Great story loved the ending.
This was another one that was just okay. I think it was too long and some stuff was just fluff.
Zoe Maisey is a seventeen-year-old musical prodigy with a genius IQ. Three years ago, she was involved in a tragic incident that left three classmates dead. She served her time, and now her mother, Maria, is hiding the past from her new husband and demanding Zoe do the same in order to give Zoe a new beginning. Tonight Zoe is giving a recital that Maria has been planning for months but by the end of the evening, Maria is dead.
With just over 24 hours until the start of the #BuzzwordBookathon event, I have FINALLY decided on my #buzzword. 😅 I was going back and forth between Girl, Lost and Night... but this stack won out in the end! My goal for the event is to read seven books, including at least three from this stack.
Have you finalized your #buzzword choice yet?
Just an example of what your TBR could look like if you choose #Perfect as your #Buzzword for the #BuzzwordBookathon! This is up in my options, but I‘m still not sure which word I‘ll choose😉 @hes7
I‘m feeling all the despair and hurt experienced by Zoe. Today I‘m a teenage girl. I‘m so glad those years are long past. #booknerd #bookaddict #bookworm.
I‘m working my side hustle tonight. I love being able to read when it‘s slow. #bookworm #bookaddict #booknerd
Wow. What was the point of that? Honestly though, what did I just read that for? 😞 it was hard to get through, and seemed to just be a series of events the author made up as they went. Will be avoiding others by this author. Just really not my style of writing.
I‘ve only read one of her books, Burnt Paper Sky (known as What She Knew, in the US). This one‘s still sitting prettily on my shelf.
#ayupaugust #perfect
Hmmm... A slow start with this one, made more challenging by the fact that I just DID NOT like Zoe in the slightest, and found her mother even more infuriating!! Even when you know more of the back story, I just couldn't warm to her. The side story about her aunt and Zoe's old lawyer just seemed diversionary and packed a lot of purpose. Not a favourite, I'm afraid, and the conclusion became an easy one to guess....
I‘ve been slowly reading this book for over a week now 😬 and I‘m trying to stick with it because I am a bit intrigued. However I‘m not even halfway through and I‘m already like “Ok already, just tell me what happened!” Has anyone read this?
Told in multiple POV—Zoe, Tessa and Sam—Macmillan's novel explores the complexities of relationships. The characters were well-developed and engaging. While not a seize-you-by-the-throat, heart pounding thriller, it's more of character study/psychological thriller. Macmillan's pace is spot on, she reveals just enough to secure interest and move the story. She tasks her reader with unravelling the dysfunction—it's a slow burn, but worth it.
Library book sale - #bookhaul Part 2
Ok writing. Some parts felt forced and that they didn‘t need to be included. I might try her again.
This was pretty good and I didn't guess the ending .. Although it was totally plausible.
So I was in Walmart yesterday and curated this Ike of books. I wanted to make one with males but couldn‘t find even one similarly titled book. Hmmm...
I was hoping to finish this last week, but I‘ve been SO busy the past few days these last 100 pages have had to wait... maybe I‘ll be able to keep my eyes open long enough to finish one more chapter 😴📚
Nighty night #littens
This was my third Gilly Macmillan book. It wasn‘t my favourite, but I think that is just because I liked What She Knew and Odd Child Out so much. I love how readable Gilly Macmillan‘s books are. I‘ve never taken more than three days to read one. And they are filled with twists you don‘t see coming.
Zase trošku jiný příběh, než na který jsem u tohoto typu knih zvyklá. Takže příjemné překvapení. Za mě palec hore.? “A little different story than I‘m used in this type of books. Was be it very pleasant surprise for me. Thumbs up.”
#perfectgirl #interesting #suspenseful #book #detectivestory #likeit
Not a holiday read, but I finished it today while preparing some Christmas eats. This is a good mystery/suspense story involving a gifted teenage piano player and her second chance life. Her mother is murdered following her piano concert. What happened? Who did it? is how the story unfolds.
These books aren't related except that I finished them at about the same time & found them a bit disappointing.
The Perfect Girl reads fast but jumps around to much, goes down pointless dead ends, then wraps up suddenly.
A Gate at the Stairs is written beautifully but I never did figure out what the author was writing about. It seemed more like connected short stories than a novel & we didn't really end up anywhere.
A "meh" rating for each.
I recently started reading B&N readouts books and love the idea of daily installments. But, alas, I thought this one was awful. Whisper-thin plot which took too long to develop and flat, one-dimensional characters. Then it veered into melodrama near the end and wrapped up too quickly and simply. Not for me.
