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Magisterium 1 - L'anno di ferro
Magisterium 1 - L'anno di ferro | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
Quando raggiunge la grotta in cima al ghiacciaio, Alastair capisce subito che il Nemico l'ha preceduto. Sua moglie Sarah stata uccisa, come gli altri maghi l rifugiati. Solo il debole vagito di un neonato lo rincuora: suo figlio Callum, seminascosto accanto al cadavere della madre, ancora vivo. Ma quando Alastair lo prende fra le braccia, le terribili parole incise nel ghiaccio da Sarah prima di morire lo fanno inorridire Dodici anni dopo, quando Call viene ammesso al Magisterium, la prestigiosa accademia riservata ai ragazzi dotati di talento magico, suo padre contrario: sin dalla pi tenera et ha insegnato al figlio a diffidare della magia. E ora Rufus, il magister pi anziano della scuola, lo ha ammesso all'Anno di Ferro, il primo del Magisterium. Call non pu sottrarsi al suo destino. La magia scorre, in certe famiglie. Ma sul destino di Call incombe fin dalla nascita l'artiglio del Nemico. Per la prima volta insieme, due autrici di grande successo e dal talento narrativo geniale e dark. il fuoco vuole ardere, l'acqua vuole scorrere, l'aria vuol levarsi, la terra vuole avvincere, il caos vuol divorare.
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I stayed up WAY too late reading the whole second half of this! What a world the authors have created! The friendships, mentorships, and betrayals are so much fun to figure out and I‘ll be honest: I did not see the twist at the end coming at all! This was recommended to me by my niece 🐝 who says she loves it more than Harry Potter, and she‘s sold me on the entire series. Checking out book #2 today!

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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#MagicElement ✨🌍💨💧🔥

#SpringSkies 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌨️☀️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Main character had so much anger in him and I loved to see what choices he was going to make.

This had magical atmosphere, even though I would have loved to get even more details about surroundings. And this being the first book in the series we didn't yet get adventure I was waiting for.

This had at least two big and great twists. And the ending that stirred some emotions.

#SeriesLove23 #TBRtarot (June: A book beginning with a prologue)

CBee Awesome 👏🏻 1y
TheSpineView Fantastic!📖📘📚 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I wasn't really aware of this series, but I've enjoyed Cassandra Clare previously and I know Holly Black is a similar author so I figured I'd give it a shot. It's definitely intriguing, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. #33-2023

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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All elements have a counterweight. Fire is the counterweight of water. Air is the counterweight of earth. The counterweight of chaos is the soul.

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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Pan's Labyrinth

Klou One of my favourite movies ever! Great choice of book for it! 2y
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Today I show you part of the only shelf I can reach safely right now, because of what happened to my leg. It's my foreign language shelf, in which I have books in English, French, and Dutch. Hopefully so in German and Hebrew. My first language is Italian.

#bookshelf #bookshelfie #booknerd

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Loving this series so far!

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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black

I give this a 3 stars honestly. It was very predictable to me and like a lot of other books that deal with magic and a school... the ending was great despite predictable. It‘s overall just an ok read for me.

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Finished my final book for the #MakeYourMythTaker readathon. I know a lot of people have complained that this is a rip off of HP, but I have to disagree. As someone who has read the HP series well over a dozen times, I was not put off at all by this book. I can see the HP influences in some aspects, but it‘s not a copy.

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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...I‘m being watched...

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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What a perfect way to end the day - sitting on my screened in porch with a book and a cat, listening to the rain and the birds 😍
I think Ruby is having less peaceful thoughts about the birds than me... #catsofLitsy

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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Started a new audiobook while finishing a baby blanket on the porch... #audiocrochet

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I posted about The Iron Trial the other day on @unabridgedpod because my older son had asked me to read it, and those moments are precious. Fortunately, he has great reading taste, and I loved the first book in the Magisterium series by fantasy favorites Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.⠀

Yes, there are definitely shades of Harry Potter here. The Iron Trial is all about the first year in a school for mages. ⬇️

