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The Lost and Found Bookshop
The Lost and Found Bookshop: A Novel | Susan Wiggs
57 posts | 61 read | 41 to read
What a warm and deeply satisfying story! Reading it is like feeling the summer sun after a long winter.Erica Bauermeister, New York Times bestselling author of The Scent Keeper In this thought-provoking, wise and emotionally rich novel, New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs explores the meaning of happiness, trust, and faith in oneself as she asks the question, "If you had to start over, what would you do and who would you be?" There is a book for everything . . . Somewhere in the vast Library of the Universe, as Natalie thought of it, there was a book that embodied exactly the things she was worrying about. In the wake of a shocking tragedy, Natalie Harper inherits her mothers charming but financially strapped bookshop in San Francisco. She also becomes caretaker for her ailing grandfather Andrew, her only living relativenot counting her scoundrel father. But the gruff, deeply kind Andrew has begun displaying signs of decline. Natalie thinks its best to move him to an assisted living facility to ensure the care he needs. To pay for it, she plans to close the bookstore and sell the derelict but valuable building on historic Perdita Street, which is in need of constant fixing. Theres only one problemGrandpa Andrew owns the building and refuses to sell. Natalie adores her grandfather; shell do whatever it takes to make his final years happy. Besides, she loves the store and its books provide welcome solace for her overwhelming grief. After she moves into the small studio apartment above the shop, Natalie carries out her grandfathers request and hires contractor Peach Gallagher to do the necessary and ongoing repairs. His young daughter, Dorothy, also becomes a regular at the store, and she and Natalie begin reading together while Peach works. To Natalies surprise, her sorrow begins to dissipate as her life becomes an unexpected journey of new connections, discoveries and revelations, from unearthing artifacts hidden in the bookshops walls, to discovering the truth about her family, her future, and her own heart.
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Exploring themes of grief, starting over, finding oneself & family, this novel follows a woman rebuilding her life by running a family bookstore after a loss. It‘s a sweet, tender story with likable characters, but fell flat for me. Reading in short spurts contributed to a sense of detachment. The mystery of a family treasure felt underdeveloped & the story resolved too conveniently. Overall, a charming tale & an enjoyable read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 /5 ❤️📚

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Up next! ❤️📚 A friend passed this on after she finished it. Looking for a bit of a cozy read after the emotional toll of my last read.

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I just finished this one for my local book club meeting on Monday. It was awfully predictable, but that‘s not always a bad thing, if you‘re in the mood for a comforting kind of read. I haven‘t read other books by this author, but she‘s apparently a big success with many other published titles.

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Prompt: DREAM

Who wouldn‘t want to own a bookshop?  That is a DREAM job.

A sweet read focusing on family, life choices, and choosing what makes you happy.

If you need a feel good read, be sure to add this book to your must-read list for the summer.

Has it all:  love, books, and anything sweet and heartwarming that you can think of.


Eggs Perfection 📚👌🏼 🥰 6mo
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This was a sweet story, but the pacing is s-l-o-w. I found myself skimming paragraphs at a time where nothing really happens. It picks up in the last third, and some of the characters: Grands, Peach and Julius really are memorable. I also liked the historic building itself and the idea of treasures within it. It would be a dream come true to be able to start a bookstore because I found first edition books in amazing condition in my house!

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thrift store book selection. 📚

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I did not care for the main character, Natalie in certain regards. So consumed by her own life that she didn‘t realize big things about those “closest” to her and yet they find her charming..the flip-side being that her old workers called her “toxic”?! However, the face of tragedy makes her restart her entire life and I love the bookshop feel. From storybook references to historical findings, this book is a cozy, love filled gem.

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Finished up this delightful story with my trio of companions.

Chrissyreadit 😻😻😻😻😻😻 2y
Clwojick 🐱🐱🐱 2y
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My Friday plans! 🍷📚🐈‍⬛🦮

MicrobeMom I have the same plans! Enjoy! 2y
Slajaunie Thank you! You too! @MicrobeMom 2y
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2.75 ⭐️


This audiobook was enjoyable and likeable but not a favorite for me. A single, high achieving woman loses her mom in a plane crash and then changes her life trajectory to try to save her late mother‘s quaint bookstore. I definitely was rooting for Natalie and enjoyed the secondary characters but felt like the plot was very predictable and somewhat mediocre (as in, feels like it followed the generic story arc of most romantic books/movies).

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DNF. I do not understand daughters who have a good relationship with their mothers. I could not get past the mourning of the mom.

