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The Hoarder
The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
Maud Drennan - underpaid carer and unintentional psychic - is the latest in a long line of dogsbodies for the ancient, belligerent Cathal Flood. Yet despite her best efforts, Maud is becoming drawn into the mysteries concealed in his filthy, once-grand home. She realises that something is changing: Cathal, and the junk-filled rooms, are opening up to her. With only her agoraphobic landlady and a troop of sarcastic ghostly saints to help, Maud must uncover what lies beneath Cathal's decades-old hostility, and the strange activities of the house itself. And if someone has hidden a secret there, how far will they go to ensure it remains buried?
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Ok Sir👀

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I thought this was a strange book. It is about a social worker who is helping an old aritist who is a hoarder. The social worker has regular conversations with saints, who show up and comment on goings-on. I liked the premise, but the saints were annoying and in the end, I lost interest. I skimmed through the last few chapters, the book just got way too weird.

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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🪴 Todays listen. I intend to water all my plants and hopefully do some cross stitch while reading this. What are you reading and doing today? 🧵

Smrloomis Hope the cross stitch is coming along! I always like the idea of crafty projects much more than actually doing them 😂 2y
Cazxxx @Smrloomis I love doing crafts but my health doesn‘t let me do it as often as I would like! 2y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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A great read. Probably my favourite of Kidd's. Fun and endearing.

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The unique characters really hooked me into this read. Also the supernatural feel and appearance of saints as supporting characters was so imaginative. Not my usual genre, but I did enjoy this mystery.
I‘m still working on my #alphabetchallenge using my stacks.

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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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My youngest moved out and I took over one wall of his room! Just a fraction of my books!

RaeLovesToRead Wow! 👀💕 2y
KristiAhlers That is so amazing! I love books soooo much! I would love to be able to have a wall of books like that! 2y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Just a tiny fraction of my book hoard. I donated these to the local hospital

BookwormAHN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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Past & present collide for Maud, a care worker for Mr Flood, an eccentric hoarder. With the encouragement of her agoraphobic friend, she begins to investigate what happened to the late Mrs Flood when she finds a couple of pictures with the faces burnt out. Maud has secrets and issues of her own - she‘s never recovered from her older sisters disappearance when she was a child & Saints appear to her at different times of the day - to offer advice.

BookBelle84 I love everything from Jess Kidd! Such a unique voice 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @BookBelle84, I loved her writing style - adding all her books to my tbr! 3y
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An Enid Blyton and an Agatha Christie reference in one book 🥰

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Magpiegem In the UK this is called The Hoarder. I read it last year. I always wonder why they change the titles in different countries. 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Magpiegem, I think it‘s usually because the publishers are different - but it doesn‘t make a lot of sense to me either. 3y
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I do love an Enid Blyton reference

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The character descriptions so far have been excellent

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Book 15 2021- I whole heartedly recommend this book. I did feel that familiar disappointment that the end had been tied up a little too quickly but for me this one was about the journey, the wonderful characters and even more wonderful prose. I listened to the Audiobook and it was fantastic. Multiple characters and genders done convincingly and consistently. For me the narrator is make or break with audio and this was great.

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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I‘m listening to this at the moment and I‘m really glad I am. The narrator Aoife McMahon is excellent and really conveys they quick witty nature of the main character. It‘s quite fantastical but has a mystery at its core and I‘m really enjoying it so far. But the cover art... I can‘t stop looking at it. My brain is trying to work it out!

BookBelle84 I loved this one! 3y
youneverarrived I have this on audio too! Glad to hear it‘s a good one 👍 3y
Magpiegem @youneverarrived I‘ll look forward to your review when you listen to it ☺️ 3y
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“Irish magical realism saturates this double mystery with saints, mistaken identities, and a hoarder‘s creepy house.… The author of Himself has prepared a fine Irish feast for the literary crowd; she simultaneously delights and appalls with her odd and troubled characters, never resorting to formula.” —Library Journal

I give it 5-Stars for its cleverness and intrigue. Jess Kidd Is definitely one of my favorite authors.

