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Kakerlakkene | Jo Nesb
Den norske ambassadren i Thailand blir funnet drept p et horehus i Bangkok, og i Oslo legges en plan for hvordan en skandale skal unngs. Politimannen Harry Hole setter seg p flyet med fyllende og B12-spryter. Snart vandrer han rundt i Bangkoks bakgater blant opiumshus, templer, turistreklame, barneprostituerte og go-go-barer. Harry Hole oppdager etter hvert at det dreier seg om mer enn mord: Det er noe som kravler og kryper bak veggene. Noe som ikke tler dagens lys.
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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This is my first Jo (pronounced kind of like You) Nesbø (pronounced Nesbur without the r), thanks to husband‘s Norwegian pronunciation guide. I point this out because the infamous Harry Hole isn‘t pronounced like Americans would. The book was very good & kept me interested. The ending was very good (quite complex) albeit very gory. However, I was confused by what happened with the “wacker” at the end, & no idea who the epilogue was about. ?

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Well, that would be difficult to find someone‘s abode!

#Thailand #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Up next for #foodandlit #Thailand

Thai food on tap this weekend!

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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This is the second Harry Hole novel and the only one I hadn't read yet. Maybe one day I'll read them in order. Harry has been called to Bangkok to solve the murder of the Norwegian Ambassador. This was a fairly dark novel but also really engrossing.
#Booked2021 #TranslatedIntoYourFirstLanguage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Lots of people love this series!! I read a few but they were a bit too violent for me🙄 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘ve always wondered if I‘d like these. I‘m usually okay with dark stuff! 3y
BookwormAHN @BarbaraTheBibliophage They're really good but they are dark. His best is book 3 The Redbreast. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @BookwormAHN Good to know. I am the worst about starting a new series and then “trying to make it last.” AKA forgetting how much I love it … 3y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

Good murder mystery set in Thailand. Our alcoholic protagonist, Harry Hole, is sent to investigate the death of a Norwegian embassy official who may or may not be involved in the child sex trafficking/pornography industry. Everyone wants to keep it out of the news, but Harry can't seem to stay out of trouble.

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I really liked the Thailand setting, and the focus on a group of Norwegian citizens living abroad. I like Harry Hole, and enjoy reading about him and how his mind works as he's solving a murder. He reads like an old man, but I think he's supposed to be in his thirties. The mystery of who killed the Norwegian Ambassador soon becomes entangled with prostitution and child pornography. This was really interesting and I liked reading it.

CaroPi Love the glasses 3y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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This was my first book this year that I read. A classic in this genre, nothing special ... a troubled detective haunted by the past, unusual murder, a bit of politics, a bit of action, corruption, twist ... but what‘s unusual is that the story is set in #Thailand #ReadingAsia2021 #Booked2021 - translated into your 1st language

Librarybelle Hooray for the first book read this year! 4y
Simona I hope that it doesn‘t define my entire year 😘 4y
Cinfhen Lots of people love this author! I‘ve read a few but they are pretty gory for me. I don‘t think Nordic Noir is my thing. 4y
See All 7 Comments
Cinfhen At least you ticked off 2 prompts 😜 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I didn‘t expect this author to base a story in Thailand! Thanks for the review. 4y
Simona @Cinfhen I don‘t mind gory, usually, but I was sooo bored by predictability ... 2 prompts are always good 😚 4y
Simona @BarbaraTheBibliophage I was surprised too. 4y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

I enjoy a good mystery but this felt a bit messy. My least favorite of the Harry Hole books I read so far.

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I liked it even though more for the personnel (Harry, Liz, Runa) than for the plot itself.

My tiny issue is that it‘s Hercule-Poirot-like: Most of the solution happens in Harry‘s mind. That‘s a bit like deus ex machina.

Here and there things are a bit flat and wooden but I liked especially the first part and how it shows differences in culture.

By the character of Ivar Löken I was totally surprised – even though I‘m unsure how realistic he is.

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#MorivationalMonday @Cupcake12

One to-do complete. Meal plan set.

