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The Witch's Book of Self-Care
The Witch's Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit | Arin Murphy-Hiscock
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Worship yourself the witchy waylearn how to nourish your body and spirit with herbal remedies, spells, and rituals inspired by witchcraft in this unique, enchanted guide to self-care! Self-care is a necessity for any modern woman, and this book helps you prioritize #1 with a little help from the magic of witchcraft. The Witchs Book of Self-Care has advice for pampering your body, mind, and spirit with spells, meditations, mantras, and powerful activities to help you to keep healthy, soothe stress, relinquish sadness, channel joy, and embrace your strength. This book features such magical self-care remedies: -A Ritual to Release Guilt: Learn to burn whatever causes you pain and process painful memories or work through heavy emotions in this therapeutic ritual. -Green Space Meditation: Learn how to reconnect with the healing energies of nature, even in the middle of a bustling city, as part of a series of meditations based on the elements and your senses. -DIY Body Butter: Create your own custom soothing and smoothing body butter, powered by crystal and essential oils suited to your intention, and sanctified by a ritual. And much more! The Witchs Book of Self-Care shows you how easy it is to connect to the earth, harness your personal power, and add a little magic to your everyday life for a better you!
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There are some really good ideas to treat your witchy self in this book:)

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Our local bakery makes the best sweeties

DrexEdit 🤯 3y
5feet.of.fury Wowzer! 3y
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CarolynM Always enjoy the innovative use of a Tim Tam 😆 3y
BethM Yummmm 3y
AkashaVampie That looks so yummy 3y
Tera66 Wow😍🤪 3y
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To start tomorrow:)

BookedBySunrise I have this bur never started it either, ill have to pull it off my shelf to start it too 3y
Darklunarose @MoBee it looks like it has some good ideas to claim a few minutes of “me” time! 3y
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1. Meditate daily
2. Continue intermittent fasting
3. Read 4 books a month
4. Walk 30 minutes daily

Gissy Great goals! 💪 3y
wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻👏🏻 3y
peaKnit How do you like intermittent fasting? It is interesting. (edited) 3y
Chrissyreadit @peaknit it has really worked well for me. I eat daily only between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm, and sometimes it‘s hard to eat enough food because I‘m not super hungry. But if for example I eat at 1:00 and I‘m full I have a soup packet (about 50 calories in hot water) I also have diabetes so my sugar can crash- and I eat a handful of berries or an apple even if it‘s 2am. But I‘ve lost 40 pounds with minimal effort. Feel free to chat anytime ! 3y
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A look into mixing the spiritual And daily self care tasks

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Thank you do much @bridge12 for the awesome #basicwitchswap box!! I'm so excited to get into everything 🎃

bridge12 Yeah! I hope you enjoy! Happy Samhain! 🦇 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Ha! That candle. Love it. 3y
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🌈 Past week: 🌈 #SelfCareIsNotSelfish

🌈 Dates: I went to this great Jamaican place (got jerk chicken mac and cheese, really good shrimp and a very nicely spicy empanada), went to a fancy date with wine and oysters, and had a great double date last night (margaritas and fajitas) 🌈 Movies: Joshua and I went to see Candyman :) ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

ElizaMarie 🌈 Journal: I was journaling recently (it felt really good) 🌈 Organization / Adulting: Got my school stuff organized and ready to go. I did start reading (the first assignments are due on Wednesday!) ESH!!! 🌈 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Way to go!!! 3y
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Crazeedi Hi Eliza!!❤❤ 3y
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So the past week-ish:

💜Date: 2 different date nights with the hubby, some nice drinks, and of course a day date with sushi!!! 💜Gifts: I got myself a new graphic novel and a Green Bay Flag :) 💜Plants: My friend moved (not far) but left me a plant baby for my office, meet “Haddie“💜

ElizaMarie 💜Just for me: I got a happy meal today after having my hair trimmed (and I got bangs!) and also bought some super spice sunflower seeds 💜Important Adult Stuff: got the MRI, results weren't great so... I have a f/u appointment tomorrow to discuss treatment options, I feel scared about it all but it's important to keep doing this!💜 3y
slategreyskies Sending good vibes your way!! 💜!! (((Hug))) 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie awww I'm sorry sweetie. If u need to talk, please feel free to text me. Btw I love ur little stuffie. Little man got one recently... his is a cute little dragon. 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no!! I‘m here if you need to talk ❤️ 3y
ElizaMarie @slategreyskies Thank you so much! 3y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I am good thanks! I have a bunch of stuff going on but.. I know it will all work out. It just takes time. Awe a dragon! I bet its super cute!! 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awe thanks so much! you are too kind! 3y
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This past week: #SelfCareIsNotSelfish