UnabridgedPod We follow Callum Hunt and his fellow students Tamara and Aaron, chosen to form a trio who study under a wise teacher, despite Callum's attempts to sabotage his own acceptance. He has been warned since he was young about the dangers of the Magisterium. His father Alistair blames the school (and the organization behind it) for the death of Callum's mother. ⬇️ 5y
UnabridgedPod He has largely banished magic from their lives, instead giving Callum tips about how best to mess up the tests for admission. ⠀

And Callum fails gloriously. Despite his failure, he is chosen early on by the most-sought-after teachers, earning the wrath of Jasper, an upper-class student who thinks that Callum took his spot. ⬇️
UnabridgedPod Callum, who has been marked by a horrible limp since infancy, is used to being the target of bullying, but he begins to make friends as he learns how to control his magic.⠀

Despite the parallels, this isn't a total Harry Potter retread, but the similarities are definitely there. Fortunately, the world building is engaging, there are some great twists and turns, and Callum is a solid protagonist. ⬇️
UnabridgedPod This is a perfect book for upper elementary and higher (Callum and his friends are 12).⠀

Who else has read this book or this series? What did you think? What other series or books might you recommend for this age group?
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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The tagged book is Maya‘s next read. She feels well enough for school, and we are sloooowly figuring out a routine to remote learning. There are a lot of bumps along the way, and I may have tossed our decrepit and peeling office chair into the garage in frustration at one point. But it‘s student lunchtime, and CNN10 time, and we‘re both in a better mood for the afternoon school session.

TrishB My heart goes out to you ❤️ not easy. 5y
Caroline2 It‘s tough isn‘t it. I gave up today. None of the kids‘ school‘s online platforms were working this morning and my two were moaninggggg so bad about doing their workbooks that I gave up. We ended up making a solar system out of newspaper then got all the Lego out!!! 5y
alisiakae @Caroline2 both google classroom and Khan Academy have been really slow and temperamental today for us. I bet the servers are overloaded on many of the online platforms. 5y
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alisiakae @TrishB Thank you! We have it better than many. Although we‘ve had a salary reduction in our household, effective last Friday, we still have a steady income. We have a roof over our head, I once again have a fridge filled with produce, and a few more days worth of TP. 😜 How are you doing today? 5y
TrishB @Caroline2 that sounds like fun learning to me! 5y
TrishB @4thhouseontheleft realising I need to be stricter with myself, but otherwise ok. We have food in the cupboard and both still getting paid for the time being. Waiting to hear if we have to pay my daughters uni accommodation (1.5k) as they were told to go home 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m glad Maya is feeling better! 5y
Lcsmcat Glad Maya is better. ❤️ 5y
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Started a new series co-authored by two of my favorite gals Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. Another odd ball trying to survive in a school of magic with a ragtag band of close friends. This book is reminiscent of Harry Potter but it's just different enough to keep me interested. I'm baking bread and listening since we're being encouraged to stay in our houses. I guess I'll get ahead on my book list for the year.

#nowreading #bakingandbooks

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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black

I have been wanting to read this novel for a while and I'm glad I finally did. To me This book is a cross between harry potter and avatar. The book started.out a little slow and didn't start to pick up until about the sixth chapter. I liked the book but not enough to rate it 4 stats and the slow beginning is just one factor. Some of the characters could have been more fleshed out then they were.

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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“knowledge and action are one and the same.“

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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heidisreads Oh my goodness! I didn‘t realize Libby was so specific with due date times! 5y
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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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aa_guer2021 Absolutely. I ❤️ this! 5y
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The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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1. Tagged
2. Grocery shopping, laundry, and reading.
3. Yes.
4. Um, that would be hard to decide 😂

#friyayintro @howjessreads

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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This is headed out in the mail first thing in the morning for #lmpbc #mg 📫❤️🎉

This was a fun middle grade fantasy novel. It‘s been compared a lot to Harry Potter and while there are many similarities if you look for them, the story stands on its own. I‘m looking forward to continuing the series! I won‘t say much more since it‘s going out to the group, but Axton and I really enjoyed it.
P.S. 💕
@LibrarianRyan thanks for the awesome book hugger