Or, put in other words: What I did _instead_of_ going to bed, trying to sleep. #TeamSleepProcrastination @IndoorDame 🙃

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I just saw @Lifeisasnap posting her #MotivationalMonday hosted by @Cupcake12 and felt the desire to add my 50 cent without being tagged …

1️⃣ Get rid of annoying paperwork • come up with a nice meal plan for next week • finish the tagged book (non-official to-do) • get up early to make the most out of this week‘s time • stroll around in “Subnautica” to find some spots I earlier missed somehow

2️⃣ We finished 🎮 “Subnautica”‘s story mode 🥳

Come-read-with-me @Buechersuechtling Thanks for the tag Jessica!!! I‘m going to play but will have to think really hard about good things that happened this weekend. We are in lock-down in the state we live, so the good thing may be that I shaved my legs! 🤣 4y
Buechersuechtling @Come-read-with-me I so much hear ya about the shaving 🪒. 😂 I had my first physiotherapist appointment of 2021 today and was like: “Oh, something must be done there.” while looking at my legs this morning under the shower. 4y
Come-read-with-me @Buechersuechtling I bet the physio really appreciated your effort!! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cupcake12 Your to do list sounds productive, hope you get everything ticked off. Thank you for playing x 4y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😁🏷 4y
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Whoops, sometimes I am surprised which books are those where I obviously am the first to post something related to the German edition.

This one is one of those. It‘s Harry Hole‘s 2nd case. Because I didn‘t know it was a series I accidentally started with his 7th case months ago.

I really like the investigator so I try to listen step-by-step to all of the “Harry-Hole”-audiobooks my library has in the correct order.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

Harry Hole in Thailand. So much better than the Bat. Hole is definitely a more interesting character in this book.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Reading this author next for #NordicNoir.

Finished my project of finding the ratings for authors of #NordicNoir to figure out my next authors to read.

@gradcat @Crazeedi @AnneCecilie @eanderson @Andrew65 @Butterfinger @marina_h @Tove_Reads @JulesG @Texreader

EadieB Jo Nesbo - Harry Hole - 4.42
Kurt Eichenwald - Standalones - 4.07
Hjorth Rosenfeldt - Sebastian Bergman - 4.05
Maj Sjowall - Martin Beck - 3.95
Asa Larsson - Rebecka Martinsson - 3.93
Will Dean - Tuva Moodyson - 3.91
Henning Mankell - Wallander - 3.86
L Marklund - 3.84
Helene Tursten - Det. Hass - 3.78
James Thompson - Inspector Vaara - 3.76
EadieB Arnaldour Indridason - Inspector Erlendur - 3.74
John Ajvide Lindquist - standalones - 3.72
Yrsa Sigurdardottir - Thóra Gudmundsdóttir - 3.71
Karin Fossum - Inspector Sejer - 3.65
Leena Lehtolainen - Maria Kallio - 3.62
Jorgen Brekke - Odd Singsaker - 3.62
Gunnar Staalesen - Varg Veum - 3.61
Anne Holt - Hanne Wilhelmsen - 3.60
(edited) 4y
EadieB Peter Hoeg - Standalones - 3.52
Ake Edwardson - Erik Winter - 3.51
Mari Jungstedt - Anders Knutas - 3.48
Kjell Eriksson - Ann Lindell - 3.46
See All 43 Comments
Tove_Reads I‘m surprised Holt doesn‘t have a better rating. 4y
EadieB @Tove_Reads These ratings are from Goodreads. I took the rating for each book and got the average for all the books in the series. 4y
EadieB @Tove_Reads Holt's ratings are better on Amazon but to be fair we would have to do all the authors. 4y
Tove_Reads Wasn‘t too impressed with 4y
EadieB @Tove_Reads It rated 4.0 on Amazon too. 4y
Tove_Reads Heard good things about Arne Dahl, but haven‘t read any of his books yet. 4y
julesG I have a lot of catching up to do. 😲 4y
amywithbooks I would also check out Nesbo's standalone, The Son. Loved it! 4y
EadieB @julesG I've read about 4 but the translations didn't come out in order so my next one is Book 2 which is the tagged book. 4y
EadieB @avgeyer Thanks for the suggestion! 4y
gradcat I did not like the tagged book at all, but that‘s life. We all experience books differently. Love, love, love the Harry Hole series though. I left some more notes on the earlier post of @Tove_Reads ... ♥️ 4y
Andrew65 Thanks for the data on the series. I‘m still struggling with the original Nordic noir authors. 😂 I read the first Jo Nesbo, didn‘t particularly enjoy it and have never progressed. @julesG @gradcat @EadieB @Tove_Reads 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 On Tove's post from yesterday, gradcat suggested that we read Larsson and Indridason. We need to hear from others to see if these authors are available to them. Out of the 4 Nesbo books I read, I would say I really liked 2 of them. Snowman and Nemesis are the ones I liked the best. (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB The Bat was the one I read set in Australia. Neither are available to me whilst libraries are shut. (edited) 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 One of my libraries started curbside delivery yesterday and the one in my town will start curbside next Monday. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Not heard any action from our libraries in any way, shape or form despite all shops being able to open now. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Your government doesn't seem to promote reading I suppose as they are too busy trying to get you to open your school. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Can‘t understand why libraries are not open. I can buy clothes or even books from a book shop, but I can‘t go in a library. Easy to social distance in a library. Agree, government doesn‘t promote reading. 4y
Andrew65 Just checked website and Facebook page, no news or discussion about opening. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Found this:


