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Diary of a Young Girl
Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
For almost fifty years, Anne Frank's diary has moved millions with its testament to the human spirit's indestructibility, but readers have never seen the full text of this beloved book--until now. This new translation, performed by Winona Ryder, restores nearly one third of Anne's entries excised by her father in previous editions, revealing her burgeoning sexuality, her stormy relationship with her mother, and more.
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. I have my great grandmother‘s wedding ring from the 1880s. I also have my grandmother‘s engagement ring from 1910.

2. I hope this book will always be relevant and discussed.

Texreader I agree! Anne Frank‘s diary hopefully will always be relevant 2w
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2w
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I remember reading excerpts of this important work in high school, but this is the first time I‘ve ever read Anne Frank‘s diary in its entirety. I know that none of my own words could do it justice. It filled me with admiration and hope and sadness. I sat in silence for a few minutes after finishing. She wished to go on living even after her death, and my God, how she has. War is such a terrible waste. 🎧

dabbe 🩵❄️🩵 10mo
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Had no idea when I posted this as an answer to a QOTD in the company water cooler channel last week that halfway across the world, stress and trauma were being experienced by Jewish civilians 80 years after these words were written in a diary.

I haven‘t the knowledge nor the understanding to pretend my opinion means anything today. But I‘m horrified for all the innocent people who are suffering during this terror.

How DO we improve this world?

Cinfhen I agree!!! What happened on Saturday isn‘t about “sides” - it‘s about EVIL savages massacring, abducting, raping and harming innocent families, elderly people, party goers, infants and children. It was PURE HATE and an attack on humanity. Either you condemn this type of behavior or your moral compass is out of whack. (edited) 12mo
TheBookHippie Just astounded and horrified at the EVIL and HATRED. Babies women elderly young men families slaughtered … and people are cheering in the streets 💔 we all must condemn this. (edited) 12mo
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Lcsmcat @Cinfhen I think autocorrect changed your meaning. Condone means to approve of. I think you meant to type “condemn.” 12mo
Cinfhen Thank you @Lcsmcat !!!! Damn autocorrect!! Fixing now 🤓 12mo
Cinfhen Did you see in UK @TheBookHippie they smashed the windows of Jewish owned shops!!! Its kristallnacht. What we are witnessing is 1939 Germany! Never Again has already occurred 💔 12mo
TheBookHippie @Cinfhen yes…and ppl thinking they‘re safe because of where they live…. They comment here to my daughter over her name in Hebrew tattooed on back of her neck she‘s been hiding it lately afraid to show it. (edited) 12mo
Cinfhen I‘m so sorry your daughter is experiencing that type of fear - for having a Jewish name. For proudly sharing her name in Hebrew. And now she has to hide it. We are living in dark times @TheBookHippie 💔 12mo
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Eggs Great photo! Where is this? 1y
IndoorDame @Eggs It‘s in Amsterdam. Sadly I haven‘t been in person, but I adore looking at street art online. 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💔💔💔 1y
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SamAnne Oh, beautiful. 1y
dabbe WOW. 💙💚💙 1y
IndoorDame @dabbe @SamAnne ❤️💛❤️ 1y
dabbe @IndoorDame Her diary was a required read in 8th grade English back in the day. The kids were always deeply moved, similar to how the sophomores felt after reading NIGHT. These stories must still be told, especially to children who still have such a capacity to listen ... and learn. #preachingtothechoiriknow 💙 1y
IndoorDame @dabbe I think 8th grade is the ideal age for this! 1y
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I recommend ‘the definitive edition‘ (pictured above) as never before published entries are included.

This is one of the most worthwhile books I‘ve ever read.💔

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Got myself an American vintage copy (1952) of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl from shopgoodwill.com. Sometimes I like to browse their selection of books to see if I can find any hidden gems. Believe it or not this was one book I could never seem to find (used) for my collection. I see a re-read in my future.

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Eggs Perfect 😢 3y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ◼️ I am gutted…https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/190365014
#LitsyLove #january #2022

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Way over my head like my Dutch version but it's fun to try and read and understand.

