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Foster | Claire Keegan
129 posts | 116 read | 1 reading | 64 to read
A small girl is sent to live with foster parents on a farm in rural Ireland, without knowing when she will return home. In the strangers' house, she finds a warmth and affection she has not known before and slowly begins to blossom in their care. And then a secret is revealed and suddenly, she realizes how fragile her idyll is. Winner of the Davy Byrnes Memorial Prize, Foster is now published in a revised and expanded version. Beautiful, sad and eerie, it is a story of astonishing emotional depth, showcasing Claire Keegan's great accomplishment and talent.
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Well. This is my 3rd Keegan "book" and I am still underwhelmed. I am annoyed that each book is so tiny but yet costs as much as if she would have put them all in one collection. I mean get your bag, but it will not be from me.
I am sure the narrative choice to have the child call Edna "the woman" is some choice I just do not understand but it feels misogynist when the husband is called by his own name
Overall just not enough for me in this short

Foster | Claire Keegan
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I listened to this on audio while I was painting doors. (We are in the midst of some renovations.) It‘s a novella set in rural Ireland about a little girl sent to live with another family for a summer. She doesn‘t know when she‘ll return home, but finds that this home is full of love, much different from the house she came from. I didn‘t want the story to end, much like the little girl felt at the end of her summer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 ❤️📚

Foster | Claire Keegan
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This grid is telling me that I‘m loving books published this year! And yet, the win goes to the tagged - a masterclass in writing.

5* = Loved It, want to shout out loud about this book! I do/will own/keep a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Avg C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F

Suet624 Foster 💕💕💕 3mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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1. Tagged “novella”
2. Hearts in Atlantis- Stephen King
2. The Lottery - Shirley Jackson

#TLT @dabbe

dabbe Two more on the TBR! Thanks for sharing, m'dear. 💚💙💚 3mo
AmyG Any time. 😘 @dabbe 3mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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I‘m sure I‘ve never read a story as masterfully told inside of 88 pages as this. My recommendation: Treat yourself to a master class in writing!

….Last month I unexpectedly hosted my IRL bookclub discussion on Small Things Like These. To prepare I watched several 30-90 minute YouTube videos about the book. Often, as much as the speaker liked STLT, they liked Foster even more and I thought, No Way. Then I read it.
…Updated thought, Way!!!

Tamra Pretty pic! 4mo
jlhammar Yes! I absolutely loved Small Things Like These, but Foster is my favorite Keegan. The film adaptation, A Quiet Girl, is also wonderful. 4mo
marleed @Tamra Thank you! 4mo
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marleed @jlhammar I have to watch it. And it‘s okay that I‘ll have to rent it from a streaming service! 4mo
Gissy Pretty picture 😍 🫖 📚 4mo
bthegood Yes Way!! I felt that this was a perfectly written story - the images, emotional impact, sense of the characters and place - all in a tiny package - so well done!! 4mo
marleed @bthegood Even pieces that aren‘t fully explained is so deliberate - she allows the reader to fill in blanks for themselves. It‘s almost like staring at a famous painting in a museum and drawing your own conclusions. Art doesn‘t need to be explained. 4mo
marleed @Gissy Thank you! For many years my gift-giving sister was the owner/operator of the Celtic store in my hometown. It‘s always an honor to display her goods in a pic! 4mo
Gissy @marleed A Celtic store 😱🤩👌♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
marleed @Gissy That store was her life and where everyone came to see who was back home for a visit. She battled cancer for years and it was getting up and opening those doors that kept her determined to keep going. When she passed in 2021 the news was broadcast across Montana because of her impact of all things Irish. She truly had no clue that she mattered so much to so many. I hope she knows now ❤️ 3mo
Gissy @marleed ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
bthegood @marleed 👍 🙂 3mo
Suet624 A Celtic store in Montana. I love it. Wouldn‘t it be wonderful if we all knew how much we meant to people? 3mo
marleed @Suet624 She always worried because we came to her financial assistance a few times and she didn‘t want to need help. But we are convinced that the total of all those who mourn the deaths of her 4 sisters won‘t come close to the impact we witnessed at her passing. She was in fact the ‘richest‘ among us. 3mo
Suet624 How wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes. 3mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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*I have to read every night before sleep in bed
*Smart, helpful, magical Hermoine Granger. Maybe she‘d take pity on me and magically organize my house and garage 😂
*House on the Cerulean Sea and American Gods
*Foster (tagged), Kindred, Handmaid‘s Tale…
*I need reading glasses but am always losing them🤓