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I had a visit from my cute nephew this past weekend. My sister snapped this pic of us in my library bed when we were sound asleep. I ❤️ it. I thought he coughed all night but obviously not. He is a sensitive soul like his mother, my sis and loves to be read to by his Aunt. I took him to see Paw Patrol live as part of his b‘day present & when it had finished he said ‘Can we watch it again?‘ He missed out on playing at the beach thanks to the cold.

Crazeedi He's very sweet and you both look content as you're dreaming 3y
JennyM Such a lovely pic of you two 💙 3y
DivineDiana So sweet! ❤️ 3y
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Freespirit Lovely pic ❤️ 3y
CarolynM ❤️ 3y
kspenmoll Precious! 3y
Jeg Beautiful ❤️❤️ 3y
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Jess Kidd has a quirky and magical way of storytelling. I love the additions of little bits of magic and her deliciously odd characters. Made me smile.

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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3.5/5, I enjoyed this gothic-style mystery, Kidd has a nice writing style, and I like the humour. The main characters of Maud, Cathal and Renata are well drawn, as are the relationships between them. Lost half a star due to some obvious conclusions that I saw about 60 pages before the characters did, but still a pleasant read.

This was my #DoubleSpin selection for this month.


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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd

Absolutely loved this one! As a care worker myself I could relate straight from the first page to Maud and to Mr Flood. The twists were unexpected yet done well. Not at all what I thought it would be.

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd

I havent picked up my book in almost 2weeks :o I've been addicted to ghost hunting on youtube instead and fall asleep watching that instead. So I'm making an effort this week to at least read 2 chapters per night and get back to my books. This book is great I'm just distracted elsewhere lol

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Next book. #thehoarder

Booksnchill I liked this one- have enjoyed all of Jess Kidd- don‘t know why they renamed it in the US? 4y
Donna310x @Booksnchill I'm curious what's it renamed as ? 4y
Booksnchill @Donna310x Mr. Flood‘s Last Resort 4y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I‘m not sure what to say about this book, other than I was probably not its right reader. From every praise I‘ve heard about this author, I expected to enjoy it more than I did.

We follow the psychic Maud Drennan as she‘s doing her job of clearing out Cathal Flood‘s house. The old man‘s a hoarder that has quite the collection of everything. While there Maud discovers that Cathal‘s wife died under mysterious circumstances and then there‘s always

AnneCecilie the disappearance of their daughter and that she‘s not talked about. And what about the son, what is he after? 4y
AnneCecilie This was my #triplespin book in April @TheAromaofBooks Now on to read some of the other #bookspin books 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
Crazeedi Hmm sorry to hear not so great 4y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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#TBRChallenge #AudioBook #ABookThats

I really enjoyed this story. The Saints were a curious bunch; a wonderfully flawed collective of apparitions - lending just enough information to Maud to keep her going in the right direction, and keep me guessing as to what would happen next. Maud and Cathal were an excellent pairing for the story, and Renata was glorious! I loved them and was totally committed to finding out their story.


TCLinrow The haunting atmosphere over the entire story was truly magnificent, and the description of the house really brought it to life like a Frankenstein Monster of junk and National Geographic's.

The narration was truly perfect for this story.

I was so close to giving this 5 stars, but there were just a few moments that I struggled to follow. Nothing a reread wouldn't solve, though, and I know it is something I am likely to read again.
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I thought I should finally join in on #BookSpin. I‘ve seen it for a couple months and it‘s such a great idea and looks fun.

I know we‘re supposed to pick 20 books, but these are the 10 books I want to pick from, they are in order from top to bottom. They each count as 2, initially I‘m thinking 1/11, 2/12 etc.