Mrs_B You‘re not alone, I bailed on this one too. 3y
SilversReviews I liked this book….sorry to hear it didn‘t work out for you. 3y
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DNF. I do not understand daughters who have a good relationship with their mothers. I could not get past the mourning of the mom.

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Eugh, I‘m this far in and it feels like the story has barely begun. I think this is probably me being impatient and it may well get better. But I‘m not in the mood to persevere. NEXT

Branwen I was not a fan of this book at all! 😒 I feel your pain! 3y
Mrs_B @Branwen that makes me feel better about giving up. Thank you! 3y
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We headed to the beach today just to get out of the house. I got to go on a walk, but it was short because it started raining. Luckily, I had taken an umbrella with me. #audiowalk

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Today‘s been a good day for me; after pretty much two weeks of nonstop rain, I got to go outside and walk. It was glorious if a tad warm. That picture on the top left isn‘t a pond or anything — it‘s simply water across a trail; it‘s rained so much. I‘m enjoying both of these books and read more in both today. The Lost and Found Bookshop is my walking book. #audiowalk

Tamra Oh my, I hope more walkable days are in the forecast! 3y
KathyWheeler @Tamra Me too! I know I could (and should) go to the gym and use the track there, but it‘s not the same as being outside. 3y
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"The cat (Sylvia) was named after Sylvia Beach, not Sylvia Plath, her mom used to insist. Sylvia Beach had a Paris salon and a bookstore and presumably no mental health issues."

Hmm. Maybe I'm just overprotective of my favorite poet, and maybe I'm reading too much into this, but this feels like a dig at Sylvia Plath! Does anyone else think this is a shitty sentence?! ?

Eyelit Feels like a dig to me 3y
dylanisreading Because people can control whether they have mental health issues. 🙄 3y
Branwen @Eyelit @Bianca Right?! It just feels super snide and mean! 😣 3y
DaveGreen7777 “And presumably no mental health issues”? YIKES! That‘s really ignorant! 😔 Not cool, author! 😒 3y
Branwen @DaveGreen7777 RIGHT?! 😲 I actually had to put the book down for a moment after reading that! 3y
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Do you ever read a book and get the uncomfortable feeling that the author hates women? It's just...every female character in this book aside from the main character and one other is kind of an asshole! 🤔 Like, two different characters were raised by dads because their moms left because they were selfish and vain...add that to the bitchy female coworkers and I'm starting to think this author has a complex! 😞

Eyelit Yikes 😳 3y
Branwen @Eyelit Exactly! 😣 3y
AmyG Yikes is right. Hard pass. 3y
Caterina Uh oh, her internalized misogyny is showing 😳 3y
Branwen @AmyG It's a shame too because this book had the potential to be so good! I mean, it's about A BOOKSTORE!!! @Caterina Yup! So uncool! 😒 3y
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Starting this one today! I've never read anything by Susan Wiggs before, so I'm excited to try out her work! Plus, this book looks really good! 😃📚💕 Snagging a few minutes with Roxas on the balcony before heading in to work! #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #roxas

