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Das Lied des Achill
Das Lied des Achill | Madeline Miller
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The fact that this is Miller‘s first novel is absolutely incredible. She has this amazing talent of taking mythic characters and stories that many of us have grown up reading and studying, and turning them into, if not ordinary people, then at least relatable ones.
It‘s shocking that she can have somebody like Achilles or Odysseus as a character and they feel fresh and new when I‘m reading her work.
Definitely recommend.

behudd @TheAromaofBooks this was my August #bookspin book! 1mo
Reggie Her Circe is in my top 20 books of my life. I love that one so much. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
behudd @Reggie yes I love that one, too! 1mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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“My father was a king and the son of kings.”


The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Beautifully written. It's my 2nd from this author, amd while I didn't love it as much as Circe, it was still a great read! This was my July #bookspin. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Eggs Well done👍🏼 2mo
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Ok so I love mythology. Was this retelling needed? Now I have read the reviews and I‘m thinking we need to bring back mythology so that we don‘t have to reread stories in a way that are kind of ridiculous? Anyone else feel this way…I did like the story as a whole but the “added” aspects?!

The_Book_Ninja I personally avoid books sold as “a retelling of…”. Give me something original not a remix of someone more creative‘s work 2mo
Kboltz @The_Book_Ninja thanks! I feel better now!:) 2mo
TheLudicReader It felt like fanfiction to me. 🤷 2mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

3/5 stars
The first half had me thinking this would be a 4.5 star read, unfortunately the second half was really boring and disappointing. The ending picked it up a lot and had me tearing up, but on the whole was quite slow and not what I expected

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I chose Circe for Bookclub a couple of years ago, and am now glad to have read this, Miller‘s first novel.
Whilst a ‘pick‘ I did not love it. The characters felt a bit flat and I was not particularly emotionally invested. An interesting take the relationship between Patroclus & Achilles.

TheLudicReader A student read this in one of my classes and gasped and cried the whole way through, so I moved it up my tbr. I was meh about it. It read like fanfiction to me. 🤣 3mo
Rissreads I actually listened to this and cried my eyes out at the end! 3mo
MrsMalaprop @TheLudicReader Yes, fanfiction is a good description. I know many others felt very moved by it, but not me 🤷🏻‍♀️. I liked Circe better. 3mo
MrsMalaprop @Rissreads You and many others it seems. One of those rare times when you and I are not aligned on a book. 😁 3mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Finally getting into this. It‘s been on my radar since I joined Litsy many years ago, when it seemed that everyone on Litsy was reading it. I found this well-read copy in my Little Street Library. Bonus 🙌. #currentlyreading

CarolynM It‘s good. Enjoy! 3mo
dabbe Oh, did I love this one! Her CIRCE is excellent, too! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
BarbaraBB Echoing @dabbe 3mo
MrsMalaprop @dabbe Yes, I‘ve read Circe 🙌 3mo
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Took this photo to show my coworker my giant mint plant and book for scale. Loving this so far!

StaceGhost I loved this book and Circe!! 3mo
birdie_gw @StaceGhost me too, will be sad to finish it! Love the author‘s style. 3mo
pdxannie Omg such a good read 3mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I am half way. But this book is so slow and borning in my opinion. Does is get better? Is it like those books that you get to the last 100 pages and thats when its exciting?

5feet.of.fury I really liked this book, but I would not describe it a exciting… a lot of other emotions though. 4mo
Chrissyreadit checking to see if you received your staycationintime match? 3mo
forestandcrow @Chrissyreadit yes! I emailed back. I think lol but i am hunting down the things for it 😊 3mo
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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This was another reread for my book club. I loved it as much as the first time. I also found some more to the story than before. Such an amazing book

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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This has sat on my shelf long enough. 😂

Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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A fresh take on Achilles and Patroclus. Now, I‘m definitely watching Troy again!

Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

This book is not worthy of the hype. I hated it. Hercules was supposed to be a hero, but he jokes of killing his wife. Achilles and Agamemnon had not safe word with civilians. Achilles lets the king kill a girl that I wanted Achilles to save. I abandoned this book when Patroclus joked about dogs fighting. I regret buying it.

Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

The hype is so well deserved. A gorgeous, unforgettable love story with excitement, warmth, and thoughtful character evolution. Can't wait to read it again.

Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Requested a cleanse from reading Little Cruelties and this was recommended.

lil1inblue I wish I could read this for the first time again! So good. 5mo
LiteraryHoarderPenny @lil1inblue ❤️ that‘s what I keep hearing!! 5mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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#SpringSkies Days 21 & 22 #AwardWinner #Tragedy
I missed yesterday but this one works for both prompts. So good. So sad 😭
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Nice double play👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Made all the better by the fact I‘m currently in Pelion Greece I loved this book - It‘s an adaptation of a classic Greek legend of the fate of Achilles - full of passion , war , Greek gods and drama ! . A very good read !

Cathythoughts That‘s great Emma. Perfect setting ♥️♥️♥️ 5mo
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

“Do not let what you gained today be so easily lost.” -Chiron


An excellent retelling of the illyad from the perspective of potroclus

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Magic, heartbreak, and love ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The tale of Achilles, as told by Patroclus. This book explores the relationship that may have been more than just leader and henchman, as suggested in Iliad. While some scholars claim their relationship was not romantic, this book explores the possibility that it may have been and it feels like MM may have drawn some of her ideas from the Shakespeare portrayal about them being nothing but sexual. Book #25 in 2024

Allthebookclubs The rest of my review: An interesting read, but full of boring characters with no real dialogue or reason for living other than, he is a god and I am a prince and so on… (edited) 6mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Plato expressed belief through the mouth of Phaedrus in his Symposium that Achilles & Patroclus were "undeniable lovers," though historians & scholars alike have discouraged such ancient musings with prejudice & bias. As a Classicist, Miller grew frustrated with a subject that has been up for debate for a millennia, & so tsoa was born, a vivid reimagining of The Iliad penned in immersive prose, breathing fresh life into Homer's famous characters.

nonbinaryandbitter Thank you for reminding me of this read, put on hold!!! 6mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @nonbinaryandbitter It's such a beautiful book. I cried my eyes out the first time I read it. Happy reading. I'll look out for your thoughts on it x 6mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Tkimsal Loved this book. 6mo
JuniperWilde I really enjoyed this book. She‘s an excellent writer. 6mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @Tkimsal It's absolutely amazing. This is my second time around, and it honestly feels like the first! 6mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @JuniperWilde She's incredible. I love her so much! 6mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Gawd! I just saw this shared by fans and am more certain than EVER that these two were born to play Achilles and Patroclus! 🫒 Couldn't resist resharing my fancast with photographic evidence!

bookandbedandtea They would be perfect! I loved them in RWRB. 6mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @bookandbedandtea Right?! Me too. They were perfect as Alex and Henry! 6mo
5feet.of.fury Love it 6mo
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

4/5 stars

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I would literally sell a kidney for this fancasting to be made a reality! Cannot stop thinking about these two playing Achilles and Patroclus in Madeline Miller's adaptation of the book after seeing them cast by fans recently 🥰. As a huge RWRB fan... I'm manifesting to the universe to make this happen! 🫒 Not to mention, Nicholas Galitzine has expressed an interest in playing a character set in Ancient Greece!

Susanita Oh my. You could cut yourself on that jawline. 6mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @Susanita Ha! I love it! You totally could! They're so perfect for these roles in my eyes! 6mo
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

This book literally starts with a child killing another child from a fight over a pair of dice. It gets worse. Achilles in greek mythology was supposed to be a hero. He refused to protect someone that he should of and does nsfw things, so I bailed on this book.

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I feel like this is just one of those books that you love the more you read it. This is the second time I‘ve read this book, and I loved it even more the second time. Definitely a comfort book.