💐Date: Joshua and I went bowling together :) 💐Explore Local: we went to a new cafe, had an amazing cupcake, went to the “fish ladder“ and saw the petroglyphs in town! Also in the whole walk, we saw a bunch of beautiful flowers. 💐Guilty Pleasure: Watched several of the Sharknado movies :) 💐

ElizaMarie 💐Self Care: I had a huge amazing experience in the Float Spa!!! I will definitely do this again and again and again! 💐Girls Night: I went out with a couple of my coworkers, drank, caught up, all of that! (not pictured)💐Adulting: I got the spacers/retainers for my piercings to prepare for the MRI, I have this Friday and I sent an email to a therapist to set up an appointment (also not pictured) 💐 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds awesome!!! ❤️❤️ 3y
OriginalCyn620 Yay for taking care of you! 😊💕 3y
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jb72 I thought the Sharknado movies were great. 3y
Graciouswarriorprincess I love the Sharknado movies!! 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks , @OrginalCyn620 - thanks! I am trying to take better care of myself even though, I am not super great at it! Hope you all are doing some important self care! 3y
ElizaMarie @Graciouswarriorprincess and @jb72 - They are such guilty pleasure movies for me :) 3y
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So far: So even though I didn't post a bingo this month, I really wanted to make sure I incorporate self-care into my day-to-day. #SelfCareBingo

Adult/Plan: Starting using my new 2022 planner (it's a school one so it started in August) but.. it helps me feel more organized/centered and all that ⬇ ⬇

ElizaMarie 🌿 New Place/Celebrate accomplishments: I sent to a Scottish pub and had a flight (like super Scottish with accents and everything!) 🌿 Bought myself a gift: Went to the Gallery Walk and bought myself a new nose ring (made in India) 🌿 Guilty Pleasure: Treated myself to some Hot Cheetos with squeezed lime :) yum!!! 🌿
(edited) 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👍🏻 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You are awesome 😘❤️ 3y
Cheshirecat913 Ohh, all such fun things! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @cheshirecat913 --- thanks I am trying super hard to find things I need to do to make myself relaxed and happy :) 3y
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I am just being really burned out lately. School is taking a lot more out of me than I had anticipated. That and I have some emotional/personal/health things going on that have thrown me for a loop (I am “okay“ in the broad sense of things)...

So I know more self-care is really what would be best but... I feel I might retreat and If I make a bingo ... I might just feel “bad“ that I didn't try to complete it

#SelfCareBingo #SelfCareIsNotSelfish

DaveGreen7777 Sorry your burnt out right now. 😔 Hope you feel much better soon! 3y
ShyBookOwl I know the feeling. Maybe one of your self care bingo squares can be "take it easy on yourself" and u can save it until the very end, so even if u don't "finish," u can x that one off by not beating yourself up about it ? 3y
ShyBookOwl (Also note that I don't exactly know what the self care bingo rules are, but I hope the spirit of my above msg helps even if it wouldn't technically work lol) 3y
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alisiakae Saying no to making a bingo sheet for august is fulfilling part of your July bingo sheet. I can relate to how you are felling right now 💞, hang in there! 3y
alisiakae @ShyBookOwl @ElizaMarie is the one that creates the monthly bingo sheets, what I think she means is that she needs to take a break from hosting the monthly #selfcarebingo challenge. ☺️ 3y
ShyBookOwl @4thhouseontheleft ohhhh! Well then by all means, yes! Take that break. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just need some time to get things sorted!! Hopefully you are able to find some balance soon. ❤ 3y
OriginalCyn620 By all means, take a break if you feel that‘s best. You gotta take care of you first and foremost! Hope the break is just what you need to recharge and regroup! 💕 3y
ElizaMarie @DaveGreen7777 Thanks. I am just in a place that I am not going to plan for anything and just try to work on making sure I have moments that make me happy. 3y
ElizaMarie @ShyBookOwl -- Awe thanks! I just couldn't think of anything that I could fill a bingo on. But I do plan on posting things that make me happy every week or so... To see if that is helpful in showing gratitude! 3y
ElizaMarie @ShyBookOwl Ha! There are no real rules. I had been posting a “self-care“ bingo every month in hopes to help others (and myself) engage in self-care. Sometimes I do better when there is a little “competition“ element in it or some “structure“ so that's why I had created it. I didn't find it in me today to “create“ one but that doesn't mean I don't plan on engaging in self-care. 3y
ElizaMarie @4thhouseontheleft YES!! Exactly! I had one that said, “say no!“. I am doing good overall, just so much on my plate right now. 3y
ElizaMarie @4thhouseontheleft @ShyBookOwl exactly what I meant :) 3y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks I just have so much “planning“ to do this month that I am opting out of anything extra in the planning stages. Also going to take a break from #BookSpinBingo -- I think I had initially mentioned I was participating but.. I am just gonna focus on finishing some of the books I have going right now. (ha I say that but you know I am going to mood read) 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 Thanks! I do plan on engaging in self-care... just no Bingo this month. Thank you for your kindness :) 3y
TheAromaofBooks That's totally fair!! Frequently, making all the decisions is way harder than actually implementing the plan!! Good luck!! 3y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks Ha, yes! My brain is shot for decisions 3y
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OriginalCyn620 Nice job! 👍🏻 I gotta post my update today! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 ooo can't wait to see yours! 3y
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🌲Summer Playlist: re-found my love for Pandora's Hip Hop BBQ 🌲Go for a Stroll: Joshua and I went on a Hike 🌲Listen to Sounds of Nature: Birds (they didn't annoy me surprisingly) 🌲 Clear OFF Schedule: Finished all my homework early so I can have fun and enjoy the day! 🌲


OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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💚Eat Fruits and Veggies: Vegan Pho, pickles! 💚Clear off Schedule: Finished homework early so I went to Santa Land, Lunch, and then after lunch drinks with my husband 💚Binge Guilty Pleasure: All of Sexy Beast! 💚

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess @Tattooedteacher

OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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🌈Say “no”: to overtime this week🌈Take a Break: My husband got me a hammock! Already have taken several breaks with that🌈Listen to the Sounds of Nature: had the doors (screen) open so I can hear the rain last night, also birds when I am on the hammock🌈Time with Babies: JuJu had to be a part of relaxation time🌈Be Nice To Yourself: kept the EarPods for myself rather than give them away also got desert🌈

#SelfCareBingo #SelfCareIsNotSelfish

OriginalCyn620 So awesome! Keep enjoying that hammock! 👍🏻 3y
wanderinglynn JuJu is too cute! ❤️🐶 3y
Cheshirecat913 Yay for hammocks!! 3y
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ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 and @Cheshirecat913 - I have always wanted a hammock, I moved from south Texas and rarely (heat-wise) felt comfortable to lay around outside. Here (VT) it's perfect! If anything is a little chilly but I have my space heater JuJuB who insists on laying with me. 3y
ElizaMarie @wanderinglynn - Awe thank you! He thinks he is such a tiny little lapdog (edited) 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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💥Yoga: Continuing on my Yoga, this “homework” really hit home for me💥Take Pictures: JuJuB really wanted to cuddle💥Binge A Guilty Pleasure: Not sure if it‘s binging (it was just one movie) but… I introduced my husband to Drumline (a guilty pleasure movie)💥Be Nice To Yourself: I ordered a new iMac and did NOT make myself feel bad for buying such an expensive item for myself💥


jb72 Such a cute pic of you and your dog! 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! I‘m jealous...I want an iMac so bad! Very glad for you, though! 😉 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 Awe... Thank you. He was super needy yesterday, getting between me and my laptop while I was working on school work so i figured I should snap a picture of this little cuddle bug! (edited) 3y
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ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 So I used the excuse of going back to school to get an iMac. I got a pink one and upgraded the memory and storage space. Unfortunately, it wasn't available for pick up at the store, so I have to wait almost a month to get it... But I am super excited! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 💞💞💞 3y
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🍉Time with Babies: Cuddling with JuJuB and Conor 🍉Yoga: started working on this Yoga for Beginners (day 3 so far) 🍉 Binge Guilty Pleasure: Unhhh 🍉 Don‘t Set the Alarm: Turned off my alarm today (so that I can wake up authentically) 🍉 Summer Playlist: been listening to old fun dancing music


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m going to look up that yoga video! 3y
OriginalCyn620 I love yoga! And I‘ve been listening to an 80s summer playlist on Spotify. Awesome job! 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Did you end up looking at her? She is very good! I enjoy these videos. But of course, it's slow-moving for me. I get a little dizzy on some of the up and down up and down aspects of it! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 oooo 80s summer playlist sounds great!!! I love some nice 80s dance music! 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I really need to “say no!” Why is it so hard!! 🤦🏼‍♀️@ScoobySnacks3 @iread2much 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It's so so hard! And I was just asked to pick up another shift in a week, ugh, I haven't said “no“ but I haven't said “yes“. Well, I said yes, but I said please ask the rest of the team first if not.. then yes. I AM HORRIBLE! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I really need to do better this month!! 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ElizaMarie say NOOOOOOO!!!!!! You‘re too nice 😄😄😄 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I know I know! And with school having started, I really need to say “no“ to anything that doesn't help my goals or makes me super happy. And OT does NOT make me super happy!!! 3y
OriginalCyn620 This looks great! 3y
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OriginalCyn620 Very nice! 👌🏻 3y
Cheshirecat913 An excellent month! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 and @Cheshirecat913 --- thank you so much! 3y
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🎈Learn Something New: School started so… yeah 🎈Do Some Adulting: updated my 21 for 21 goals, set up a schedule 🎈Listen to Something Fun: Sinisterhood 🎈Journal: Working through the Extreme Self Care Prompts 🎈Ask For Help: Asked to adjust my work schedule so I am successful in school 🎈