But what about your area?
Andrew65 Nothing for our area. If Wales can do it why not other areas in England. England eased lockdown three weeks before Wales. No rationale - can send some children to school, can do gatherings of six, can go to most shops, can have gatherings of six but can‘t visit family! So my teachers can teach children from a number of households but can‘t visit a nephew or niece! Can‘t stay out overnight. 4y
julesG @Andrew65 🙈🤦‍♀️🙈🤦‍♀️ I'm borrowing from Neil deGrasse Tyson here, the set rules are under no obligation to make sense to you. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 crazy! 4y
Andrew65 @julesG 😂 Not sure they are making sense to anyone! 🤷‍♂️ 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Isn‘t it! 4y
Crazeedi @EadieB just let me know. I'll try to find. I'm so behind on the other series, and have been outside working most days. I'm thinking of joining Brooklyn Library so I have access to audiobooks and maybe I'll be able to catch up 4y
EadieB @Crazeedi You can join Brooklyn Library? How does that work? 4y
Crazeedi @EadieB its $50 a year, my daughter in law listens to a lot of audiobooks and she said they have tons of them and ebooks too. Of course theres long waits for new books, but lots of others 4y
EadieB @Crazeedi Wouldn't Audible Books or Amazon Prime be cheaper and do the same thing? I think @Andrew65 uses these things. (edited) 4y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 We are talking about books we‘ll start reading in August and September. Let‘s hope libraries are open for you then. I‘m so happy ours are open! 4y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads 🤞I will be able to be away in August so unless libraries have any authors electronically won‘t be able to join until September. Never needed a holiday more. Now been working every day for four months non-stop trying to hold, school, staff, parents, community etc together, & this includes all Bank holidays and very long days at that. Think totalled 70 - 80 hours last week alone. And that‘s on top of a very tough year and health issues. 4y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 You deserve your rest and you‘ll get it soonish! Hopefully the libraries open up in July, then you can join us! You‘d think they open since so much has opened by now 4y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Crazy that they haven‘t when shops have. Shops are busier than libraries. 4y
Andrew65 I do use audible alongside library ebooks. The libraries are free for ebooks. I am a member of seven different libraries for ebooks / audiobooks so gives me a big choice. @EadieB @Crazeedi (edited) 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Do you have to pay to use any of those libraries? @Crazeedi (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Never got audiobooks out of the library so not sure if there is a charge for them, but all the audiobooks from libraries online are free. Now a members of libraries across Yorkshire and North-East of England and they are all free. This year they have even got rid of the charges for late books or reservations from other libraries in the county. @Crazeedi Can access all the libraries from other areas for free. (edited) 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Nice that they have gotten rid of charges. I belong to two libraries in two different counties and one of them just got rid of their charges and the other doesn't have charges for anything. That's also great that you have a wide choice of libraries to use. 4y
gradcat @andrew65 The first three books are not as good...Nesbo‘s books get better when he‘s back in Norway, imho.... 4y
EadieB @gradcat Good to know! Thanks! 4y
Andrew65 @gradcat Thanks fir that information. 😍 4y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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1. Tagged: Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo
2. The Secret Wisdom of the Earth ?
3. 93 and sunny