This was August's #BNReadout and I really liked it.
I already have another book by Gilly Macmillan on my nook. I liked the writing, the story and the characters. I cared about many and disliked others. But disliked in the way that draws you into the story.
Zoe is a talented young pianist who has to live with a horrible past. She and her mom are keeping secrets from their new family. Turns out they aren't the only ones.
I *may* have stayed up until midnight tonight specifically so that I could read the last chapters of this month's B&N Readouts. Most of the time, the Readouts are not really enticing to me, but I loved this one from the start and couldn't wait for the next selections. I was invested in the characters, and I'm not thrilled with how things ended up for one of them, but overall enjoyed the book. I plan to look for more by this author!
#HumpDayPost by @MinDea
1. Our first mom/daughter vacation. Virginia Beach, VA
2. Mushroom Swiss burger with extra pickles
3. Tie between Alaska and Amsterdam
4. The Perfect Girl (eBook), Exposed (audio), Before I Fall (eBook), Devotion of Suspect X (physical book)
5. ALL (see #4)
This was on my to read list so I was excited to see it was this months selection for Barnes and noble readouts which is a neat program they pick a book and release chapters daily and you have till the end of the month to read it takes a little longer to read it if you're a fast reader waiting for the release of the chapters but it will save a few bucks from buying it
Having breakfast with this 📚 book. Started this book yesterday. Was skeptical but I'm really enjoying it!
'If I was going to be über-dramatic (vampire-romance fans: be alert! This is your moment!), I would say that his eyes were wells of tears.'
I can't remember being this entertained by a free B&N Readouts book! I can't wait for the new chapters each day. It's not really a funny story at all but this line cracked me up... and I could be called a vampire-romance fan. ?
I moved into my apartment.
I just quickly put my books away though. I may organize them better eventually.
Reading The Perfect Girl for free as this month's Serial Read on nook and the nook app. I'm really enjoying it so I purchased What She Knew today on my nook for 99 cents. Then tonight I got the eARC of Odd Child Out.
Looks like I may have found a new author to read. 🤓
#freeread This is this month's free read on the Nook App under Serial Reads. The book will run till the end of August. Every month there's a different book.
The B&N Readout this month is pretty interesting so far! Free to read on Nook or the Nook app. 😉
My picks for the #BackToReading Challenge, Day 2: #FollowTheClues are pictured above, including #ThePerfectGirl - Zoe is a 17 yr old genius, musical prodigy. 3 yrs ago, she was involved in a tragic incident that left 3 classmates dead. She served her time, and now her mother is resolved to keep that devastating fact a secret. Tonight Zoe is giving a recital, which must be the performance of her life, but by the end of the evening, her mom is dead.
The Nook Serial Read for August is The Perfect Girl. Read it free on your nook or the nook app. 📚🤓
I really enjoyed this story! The audio for the woman narrator was a lot lower than the audio for the man narrator so when it would switch, it was a shock a lot of the time. First of Gilly Macmillan that I've read & I'd read her other books in a second!
I stayed up late finishing this one as I was desperate to know how it ended though I have to say I found the ending a little disappointing, almost as if it was hurried and so all tied up too neatly. I liked the character development but felt a few parts were too obvious to make this a thriller as such. Despite this I did still really enjoy this book though.
#17 Vacation Reading ☀️📚I read Amy Gentry's #GoodAsGone and Gilly MacMillan's #ThePerfectGirl on vacation this year and I highly recommend them. Both were quick, suspenseful, easy reads for the beach. #ReadingWomenMonth @thereadingwomen
I was so disappointed in this book. It was extremely average and not much stuck out. I don't feel super connected with the characters. I don't see the point of Sam's POV, and I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. 😬
I really liked the other book by this author, "What She Knew." It had a great twist that I never saw coming and impressed me enough to give this one a try when I came across it. This one was good, but pales in comparison to the other. It felt mundane and erred towards the predictable. The characters weren't as vivid. It was good, but not in a way that makes you remember the author's name, like her other one was.
A pretty good novel, I enjoyed the tense scenes and unknowns in situations. I thought some parts were a little weird - Sam's part especially- I struggled to see how his perspective fit in. #litsyreadingchallenge #girlinthetitle
Perfect spot on vacation to read #ThePerfectGirl when the windy breeze picked up on the beach. #paradise #beachdreams #captivatingread #latergram