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Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery
Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery | Scott Kelly
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Didn‘t realize he was a twin. 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀

vlwelser 😂 maybe they all look like that. 2y
vivastory I saw Scott Kelly speak once. He was really fascinating! 2y
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1. Tagged! It's an amazing story of courage and endurance (duh)
2. Science Fiction. So many choices; Asimov, Clarke, Frederick Pohl, Poul Anderson, C.J. Cherryh, Frank Herbert, John Scalzi, Robert Heinlein and many more.
3. Erik Larson, Sam Kean, Doris Kearns Goodwin
Thanks for the tag @Eggs #wonderouswednesday
Wanna play? @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream

Eggs Well done - love these responses 👏🏻👏🏻. Thanks for playing 👍🏼📚🙏🏻 3y
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What a fascinating look at life in space! From the mundane aspects of fixing the toilets to the beauty of watching the earth from the international space station, this memoir is incredible. There are slow moments but the majority is honest to the point of being a PR nightmare. I loved seeing the international cooperation & learning what an astronaut‘s life is like struggles & all. His time in space is intense & made me appreciate the small things.

RamsFan1963 I listened to this audio also. Kelly does a great job narrating, making even the dullest events sound interesting. I can't imagine spending a year in space away from friends and family. 4y
AvidReader25 @RamsFan1963 I can‘t either! It would be surreal to live that life for a year. 4y
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A stunning memoir from the astronaut who spent a record-breaking year aboard the International Space Station – a candid account of his remarkable voyage, of the journeys off the planet that preceded it, and of his colorful formative years...

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I was a kid who grew up watching the interspecies cooperation on Star Trek: TNG & loved it so much that I went to Space Camp at 12.

As a grown-up scientist, I was fascinated by Scott‘s year in space & the twin study in particular. The whole ISS & astronauts still bring the sense of wonder and excitement I had as a kid. I‘m so glad I picked up this book! I love the daily moments & his journey overall. I didn‘t love his voice on the #audiobook. 4⭐️

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Growing up on a steady diet of science fiction, I don't think there's a cooler job than traveling in space. No warp drives or alien planets, but Kelly's one year of living on the international space station is an amazing feat worthy of a
movie. Even the most mundane actions take on a new relevance when you're flying thousands of miles above the Earth. 4 🚀🚀🚀🚀

First book finished for #24B4Monday readathon
@Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Sounds interesting. 4y
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📖 Endurance, The American Story, Who Ate The First Oyster? and The Bards of Bone Plain.
📖 Impact by Douglas Preston
📖 From A Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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A memoir by Astronaut Scott Kelly about his year in the International Space Station. He also writes about his childhood and his years of training to become an engineer and a Navy fighter pilot before being selected as an astronaut – along with his identical twin brother Mark. A great read.

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COMPLETED for #NFNov ... “A Year in Space,” a documentary about NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and his yearlong mission in Earth‘s orbit as part of a biomedical research project to see if humans have the endurance to survive a flight to Mars. Kelly‘s identical twin brother Mark remained on Earth as comparison.

#TIL: a rocket launch site must meet 2 criteria: a remote location away from populated areas and close to the equator.
@Clwojick @rsteve388

Clwojick 9 pt 5y
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Floating amongst the stars for a year, this is the story of Astronaut Scott Kelly. I have been looking forward to reading this book.

Thank you BookishFirst and Alfred A. Knopf for sending me this book. I‘m out of this world excited to read this.
Blasting off into Mr. Kelly‘s orbit; see you when I land. #nfnov #nonfictionnovember

Deifio He's the one with the twin brother, right? I read Chris Hadfields book and enjoyed it lots, I might need to pick up this aswell. Let me know how you like it! 😘 5y
LinesUponAPage @Deifio yes. His brother, Mark is also an astronaut whom is married to former U.S. House Rep. Gabby Giffords who was shot in 2007 Tuscan, Arizona shooting. It‘s a really good book. 5y
Clwojick 1pt! 5y
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Listening to the tagged audio and trying to not disturb Lucy. Cats have it made.