LibrarianRyan Yeah. 6y
WanderingBookaneer I‘m shipping mine tomorrow as well. 6y
Ddzmini I like that cover 😍 6y
MeganAnn @WanderingBookaneer I mailed this today and it looks like you should have it on Thursday. 💕 6y
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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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That time of the month! 😉🌙 I *may* have gone a little overboard with the dark chocolate 😂
Have you read Book 1 — The Iron Trials — in The Magisterium series? I have such a soft spot for books that follow the HP legacy and this one is good enough and just different enough to be as yummy as some of the little nibbles in this picture.
. . .
What book are you curling up with right now that you were skeptical about? ☕️

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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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@WanderingBookaneer @LibrarianRyan @Readergrrl
Here are the top contenders my son‘s chosen for #LMPBC #middlegradegroup

The top two would be his first choices, but any of these would be great. I‘ll tag them in the comments below.

What are your thoughts? Have you already read any of these?

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WanderingBookaneer I have read one, but I would have no problem rereading it. 6y
LibrarianRyan I had two of these on my list tooo! I vote for holly black. I‘ve read her YA. I would love to read her MG. But I‘m fine with them all. 6y
LibrarianRyan Just FYI my long list includes Hello Universe and The screaming Staircase. 6y
MeganAnn @WanderingBookaneer good to know! I‘ll take it off the list unless someone else really wants that one. Out of the others, do you have a top pick? 6y
MeganAnn @LibrarianRyan great minds think alike! 😉 I read The Cruel Prince and really enjoyed it so I think it‘d be interesting to read her MG too. It‘s the first of a series with I believe 5 books out so far. We have the first four from a scholastic book order. 6y
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So, I finished this book last night, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I originally picked it up because Cassandra Clare is one of my favourite authors, so I had hoped that I would like it. For me, there were too many similarities to Harry Potter, and I had just about given up on the series as a whole when a plot twist hit me. And for that reason alone, I intend to continue on with the series.

The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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"All his life, Call has been warned by his father to stay away from magic. If he succeeds at the Iron Trial and is admitted into the Magisterium, he is sure it can only mean bad things for him."

#AdventRecommends Day 13⛄
It is a book about kids and a magic school. I hate that it's been compared to Harry Potter. It's really good on it's own and it's really funny. I love these characters and their friendships. It's a great middle grade book.

Shley9225 I have a friend who read this and absolutely loved it too. They couldn‘t stop raving about it for a week! 6y
BooksAndTea97 @Shley9225 it made me feel 12 again. I guess I loved it because of that magical feeling. 6y
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Magisterium 01: The Iron Trial | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black

#NOSPOILERS #SERIESREVIEW1-4 Phenomenal story plot and plot twists. I would read this series a hundred times over! The main character, Callum, is another well created character one can sympathize with and understand what it's like to be in their place. 10/10

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It's okay, but the debt to Harry Potter is so heavy that it struggles to be its own thing. There's a twist near the end that has me curious about where the authors will take it, though I don't know whether I'm sufficiently curious to pick up the next. Probably, eventually.

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black

A book meant for middle graders. I thought the world was kinda cool and it might be interesting to see how the adventure develops in further books. The story has a lot of action but is a little short on charm....

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I also found this book today at the thrift store!!! It looks like it would be right up my alley! Anyone else know this book? 📚

wordslinger42 Just bought this the other day!! 6y
Slajaunie I bought it and have yet to read it. It is in the “to read” shelf. 6y
tonyahoswalt I've read all the books in the series so far. I enjoy both authors, and this is pretty good. The last book comes out later this year. 6y
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Jenny How did I not know they coauthored a book?! 6y
BookaholicNatty @tonyahoswalt I found the series just in time then!!!! 😁 6y
BookaholicNatty @wordslinger42 great minds think alike 😁 6y
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1️⃣ I'm reading A Wrinkle in Time and Iron Trial
2️⃣ I actually have quite a few of the books I'm desperate to read.... One is probably Son of Dawn
3️⃣ Sci-fi
4️⃣ I used to collect pen caps because I'm really prone to losing them. So I would just go and either use a cap of the same pen or find one that fit.
5️⃣ @Jess7 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RaimeyGallant @BookaholicNatty @Chelleo @Tessa_Herondale


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! A Wrinkle In Time is on my list! I hope I get to it someday soon! 6y
RaimeyGallant I think I might try to audio number 1. :) 6y
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Got to chat with and got a few things autographed by the lovely Holly Black at the Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival.