ElizaMarie Also some Adulting (forgot to mention) - I am getting my home office, sunroom and master bedroom measured so that I can get some flooring down. These colors are for the office (potential, I haven't decided) 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
jb72 Great colors. Great job on the self care. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I think I might do a more purple. Most of my things are pink so it will be super girlie 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Purple is a good choice. 💜 3y
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🌈 Get yourself a Gift: Books :) of course, Watch Band, Zen Frenchie for the yard 🌈 Do Some Adulting: FASFA, Bought a planner (doesn‘t start till August but.. still) 🌈 Ask For Help: Met with the school Advisor to set myself up for success 🌈 Indulge in Dessert: Okay it was a snack but it is what I really enjoy! 🌈 Beautify Yourself: tried this gel nail polish, didn‘t do the best of it but it looks good for a first try ⬇ ⬇

ElizaMarie 🌈 Dates: I love spending time with the hubby, Nacho date and F9 date last night 🌈 Go Outside: sat out and had a drink with my husband and doggies (while reading and hubby playing guitar) 🌈 Listen to Something Fun: Belted out Creep 🌈

#SelfCareBingo #SelfCareIsNotSelfish
@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Creep is one of my guy's karaoke songs. 😂 3y
ElizaMarie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love it. I am not a karaoke person. I have actually never went before. But my husband is always always talking about how he wants to go to a Karaoke bar. So maybe! 3y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Publicly, I've done it twice. I've then done it at a small party in a karaoke place with friends & family and I play rock band in our living room sometimes. Alone by Heart is the one that shocks people. I'm not great, but passable. My advice is to practice in the car alone. 🤣 3y
ElizaMarie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Ha! I sing all the time in the car. I belt out so many things!!! I don't think the stage fright would make it “fun“ for me. 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome!! 👍🏻 3y
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⚡ Get Yourself A Gift: Bought a couple books ⚡ Meditate: Trying to do this Headspace thing daily (so far day 3) ⚡ Watch Cartoons: rewatched the last season of Rick and Morty to get ready for the new season ⚡ Do Some Adulting: Got the car inspected, signed up for school (eesh its not done but.. I filled out the application and requested transcripts) ⬇

ElizaMarie ⚡ Dates: Spent the day yesterday with the hubby just being with each other, he took me to a fancy Italian restaurant (woke up today with a headache so.. maybe I wasn't ready for wine) ⚡

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess @Tattooedteacher
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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🌈Watch Cartoons: Binged some SouthPark🌈Do Some Adulting: VT license and registration🌈Ask for Help: I asked work if I can leave earlier because I had a horrible headache! Like throwing up can't see horrible! 🌈Indulge in Desert: White Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake (jumped into it too quickly I didn't get a picture)🌈Eat Something Healthy: Cherries and some veggies ⬇

ElizaMarie 🌈Beautify Yourself: put on makeup for the license photo (but I am recovering from a bad headache and still looked kinda awful) 🌈Go Off the Grid: Came home early from work and then turned everything off for 2 days (of hell but still) 🌈

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess
OriginalCyn620 Nice job! I hope you‘re feeling better now! 💕 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 I have this hungover feel right now. I feel slightly dizzy, continued with the headache and some nausea, but.. its subsiding. Its so much better than that first night. I was up all night throwing up (where you sleep on the floor of the bathroom because might as well) 3y
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Cheshirecat913 Sorry you had/are having such a rough headache and nausea! May it continue to abate and quickly. Good job getting the license and such done! 3y
Crazeedi @ElizaMarie I'm so sorry you still arent well, hugs❤ 3y
OriginalCyn620 I‘m so sorry @ElizaMarie. Sending you love and hugs! 💕 3y
ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 Thanks. I am not 100% yet but I am doing way better. Like way way better. I am functioning now. I feel sick though, I am super frustrated with insurances. They won't cover my meds without a neurologist and well its been difficult to get into the doctor. Ugh! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 thank you so much! you are so kind. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you are feeling better ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I am feeling better but just not there yet. Its one of those residual feeing icky this week. I am glad that I was/am able to just rest (somewhat guilt free) 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ElizaMarie no overtime this week!! 3y
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Get Yourself a Gift: New Ito book :) 🌈 Do Some Adulting: Shopped for work appropriate spring/summer clothing 🌈 Listen to Something Fun: Sang along in the car with the hubby 🌈 Dates: Foxwoods Nachos and Margaritas!🌈 Beautify Your Space: 6 boxes dealt with today! (so far), flower for the office