Sace She looks so cozy 😊😻 5y
Leftcoastzen I wanna be my cat or your cat!😂😻 5y
Bookwomble That looks like a great reading space ❤📖 5y
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Julsmarshall What a cozy spot! 5y
GingerAntics Right? Oh to be a cat!!! I feel like life would be so much more simple. 5y
Crazeedi I always said I'd want to come back as my house cat, lol 5y
Tamra Agreed! 5y
goodbyefrancie @Bookwomble It's my favorite spot in the house. Apparently Lucy agrees. 😻 5y
BarbaraJean Awwww, sweet kitty! I used to have a calico named Lucy. 😻 5y
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I chose the audiobook version read by the author, and I highly recommend it because Kelly has a great reading voice. Also, the emotion that comes through seems that much more genuine. The humor and sarcasm comes through so well, and there's nothing better than hearing the f bomb or "oh shit" at critical moments in the story.

The achievements of our heroes are possible only through the efforts of entire communities of people working together.

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Got to listen to him speak last night. My daughter loved it, she had to have all the books 😍📚🐉

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Newly checked out ebook through Overdrive/Libby app. I‘m going to say Scott Kelly's memoir would be one extraordinary travel experience.

#nonfiction2019 #somethingwithtravel @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Definitely Extra Ordinary! And dare I say, out if this 🌍! 6y
SconsinBookyBadger @Riveted_Reader_Melissa you read my mind. I was just thinking about editing “out of this world” into my caption. 👩‍🚀 6y
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I don't know if I've ever read a book before that made me turn to Lucas and say, "Did you know?" so many times.

My main takeaways from this book are:
1. Being in space sounds a lot like having the drunk spins.
2. It's amazing how seemingly insignificant moments changed the course of Scott Kelly's life.
3. I'm so glad I have a spouse that I want to spend time with, not one that I'd rather be in space than be in their presence.

Mitch Fab picture! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds great! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And yes, great picture! 6y
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AmyG #1 makes me queasy. Good I am not an astronaut. 6y
Lucas.Rencher I love the picture! Also it was adorable every time you leaned over and were like did you know and enlightened me with your knowledge! 😀 6y
Freespirit How lovely to share your love of books with your hubby😃 6y
AmandaEve I‘m halfway through this one! I rarely annotate my books, but I just felt like I had too many things I wanted to remember. I‘ve been taking my time on this one! 🤓 6y
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I opened the front cover and found out the book is signed! 😍 I've gotten a few books off Thrift Books that I didn't know were signed, and it never stops being exciting.

scowler1 Written by a hand that's actually been in Space! Love it. 6y
Lucas.Rencher So cool 👽 6y
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I remember following Scott Kelly's Instagram when he was up in space, and I was so excited when he published his memoir. I'm going to fit in a few pages while dinner cooks, and cross "Book set in space" off my Pop Sugar challenge list. ??

kstadt929 One of my favorites!!! He also had a special on tv about a year in space that was made into a dvd AND he has a photo book about his year there 6y
Rachel.Rencher @kstadt929 Ooh I didn't know that! Thanks 😍 6y
kstadt929 @Rachel.Rencher No problem! I hope you enjoy - I was so amazed watching the program! It is a PBS show called A Year in Space and Beyond a Year in Space (it aired on tv as 2 separate programs) 6y
Lucas.Rencher I loved his pictures from the ISS! 6y
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What!? It‘s Wednesday already!
1) Best surprise Birthday trip! Playing around on The Pioneer Woman‘s frontier.

2) Reading goals so far: 100 books #nonfiction2019 #LitsyAtoZ

3) Best & Worst thing was the same event. A new baby grandson but he has a CHD. He will be okay, though ❤️. (Our kids lost a baby a few years ago from HLHS...sorry for all the acronyms and the downer info.)

4) No resolutions yet :)

5) ^^^book tagged

julesG ❤️ 6y
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Just started reading Endurance (currently on chapter 6) and I have to say, although I do like the way it‘s written (jumps back and forth to present and past, chapter to chapter) I wish he explained certain things better. If you don‘t already know certain terms, such as cosmonaut, or just history of space travel and such, you have to constantly keep using google, so a dictionary at the back would be useful, at least it would be for me.