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain 😊

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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On the go reading.

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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batsy Oh lord 😭😭 #myworstfear 5y
JulietReads Ignorance is bliss. 5y
Ddzmini 🤢🤮 hate roaches but I have a way of getting rid of all of them even the hidden ones 💀☠️☠️☠️ 5y
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gradcat @batsy Sorry!! ♥️ (edited) 5y
gradcat @Ddzmini Ummm...should I ask? 😱 5y
gradcat @JulietBooks Isn‘t it just...? 🙃 (edited) 5y
Ddzmini It‘s boric acid 😝 but you have to be diligent when your doing otherwise like everything else it won‘t work (so hard work and consistency is key) 5y
gradcat Ugh! You know, I think one of my landlords (when I lived in Nashville) said to use boric acid...but I can‘t remember if I did. Something worked though, else I wouldn‘t have been able to stand living there! 😂🙃 5y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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This was entertaining! I think the Jo Nesbø atmosphere is not quite there yet since this is one of his early books but it's close. Also why put an Ikea knife on the cover if it clearly doesn't make an appearance in the book? The description of knifes in this book are very detailed so the person who made the cover could find all the needed info for the right kind of knife in the book if they wanted. 🤔

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Breafast at the balcony. 😋🍵🥣

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Book 3 was the first of the Harry Hole series translated into English and then the rest came along. And I loved them! Books 1 and 2 were translated much later. This is book 2. Book 1, The Bat was ok, so I wasn't expecting much from the one. Yay! I was wrong. This is a good book and explains so much of Harry Hole's background. You really get to know why Harry is the way he is. The mystery was good too 😉.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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First book of #24in48 done! Now to decide what to read next. 😬

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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#24in28 let‘s go! Slept in this morning cause I needed it and now I‘m ready to go! Starting off by finishing this book, since I‘m about 72% of the way done.

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Getting all set for #24in48 tomorrow! Not pictured because they‘re on the Kindle: tagged book, FURYBORN by Claire Legrand, THE GIRLS OF 17 SWANN STREET by Yara Zgheib, and FORGET YOU KNOW ME by Jessica Strawser. I have BRING ME BACK by B.A. Paris as my audiobook and audio copies of THE DEEP by Nick Cutter and NOT THAT I COULD TELL by Jessica Strawser, just in case. So excited to start! Think 11 books is enough? https://bit.ly/2G6bT4n

Julsmarshall Great stack! 6y
catebutler Looks good! I‘ve been going back and forth with participating this time. 6y
Hestapleton @catebutler it‘s always fun to participate even when you don‘t get to the full 24. I think last time I did it, I only got to 10. It was fun to just really focus on my reading and be with other Littens! 6y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Title aside, I really liked the 2nd installment of the Harry Hole series. I have now caught up with the first two books, and can continue on with Bk. 5 in the series!

I think I will be spending a lot of time with Jo Nesbø over winter break! ? #nordicnoir

Gaylagal2 There is nobody like Jo Nesbo! I started reading his books about 10 years ago....love 🤙 6y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I‘m having a much needed mid-morning reading break, enjoying one of the cookies leftover from the book club holiday party I hosted last night. #booksandtea

Velvetfur That's a gorgeous picture, and those cookies look fabulous 😁 6y
MaGoose Beautiful mug and delicious-looking cookies. 6y
DivineDiana Lovely photo! Not sure if I could read a book with that title! 😉 6y
alisiakae @DivineDiana 😂😂 The title is quite bad! The book is good, though. 6y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Two snow days, and an incredibly long Wednesday chauffeuring 4th & 5th graders to a choral performance, followed up by running the 5th grade school winter party....I‘m exhausted! So I find nothing wrong with changing into Star Wars PJ‘s and crashing on my bed with my next book!