BethM I‘ve read her series centered around a lake (I forget what it‘s called)- I really liked that. 3y
GingerAntics How is Roxas enjoying having little siblings? 3y
Hooked_on_books I love the watermelons! 🍉🍉🍉 3y
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Branwen @Hooked_on_books Me too! It's a very summery blanket! 😁🍉☀️ @BethM I'll have to check those out! 😃 @GingerAntics So far I've been keeping the babies in my book room with the door closed, because I'm trying to give everyone a slow transition! 😂🤣 They've all sniffed each other under the door though and no hissing so far! 😁👍 3y
GingerAntics Oh that‘s good! So it sounds like keeping them separated for now is working well. That‘s probably the way to go. 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics Yes! So far so good! 👍💕 I'm like trying to be super cautious about it because I don't want Chaplin to get overly stressed with his heart condition! 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen oh poor guy! Yeah, let‘s not over stress him, at all. 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics Exactly my thoughts as well! The vet gave him 6-18 months to live (he was diagnosed 9 months ago with congestive heart failure) so I want to make sure the rest of his time with us is perfect, happy, and totally stress free! ❤ 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen they can‘t do anything for him? Poor guy!!! Yes!!! I‘d be feeding him hamburgers and whatever he wanted to eat and everything. Make a cat bucket list and check things off. Poor kitty. 😱 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics Yeah....sadly, it's not a curable illness. We have him on 3 different meds daily to help him as much as possible(blood thinners and diuretics, etc)-but they're not a permanent thing. My poor baby. 😢😭 But his quality of life is great and he's not in any pain. He's always his regular, chill, cheerful self; you wouldn't know he was ill looking at him! 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics I LOVE THE KITTY BUCKET LIST IDEA! 😃😸 I'm totally going to do that! We have definitely been spoiling him, he gets his favorite wet food a lot and I made him like 5 fleece blankets because he loves them! 🤣😂 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen PERFECT!!! Does he have his own stack of books? Maybe about cats, or birds, or squirrels? 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics No, he doesn't but I absolutely need to set this up for him now! 😂😹 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen we have a build a bear cat that represents the cats we have lost over the years, and any book with a cat in it (one literally just has one picture of a cat in it), we put by her. 🤣😂🤣 We hope they‘re enjoying reading cat books in the afterlife. 😂🤣😂 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics OMG! 😭 THAT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL IDEA! 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen she used to meow if you squeezed her paw. At first it would do it randomly when no one was near her (we joked it was the ghosts of our cats saying hi, but it was creepy at night). Then it started almost sounding possessed, and now it doesn‘t work. Still, we like scratching her ears when we walk by. 3y
GingerAntics Her heart still beats if you press it, though. lol I guess they said hi a few too many times. If I ever get to a build a bear again, apparently they‘ll replace her meow-er. The new ones also pur. lol 3y
Branwen @GingerAntics I didn't know they replaced them! That's really cool! 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen they added fluff to one of our bears. If you buy the new sound thing, they‘ve also got the tools and stuff to carefully open them up and they can get the old one out and the new one in. I didn‘t think they would either, but when we got fluff added (which they did for free) to the bear they said they could do the voice, too. 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen The new voice things aren‘t triggered as easily either, so if she meows and purs at random, that is definitely cat ghosts. lol 3y
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I absolutely loved listening to this audiobook. The story begins with an unimaginable tragedy as Natalie Harper loses her mother & boyfriend in an accident. She quits her job & attempts to run her family bookstore while caring for her elderly grandfather. Repairs on the aged building unearth hidden treasures & family history. All the characters were enchanting & the flashbacks to their own stories just added to charm of this book.

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Good, cute read. Even though you knew what was going to happen, the author made it an enjoyable ride.

SilversReviews LOVED this book. 3y
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Look at that gorgeous paperback cover!!

LOVED this book.

MY REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/4b65252z

Thank you @williammorrowbooks


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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚💗📚 3y
TheKidUpstairs I love any book about a bookshop! 3y
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First Nice Sunny Day to sit outside and just read. I'm really enjoying this one so far. I related to the main character because I'm caring for my elderly Grandparent too because of the Death of a Parent. Already tugging at my heartstrings

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Natalie‘s mother and boyfriend die in a plane crash. She has to go home to help her grandfather and take care of her mother‘s shop. In the process she gets to know herself better. You don‘t want to say goodbye to the characters when you finish the book.

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Loving this Christmas present @FeatherV ! “Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don‘t have to live forever, you just have to live.” Tuck Everlasting

FeatherV Yay! I knew you would like it! 4y
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Love books about bookstores and the people who run them. The end was a bit quick and predictable, but it‘s a nice comfort read and we all need those sometimes.

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Books about bookstores are always the most comforting and relatable to me. This one was no exception, it also delivered a sharp kick in the pants to call my Grandma's #familyisimportant #susanwiggs #thelostandfoundbookshop #booksaboutbooks #readeverything
New Post Today!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I just want to go and visit this bookstore and talk to these people that I feel like I know and love.

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3.5 stars. Another book checked off my #BookSpinBingo card—finally! This one took awhile to finish. The beginning is filled with grief, especially for me; this isn‘t a spoiler, as it‘s the premise of the book, and in all reviews, etc. But it hit me hard, and made Part I a slog. After that it picked up, and I finished the bulk of the book last night.


MittenGirlPeach Usually when I can‘t put a book down it rates a better review, but this story was very predictable, and the often stilted writing didn‘t save it. I read some terrific reviews of this one, and the history and flavor of San Francisco were indeed delightful. An enjoyable read overall, but with qualifications. (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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I‘m thankful for many things, but my life is filled with love in a beautiful place, and that about sums it up. I‘m also thankful for Litsy, which I found last March. I talked my two best (and bookish) girlfriends into signing up at the same time, but they only did it for me, and once I got here I discovered a whole community of littens. Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA, and happy Thursday to those who aren‘t!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🧡 4y
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Nothing to see here. Just finishing my turkey but thinking about this story. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

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News about The Ripped Bodice, a bookstore in LA—the first romance only bookstore in the country. I love historical fiction, and I‘m open to new genres, so I‘ve signed up for their subscription box. The bookstore is owned by two sisters, and I love the idea of supporting it right now. I also love the idea of getting a surprise box of goodies in January!


