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Gods, Monsters and the Lucky Peach
Gods, Monsters and the Lucky Peach | Kelly Robson
"Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach is a tour-de-force, with nuanced characters in a masterfully conceived world of stunning, mind-bending eco-tech." Annalee Newitz Experience this far-reaching, mind-bending science fiction adventure that uses time travel to merge climate fiction with historical fantasy. From Kelly Robson, Aurora Award winner, Campbell, Nebula, and Theodore Sturgeon finalist, and author of Waters of Versailles Discover a shifting history of adventure as humanity clashes over whether to repair their ruined planet or luxuriate in a less tainted pass. In 2267, Earth has just begun to recover from worldwide ecological disasters. Minh is part of the generation that first moved back up to the surface of the Earth from the underground hells, to reclaim humanity's ancestral habitat. She's spent her entire life restoring river ecosystems, but lately the kind of long-term restoration projects Minh works on have been stalled due to the invention of time travel. When she gets the opportunity take a team to 2000 BC to survey the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, she jumps at the chance to uncover the secrets of the shadowy think tank that controls time travel technology. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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Kind of a slow week and I feel like I'm heading into a major reading slump because I haven't even felt like listening to my commute audiobook.

My goal this week is to try and get at least 10% farther in anything I'm currently reading or even something I may pick up as a mood read. I just want to unslump.

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Lowish pick because I thoroughly was enjoying everything about this until it just stops. Like in the middle of the action stops. It was very shocking and annoying to turn the page and instead of more story it was just ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and I was very confused for a good five minutes.

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I loved this! It starts out in the future, 2267, when people live either in underground cities or biodomes that scientists are trying to recreate viable environments in. The main character Minh (that‘s her on the cover) is a botanist and water specialist in the Calgary restoration zone. She finds out about an opportunity to time travel to study ancient Mesopotamia and makes a bid for the project...

4th book finished for #24in48!

Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks this was my February #bookspin 😁📚👍 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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It‘s day 2 of the #24in48! Venkman and I are starting our next book, which is also my #bookspin for the month. I‘m at just over 12 hours, ready for another full day of reading 📚❤️😁!

AmyG Venkman ❤️ 3y
Soubhiville @AmyG 🐱❤️ 3y
Soubhiville @Eyelit you should read this, I think you‘ll love it. 53 pages in and I think it‘s my fave so far this year. 3y
marleed I am in instant love with Venkman! 3y
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I love the 2nd of the month when I get to build my newest #bookspinbingo board! This month‘s #bookspin for me is Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach. My #doublespin is Tales From the Loop. 😊📚

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks ! I‘m looking forward to my spins.

Moray_Reads Can I ask which Night Watch is on your list? The seen to be several with the title 3y
Soubhiville @Moray_Reads the Terry Pratchett Discworld Night Watch 😊. I‘m a huge Pratchett fan. 3y
Moray_Reads @Soubhiville me too, I think Thud! is my absolute favourite but Night Watch is one of the best 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 3y
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I love my husband. I do. And I need to reread this vicious little story about a woman's bitter life and how she tips the balance to....

What Gentle Women Dare (Kelly Robson)

#notthetaggedbook #thisisareread #shortwork

esurient ... Kill the men. Kill all the men. 4y
esurient We're to the point in the quarantine where we're occasionally pretending the other doesn't exist. Headphones are a godsend. I would trade a firstborn for an insulated treehouse with a comfy chair. 4y
esurient ...I really want a sequel.... 4y
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5 ⭐️s

Review based on an #arc given to me for free by Tor.Com Publishing

Man, but this was a fun read. The characters are wonderful to read about, and though it takes a while to really get into the worldbuilding, once you grasp it it's a really well-built, well thought-out world that projects a future that might not be too long in coming if we keep on going down the road we're on right now.

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#7days7covers #covercrush

Posting covers I love for 7 days, no explanation needed. Tagging someone to play each day.

(Day 5)

@Laura317 have you been tagged yet? If no, would you like to join in?