I‘m also thinking about joining in on the #DoubleSpin and the #TripleSpin

LiteraryinLawrence Smart idea if you just have 10 to focus on! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great stack, and the double numbers totally work!! 4y
sheshedbooks Yey! 4y
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#BarnesandNoble #LastHurrah #nonessentialclosings
#bookmail #gift #longdistancelearning #keeplitsypositive
My son & I did a last run to Barnes & Noble this past week. Picked up 2 books. The 5th Wave we are reading in senior English- unit on Dystopia linked to Julius Caesar & how governments rise and fall.... I left my book at school so Robert surprised me with a copy in the mail.


I enjoyed this light read. After reading Things in Jars, I wanted to experience another one of her books. She‘s my new favorite author. Now to go and grab Himself!

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My January books. Enjoyed them all!

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Yep...Happy Friday xoxo

SomedayAlmost Me, too! Have a hoard for up coming travel... 4y
BookNerdMama Chirp is great for cheap ones! 3y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Take a mysterious stately old home, fill it with 25 years of detritus, antiques and taxidermied curiosities, an angry old man and a care worker with a strange kind of sixth sense. Then throw in a clue suggesting the house has a terrible secret.... and you have this gorgeous book. A little like Diane Setterfield‘s The Thirteenth Tale but faster paced and with more supernatural shenanigans. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

ljuliel That sounds really good. Is it titled something else too ? It sounds familiar, but the title sounds different. 5y
ljuliel I found it on our library page. 5y
Centique @ljuliel I did not know that! How interesting. Looking at that title‘s Litsy page with the alternative cover I feel like it doesn‘t express the gothic feel of this. If readers went into it expecting something like A Man Called Ove they might be a bit misled. 5y
ljuliel Yes, it does sound a bit more like a different book. I wonder why they used different titles and such a different description ? Maybe different audiences would buy it for those reasons ? I‘m not sure. 5y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd

A quirky interesting book with supernatural elements and strong characters. I found this to be an interesting and fun read, although maybe not as strong as her other two books; Things in Jars and Himself. My full review can be found on https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/07/16/review-the-hoarder-by-jess...

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Relaxing on a Saturday in bed, reading a somewhat spooky but fun book.

#readinbed #funreads #saturdayrelaxing

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After all of the hype when this book came out, I was seriously underwhelmed. in fact, if I hadn't committed to reading this book for a challenge I may have bailed. I just couldn't get into it until near the end. I enjoyed the mystery aspect of this book and that may have been its saving grace but other than the mystery aspect, getting to the end was the best part for me. 🤔🤔🤔
#6 of #14Books14Weeks

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I'm about a third of the way into this and I have to say, I'm really struggling to get into it. Is it just me? Was it slow starting for anyone else? Will it get better? I'm going to keep pushing through in the hope that it will. I'm moving on to another book for this evening though, I need a break lol

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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This morning‘s haul from The Book Grocer‘s End of Financial Year Sale not including a couple I got for swaps. Celebrating with tea and cake at my local bakery on the way home. Don‘t worry #SmallSteppers I went to yoga this morning and am off for a walk this arvo. #BFC2 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Great job & great haul! 🙌🏻 5y
robinb The Crossing Places was good...and reminds me I need to get back to that series! Enjoy your haul! 😊 5y
Laughterhp Looks like a great haul! Great job! 5y
TheWordJar Sounds like a great day! 5y
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#riotgrams #day21 - #clinchcovers

These book covers have really nice textures: those radiating lines on Sourdough are raised, and the wallpaper on Mr. Flood is more coarse than the other parts.

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I'm so envious of Jess Kidd's beautiful poetic soul and writing talent

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First completed read of #24in48. And this book... wow. It is magical realism and artistic brilliance packed into 340 pages. The cast is complete with an eccentric hoarder, a quirky and flawed caregiver who hangs out with teeth-picking saints no one else can see, and a classy gumshoe sidekick intent on solving a mystery, even if to her own peril. Oh, and some taxidermy. I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK.

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Trying to read with my “cat scarf” crushing my windpipe...