#LItsyFoundFamilySwap @KateReadsYA

KateReadsYA I added Kindred to my TBR!! 🤗 4mo
CatLass007 I have Kindred and Parable of the Sower in my Audible library. I need to bump them up further on my list. 4mo
Karisa @CatLass007 oooh, Parable of the Sower is amazing! 4mo
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CatLass007 I‘ve gotten out of the habit of reading science fiction, which is especially terrible because science fiction is my first love. Maybe I‘ve just branched out to other genres. But I‘m working on having balance in the types of books I read and Octavia Butler is one of the authors I want to include. 4mo
Karisa @CatLass007 Me too! I used to only read sci-fi and fantasy but lately I‘ve been more into historical fiction and even nonfiction. It‘s like my reading taste buds have changed, but in my heart, I‘m still a sci-fi person 😂 4mo
CatLass007 Absolutely! I‘ve been listening to a lot of urban fantasy and crime books. I thought I‘d expand my interests by participating in #AuthorAMonth, #SundayBuddyRead, and #LiteraryCrew. I loved The Spectacular because I used to live in New York and all of her books take place in NYC Landmarks. I also loved The Bandit Queens and hope to see more books by the author. So many books, so little time!!! 4mo
Karisa @CatLass007 Agreed! I‘ll have to check those out! Thanks for the recs! 4mo
CatLass007 You‘re welcome. If you read anything interesting, please let me know. 4mo
CatLass007 Look on Amazon and order some lanyards for your reading glasses. There are some really nice ones. You‘ll probably end up looking a bit like a little old lady when you move your glasses to your nose, but it will keep your readers handy. 4mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan

A young girl from a financially challenged family is dropped off with richer relatives for a stay of unknown duration. This is the way 10 year olds experience life. You are simply swept along in the happening. Her birth parents have made poor choices. Her foster parents have experienced hardships about which they had no choice. This heartbreaking and heartwarming book is about knowing when you have to accept versus when you have to act.

Foster | Claire Keegan
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 92 pages of brilliant storytelling.

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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Foster was my final #auldlangspine read in January from @IndoorDame ‘s list. I definitely saved the best for last. I LOVED this novella. Keegan can do no wrong in my book. Her stories seem like grownup fairy tales without magic. I‘m amazed at Keegan‘s ability to create such atmosphere and character development in so few pages. A girl from a large family spends the summer with a childless couple, past traumas abound. Neglect and hints at abuse.

IndoorDame What a perfect description of her work! 5mo
BarbaraBB Fab review. I loved this one too. 5mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Novella- sweet, concise,with an open ended ending (if that makes sense). My edition was 92 pages. A little girl is sent off from her family (who have little resources and a lot of kids) to a relative‘s home for the summer. She flourishes in their care. Impactful in its simplicity.#Ireland

Jari-chan 😻😻😻 5mo
Gissy The reading exhausted someone ☺️😻❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
Tamra Tuxedo 😍 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Gissy hahaha, yes!!! @Tamra they‘re awesome, aren‘t they? @Jari-chan I see you have a kitty too! @dabbe 🐾❤️ (edited) 5mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Two exceptional stories. So Late In The Day (not shown) is my fave of this author‘s so far.

Foster | Claire Keegan
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I am struggling with a bookclub-book, so had to sneak in a short read. This has been on my tbr ever since I read „Small Things Like These“ and when I saw it on @JamieArc #AuldLangSpine list, I was very happy. Claire Keegan manages to built so much with so little words. I like it a lot. @monalyisha

monalyisha This was one of my faves! So interesting to see the cover design for an international edition! 5mo
charl08 This must have been such a challenge to translate: she is so spare with her words. 5mo
yourfavouritemixtape @charl08 oh yes! I have read Small Things Like These in english and have to say the German translation in this felt very organic! 5mo
JamieArc Yes, that cover 😍 5mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This was lovely and another total win from @Deblovestoread ‘s epic #AuldLangSpine list. I wondered a bit at the ending and enjoyed the thoughts about it and more that Keegan shared in this brief Q&A (with schoolchildren! How sweet.): https://www.juliangirdham.com/blog/claire-keegan-on-foster