jb72 Great job! One box at a time! 3y
Cheshirecat913 Love it all! Singing in the car is the best. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I did about 8 boxes today (some of them bigger than others.) Right now I am just sorting really. I sorted some things that needed to be washed .. like sheets/placemats etc. I got about 1 garbage full of things (feel bad because I probably should have cleaned it out before we moved it all the way across the country). 3y
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ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 haha it was. WE have a pretty eclectic taste so... we usually find something to sing along to. I am so so lucky that my husband is truly my bestie. 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie No need to feel bad. You‘re working on it now. That‘s what matters. 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👌🏻 3y
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🌱Do Some Adulting: cleaning my sheets (and a bunch of other laundry stuff)🌱Set Boundaries: Said “no“ to OT (they need to do things more efficient) 🌱Tell Someone How You Feel: Told me girlies how much I love them and cherish their friendship 🌱Dates!: Went to see the Conjuring with the Hubby :) And had some wings and just great day! 🌱


OriginalCyn620 Nice! 👌🏻 That movie 🍿 looks delish! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 movie popcorn is my kryptonite 3y
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☀Do Some Adulting: Dr appointment, Inbox zero, Set up new appointments, Ordered some shelving ☀Quiet Activity: Reading ☀ Ask for Help: Asked the Dr to consults for a therapist ☀Play a Game: Disney Emoji Blitz! ☀Dates: Joshua and I went to Walburgers ☀ Journal: Starting a new Journal to engage in better self-care ☀ Go Outside: Walked around downtown ☀


OriginalCyn620 Very nice! 👌🏻 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! You‘re my inspiration 🌼🌼 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome job! This month will be a good one...it‘s my birth month so it has to be, right? 😂 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 Yay!!! Happy birth month!!! 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks awe.. you are mine! You are such a caring and kind person! 3y
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The last of May:
🌈 Enjoy the Flowers: Coworker that shadowed me brought in flowers from her garden!!! 🌈 Time Alone: spent a lot of time alone cleaning out my space and going through boxes, found my baby doll, Jerome 🌈 Cheer Someone Up: just a general attempted to do this all month with my hubby (he was nervous about the sale of our TX home)🌈


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 3y
Crazeedi Beautiful 😍 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Love the flowers! 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I just wrote you back! Sorry I‘m so behind! I definitely need some self care! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so so behind!!! 3y
Crazeedi @ElizaMarie I'll post last month's when home 3y
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💚Organize Something / Check Off To Do: older picture but we took all the boxes out of the UHaul earlier this month and have been organizing it! 💚Sunset / Take a Break: Saw outside in those chairs (momma gave them to us for our anniversary) and drank beer until the sun set :)💚


jb72 Awesome! I need to update my self care bingo. 3y
Allylu I have to check on my bingo board - I must‘ve done something, right? 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 😉 3y
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Crazeedi I've totally forgotten to check mine! Thank you!! 3y
Graciouswarriorprincess @ElizaMarie Will you be putting up the June one soon? 3y
ElizaMarie @Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m gonna try to put it up very soon (working today but it‘s almost done so I‘ll probably post it in the next couple hours) 3y
Graciouswarriorprincess @ElizaMarie no worries, thanks. 3y
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❤ Do Something To Feel Pretty: I took a bunch of selfies with my loving husband which makes me feel pretty and special ❤ Binge Watch a Show: Bob's Burgers! ❤ Date Night: a few this past week (also our anniversary was the 22nd) ❤ Enjoy the Flowers: I have tulips in my yard!!! ❤ Off Social Media: During our anniversary get away! ⬇

ElizaMarie Take Day Off: Took the day after our anniversary off (Sunday) so that we can drive back and just relax ❤ Take Silly Pics: (not posted because of room... but tons of pics!) ❤ Take a Walk: explored Downtown Salem and an artsy mural thing ❤ Eat Outside: Multiple times these last couple of weeks ❤ Check Off To-Do: I fell behind on Laundry and caught up!!! ❤

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @paread
(edited) 3y
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🐞Random Act of Kindness: Paid for the McDonald's for the car behind me (it was a bit steep $wise so I think it was a whole family meal) 🐞Do Something To Feel Pretty : Got a new necklace (black lava) and I love it!!! 🐞Off Social Media / Unplug: Have been really good about not mindlessly scrolling 🐞Bath: Bubbles! Bath Tea 🐞Check Off To-Do List: Set up a new patient appointment (I haven't been taking care of myself) ⬇

