!! 8y
LeahBergen Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Megabooks Awesome! 8y
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I absolutely loved this book. Many people online disliked it because the characters are flawed and the book is so tragic, but to me that's the entire point. Everyone in life is flawed and the tragedy comes from their inability to empathize, which so often we see today in the world. This leads to senseless, avoidable tragedies, just like in the book. Also, I felt that this book could be read as an allegory for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀 8y
violabrain Thank you! :) 8y
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House of Sand and Fog | Andre Dubus

Ugh this book was so frustrating. Kathy and Lester are two of the worst characters I've ever read about. And everything was just so needlessly tragic. All over a stupid house. Ugh ugh ugh.

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Was really pleased to run into these two books at the used bookstore the other day. At only $6 a piece I thought they were a still.

Crash I like Gail's books, I'll have to check that one out. 8y
SoniaC @crash she is new to me but the book came highly recommended so I'm excited to check it out. 8y
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