Karisa Such a beautifully written book! 5mo
Deblovestoread I love Keegan‘s writing and this article really cements why. I am always impressed by a full bodied story done in 100 pages or so. I‘m so glad you enjoyed it and recommend this if you haven‘t read it yet 5mo
SamAnne Her books are beautiful and heartbreaking but always end on a sliver of hope. Just love her. (edited) 5mo
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Christine @Karisa Truly! 5mo
Christine @Deblovestoread Yes, what she can do in so few pages is quite amazing. And I have read and loved Small Things Like These, but nothing else by her. Any other favorites? 5mo
Christine @SamAnne Yes! Perfectly stated. 5mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This was PERFECT! How can something so short convey so much? I am in awe of Claire Keegan. Her sentences are beautiful but so precise. I am going to gush about her and this book to anyone who will listen. The world needs more foster families like the Kinsella‘s. More humans with heart. Kindness is undervalued in our world but not in this book.
Apparently there is a film adaptation, The quiet girl. Hopefully I can find it to watch.

CarolynM Lovely review. I want to read more Clare Keegan. 5mo
Jeg The film got to me. It was beautiful. 5mo
Rissreads @Jeg that‘s good to know that the film isn‘t terrible! 5mo
Rissreads @CarolynM I‘d love for her to write a big book! 5mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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I think this novella was a #blamelitsy pick after seeing it on a number of best-of-2023 lists on here. And it's lovely. Sparse prose where the love can shine clearly through. Love this cover, too.

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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This was my first book of 2024! Although I‘m just getting around to reviewing. I do like a good novella. The author does a brilliant job of portraying the young protagonists feelings whilst showing us the adults lives and character traits through her. It‘s a soft pick as I didn‘t LOVE it and don‘t think it will stick with me although I appreciate the talent of her writing.

Foster | Claire Keegan
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Wow! This beautiful novella packs a punch. Set in Ireland, a girl goes to live with another family and sees how different life can be. Not a word is wasted. It‘s absolutely perfect!

AmyG No word is wasted. Bingo…great way to describe her writing. 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan

Lovely book and the film that was adapted from it is lovely too

Read for reading prompts

Library book 📖


Foster | Claire Keegan
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Started off 2024 with a reread of a favorite. Happy new year!!

AnnR Happy New Year! 🎉🙂 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Keegan has a way of conveying so much feeling with so few words. The narrative is spare, but leaves such an impact. Just beautiful.

Foster | Claire Keegan
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Like @Deblovestoread this was my January favorite.
Claire Keegan drafts her story so carefully and tenderly. This one is about a little girl that is staying with her uncle and aunt and learns about life, trust and grief. Perfection.

Andrew65 I need to get hold of a copy of this. 6mo
LeahBergen This was so good! 6mo
MrsMalaprop A truly beautiful little book 😍. This one got me hooked on Claire Keegan. (edited) 6mo
AnnR I also gave this one a thumbs up. 6mo
Tamra Keegan is fantastic! 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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First day of Christmas my favorite book was Foster by Claire Keegan. Small but mighty.


Andrew65 Excellent choice. 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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My #top130f23 is no particular order, like my #top10of23 posted previously. Now my #top23of23 is complete. Dedicated to Cindy.
Any Litttens, please post your pwn picks!!!

AmyG I have a few of those on mine…👊 6mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve recommend We Are Okay so many times. I read it when it came out. Students love it. 6mo
BarbaraBB Foster is on many of our lists! 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Late to the party with this one, and a book I'd probably not have picked up but for the copious favourable comments by Littens, and can only endorse what's already been said about how lovely and poignant a story it is. 5❤️

Foster | Claire Keegan
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After finishing the novella ‘Small Things Like These‘ this morning I was left wanting to read more Claire Keegan. I found this short (just over an hour) audiobook on the Libby app and listened this afternoon. The story is about a poor Irish girl taken in by kindly relatives. The writing is once again perfection. Keegan is my favorite ‘new to me‘ writer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Foster | Claire Keegan
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I can‘t remember where I saw this novella recommended but I am so glad I stumbled upon it. It was highly enjoyable. #summerendreadathon

Foster | Claire Keegan
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Well … that was a beautifully perfect little novella. 💙