OriginalCyn620 So awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Crazeedi I love your kindness ❤ 3y
Cheshirecat913 Yay for relaxing! That was nice of you for paying at McD's. 3y
ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 You know how people say that people do kind acts / charity to make themselves feel better? Well this was exactly that! I don't do drive-ins frequently, I feel guilty having food at home and stopping to pick something up... But this (paying for someone else) made me feel 100% less guilty! 3y
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Starting May Off Strong! 🌺 Silly Pictures: Conor's Tinder Profile (Turkey Butt) 🌺 Take a Break: Sat quietly and Drank Coffee 🌺 Binge a Show: All of Season 12 of RuPaul 🌺

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess @Tattooedteacher

Beatlefan129 Nice sploot! 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Cheshirecat913 Haa, love Conner's pose. 3y
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DogMomIrene Love his 🐸 legs! 3y
Crazeedi I'm just catching up Joey! Thanks for the tag, great pic💕 3y
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OriginalCyn620 Looks great! 🤗 3y
jb72 It looks good! 3y
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Tattooedteacher Thank you I love this. 3y
Crazeedi Thanks Eliza! 3y
Graciouswarriorprincess Looks great! Thanks Eliza! 3y
Cheshirecat913 Good stuff! Thanks for keeping this going. 3y
ElizaMarie @OrginalCyn620 , @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks , @Jb72 , @TattooedTeacher , @Crazeedi , @GraciousWarriorPrincess @CheshireCat913 - you are very welcomed. I feel like it helps me try harder at being better to myself and I am very glad that it might cause some of y'all to do some self care as well. As always if anyone has suggestions I can add them to the next month :) 3y
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April's #SelfCareBingo Results. I feel like I had more completed but... I didn't document / remember what I did and didn't do. I am going to try harder in May to be more frequent with my updates.

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess @Tattooedteacher

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Forgot to add! --- 🌷Look at Pictures That Make Me Happy: My babies always make me happy! 🌷Bath: I got this new bath tea (that you brew and put in the tub! (And of course wine). 🌷Play a Game: Got myself a tomigotchi :) 🌷


CaffeineAndCandy Oh wow 🤩 a Tomagotch. I haven‘t seen one of those since middle school. Now I want to get one! The doggies are so cute 🥰 3y
OriginalCyn620 Such cute doggies! 🐶❤️ 3y
ElizaMarie @CaffeineAndCandy Ha so my doggie (the brown one - Conor) hates the Tomagochi. Like the beeping really makes him mad! And they babies are super cute but they are super huge jerks! 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 Awe thanks! They are little monsters but of course I love them! 3y
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🌷Adulting: Eye appointment and car appointment 🌷Binge a Show: Doctor Who and last seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race 🌷Quiet Time: Took a walk at work outside (without headphones) 🌷Spend Time with Loves Ones: my fur babies 🌷Send a Care Package: sent a VT themed care package to one of my oldest best friends

ElizaMarie 🌷Go For a Walk: both outdoor walk at work and a walk through the tunnels :) 🌷 Say No: to overtime! I already did 3 long weeks in a row, I can't do a 4th 🌷 Cuddle: With the babies! 🌷Special Meal: Pizza and wine (to wind down) Spring Clean: did a deep clean of the cabinets - I love the Magic Erasers! 🌷

(edited) 3y
OriginalCyn620 That‘s awesome! Magic Erasers are the shit! 😂 3y
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Graciouswarriorprincess Love those Magic Erasers! 3y
Cheshirecat913 That is so much awesomeness!! Great job this month. And yeah, agree with the others about the Magic Erasers! 3y
ElizaMarie @OrginalCyn620 , @GraciousWarriorPrincess and @CheshireCat913 - I know right! They are like “magic“ 🤓 3y
Crazeedi Magic erasers work! 3y
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Been late posting these because .. so so busy..

Adulting : I set up a goal for this coming week, I went to my eye doc appointment 🌸Binge a Show: Been rewatching Doctor Who and Rick and Morty 🌸Flowers: (not pictured) but got more tulips that I love! 🌸Say No: said yes to OT (I know I know) but said no to more OT, which would have put me at 5 days in a row which I can't really do ⬇

ElizaMarie 🌸Cuddle: With the pups after I dropped off hubby, lots of hubby cuddle time this past week 🌸Special Meal: the going away meal at Skyline (prime rib for him, eggplant parmesan for me and some banana thing!) 🌸Spring Clean: put all my winter clothes away (and some of the blankets) 🌸Organize Something: cleaned/organized the fridge when I got home :)

Crazeedi I havent done much on my bingo yet!! 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve done some! I‘ll post!! 3y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi I feel like I haven't really either. Been feeling like Im treading water more than anything really. Its a bit much! 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awe cant wait to see what you have done :) 3y
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So helpful!

