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A Pocket Full of Rye
A Pocket Full of Rye: A Miss Marple Mystery | Agatha Christie
Rex Fortescue, king of a financial empire, was sippingtea in his counting house when he sufferedan agonizing and sudden death. On later inspection,the pockets of the deceased were found to containtraces of cereals. Yet, it was the incident in the parlor which confirmedMiss Marples suspicion that here she waslooking at a case of crime by rhyme. . . .
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I love how consistently Miss Marple is underestimated because of her appearance and gender. If she weren't a goodie, I bet she'd make a great murderer. This one has some overlap in detail with the Sayers novel I'm reading right now, so I got confused a couple of times about which clues went with which story. Once I got it straight, though, this was a pleasant listen.

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Rex Fortescue collapses and dies in his office, poisoned with taxine from yew trees. Within a few days his wife and maid are also killed. Baffled, the police ask Miss Marple to infiltrate the household.

I fastened on the wrong suspect fairly early on. No little grey cells or village experience to help me out. Sigh.

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Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie
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An enjoyable #MissMarple though I always wish for more of her - she did not show up until after the 100 page mark! It is as expected - big house, deaths, suspects, and though I have no clue, she solves it no problem. What WAS a nice surprise was how proof came to light in the last pages. Gave me all the warm feels from justice being served to a baddie.
Thumbs up again, #AgathaChristie.

jlhammar I know, I always want more Marple! Christie gives us a bit more of her in later books (or at least that seems to be the case, still have two left). 11mo
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So this year I‘m reading all the Miss Marple novels in order - all the pretty covers were a huge influencing factor I‘m not gonna lie! 🤣

kspenmoll They are so eye catching! 13mo
Annmcoop Loving the botanical covers especially since Miss Marple loves gardens. The cover‘s designer says she hid a silhouette of Miss Marple on each cover. Can you spot it? 13mo
Mitch @Annmcoop oh - exciting. I didn‘t know that. Off to search! 13mo
elkeOriginal @Annmcoop So cool about the hidden silhouette! 11mo
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Number six in my year of Marple. Poor gullible Gladys! Not much Marple, but what little we do get is terrifically avenging. I enjoyed, but, as with the last (They Do It With Mirrors), not quite as much as the first four.

LiteraryinPA I love Agatha. While I already own all her books in a previous edition, I do love these covers! 1y
Tamra Yes, those covers are to die for. 😉 1y
batsy Oh, you're racing through the Marples! Glad you're enjoying them. Each time I see one of your Christie posts I feel like dropping what I'm reading to reread one of her books 😁 1y
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jlhammar @batsy It‘s been so fun to read one each month! Definitely my idea of a comfort read. 1y
elkeOriginal I am focussing on Miss Marple too but not in an organized way like you! I am surprised how little she appears in some books - I always think of her being the focus like in the tv adaptations! Very jealous of the new covers…makes me want to replace mine… 11mo
jlhammar @elkeOriginal It has been so interesting (and fun!) to read them in order this year. I‘m kind of sad I‘m almost through. I agree, these new covers are gorgeous! 11mo
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Thanks for the tag @AkashaVampie ! I‘ve got a few books on the go, but this is the one which generates the most visuals in my head for me to create a #BookishMoodBoard .

Feel free to play along and create your own! 😀

LoverOfLearning Looks cool! I love the pop of red. 1y
Ruthiella @LoverOfLearning Thanks! 😊 1y
charl08 🤩 1y
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I really enjoy Christie's writing style. This is the first book I have completely read from her, but I hope to read more. The mystery kept me guessing until the end when everything was explained. I had my own theories leading up and I got some parts correct.


Another Miss Marple. Good stuff.

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Aaaaaand here are the rest of the new Miss Marple editions that I ordered! 😂📚💕 I'm not going to lie...they all look REALLY GOOD together! I'm a little bit obsessed, to be honest! 😍 The next available one (The Mirror Crack'd from side to side) comes out this Tuesday and of course I pre-ordered it! 😁

Leftcoastzen Really pretty covers ! 2y
vivastory What a great collection 🌻📚 2y
Branwen @Leftcoastzen @vivastory I can't stop looking at them! They're just so pretty! 😍 2y
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Also a circle skirt with a custom print fabric panel based on the folio society edition 🗡I think spoonflower does custom fabric designs— I wonder if it would be copyright infringement or if I can change it enough? 🧐

EvieBee So cute!! I love it!! 💕💕💕 3y
StaceGhost @EvieBee thank you! Hoping to post the fabric design later today 😅 and thank you for the inspiration! I ordered a copy of the same edition lol 3y
EvieBee @StaceGhost Oh, nice! Enjoy! 3y
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Of course while picking up Death on the Nile at the library I saw some more AC books and I couldn‘t just walk away. It‘s not my favorite Ms. Marple mystery - she actually takes awhile to show up in this book - but it still kept me guessing.

