Possibly the best remedy for someone trying and struggling with positivity.
Possibly the best remedy for someone trying and struggling with positivity.
April‘s audiobook #doublespin. I think this had a great message that women should take to heart. I wish I would have read it on paper, the audiobook was a little disjointed at times. I seemed like there were boxes in the text that didn‘t lend itself well to audio, but the narration was great.
second time reading, this time as an audiobook! free with audible subscription. HIGHLY recommend. 🥰 #thingsnoonetellsfatgirls #jesbaker #tucson
The suspension of disbelief is the engine on which diet culture runs ... A women who is singularly obsessed with how she looks will never be an independent woman...
I realize fashion can be revolutionary, but what if you‘re plus-size, want to be body positive, but aren‘t into fashion? Then I suggest you read Lindy West‘s Shrill.
If you‘re someone that likes fashion & finds it a great means of expressing yourself, & if you are allosexual, then this book could be very liberating if you have a poor relationship with your body image.
Jes is fun & trans/queer, crip, and male inclusive, but just not right for me.
I really ought to finish one book before I start another. This is one of the five I currently have on the go. Spot the cameo by one of my kitties!
An empowering and thought provoking read. Jes challenges a lot of people's thinking by captivating exactly how life is for some overweight people. Each chapter she challenges people do one something that people think overweight people shouldn't do. This book has some funny moments and also some poignant ones. It raises some very relevant topics such as mental health issues, transgender issues and childhood obesity issues as well as many others.
i liked this!
this is a good place to start if you're interested in reading about body positivity. It markets itself as a handbook and does have challenges to encourage confidence but it also goes into the history of weight and fashion and has guest essays too for extra perspectives!
she even provides a reading list at the back of the book and lists of blogs and websites to check out which as a fellow fat woman i dived right into and loved
I wish I had read this book 10 years ago. I wish this book had existed 10 years ago. I needed so much of what was in this book. I pretty much needed all of what was in this book. If you don‘t think you‘re pretty enough, skinny enough, big enough, small enough, (fill in the blank) enough... basically if you don‘t think you‘re enough for the world, a lover, yourself (so everyone), this book is for you. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
This is officially the BEST acknowledgments section EVER. We should all be grateful after we‘ve come out of something like this that we didn‘t end up with scurvy, too. I should probably thank Sprouts for preventing me from developing scurvy while I was in grad school. 🤣😂🤣
#jesbaker #thingsnoonetellsfatgirls #scurvy
We all need a little more of this.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #bodylove #selflove #bodypositivity
Duly noted. Now to find said person. If you need me I‘ll be out...just kidding I‘ll be here reading a book. Let‘s be real.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonetellafatgirls #bodylove #selflove #bodypositivity #everyoneneedstogetlaid
He‘s a keeper!!! This should be a vlog series. I would totally watch this.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #cats #thingscatsthinkabout #bestboyfriendever
Where was this 10 years ago?! I seriously needed this 10 years ago. I needed the whole story that came with this. It‘s been a REALLY long 10 years. (Don‘t ask why unless you really want to know. You‘ve been warned.)
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #love #selflove #bodypositivity
It‘s official. Jes Baker is my spirit animal.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #jesbakerismyspiritanimal
Just on her love of burritos alone, I think we could be friends. Now I want a t-shirt that says “I‘m not pregnant. This is my burrito bump.”
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #burritos #fortheloveofburritos #ineedthistshirt
This. Yup. I think the worst part of having a panic attack in the middle of Walmart (I swear the one we have access to has a portal to hell in it) is the depression that follows it when the adrenaline rush is over, you‘re taking stalk of the broken stuff, and you‘re thinking, ‘yup, it happened again. I suck as a person. I just failed at life.‘
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #thingsnoonetellsyou #mentalillness #neededtoreadthis
I needed this. I seriously did. Part of me feels like I‘m not one of the people who gets to claim compassion fatigue because I don‘t “compassion” enough (if that makes sense), and then part of me feels like “yeah my mother had a stroke, I still fecking matter, thank you very much. I didn‘t just stop existing or having an autonomous existence 5 years ago.”
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #thingsnoonewilltellyou #compassionfatigue
POP QUIZ TIME, KIDS!!! What are these symptoms caused by? (Answer in the comments under the spoilers tag. I promise I didn‘t spoil any part of the book for you.)
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #shockingtruth
This really is the truth.
