Herr der Diebe was one of my favourite books as a child. In 2015, we travelled to Venedig, the famous setting of the book, and this is the Markusplatz in the early morning.
#CorneliaFunke #childrenliterature
Herr der Diebe was one of my favourite books as a child. In 2015, we travelled to Venedig, the famous setting of the book, and this is the Markusplatz in the early morning.
#CorneliaFunke #childrenliterature
This was at least my third pass at creating my #bookspinbingo list for this month. June has gotten off to a rough start and I decided to give myself a break with a bunch of light, fun reads for the month.
‘Everyone in Venice comes to St. Mark‘s Square at least once a day.‘ Ever since I first read this book, I‘ve always wanted to know if this was true.
I‘ve never competed in @bookriot ‘s #readharder challenge before because, admittedly, I didn‘t have the nerve. I didn‘t think I can make it.
But there‘s a first time for everything! So, this January I‘ve already checked 3 tasks:
#8 An audiobook of poetry
#9 The last book in a series
#20 A middle grade book that doesn‘t take place in the US or the UK
Now I‘m on to #13 a food book about a cuisine you‘ve never tried.
Oh I‘m sooooo enjoying this!
1) My favorite place I've visited is Venice
2) 90's and cloudy
3) When I graduated from college I went on a date with a Navy Sailor and the whole time he just told me how I was wrong about everything
4) I just have 1 dog. Her name is Pearl and she is a treeing Walker Coonhound
5) @sg1224 @itsjustme40something @pagesbythewater
For day 17 of #lilithjuly, I went with an old favorite of mine! The thief lord is a pretty obvious #criminal in this book, and leads a group of Venetian teenagers who live on the streets!
Some #blue favorites for #colormepretty day 9! It was hard to choose just a few; I have a LOT of blue books!
Reading with a view- back at Moon Beach enjoying the weekend and having some time to read at least. And your weekend so far?
#egypt #moonbeach #herrderdiebe #funke #corneliafunke
I LOVE this F book! Would use for LC. NYT* UDL Clarify vocab and symbols. ELL Teach tech vocab and supporting strategies. Teacher resource https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/thief-lord-dis... It has such a great twist and really embodies the sense of loyalty that friendship brings. Absolute must have in any library! About a group of orphans that ban together for their leader the theif lord. #Lae3414sp19
Lazy Monday vibes- Earl Grey tea and The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. Great read so far!
I am currently reading this one for my international children‘s literature. I can‘t believe I never read this or heard of it as a child. It‘s very popular. I am also trying to read it in the original German; however, it reminds me just how difficult learning a foreign language is. :p #bibliophile #mustread #childrensliterature
Day 8 #31bookpics #oldfavorite @howjessreads
This is a childhood Favourite of mine, there is also a movie which I enjoyed as well, but it‘s been forever since I‘ve seen it or read the book. It‘s the author from Inkheart, which is another childhoodfavourite 😊
Re-reading books you've read a long time ago feels so much like revisiting old friends ❤️ Every time a character is introduced, I'm like hi Bo! Hi Scip! Hiiiii everyone! 😂
I dont really like YA books, but this one was pretty good. If I liked the age range more I'd have liked it. I enjoy magical realism and having just come back from Italy, loving Venice most of all, I enjoyed all those elements. I would say it was a so so for me but I am labeling it as a pick if you are the right audience.
'Children are caterpillars and adults are butterflies. No butterfly ever remembers what it felt like being a caterpillar.'
Read: as a kid
Re-read: June18
Day 3 #riotgrams Travel and Adventure. Apparently, I like books that take place in Italy.
#AprilBookishMadness #ChildProtagonist
I've been meaning to read Cornelia Funke for such a long time. Need to find the time to actually do it.
It wasn‘t as fantasy heavy as the book blurb would have you believe, and once the fantasy elements show up they feel out of place.
I can‘t believe I never read this as a kid! It‘s never too late, though. And now I‘m passing it on to my god son. 🙂
The thief lord was a very magical book. I loved the plot and the characters. Prosper, Bo, Scipio, and the rest of the gang were like family. Reading about the canals and pathways through Venice definitely makes me want to travel to the city. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a fun captivating read!
Well, apparently, there arent many #MrBlueSky on my shelves. But everything is blue in this cover, so it should apply 😆
I haven't read Funke yet, and truth be told, l read a lot less kid fiction now than when l bought this book. But the conceotvis nice, so sooner or later l'll get to it fir sure.
Visited a Little Free Library around the corner from my work today and picked up "The Thief Lord". Very excited! What a great idea to get books into people's hands
A nasty bout of insomnia = #audiobooks. I'm totally not lying in bed desperately wishing I could sleep, I'm running around Venice with a band of children, having adventures! #litsyafterdark #litsomnia
When insomnia, due to a mixture of a headache and restless leg syndrome (any of y'all have that?), strikes, at least #audiobooks are there to take me away to Venezia. 😍 #litsomnia #litsyafterdark #audiobook #insomnia
Loved this story. A little Oliver Twist, a little magic and a lot of friendship. It was a quick read and Funke has earned a space on my shelves. I have read several middle grade books this summer and I am loving them all.
I'm in a Funke. 😂 I loved Inkheart so much I'm continuing with another of her books.
For the #AugustPhotoChallenge challenge, my forever favorite #BookishSquad will always be The Thief Lord dream team (movie actors above, I know) 💖 I love them all so much, especially Hornet, who I always wanted to be for Halloween but couldn't really because no one would know who she is. I still daydream about finding an abandoned theater in Venice because WHO DOESNT 😍💖 and Scipio will never change in my heart 💔
Children taking on the world, in friendship and survival, this book is a fun one, with plenty of excitement, plot twists, and thrills. Entertaining, and with a brilliant setting, this book has just the right amount of fantasy, and of realism. A great read for anyone.
Children taking on the world, in friendship and survival, this book is a fun one, with plenty of excitement, plot twists, and thrills. Entertaining, and with a brilliant setting, this book has just the right amount of fantasy, and of realism. A great read for anyone.