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Dutch version of Anne Frank's diary as well as a cute tote bag.
Since I'm now kinda studying Dutch (hopefully going to Amsterdam in March) why not read a favourite and read in Anne's original language

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#QuotsySep21 #wonderful

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”💜

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This is one from my second set of #ClassicsClub50. I don‘t recall if I really actually read it as a kid and now that I have listened to this, I am convinced this was my first time through. I cried. Yowza. #classic #history #autobiography #Metmygoalof75booksfor2021

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⭐️5/5 ⭐️
Out of all the books I‘ve read over my lifetime, this is the first where the ending gave me chills. Throughout the diary I just kept thinking how intelligent Anne was at such a young age, how well she wrote and relayed the complex happenings of the war and the adults‘ conversations about it. I‘ve been thinking all day how she would have changed the world had she survived. This is definitely a pick for me!

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Spending summer mornings reading on my deck is extremely important self care for me. Taking care of an unwell parent is hard, so if I can spend some time in the warm sun and fresh air with a book, I think things‘ll be alright. 📖📚☀️

Tamra Agreed, very important! 3y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Thinking of Anne Frank this morning, with a mixture of gratitude and sadness.

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Finally!!! Have a great day, all!!😊📚☺️

Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Unbelievable that a child so young can write so good. Amazing read though a bit slow at times but still it is a good book. Liked it.

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1. I read the tagged book multiple times as a preteen and a couple of times as an adult. It taught me, as a kid, about a horrific part of our history and keeps imparting more wisdom on each reread (all while breaking your heart).

2. Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. It‘s a ripping, intricately-plotted read and just plain FUN.

Congratulations on the big milestone, @TheLudicReader , and thanks for the fun giveaway! ❤️❤️

TheLudicReader I love Fingersmith! That twist. 😱! Thanks for playing. 4y
LeahBergen @TheLudicReader Right?? 😮 4y
BarbaraBB I have Fingersmith and not read it yet! Your recommendation means a lot! 4y
Cathythoughts Fingersmith 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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This should be required reading everywhere.

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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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I‘m finally reading the Diary of Anne Frank. I‘ve read a lot of historical fiction and some non fiction of the Holocaust and WW2 and have been to the Holocaust Museum in DC. My daughter was surprised I hadn‘t read it in school. Well, I‘m 55, I‘m not sure that the Holocaust was taught in school, in Iowa, back then?? Or do I just not remember learning about it?

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Oh Anne... if you only knew...


"It's an odd idea for someone like me to keep a diary, not only because I have never done so before, but because it seems to me that neither I- nor for that manner anyone else- will be interested in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl."

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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank

No one must know that my heart and mind are constantly at war with each other.

#currentlyreading #AnneFrank #nonfiction

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#3books #bannedbooksihaveread

Use your vote and your voice to protect the telling of important stories!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻📚👏🏻 4y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼📚👏🏻 4y
Revenge4bess Have read Anne Frank, To kill a mockingbird, Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter series, Judy Blume, Thomas Paine‘s Common Sense. Aaaaah! Send me to Salem! 4y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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My mom didn't have a lot of time to read but I was assigned the tagged book and one day she told me she'd read it after I went to sleep.
1. Goodness!!! No judging lol Rhinestone Cowboy, Before the Next Teardrop Falls, Angel of the Morning
2. I love this question! I have so many things to be thankful for. Friends, family, home, pets...
@kosmos_moon @llcoolnate @ @Jerdencon @batsy @Arvena @Book-Raptor

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Finally glad I got to read this, but I think I put too much faith that I would love it. Don‘t get me wrong! This story is so important for everyone to read, but I found Anne to be a little bratty at times. Maybe I might pick something else up if I decide to read it again.

Revenge4bess She‘s bratty but I think we all would be if we had to be locked up for 2 years. I‘m not saying that you‘re wrong(she‘s always being compared to her older sister). Part of me thinks that she wasn‘t going to be good enough do anything like her sister. brattiness was a mask she wore. (edited) 4y
Manoshgirl51 @Revenge4bess you definitely made a point I didn‘t think about 4y
Revenge4bess Thanks! 4y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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#IfYouLikeThis #SchindlersList

If you‘ve not read this book, you really should.

Pageturner1 i have this on my TBR at my library. 4y
Klou Great choice! This is a book that's high up on my tbr! 4y
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This is one of those books that has been on my tbr list forever and I never seemed to find the time to read it until now.