“Plus size models are just bigger versions of skinny models, and really they‘re not plus size, they‘re average. Just sayin. We really need to learn to love everybody, inside every body. Just saying.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #truthtime #diversity #loveeverybody
🤣😂🤣 “She was also missing a belly button.” 🤣😂🤣
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #katemiddleton #postpregnancybody #missingbellybutton
Vivienne McMasters on why selfies aren‘t selfish. Interesting approach.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #viviennemcmasters #selfies #takeaselfie #selfiescanchangetheworld #thegoodsideofselfies
How to give photoshop the finger, by Jes Baker.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls #takeaselfie #showrealbodies #thegoodsideofselfies
Had a really interesting conversation about this in a women‘s history class. The black women (including our awesome prof, Dr. Hill) all talked about how lighter is better. They were shocked when all the white women said, “then how come for white women, darker is better?” Clearly the standards are totally BS. Let‘s all just be ourselves. Let‘s all just see everyone, including ourselves, as beautiful.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfatgirls
That‘s right. You read that correctly: it‘s. a. RIGHT. Suck it body shamers.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewilltellfstgirls #selflove
I‘m so excited to get to read this book now. It was hard to figure out what to read after my last book. I was still mulling that ending over hours later. I‘ve read the intro and first chapter of this book. I wish this book had been available 10 years ago when I broke up with my ex. I feel like I could be friends with Jes Baker in real life. I really hope this book changes my perspective, even a little.
#jesbaker #thingsnoonewillfatgirls #bodylove
GUYS. As a fat woman, living my best life is hard. I have spent lots of time and effort learning to love the bits of me that society doesn‘t (ie soft tummy, jiggly thighs) and reading #fat #feminist literature like the tagged book has gotten me here. I am SO excited for Jes Baker‘s new #memoir and when they made enamel pins for all the preorders I couldn‘t resist. Can‘t wait for the release date on May 8th and for my signed copy!
Great book if you are struggling with acceptance of your body. It deals with Health at Every Size and body positivity for all.
It DOES NOT say you shouldn‘t go to the gym, dance class, or be healthy. The author argues that replacing thinness with being ‘healthy‘ as the sole arbiter of self-worth is just as bad, not that being fit and healthy is bad. There is a distinct difference.
Rating: 4 🌟 (full review on Amazon UK and Goodreads)
“We do this terrible thing where we look in the mirror or at pictures and we expect to see a thin model. Unless you are a thin model, THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So stop that sh*t. The second you start looking for you is the second you will start to appreciate what you are.”
“Contrary to what we have been taught, other people‘s bodies are NOT ours to publicly comment on. Wait. What? I‘ll say it again: Other people‘s bodies are NOT ours to publicly comment on.”
A great dissertation on and introduction to #bodypositivity and #radicalselflove. I listened to the audiobook, which I found enjoyable! #bodypos #selflove #fat #bodypositive
I really really enjoyed this book. I realised that I have, in the past, contributed to the wrong kind of thinking about bodies and this is probably because of my own insecurities about my body. This book has some great practical advice for things you can do to combat the self loathing and create more self loving. It's a well researched and written book with the right mix of humour and seriousness.
#booked2018 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage
One of the hardest/best things about being a voracious reader with an open mind is that, often, you will read something that challenges your thought patterns, makes you reconsider beliefs you've held your whole life, makes you aware of times you've fucked up without meaning to.
Really enjoying this. Jes is funny and I like the way she writes a lot. Plus she's challenging some thinking I didn't even know I had.
Finished this audiobook today! Body positivity in action. Because sometimes, you need a witty, smart, fierce narrator to remind you that you're worth loving now.
Love all of the body positive books! Jes is a great narrator!!
"But, as we silly women are wont to do, we've continued to liberate ourselves in new ways, years after year (from societal expectations of our beauty). And, so. In response there's an always evolving "beauty myth" that includes a new domination technique to compensate for each of our newfound powers." ? ?
This one is gonna be a doozy kids. Incoming radical body positivity y'all.
#selflove #fat #selfhelp #bookswithapurpose #bodypositivity
Warning ⚠️ rant ahead - I love a book about loving yourself and body positivity. This book started off so strong. I'm 25% through and considering not reading any farther. There's some major bashing of the health industry inside this book, and while I believe our culture has a problem with they way they see beauty I am a supporter of healthy lifestyles. I go to the gym at 4 am 5 days a week. It is not bullshit that I am healthier for it. As...
When you just want a car wash... and so does the rest of the city.
Forgot my Kindle. 😩 Thank God for the Kindle app.
Absolutely loved this book! Reminds me I don't have to hate myself because there is no such thing as perfect. I loved seeing a different perspective, one that wasn't just all about judgement for once. This book was so full of positive messages it was a shock to me cause all I ever see online, in magazines or on screen is negative. I will definitely check out her next book. #litsyatoz T
Thank you, Hoopla for letting me enjoy this fantastic read by one of my favorite bloggers!!
Picked up my additions to my @24in48 TBR pile, but alas there was no book mark. Oh, and the book it might still be in? That is now in storage waiting its home library to be remodeled. Maybe I'll find it in late 2017. In the meantime, I'm going to be making my own bookmarks and getting creative.
I wrote my review of Shrill for my blog tonight and realized that I still have a lot of work to do to love myself for who I am today. I'll be adding these to my @24in48 reading list.