BarbaraBB Loved them both and love your photo 😍 10mo
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB Thanks, Barbara! 😘 10mo
jlhammar Loved this one so much. I recently watched the film adaptation (The Quiet Girl) and it was also wonderful. 10mo
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CBee Yes! Perfect description 💚 10mo
AlaMich I was curious to see the movie because they speak Irish part of the time. 10mo
Tamra 💙 10mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar @AlaMich I‘m definitely going to watch the film now! 10mo
LeahBergen @CBee @Tamra It was just so good. 10mo
Tamra @LeahBergen she‘s an auto buy for me now. 😌 She has a new collection of short stories coming out in November. 👏🏾 (edited) 10mo
LeahBergen @Tamra Oh, that‘s good to know. Thanks! 10mo
Suet624 A definite auto buy for me as well. 10mo
LeahBergen @Suet624 She‘s heading that way for me, too! 10mo
sarahbarnes It was so perfect! 10mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This was a simple, quiet short story about a girl from a large family living with very kind relatives for a short time. I understand the praise it‘s gotten, but I think this just isn‘t my genre; I wanted to know a lot more. At some points I felt like I was missing some greater point that other readers picked up on.

CatLass007 Who‘s your sweet friend?🐈 11mo
LiteraryinLawrence @CatLass007 This is Zoe! She is 10 and a real cuddler. 💗 11mo
CatLass007 She‘s a little doll. 11mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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5/5 🌟

What a beautiful and heartwarming book. Perfect Sunday read! ❤️

Suet624 💕💕💕 11mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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My second Keegan and damn if I am not just obsessed with her now. This is such a beautiful story of kindness and longing. Keegan's writing is phenomenal and the ending is simultaneously gutting and heartwarming.

(Please forgive the dorky photo, this is how we do currently reading at the bookshop and I didn't have a different pic!)

LiteraryinLawrence Hey, dorky book photos are the best! 😋 11mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Claire Keegan‘s beautiful prose says so much in less than 100 pages..about the power of love and kindness. Lovely story.

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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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I really short book, maybe even a short story set in Ireland. A young girl goes to stay with a couple for a while. Her mum is about to give birth, and I presume she needs the eldest child out of the way. She ends up liking to live there. I enjoyed it.

Foster | Claire Keegan
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I do like seeing where my just read books are going to go (if I ever manage to get enough shelves to fit proper alpha order!) 🙃😀

Tamra Reader “problem” 😂 11mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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12-5 Jul 23
Sitting next to the cash register at my local bookstore last week and I could not resist (despite having a TBR bookcase). And it was as lovely as expected.
A gentle story of a young girl sent to live with relations for an indeterminate time whilst yet another baby is born. Despite her initial trepidation, she comes to cherish her time as an only child receiving full attention and love.
Keegan evokes so much emotion with few words.

CBee I finished this one yesterday and agree 100% with your review 💚 12mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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A lovely, quiet novella 💚

LaraReads Perfect description! 💙 12mo
CBee @LaraReads thank you! 💚 12mo
Bookbuyingaddict She‘s a fantastic writer isnt she this is on my TBR after reading the astonishing small things like these - it would make a great film ! 12mo
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AmyG This book had me in tears. A lovely little gem. 12mo
CBee @Karons1 yes! Beautiful writing. 12mo
CBee @AmyG have you read Zorrie? I finished that recently and this reminded me of it a bit. Another “quiet” book, lovely and melancholy 💚 12mo
sarahbarnes So good! 12mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This novella is one of those rare stories that can dig deep into your heart in less than 100 pages. A young girl is sent to live with distant relatives when her large family can‘t afford to keep her at home. She‘s shocked by the family‘s simple acts of kindness and her innocent observations are so lovely. I‘m aching to read more from this author.

“Many's the man lost much just because he missed a perfect opportunity to say nothing.”

cariashley Beautiful view 😍 12mo
JamieArc If you haven‘t read Small Things Like These, put that on your list. It takes place on Christmas Eve, if I‘m remembering correctly (in case you like reading with the seasons). 12mo
AvidReader25 @cariashley front porch views! 12mo
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AvidReader25 @JamieArc That sounds perfect! Maybe a good Jolabokaflod book for Christmas Eve! 12mo
JamieArc @AvidReader25 Definitely! I sent it to a few people for Jolabokaflod, and because it‘s so short, it‘s perfect to read and finish on Christmas Eve. 12mo
AvidReader25 @JamieArc That‘s too perfect! Thanks for recommending it! 12mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan


Foster | Claire Keegan
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This was a great short story, but I wish I knew more about the families (family?) involved.

Tamra A prequel would be wonderful! 13mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Why is it that the one day I have to sleep in is the day I wake up earliest? Oh well, I cleaned out a closet, did the dishes, and now it‘s time to read.