TheLibrarian I really like this cover too! 5y
Nute Way cool! 5y
GatheringBooks ooh! i likey! 5y
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Laura317 @Eyelit Thanks! 5y
Soubhiville How was this book? I love the cover! 5y
Eyelit @Soubhiville of all the books I‘ve posted for this challenge this is the only one I haven‘t read yet 😂 it‘s high on my list and hope to get to it before the year ends. I‘ll keep you posted 5y
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Rewarding myself for another day of reaching my step goals for #BookFitnessChallenge with a bubble bath, hot tea, chocolate dipped date, and this book, one of my last #2019HugoFinalists novellas I need to read. 😄🙌🏻☕️

Caterina Yessss I so support this reward for a successful #bfc day!! You rock! 🙌 5y
BookwormAHN Nice 👏🏻 5y
monalyisha YUM! Love dates! Good job with meeting your goals & creating delicious rewards! 😉 5y
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TheSpineView Keep up the good work! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
BethM Best reward! 💕 5y
Kaye ✨✨🌟✨✨✨ 5y
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I managed only 12 hours and 10 minutes in the #24B4Monday #readathon, but I made good progress in my Hugo Awards reading this year. I finished this very fun time-travel story by Kelly Robson (Best Novella nominee). I also finished a couple of stories from the Charlie Stross‘s Laundry Files (Best Series nominee). #hugo2019 #hugoawards

Thanks to @TheReadingMermaid and @Andrew65 for hosting!

BeansPage You made it over halfway that's fantastic!!! 👏👏🎉🎉 5y
Andrew65 12 hours is still an excellent time over three days. Well done. 👏👏👏😊 5y
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Cool veneer; lacking depth. This was an example of where the novella format totally did not work for me. It's a damned shame: I had been franticly excited for the senior-citizen protagonist with AWESOME OCTOPUS LEGS, but the story is all messy time travel handwaveyness and I'm back here like, ...oh.

#vacationread No. 5, proper relaxing.

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Thank you so much @eyelit! I am so excited to get to this one!! 💚💚💚


Eyelit You‘re welcome - it sounds really cool (and that cover)! 6y
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A quick, entertaining read. Full of action. I kind of wished it had gone on to tie up the loose ends, but I can see the value in leaving it open. Great for anyone who loves a short sci-fi.

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I'm not sure I'll reach my goal by the end of the year. 41 books means I need to read 9 more in 3 weeks. 😱


I need to sit with this. There‘s lots of elements I liked, but it didn‘t quite come together for me and the abrupt ending didn‘t help reconcile how I felt about it.

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I really liked this! It examined the ethics of time travel and superiority over the past, while still having some conflicts that weren‘t resolved. I‘d love to have more in this universe.

abbielistenstobooks Oooooooo! Sounds fun! 6y
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A quick scifi read. I didn't love it but I also didn't hate it. It had parts that interested me but the story never really gripped me and I didn't really care about the characters or what they were doing.

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Time travel, artificial tentacle limbs , badass women and believable conflict make this a pick. (Small) minus points for being too short and a rather abrupt ending, probably both because it's 'only' a novella. I would have loved to read more about that world and how everything works.
That's the prompts 'gorgeous cover' and 'strong female lead & passes Bechdel test' for the #SFFTBRChallenge sorted.

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This little novel read like peak Michael Crichton. Experts spend a lot of time speaking thick techno-babble, then undertake a scientific expedition which falls apart due to human error and the inherent unpredictability of all things.

The team is from our wrecked future traveling back to ancient Mesopotamia to study the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. And yes Minh on the cover does have neurally-controlled prosthetic tentacles.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk The second book of my #SummerOfShort 6y
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Added a bunch of books to my TBR pile today including this sci-fi novella which sounds super interesting.

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I try to go easy on the book buying in March because I know I‘ll end up going flippin‘ crazy during April (birthday month).

But I will forgive myself this #bookmail which I preordered in November based solely on that cover (THAT COVER!) and the knowledge that it has something to do with time travel.

LibrarianRyan That is an awesome cover. I would buy it just on the cover. 6y
dsfisher That title! 6y
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“Who wouldn‘t jump at the chance to time travel?” 😂

Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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