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Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Another great novel by Miller. Achilles the half-God hero of the Greeks during the Trojan War, was celebrated as an almost unbeatable warrior in mythology. The Song of Achilles tells us of the gentle musician that will do almost anything for his childhood friend Patroclus. I liked that so many characters from Greek myth were a part of our heroes‘ story. The end was unexpected, but I appreciated it. Achilles is a pick with 4 of 5 ⭐️.

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Such a beautiful and bittersweet story that lingers. It might just rank higher than Circe for me. Love, war, hubris, defiance, acceptance, what a roller coaster ride. Here is the ending that I can't let go of: "In the darkness, two shadows reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet and light spills out in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun."

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Just amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Taking advantage of today's rainy weather to reread a favorite

dabbe Hello there, gorgeous kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 And I love that book, too! 🤩 11mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Had to put down my current read to start this amazing book

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I wasn't supposed to tear up so early. Oh, thats so heartbreaking.

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Time to have my heart ripped out if others are to be trusted!

dabbe No time like the present. I LOVED this book! 🧡💜🧡 13mo
CoveredInRust @dabbe I'm only on chapter 3 but the writing is gorgeous 😭 13mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I know people love this book, but for me it was only so-so. I just don‘t think I like this type of book…while the writing was fine, it felt like I was being told the story, rather than living it…and there were so many names, I just stopped trying to keep track. A student in one of my classes was moved to tears reading it in the spring, but I honestly felt nothing. Am I heartless?

dabbe I can see why you felt that with this book. TBH, most myths do that for me, esp. E. Hamilton's book. I appreciated this one for the backstory it gave me to be able to teach THE ILIAD in a more profound way, especially regarding the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. Have you read Circe? I enjoyed that much more as a 1st-person POV so Circe is telling her own story. And it's a good one!
You? Heartless? #noway 💙🖤🩵
TheLudicReader I do own Circe, @dabbe, but I am not in any hurry to read it after finishing this one. I will put both in my classroom library. 13mo
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Prairiegirl_reading I know so many people love this but I can not get into it! I‘ve tried twice and I haven‘t been able to make past the first chapter. I don‘t know what it is. 13mo
TheLudicReader @Prairiegirl_reading maybe it's the hype? I found it seriously I underwhelming. 13mo
rwmg The first half was rather sweet and I enjoyed it but in the second half I just found Patroclus unbelievable. On past form I should have been in floods of tears at the end, but I just felt, “oh, ok“. As others have said “Circe“ is much better. 13mo
TheLudicReader @rwmg I have no trouble blubbering over the fate of characters, but I had the same reaction as you. It was just underwhelming. Not sure I will read Circe, even though I own it, but never say never, I guess. 13mo
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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After I read Circe I bought the author's other book which was published in my country. I liked Circe a bit better. It was quite a bitter sweet story and I was so sorry for them.

Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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My jury duty companion today

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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 9 “The Song of Achilles” by Madeline Miller

dabbe LOVED this and Circe! I wish she'd write faster! 🤣🤣🤣 1y
Tkimsal @dabbe She did just have a short story published but I haven‘t read it. Someone in my book club said it was good but a very quick read that left her wanting another book! 1y
dabbe @Tkimsal I'll have to find that one. Thanks! 😊 1y
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Tatty Devine x Women's Prize book necklaces!!!!

Have I read the books......? Um.... errr... LOOK A TEAPOT!!!

*runs away*

Yuki_Onna 🤣Rae, you are hilarious!👌 1y
TrishB I brought the Achilles one for my daughter‘s birthday today. She has read the book 😁 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love these!! 1y
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dabbe I adored THE SONG OF ACHILLES and all books by Madeline Miller. 🖤🤍🖤 1y
SamAnne Oh! Love this! 1y
RaeLovesToRead @TrishB My choices were a bit of a gamble... the only one I'd read was Piranesi... which I liked... but I'm counting on loving these more... we shall see! 😅 1y
RaeLovesToRead @dabbe I have heard so many good things! 1y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Can't wait to read both of the books I have by her. 1y
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