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Crazeedi Thank you Eliza!🌷 3y
MoonWitch94 Yay! I was hoping I didn‘t miss it! Thank you for creating these every month. 💗🌸💐 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Thank you so much, Eliza! 💕 3y
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ElizaMarie @Crazeedi @MoonWitch94 @OriginalCyn620 @Graciouswarriorprincess - I just changed the picture to be a little less blurry (sorry about that) — hope it helps keep us putting ourselves first :) #SelfCareIsNotSelfish 3y
jb72 I‘m skipping adulting. There will be no adulting in April. I‘ve done enough adulting for the year as a matter of fact. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 counts as the “say no” prompt! You said no to adulting!!! 3y
Crazeedi @jb72 that's a really good idea!! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie oh yes!! It does! Good call! 3y
jb72 @Crazeedi I think so 😉 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you 💛💛 3y
Tattooedteacher I‘d love to be a part of this. Can you please tag me next month. 3y
ElizaMarie @Tattooedteacher Sure! I will add you to my list :)
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Crazeedi Thank you Eliza, I dont feel so alone!! No bingo for me either 3y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi I feel like I rarely get a bingo actually. But I try to pick things that are relaxing or self care for others too. I am having a hard time coming up with prompts today though :( 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need some self care!! You do a great job!! 🥰🥰 3y
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OriginalCyn620 Any self care is an accomplishment! 😊💕 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awe thanks! I am trying really hard to make 2021 a year about me :) I mean it helps that I just bought a house and have to do a bunch of house things first .. which becomes things bout “me and my husband“ :) 3y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 Awe thanks! I keep trying to tell myself that, even if its one day of self care its so so worth it! 3y
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💙StayCation: Took the family to Mohegan Sun (arcade for Jude)💙Unplug: Spent the whole time there off my phone! 💙Get Some Sun: BBQ'd and read some of my book outside :) 💙Take A Break: asked to leave early from work so that I can go out the the family 💙Laugh: Jude and Joshua are so much fun together!


OriginalCyn620 Aww! Love it! 3y
jb72 Looks like some needed relaxation! 3y
Graciouswarriorprincess Good for you!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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🌼Nap (I had been feeling ill and passed out on the couch pretty much all of yesterday) 🌼Mediate: I had downloaded Headspace but haven't really used it. I guess that shouldn't really count (I need to clear out my phone stuff to make better routines) 🌼Watch a Movie: Justice League :)


Crazeedi Feel better soon my friend 3y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi thank you so very much! 3y
DaveGreen7777 Hope you feel much better soon! 3y
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💜Revisit Goals: Scheduled Saturday thing 💜Laugh: I spend a lot of time with my hubby just being silly. I truly enjoy being around him (I am so lucky) 💜StayCation: Foxwoods/Mohegan Sun trips :) 💜Friend Date: Double date :) 💜UnPlug: during my StayCation, I turned my phone off and had a nice relaxing bath :) ⬇

ElizaMarie 💜Get Some Sun: It was sunny! I loved it! 💜Meditate: Been using the 10%Happier App and Just downloaded the HeadSpace App 💜Make Your Bed 💜Get a Gift: New whale purse and an antique serving tray (I love love love it)

@mollyrotondo @Squidget @Jessinikkip @jb72 @pareads @allylu @cheshirecat913 @originalCyn620 @hazel2019 @crazeedi @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AlobelThee @Graciouswarriorprincess
mollyrotondo That purse is adorable!!!!! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Me and my husband laugh a lot together too! It‘s so important! 😊 4y
ElizaMarie @mollyrotondo thanks!!! I fell in love with it :) 4y
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🍀Try Something New: Played Evolution with Joshua 🍀Revisit goals: Addressed what‘s working for me. Will officially update/change/amend goals at the end of this month 🍀Made Bed: did laundry made bed so I can fold clothes on it 🍀Get Yourself a Gift – Plain Janes