RobES I know!! Me too- one day to sleep in and my body has me up with the birds lol 😆 13mo
Amiable OMG, every single time … 😖 13mo
LaraReads Always! I guess our bodies would rather be reading! 🤣🤣 Loved this story also! 💙 13mo
AmyG Oh it‘s always what happens. Same here. Yep…every time. 😩 13mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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It took a couple of hrs to read but will stick in my memory for yrs. I loved 'Small things...' so was stunned again by the complex simplicity of the writing in this novella telling a tale of a yng girl whose pregnant mother leaves her with a childless couple for a summer. Its heart warming to read a bk abt good people doing good things and an ending that had me in the same state as I always am with the final scene of The railway children. 5*

Tamra So glad you loved it! 13mo
andrew61 @Tamra yes it is so nice to read a book about good people. I'm looking forward to watching the film now. Although did worry about what happened to her afterwards. 13mo
Tamra @andrew61 yes, we‘re left hanging! 13mo
JuniperWilde I‘m waiting for soft cover but with every review I grown more impatient. 13mo
Cathythoughts I loved Small Things too. I must get to this one. 13mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Adding to everyone‘s praise, such a short powerful novella. I felt alternating tension and relief on each page - I couldn‘t put it down. She really captured the feeling of how the girl must have experienced living in a new home and trying to manage her expectations and emotions.

SamAnne Agree with your review! 13mo
Suet624 ❤️❤️❤️ 13mo
Cathythoughts Nice picture ❤️ 13mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Some great reading as we do a short road trip through areas west of us. I love Clare Keegans writing. Foster is another wonderful novella by her. I‘m now enjoying Willa Cather‘s 3rd story in her Great Plains Trilogy. I‘ve loved them all!
It‘s a beautiful time to travel watching the leaves change colour, the big clear skies full of stars and the ancient mountains🧡
#booksandtravel #literarure #nswaustralia

CarolynM Beautiful photos and great books! Enjoy your travels😘 13mo
Tamra Awesome reading & sights! 13mo
Freespirit @CarolynM @Tamra thanks Carolyn and Tamra..it‘s always my biggest decision.. which books to take on holidays! In fact I bought the Clare Keegan and a lovely bookshop in Leura called Megalong Books. 13mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Attended this event and got the tagged book signed 🥳

SamAnne Jealous! 14mo
sisilia @SamAnne It was an interesting conversation. She emphasized the importance of being a close reader for someone to be able to write well 14mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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This novella is pure perfection. Beautiful.

Thank you for sending me this one @TrishB - I loved it.

tpixie Lovely photo! Beautiful green grasses 1y
TrishB A perfect picture to go with the book 😁 1y
SamAnne Completely agree! 1y
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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"Foster" is the story of a young girl from a large family who is sent to live in the home of a childless couple for the summer.

The foster parents are loving and kind.

I wanted this short story to be longer, but it is beautiful just the way it is ❤️

SamAnne One of my favorite newly discovered writers. 1y
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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Thank you for these lovely birthday treats @jhod and @TrishB I'm excited for all of them.

Cathythoughts Nice gifts 👌🏻 Happy Birthday 🥳 1y
LeeRHarry Happy birthday 🥳 1y
Caroline2 Happy birthday Emma! I hope you have a lovely day! My present is on its way! Sorry it‘s a bit late. 🤦‍♀️ 1y
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TrishB Have a great day 👍🏻 1y
squirrelbrain Lovely! ❤️ 1y
MaureenMc Happy birthday! 🎈 1y
youneverarrived Happy Birthday 🥳 1y
Oryx @Caroline2 aw thank you. ❤️ 1y
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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My first time reading Keegan. Gorgeous writing- equally delicate and evocative. Like many here, I found the subtlety of Keegan‘s writing really worked for me. I don‘t have much to add that hasn‘t been said, but I‘ll definitely be seeking out her other books. This was a perfect match for me as I wind down the weekend.

SamAnne In the past two months I‘ve read Foster and Small Things Like These. She is an amazing writer. 1y
psalva @SamAnne I think Small Things will be the next one I go for :) 1y
LoverOfLearning Sounds good! Also I followed your YouTube channel! 1y
psalva @LoverOfLearning Thank you! And yeah, this was great. I‘ve heard a lot of hype about it but it lived up to that hype for me 😊 1y
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Foster | Claire Keegan

Thoroughly enjoyed this short book. I was able to read in one sitting which is always a plus. . . . subtle, simple yet packed with emotion. . . . and it takes place in Ireland!

SamAnne Loved it too! 1y
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