I'm glad to have finally read the book and it's interesting to learn about the things that Anne experienced during her time hidden in the Secret Annex from the Nazi's.

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Hey guys! New video is up on my channel if you wanna take a peek. We are gonna be reviewing The Book Drop, one of my favorite subscription box services out there :) I also just finished this book and I will have a quick review about it in my #ReadYourSign video!


Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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“It‘s really a wonder that I haven‘t dropped all my ideals because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart,”

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Thank you @MoonWitch94 and @Cupcake12 for the tag #Two4Tuesday

1. I think when I was 4 or 5.
2. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

Mishu94 Thank you for the tag! ❤️❤️ 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😍🤩📚 4y
JaclynW Great book choice! 4y
Revenge4bess At 3.5 years old. Everyone should read All of a kind family series, Percy Jackson series. 4y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Day 2
Books that changed me or made an impact:
I had to read this book for GCSE history at school (back in the 90‘s) and I just remember getting so upset reading this diary. It isn‘t a book to be enjoyed but it is a book that I feel showed the best view of the worst world by a brave young girl 💔

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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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I'm going to give this prompt a little spin and only choose books and book series that I read as a child or early teen. All of these books will have impacted me in one way or another.

#7Days7Books Day 6

Seven books that left a deep impression on me and/or changed me.

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Thanks for the tag @SaturnDoo

Day 1 of #7books7days Books that made a deep impression on me.

Wanna play @Bigcountry15 ?

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#7Days7Books Day One

Seven books that have been important to you in some way. No explanation. Want to play, @vivastory (if you haven‘t been tagged already)?

Thanks for the tag, @BarbaraBB ! 😘


Chab256 Lovely edition! 4y
BarbaraBB Beautiful edition indeed. And a really important book that made it to my list too. 4y
vivastory Thanks for the tag 👍 4y
Reviewsbylola I have this folio edition. Sooooooo beautiful! 4y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Seven books that left a very deep impression and/or changed me.
day 4

Mistermandolin Incredibly moving. Made an indelible impression on me, as did visiting the Anne Frank museum. 4y
MySharonaK @Mistermandolin yes, I agree! The museum really left a deep impression on me too 4y
Mistermandolin You may be interested in Viktor Frankl‘s ‘Man‘s Search For Meaning‘ (if you‘ve not read it already). Frankl derives various lessons from his own experience of the camps and shows how finding meaning in his dreadful ordeal was instrumental in allowing him to survive and overcome it. Well-written too. 4y
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MySharonaK @Mistermandolin thank you, I have read it, I think it was right after I have visited the camps in Poland. I also read Primo Levi‘s Periodic Table at that time, which I recommend if you haven‘t read 4y
Mistermandolin Thanks for the recommendation. I‘ve only read one of Levi‘s - ‘If This Be A Man‘, I think. I‘ll check out ‘Periodic Table‘. By the way: I‘m new to Litsy and, being a writer myself, I‘m really enjoying the tips and exchanges of views. Great to meet like-minded folk! 4y
MySharonaK @Mistermandolin welcome to Litsy! I hope you enjoy it here. Where can I read something of yours? Really nice meeting you 🌹 4y
Mistermandolin My first novel is out late summer. I have four non-fiction books already out. If you head over to my website at www.markfox.co.uk you can find the details. Really great getting to know you and Litsy! 4y
MySharonaK @Mistermandolin thank you! How exciting 4y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank

Paper has more patience than people ❤️

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I saw this on Facebook and thought what a wonderful idea, a positive way to deal with these times. Hope you are all staying safe, reading books and keeping cosy this weekend.

#KeepLitsyPositive #LitsyLove #Readers #Tea #Reading #Books #BookNerd #ReadABook #Bookaholic #ReadingDay #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #Readers #BookWorm #BookLover #Journals #Diary #GetWriting

rockpools That‘s great! 5y
Buechersuechtling Witty idea‼️🙂 5y
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!!! 5y
Andrew65 🙌🙌🙌 5y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love candles! 5y
Palimpsest Such a profound thought from someone so young. 5y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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Megabooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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Love it!

Geenie What language? 5y
ednsrc Bosnian 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 5y
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Diary of a Young Girl | Anne Frank
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