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Second in the Harry Hole series and the third of this series that I‘ve read. I love the character of Harry but I do find these books hard to get into. Once I do I feel like they‘re worth the effort but they are always a bit of struggle initially.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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📖 I didn‘t love this investigation much but I loved Harry‘s pursuit for answers. Harry always seems tormented and he definitely blurs his muddy life issues with his work, which I love.

I just could not keep up with the details of the investigation nor with the cast of characters. I wanted the case to be solved quickly so I could move on.

🎧 John Lee brilliantly narrates the audio. I highly recommend audio lovers listening to him read this book.

melbeautyandbooks The first two books of this series are not the best. They didn‘t even translate them into English for a long time after the later books had already been translated and well received. I haven‘t listened to the audiobooks. I would recommend sticking with the series. It gets much better. That‘s my two cents anyway. 7y
intothehallofbooks @melbeautyandbooks OHHH, I didn‘t realize they had been translated out of order! That makes sense, because I have wondered why so many have skipped the beginning of the series and read after this one 😂 I started listening to the audio along with the print because when I began the series print-only, I wasn‘t sure how to pronounce several names. So I added the audio. The narrator is so good that I‘ll probably keep doing audio + print. 😊 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Halfway thru this one and it is a little bit of a struggle.


I knew going into this that this book is one of the weaker parts of the series. My expectations are sadly low! 🤦🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ I don‘t really want to bail because I LOVE Harry as a character and I‘m interested in what the second half will reveal about his character progression. The investigation is okay, but mostly I don‘t want to miss any details for the next book.

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I didn‘t mean to have a fairly solo Xmas but came down with the stomach flu Xmas eve so I‘ve been mostly holed up in my mom‘s spare room. I missed Xmas gifts and breakfast with my brother and his family, but at least my little sidekick has been keeping me company and I‘ve been able to get some reading in on what would otherwise be a day when there isn‘t much time for it. Merry Christmas all!! 🎄🎁❤️📚#joinin #dogsoflitsy

BookMaven407 Merry Christmas 🎄hope you feel better soon! 7y
LauraBeth Hope you feel better 🎄🎄 7y
rubyslippersreads A cutie pie like that will cure you in no time. 🐶 7y
ReadingSusan Oh no 😭😭 So sorry. Feel better soon. 7y
Karkar Hope you feel better soon! 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Now I‘ve read two books in the Harry Hole series and I definitely don‘t get it. They were pretty much the same (same structure, same overall idea) and by the time of The Great Denouement I didn‘t really care and missed half of it.

Foxyfictionista Hmmmm, this is in my tbr stack. I've only read two of his as well. I think I liked them (it's been a while) but a lot of crime novels seem to follow a formula. A hard boiled cop who is a lone wolf and incapable of emotional commitment etc... I bought it for 30p at a library sale so I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work out, I'll donate it. Thanks for the heads-up! 7y
tricours @Foxyfictionista exactly! I just can‘t care about any of the people in his books and so far it‘s been exactly the same formula. 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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My last two audiobooks aren‘t in the Litsy database so I haven‘t been able to post about them. Of course this one is though, even though it‘s so far beneath the other two in quality 😡 Oh well! We had our first ISO 9001:2015 audit today (I‘m head of QMS) so I need some knitting and wine now.

[DELETED] 3803335244 This is a lovely pattern! I knitted my daughter a shawl for Christmas. She‘s a Austen fan & wanted an Austen shawl. My pattern wasn‘t so pretty though! Beautiful job, I love it! 7y
Dolly So pretty! 😍 7y
Suet624 That knitting is gorgeous. 7y
julesG Black shawl! Looks gorgeous. 7y
tricours @julesG it looks much darker in the picture! It‘s actually grey 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

This is the 2nd one in the series and I have to say I‘m really getting into this author. He‘s a unique writer who is amazing at dialogue (at least I think so). I‘m excited to pick up the 3rd book in the series.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

A little more interesting than the first book, but I‘m still waiting for the series to actually get going. Rating: 3/5.