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1. Helped my mom set up her Christmas tree and village 🎄
2. No, staying in town with my parents.
3. I‘m off the week after Thanksgiving! Looking forward to relaxing, Christmas shopping, & reading!
4. My leggings
5. Memoir of astronaut Scott Kelly. He has spent more than 500 days in space (most consecutive time period of 11 months). I love anything space-related. I find it so fascinating! 👍🏽👨🏼‍🚀⭐️
#humpdaypost @MinDea

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Current audiobook....the little asides about odd things floating inside the space station are my favorite parts.

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Got to see Astronaut Scott Kelly in the Texas State Capitol. He is fantastic! #txbookfest

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Congrats on the milestone @LaurenReads and thank you for the opportunity to enter your #hundredgrand giveaway!

I don‘t read many nonfiction books, but my absolute favorite nonfiction book, without a doubt, is the tagged book Endurance by Scott Kelly. He spent a year in space and it is an amazing story of his journey preparing, being away from family that long, things he experienced in space, etc. I learned so much and could not put it down!

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Knowing almost nothing about the space program and astronauts in general I found this book interesting. For instance I never thought about the fact that you can‘t shower in space. A year of taking wet wipe baths is craziness.

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This is one of the best books I‘ve read on what it‘s like to go through military and astronaut training, to be a fighter pilot, and to live on the International Space Station. And I love how honest Scott Kelly is about his experiences! And he‘s funny too. Big thumbs up!

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JFK - Reckless Youth
Under the Influence
Nature Girl
Endurance (signed!) 😊


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I chose this off Scribed thinking I could listen to it while in the car with my grandson. Nope. Too many “F” bombs! I really don‘t have any interest in space exploration (except for the pretty pics sent from space), but am always interested in a memoir. The author read his words, which I appreciate. He shares personal info as well as his job experiences. So cool that the book, The Right Stuff, inspired him when he was an unmotivated student. 4/5⭐️

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This is an account of Scott‘s year-long mission on the ISS, interwoven with his life experiences leading up to his historic achievement.

One of Scott's final comments was an echo of the messages I've heard from other astronauts: from space the Earth appears to be an oasis in an infinite backdrop of stars and other galaxies, all too far to reach, so we humans need to get our act together and treat it as the special place it is. There is no plan B.

vivastory I saw him speak last December. Very inspiring! 6y
BestDogDad @vivastory That‘s cool! I‘m guessing he told some interesting stories. The book is full of them. 6y
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It would be horrible to become a satellite. Eventually you would burn up upon reentry as there is some drag in low earth orbit.

Aimeesue Odd how we take spacewalks almost for granted these days, and manage to forget about the dire consequences a tiny mistake can lead to. I got pretty freaked out reading Neal Stephenson's Seveneves last year. I could never be an astronaut! 6y
BestDogDad @Aimeesue Yes, me neither! Gene Cernan had a similar experience on one of the early NASA space walks - his suit became rigid and he barely got back in the capsule. What did you think of Seveneves? 6y
Aimeesue @BestDogDad Seveneves was great. I don‘t read a lot of hard sci-fi, but I do love me an apocalypse tale. It‘s really stuck with me, though, and I can‘t wait to read the next one, so it gets high marks from me. 6y
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Even the Cold War Soviets were in on the flat earth cover up?! Seriously, how many thousands and thousands of people would have in on the conspiracy, and not ONE has spilled the beans in decades?

Aimeesue 😧 6y
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Hot mic!

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Things are run differently at the Baikonur Cosmodrome than they are at the Kennedy Space Center.

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The cost of spending a year in space. Not to mention all the effects zero-G had on his body. Scott has a twin brother and part of his mission was to compare their genes, physiology, etc. after he returned from the ISS.