Her presentation is tomorrow. I'm excited to see what she has to say.

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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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This was pretty much Harry Potter with different characters. #LitsyAtoZ #I✔️

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This book is haunting me
"I'm not the master of death. You are"
I'm gonna die!!!

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#Elements 🔥 💧 💨 🌏 #QuotsyJan18 #BookNerd 📚💙

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I really love this line from the book. I do love the elemental magic.

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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I think i belong to books😐

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
Booklover13 Thanks 7y
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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I really enjoyed this book! I saw alot bad reviews on this book. Everyone was saying it was to much like Harry potter. Obviously they didn't read the whole book. It has a different plot for sure. I loved it! I listened to it on audio. I can't wait to read the next one. Sometimes you have give it a chance
before you have a opinion about it. #library #litsy #booklover #kindle #kindlefire #paperwhite

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I'm loving this book! I'm almost done. Listening on audio. #library #litsy #booklover #kindle #kindlefire #paperwhite

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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Another one of those books I bought and didn't read then.. It seems a good time to give it finally a chance.

Btw, I like how the colours of the cover appear because I didn't use flash for the picture; that's why I used this one..

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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A whole glorious week with this beautiful man. Filled our days with lots of activity but still found time to discuss his most recent reads, and to buy him a bunch of cool graphic novels. ❤📚❤ #hisauntisasucker #comicbookshop #justtakeallmymoney

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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This is the book my 11 year old nephew wanted me to read so we could discuss it. I think it is fantastic for language development, lots of vocab middle graders would not already be familiar with. It is a battle/competition based plot so not great for very sensitive young people. That being said it certainly isn't any worse than the last 4 Harry Potter books. I'm planning on reading the next book in the series! #litsy2017readingchallenge #freespace

The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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So my 11 year old nephew lives all the way across the country (😢), but soon I will get to see him for an entire week!! His instructions are that I need to have this book at least 1/2 read before he gets here so that we can talk about it. My brother *hates* reading...good thing my nephew takes after his aunt on this one. I could not possibly love him any more ❤❤❤ #bondingoverbooks

Jeannie That is so awesome :) 7y
CuriousG @Jeannie It really is amazing - I'm so lucky to have such a great little man as my nephew. 7y
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Okay, I've had enough and I'm bailing. It felt like I was reading a mesh-up of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Thanks, but no thanks.

EchoLogical Love Holly Black, hate Cassandra Clare. 😥 7y
scripturient @EchoLogical I haven't read any Cassandra Clare yet but I've loved the Holly Black novels I've read so far, so I guess you're right. 😊 7y
Mommamanzi I love both those authors and even though you dnf it sounds kind of good 😬 7y
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scripturient @Mommamanzi 😂👍🏻Well, this here is just my humble opinion. Maybe you'll like it. 😊 7y
Mommamanzi @scripturient I'll make my son read it first and make sure it ends good before I read it! Hahaha 7y
Cailey_Mac I actually didn't mind the first book in this series but when I tried to read the second, I definitely bailed😅 7y
scripturient @Mommamanzi Hahaha! That's the way to do it. 😂 @Cailey_Mac Good that I stopped early then. 😂😊😂 7y
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Still not sure what I think about this... 🤔 Not yet bailing but I'm not blown away.

cariashley That's kind of how I felt about it too... I finished but didn't have any interest in picking up the next one 😕 7y
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It's Friday evening, the kid's in bed, the hubby off to his jujutsu group and me... I'm starting this one right here. 🤓

Mamashep Hurrah for Friday reading time! 7y
readinginthedark I wasn't really enjoying the beginning of this and bailed on it. Maybe I should give it another try! 7y
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The Iron Trial (Book One of Magisterium) | Cassandra Clare, Holly Black
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I enjoyed this story. It's a quick read about a magic school. It does have some similarities to HP but not enough (yet) to turn me off. I am curious to see if goes off in an antihero direction. I hope so, it would be a nice change. Not that I'm a fan of evil, but good always triumphing can get a little monotonous. I'll pick up the next book eventually. ⭐️⭐️⭐️