EdnaC What is self care bingo? I love the sound of that. :) 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome start to the month! 💕 4y
ElizaMarie @EdnaC I just put a couple of “self care“ items into a bingo format and encourage peers to try to do things that take care of themselves. I encourage people to do whatever works for them. I leave a blank form and do multiple times each item. I will tag to you to March bingo so you can see it. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! I‘ve got to do better 💞 4y
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Crazeedi Great job Eliza! Thank you so much for keeping us remembering to take care of ourselves 💞 4y
OriginalCyn620 Great job! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have not done a good job with self care 😩 4y
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ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ooo you need to get on it! You are the most important person in your life :) 4y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 Thank you thank you! 4y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi Awe thanks ! I struggle with it but I am trying really hard to put myself first in 2021 4y
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Crazeedi I'm ready to get a bingo this month😉💗 4y
jb72 I‘m definitely going to focus on doing some self care next month since I‘ll be having that surgery. 4y
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jb72 Asking for a friend: release anger - does that mean I can throat punch my nemesis? 4y
OriginalCyn620 Yay! Very excited! ☘️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @jb72 have you seen the “dammit dolls?” I really need one some days 🤣🤣 especially driving !! 4y
jb72 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😂 no I haven‘t seen those. I will look them up. I fully understand what you mean about needing one while driving. 🙄 as a matter of fact some driver (and I use that term loosely) tried to beat my SO semi yesterday. That guy‘s truck is totaled now. 4y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi Yay good luck !!! 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 keep us posted on your healing. I am going to try to be better at being “present“ this month. I had retreated into myself a lot this month and I should reach out better to the people around me (so I am gonna be checking on you)... and throat punch is a go :) 4y
ElizaMarie @Graciouswarriorprincess you are very welcome! 4y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 yay! I am glad you are joining in. Good luck with taking care of yourself :) 4y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ooo I have never heard of “dammit dolls“ but they sound intriguing! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ElizaMarie look it up on Amazon 🤣 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @jb72 oh wow!! Yes, definitely keep us updated ❤️❤️ 4y
jb72 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I will. I have a bilateral MRI scheduled for Tuesday. Then they will schedule the surgery to remove the suspicious tissue and send it off. 4y
ElizaMarie @EdnaC Here is March 2021 Bingo in case you are interested in playing along 4y
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#SelfCareIsNotSelfish #SelfCareBingo

💜Accomplish your To-do: organized the closet and the bathroom
💜Adulting: I set up my eye doctor‘s appointment
💜Beautify Yourself: Joshua dyed some of my white hair
💜Movie Night: We finally went a movie! Saw Tenet and it was so so good! ⬇

ElizaMarie 💜Buy Yourself Flowers: Okay I didn‘t buy them myself but Joshua did and they were beautiful!
💜Extra Long Shower/Bath: Took a great bath with a silky bath bar, space heater, wine, cheese (it was bliss)
💜Post Pics that Make me Happy: the doggies of course especially all my boys (the pjs make me extra happy
jb72 I love their pajamas!!! I‘ve been thinking of making Scout a hoodie. 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome job taking care of yourself! 👌🏻 4y
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Bookworm54 Those PJs are the best! 🥰 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 and @Bookworm54 - Those PJs made me so so happy :) And the doggies like clothes they parade around super cute when I put clothes on them. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ love this!! 4y
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Play A Game - played Disney Emoji Plus almost daily!
Post Pics that Make Me Happy - my babies!
Go to Bed Earlier - I have been sick so a lot of napping and sleeping early
Healthy Meal - Salad (it was so so good)
Go For a Walk - on the Marsh :)
Make Someone Smile - treated to brunch


DieAReader Awesome job hun!🎉🥰🤗 4y
Crazeedi Yay!!!🥰 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome job! Hope you‘re feeling better! ❤️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you‘re feeling better!! 💗 4y
ElizaMarie @OriginalCyn620 @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks Thanks! I am feeling a little better but have been having daily nausea. But I am thinking that its stress?
I don't know its been pretty awful I eat and feel like super sick, but feel better when I just have coffee in my system without food food... but thats not sustainable.
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First Week of February:
o Declutter/clean: I organized the pantry while listening to audiobook
o Post Pictures that make me happy: pictures of Conor
o Ask for Help: considered taking the day off tomorrow because of food poisoning, asked for coverage (not sure if I am going to use it yet)
o Send a Valentine: sent out some Valentine‘s cards in response to Christmas cards, sent a card to hubby


DieAReader Cutie🐶 4y
Cheshirecat913 Aww, he is a cutie! Good job organizing the pantry. Hope you feel better from the food poisoning! It is always so icky! 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Aww! So cute! 🐶❤️ 4y
ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 I am happy that I got some of the organizing done prior to the food poisoning. I had plans to be super productive on Saturday but spend the day on the couch trying to to vomit! Ugh it sucks .. but I feel better! 4y
ElizaMarie @Squidget @AlwaysBeenALoverofBooks @OriginalCyn620 - thanks that my little monster dog that I rarely am able to get good pictures of because he is so hyper and destructive most of the time. I think he realized how ill I felt and was being a “good“ dog for a bit 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Aww! Cutie! I was awful with self care this month. Getting back on it in March? When will you post the March bingo board? @ElizaMarie 4y
ElizaMarie @Graciouswarriorprincess maybe tomorrow? I have to come up with some good bingo ideas. Do you have any? 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @elizamarie. Get some free vitamin D: Sunshine. ?? 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Another. Have a dance party for one. 4y
ElizaMarie @Graciouswarriorprincess ha! Great minds think alike! I was working the list right now and I had added Dance and Get some Sunshine to it. Then saw your post :) I will be posting the bingo board tomorrow :) 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @ElizaMarie Lol! Thanks! I can‘t wait to see the March board! 4y
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