Suet624 Yikes. 10 X-rays a day. 6y
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I kept not reading the print copy of this memoir so I'm glad I listened to the audiobook. Scott Kelly's life, career & especially his time in space are so interesting. The space stuff is just technical enough to fascinate without overwhelming & I enjoyed learning about the realities of life for an astronaut. Kelly narrated & while maybe not the best narrator-I liked hearing it in his voice. Honest, not perfect (who is?) but a true American hero.🚀

Crystalblu I was just looking at this one today wondering if I would enjoy it. 6y
DebinHawaii @Crystalblu I really enjoyed it. The fact that he spent almost a full year in space/at the space station fascinates me. 6y
Crystalblu Me too! 6y
heelsnglitter I never realized the depth of my fear of heights until I read this and kept experiencing vertigo from his descriptions. lol I ended up reading it two chapters at a time, but it was totally worth it! 6y
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I started following Scott Kelly on Facebook while he was still on the ISS, and his posts were always a favorite. His book is now a favorite too. I have never been especially interested in space or ever really wanted to be an astronaut, but reading about his experiences was like living them through him, and it was exciting. I learned A LOT that I never knew before, which is awesome.

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I came downstairs to charge my Kindle, and Ella followed me... apparently to snuggle on my feet ❤ I leave for a job interview in an hour, so she's a very calming presence this morning. 😊

CocoReads Good luck! 6y
JoScho Lots of luck ❤️ 6y
rubyslippersreads Good luck! 🍀🍀🍀 6y
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ofclumsywords Good luck!!! 6y
CouronneDhiver You‘ve got this! 💪🏽 6y
Branwen Good luck! 😀 6y
JosieG @Branwen Thank you! 😍 6y
DivineDiana Best wishes! 👍🏻 6y
mabell Good luck! 6y
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It drives me nuts that our food specialists insist on giving us the same number of chocolate, vanilla, and butterscotch puddings, when the laws of physics dictate chocolate will disappear much faster. No one gets a vanilla craving in space (or on Earth).

mabell Chocolate will always disappear faster! It's physics! 😂 6y
JosieG @mabell I love that we can blame it on physics 😂 6y
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Fascinating look at an astronaut's life and what it took to face a year in space. I just wish the audiobook had been narrated by someone other than Kelly, he's not super engaging, unfortunately. Still, glad a read it! Loved the stuff about life on the ISS, also Kelly's perspective is perfect for this as he speaks about international antagonism and collaboration (from a military career to NASA) and how only one of these is effective.

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LOVED this. A fascinating man with a fascinating career, and experiences like no one has ever had before or will again. Well written, exciting, and detailed, without being dull. Highly recommended.

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I was very excited to see Scott Kelly speak on his book tour. This is a great account of Kelly's time in space and his life from unmotivated daredevil child to determined to make his dream of being an astronaut a reality. I definitely recommend it!


Loved hearing Kelly‘s perspective on a year in space, away from family and the comforts of home. As I reflect on my own situation I find myself feeling grateful that at least I‘m not quite so far away.

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rubyslippersreads Peekaboo! 😻 7y
BookBabe 😻😻😻 So cute!! ❤️ 7y
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Not a book I would usually be drawn to but I loved this informative and personal memoir. I was riveted from the first moment on. This book is not overly technical or science heavy but is still full of fascinating tidbits about life in space. The story about his path towards becoming an astronaut was equally interesting and I liked his reflections about how he balances being away for such long periods of time and his role as a father and partner.

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One of my fave pics from the photo sections! This memoir combines heart & humor to show how a bottom of the class student eventually spent a year on the space station. Would recommend to teachers to show that no student is unreachable, even if it takes until college to figure things out. Enough science to please those that want it, but not too technical for a casual reader. Plus a tiny story about enemas, a must for any astronaut memoir! 😄

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Good story

TNbookworm I loved this book, so very interesting. I follow the ISS on Instagram so now when I see pics of the station I can reference Scott Kelly. 7y
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Very excited as there was a package when we took Pilot for a walk. #muglove
Thank you @callielafleur

callielafleur Yay! Glad it made it to you, hope it's still in one piece! 🤞 7y
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Ridiculously early flight home to the frigid cold means caffeine, slippers, and a good book. Still have 50 or so pages left, but I highly recommend to any other space nerds out there 💫🤓 wish he got a bit more technical, but I'm really enjoying his story.

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I didn't want this book to end. I loved every minute of learning about the ISS, the collaboration of international space agencies, Kelly's life, and how he just works his ass off on any given day. I'll never think about NASA, test pilots, astronauts/cosmonauts, space walks, and the ISS in the same way.

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