BookishMarginalia 😂😂😂 6y
BlameJennyJane @BookishMarginalia ... I would 🤣 if I could breathe. 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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Crazeedi Your kitty looks like my Rosie, and just as chubby! 6y
BlameJennyJane @Crazeedi we‘ve got kitty cousins! Florida is as sweet as she is chubby. Lol 😊 6y
Crazeedi @BlameJennyJane we do! Just posted photo and tagged you! It's a little dark, but Rosie has the same striping😊😍 6y
tracey38 😂😂😂 6y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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So, I'm settling down to start this. I mentioned that I would like it and my brother- and sister-in-law kindly obliged for my birthday. I love the feeling of excitement and anticipation of holding a new book in your hands (and sniffing it) ...❤📚

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“Mr. Flood switches to English. He wishes me a barren womb (no changes there, then), eating without ever shitting, sodomy by all of hell‘s demons (simultaneously and one after the other), fierce constriction of the throat, a relentless smoldering of the groin, and an eternity in hell with my eyes on fire.” 🤣🤣🤣

Trashcanman Merry Christmas! 6y
LauraBeth 😂😂 6y
BlameJennyJane @Trashcanman , Merry Christmas to you and yours, TCM! 🤗 6y
BookNAround I think he likes the narrator, don‘t you? 😂😂😂 6y
BlameJennyJane @BookNAround he loves her!!! Ha ha ha 6y
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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Saw this on Twitter. 😂

Soubhiville Um, yeah 🙋‍♀️ 6y
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Recommended by a friend,this looks interesting. I‘m a fan of quirky characters,so I‘m looking forward to reading it. 🤓📚

JanuarieTimewalker13 The British cover is so much nicer, title is The Hoarder there! 6y
Brenda @JanuarieTimewalker13 I‘ve seen that cover and it is nice! 🤓 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I‘m always on a book buying ban and I always fail. Lol. I want that book! Enjoy the book!! 6y
Brenda @JanuarieTimewalker13 I just bought a few other books,but this one is from the library. I‘m hoping to start it later today. 🤓 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Ha! That‘s what happens, library reads trump the purchased books!! Looking forward to your review! I‘ll have to search American title to see if my library has it! 6y
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A delightful read. A woman who sees saints and talks with them, many times funny and surprising dialogue. It presents stubborn and gruff Mr. Flood and Maud‘s care for him. Maud will not be scared away by his harsh words. In fact, she gives it right back. Great book with characters, such as Renata. I loved this book, and I highly recommend it.

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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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Great read, especially around this time of year. An eerie old house, a missing girl, a funny narrator who sees saints, an agoraphobic magicians assistant - what‘s not to love!

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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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I loved this book! It had such sparkling wit & humour, with a dash of pathos & hints of magic, I highly recommend it. Cathal is fiery old goat & Maud is his perfect counterpoint, I‘ve known crotchety old men just like him & Maud is that pious Irish girl that‘s a wee bit touched in the head & together they form the beating heart of this story. The end was heartbreaking & totally fitting. 5⭐️

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The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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“Murdering usually runs in the family; it‘s an inherited condition, like a squint.” - Renata Sparks - The Hoarder: Jess Kidd. This book has such an Irish sense of humour, in my head I can hear Brendan O‘Carroll narrating it!

The Hoarder | Jess Kidd
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#Riotgrams #day1 #CurrentRead I‘m 85pg into this strange but charming book & I‘m still not sure where the story‘s going. Maud Drennan is a care worker assigned to Cathal Flood,the terrifying old codger who has turned his large house into a monument to waste.Hoping to scare her into submission, the wily old man threatens & looms but Maud,an Irish psychic that is surrounded by ghostly saints is made of sterner stuff.Quietly funny & highly enjoyable.

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This was a cute book! I was sure how the character who saw Saints was going to work, but it did somehow. There was a good mystery and good plot as well. The landlady was one of the best “sidekicks” I‘ve come across in a long time. This was Book 7 for #13books13weeks.