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I started losing interest midway through, not sure if it was my mood or the book. Also is it theme in these books that a woman has to be kidnapped and killed each time?

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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What books would you never want to be in? A Harry Hole novel. Why? Because almost everybody dies in torturous ways. Harry's in Thailand trying to find out who killed the Norwegian Ambassador. Jo Nesbo does this wonderful thing with giving characters a gritty mini story from their past, but then he steps on the pedal and has someone have their arms sawed off while they're alive. And you just wanna say, "Hey Jo, let's slow it down." It was decent.

Bambolina_81 I've had this on my shelf for the longest time! 7y
Ms_T I love your reviews! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Cinfhen Same @Ms_T I could read Reggie reviews all day long 😍😍😍 7y
minkyb Entertaining take on Harry! 7y
Reggie @Ms_T @Cinfhen you ladies are too kind. Thank you!!! 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I really enjoy the books I have read in the Harry Hole series. ThIs one is on my TBR. I think I developed a snowman phobia after The Snowman... not sure where cockroaches fit in to this story. I'm going to have to suck it up and find out. #SizzlinSummerBooks #Bug

Joanne1 I read this not long ago, my first Nesbo. It was a compelling crime thriller. I can't remember how the cockroach fits in, I think it's metaphorical rather than literal. 7y
DGRachel I don't remember literal cockroaches in this book and since I have a phobia, I think I'd remember. You should be safe. 😉 7y
Christinak @Joanne1 @DGRachel thank goodness! 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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#insects (in the title) #junebookbugs

BibliophileMomma Are his book good? I've not read any but I've been eyeing his books 7y
DGRachel @Tiffy_Reads I love them. They can take a little bit to get into, but I've enjoyed the first four immensely. They've also gotten better as the series progresses. 7y
BibliophileMomma @DGRachel which is book 1 and 2 7y
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DGRachel @Tiffy_Reads the tagged book for the post is #2. The Bat is #1 7y
Andrew65 @DGRachel I wasn't totally enamoured by The Bat, if you say they get better perhaps I should try some others. 7y
DGRachel @andrew65 @Tiffy_Reads I looked at Goodreads and Amazon-the ratings for The Bat are lower than the any of the others and the ratings get higher as the series progresses. I thinks it's worth giving at least the second book a chance. 7y
Andrew65 @DGRachel Definitely sounds the case. Thanks for the hint. 😊 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo

Norway meets Thailand in this cross cultural suspense/mystery. The characters are damaged and gritty and the plot has enough twists to keep you guessing til the end. A nice break from the heavier stuff I often read and I'll be sure to pick up another Nesbo at some point in the future.

JillR I do love the Harry Hole series by Jo Nesbo - always a light-ish but gripping read 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Hoping to finish this on a drive to Melbourne today.

Victoria_Clyne Good luck finishing it. 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I haven't posted for a couple of days and have done very little reading in that time. I never feel quite right if I haven't had time to read so today I'm going to try and rectify the situation.

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Another first... my first Jo Nesbo. So far it's a good read.

DGRachel I've enjoyed these. I think I'm on #5. 7y
Jeg I'm about to read my first Jo Nesbo . 7y
Joanne1 @DGRachel I'm going to see if I can get #1 from the library next time I visit. 7y
Joanne1 @Jeg this was my first too. 7y
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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Follow up to "The Bat" Harry Hole investigates the murder of the Norwegian ambassador in Thailand. Harry gets involved with the local mafia, politics, foreign diplomacy and sleazy business men. 8/10

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Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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Tea and a book! #JoNesbo Happy Sunday!

Cockroaches | Jo Nesbo
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I took advantage of the setting! I just got home from seeing La Boheme! :) #laboheme #teatromunicipal #JoNesbø #libros #books