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I love Miss Marple! She wasn‘t in this enough IMO, but I still enjoyed the mystery. Lots of red herrings as usual. #scarathlon #teamslaughter @Clwojick 16pts

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A fun Miss Marple mystery! I put it down a few times in the beginning and am really glad I stuck with it to finish it out. (Christie throws a lot of characters at you at once & I am finding I need to power through the first few chapters!) But a satisfying mystery all the way around.

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This was my first Miss Marple and while I liked it, I can‘t say I enjoyed her as much as Hercule Poirot. She isn‘t even introduced until nearly halfway into the story! I also must say I missed the traditional gathering of the suspects and dramatic reveal. I will try another Marple sometime, but one where I can get to know her better from the beginning.

Read as part of the #readchristie2021 challenge hosted by OfficialAgathaChristie on IG. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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1. It is really hot here. 🌞42°C!!!
2. Never had a chance for camping. But I think I would love the cabins.
3. Inspector Neele 👮from the tagged book. I would love to be in the shoes of a crime solver.
4......... to play video games🎮 and read a little after a nice hearty breakfast.
@Daisy @ImperfectCJ.
I hope m not trouubling you both by tagging. I don't have much freinds here. 😅

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Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing—

Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?
The king was in the counting-house
Counting out his money,

The queen was in the parlor
Eating bread and honey,

The maid was in the garden
Hanging out the clothes.
Along came a blackbird
And snipped off her nose.

My First Miss Marple book. I loved it.!!!!!


As my first reading experience with AC, APFoR demonstrated why AC had such a lasting, immense legacy, but it also disappointed me. The intro chapter is fantastic. The ending is good, but I saw a lot more potential in other possibilities. #AgathaChristie #classicmystery

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I'll admit I did kind of lose my way a few times with this #mystery #audiobook but that was my own distracted mind. I do find it funny that sometimes Christie doesn't bring in Miss Marple until a ways into the story. I think this one was about half done before she showed up! Nevertheless it was a solid entertaining old school mystery.

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I am 2 hours and 15 minutes into this book — basically halfway— and Miss Marple has not appeared yet!

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Love rereading these!

tracey38 Love this picture! 5y
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Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie
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Listening to this audiobook on Hoopla. Relaxing after a busy weekend. Went for a walk at the sea side earlier today.

rockpools Looks lovely! 6y
tammysue Beautiful! 💙 6y
Dragon Thanks @RachelO @whatshesreadingnow it was such a beautiful day. But there was definitely a cold wind off the ocean. 6y
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This might be one of my favorite Christies, although Miss Marple‘s role in the mystery is pretty tangential. Great use of a nursery rhyme for sinister things and plot complications.

Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie

An enjoyable Marple.

RaimeyGallant I'm audiobooking 4:50 from Paddington at the moment. :) 6y
Jillsmith I‘m re-reading all the Agatha Christie novels in publication order - I mostly read them as a teen about 30 years ago, so I remember bits but a lot feels new! Haven‘t really tried them on audio - I should!! 6y
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Next up in My Year With Agatha!

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Loved this. The nursery rhyme added just the right amount of creepiness to the plot, and I appreciated how Miss Marple got so upset over one of the murders. So often there‘s a callousness about deaths in a murder mystery, and I liked that there were genuine expressions of grief in this one! Some nice twists & turns, good characters, plenty of Miss Marple, & a satisfying conclusion. I had lots of suspicions that were almost correct, but not quite.

MommyWantsToReadHerBook I've always liked this one! 6y
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The book was really interesting. I loved it. It refers to a nursery rhyme.
A handful of rye and...
There was also blind love mentioned in the book.

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My first Miss Marple Mystery ! Halfway through. Nice easy read as always with Agatha Christie. Some good surprises.