MittenGirlPeach I discovered the bookstore AND the subscription box via Linda Holmes on Twitter. She‘s the host of NPR‘s Pop Culture Happy Hour, and a terrific Twitter follow if you‘re on that platform. (edited) 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I just placed an order from them yesterday for a few things. I follow Bea on Twitter and kept meaning to do so. I've been in the mood for some romance and finally pulled the trigger. 4y
MittenGirlPeach @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It‘s such a good time to have fun things arrive in the mail. I‘m so looking forward to my first box! 4y
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Starting my #NovelNovember readathon this morning! I‘m enjoying Bookshop so far. I wanted something easy, and I‘m always a sucker for books about bookshops. And books. And walking. 🤷‍♀️Above is my stack for the readathon. If I finish I‘ll also have a #BookSpinBingo!

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 4y
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This was such a good audiobook! It was heartbreaking and heartwarming and so tender and sweet and I just loved it. And the majority of it takes place in a bookstore! And there‘s discovered treasure! And realistic, complicated and subtle romance. What more could you ask for? My only complaint is that it did seem like we were picking up in the middle of a series. Ill need to see if that‘s the case. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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My review of this book is up on my blog. Come check it out. https://wwwjustagirlkindleing.blogspot.com/

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Two #found books from my tbr.

#FallFinds @Eggs

Eggs 💕 Cover Love 💕 4y
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Enjoyed this book. Natalie comes to terms with her grief and finds herself along the way.
A friend recommended this as I usually read mysteries and suspense. I liked the change in genre and recommend this book.

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At first I was afraid it would be a sob story, since the beginning is really sad with so many overwhelming tragedies, but I was wrong. It is in fact a fairy uplifting story about finding oneself, understanding one‘s needs, and overcoming fear. The ending was a bit obvious, but it didn‘t bother me too much. ->
#netgalleyreviewathon #netgalley

Tove_Reads The writing flows well, and I grew to like so many characters in the book that I wish there would be a sequel. I do however believe the story really ended here. I loved the protagonist‘s relationship with her grandfather, who sadly suffered from dementia. The bookshop is both historic and quirky, and a place I would like to visit. 4y
Reecaspieces All of her books are wonderful! 4y
Crazeedi Yes I like this author too, this was a good one! Excellent review 4y
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Charming story. Sensitive and positive. An enjoyable read.

bookaholic1 Love Susan Wiggs, her stories are very heart felt 4y
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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU @williammorrowbooks

LOVED this book!!

♥️ ♥️ So happy to have this lovely book on my shelves!! ♥️ ♥️


WanderingBookaneer I just finished it this morning! 4y
SilversReviews @WanderingBookaneer So good. Thanks for your comment. 4y
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Another amazing read by Susan Wiggs. The pages just flew by. Natalie life is going good until tragedy strikes and her mother and boyfriend are killed in a plane crash. Natalie moves but to San Francisco to take care of her grandfather and her mother‘s bookshop. What she doesn‘t know is how bad it is at the bookshop. One day she meets Peach who her mother hired to work around the bookshop. I loved how Peach‘s and Natalie‘s relationship blossomed.

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Natalie Harper quits her lucrative position in Sonoma Valley to care for her elderly Grandy and mother's Bookshop in the Sunrise Building located in San Frans historic district after her mother's sudden death. Grief shadows her every move after discovering the mounting bills, back taxes, huge medical bills, and building issues. But the Bookshop, according to legend holds a treasure. Charming, heartfelt and passionate about second chances-5 stars🌟

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After much anguish, I FINALLY seem to be out of a month(s) long reading slump. Reading is usually my solace, and means of escape, but alas it was not to be! Fortunately, I seemed to right myself somewhere in June and since then, my nose has firmly been fixed between the pages of books.

Next up, ‘The Lost and Found Bookshop‘ (just released). I picked it up last night right before bed, and didn‘t want to put it down!!

LeahBergen That‘s good to hear! ❤️ 4y
Mrs_B Lovely picture 4y
catebutler @LeahBergen It‘s such a relief! I‘ve missed reading so much, the comfort of books is hard to duplicate. 4y
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catebutler @Mrs_B Thank you!! 😊👋🏼 4y
Freespirit Glad to see your beautiful photos again Cate❤️ 4y
crazyspine Pretty picture! 4y
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Hopefully will finish this one today. It is very good!!!

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LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book.

THE LOST AND FOUND BOOKSHOP has it all: love, books, and anything sweet and heartwarming that you can think of.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y7hv4d4k


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