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With A. Christie you know what you get. This one didn‘t disappoint.
#litsyAtoZ2018 book 8 and 3 for #booked2018 book13/275

amvs1111 I've never read Christie. Maybe this is the year to give her a try! 7y
Dulcinella @amvs1111 Very enjoyable, but light lecture. Personally I like her Miss Marple books best. Let me know if you give it a try:-) 7y
amvs1111 @Dulcinella Thanks for the tip and will do! 7y
Cinfhen Wow!!! Three in 10 days...impressive 🙌🏻💜 7y
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The train station in Marple has a great dedication to Miss Marple herself

Libby1 ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
CarolynM Love it! 7y
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I have too many unread Agatha Christie books on my shelves. #TBR #Pocketful #YESvember17

RachelAmphlett That‘s my current read 😊 I‘ve got And Then There Were None lined up next 7y
hes7 @RachelAmphlett That's such a good one! I hope you love it. 7y
Libby1 So do I, @hes7! @RachelAmphlett - I hope you‘ll enjoy this one. 7y
RachelAmphlett @Libby1 I am - nearly finished! 🤓📚📚 7y
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One of Christie‘s nursery rhyme mysteries, this was a quick and entertaining listen. Wealthy Rex Fortescue dies suddenly after his morning tea, with rye found in his pockets. Miss Marple is called on to assist with the investigation and weed through the suspect list, as it would appear that the unscrupulous Fortescue had many enemies.

vivastory Do you like Miss Marple or Poirot more? I've only read two Christies so far-And Then There Were None & Murder on the Orient Express. 7y
Brie @vivastory I think I may like Poirot more, but only because I‘ve read more of the mysteries featuring him. He can be a bit egotistical. Miss Marple is more sly, quiet and unassuming. 7y
vivastory Are you going to see the new movie? 7y
Brie @vivastory I‘m not sure yet. It‘s one of my favorite Christie novels and I don‘t want to be disappointed. I‘ll read some reviews. Plus that mustache... Are you? 7y
vivastory I am, I'm cautiously optimistic. The mustache is over the top. 7y
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My first AC book. To be honest, it has been a long time since I read anything remotely near or similar to a detective or crime story, but after this, I can definitely understand why AC fans adore her writings. I thought the writings were brilliant. Definitely my first of many AC books to come. #agathachristie

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I have been waiting to read an Agatha Christie book, and come to find out I had one. I enjoyed reading this story. Finished it in a day, I didn't want to put it down.

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Rounding out this long weekend with a book that matches my blanket. Hello again, Miss Marple! #agathachristie

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Not going to get the full 24 hours, but I really enjoyed my second #24in48. Going to wrap up my night with some Miss Marple. It was great seeing everyone's posts - congrats to those who made the full 24 hours! Can't wait to do this again!

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This week kind of sucked for reading. Got very little weeknight time in. Couple that with reading a bunch of books, none of which have caught my attention yet, and I've decided it's time to jump start myself with an Agatha. Hello, Jane Marple! #agathachristie Maybe I will finish one of the other, like, 4 books I'm reading tomorrow 🙈

Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie
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Not a lot of Miss M in this. A smart inspector who despite himself and police common sense, listens to Miss Marple and solves the riddle. This wasn't a complicated murder mystery. It's more a study of characters' personality and how their actions or behavior betray their intentions. I liked it.

Pocket Full of Rye | Agatha Christie
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A few of my Agatha Christie books. 😍😍

Sarah83 What a lovely edition. 😍 7y
Emory Such a pretty picture! 7y
youngreadrshelf Very pretty. Who are they put out by? 7y
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Lizpixie 😍😍😍 #christiescrimeclub (edited) 7y
ScorpioBookDreams @youngreadrshelf mine were part of a fortnightly collection but apparently the facsimile editions put out by Harper Collins are the best quality 7y
LeahBergen Oh, I like these editions! 👍🏼 7y
minkyb Pretty 7y
Jaimelire ❤️💙💜💚💛 7y
Rachbb3 7y
Gissy I love Agatha Christie! I don't have many books though but I will 😉 7y
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Another entertaining Miss Marple mystery.

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A bowl of popcorn and an Agatha Christie mystery 🕵🍿

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Another splendid Miss Marple story. Love the ones read by Richard Grant, his voice is great and he's a wonderful actor. #audiobook #cozymystery #missmarple 📖👍🏻☺️☕️

SaraRosett Love that cover! 8y
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Richard E. Grant narrates several Miss Marple books apparently. So good! #mystery #cozymystery #missmarple

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Waiting for flight home with the kids. Rereading this classic.

EvieBee My favorite Poirot! 8y
LiteraryinPA Love this one!! 8y
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