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Leave the World Behind
Leave the World Behind | Rumaan Alam
A magnetic novel about two families, strangers to each other, who are forced together on a long weekend gone terribly wrong Amanda and Clay head out to a remote corner of Long Island expecting a vacation: a quiet reprieve from life in New York City, quality time with their teenage son and daughter, and a taste of the good life in the luxurious home they've rented for the week. But a late-night knock on the door breaks the spell. Ruth and G. H. are an older black couple--it's their house, and they've arrived in a panic. They bring the news that a sudden blackout has swept the city. But in this rural area--with the TV and internet now down, and no cell phone service--it's hard to know what to believe. Should Amanda and Clay trust this couple--and vice versa? What happened back in New York? Is the vacation home, isolated from civilization, a truly safe place for their families? And are they safe from one other? Suspenseful and provocative, Rumaan Alam's third novel is keenly attuned to the complexities of parenthood, race, and class. Leave the World Behind explores how our closest bonds are reshaped--and unexpected new ones are forged--in moments of crisis.
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Eggs Well played👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
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Wow, this novel wasn‘t a favorite of mine. Two very different families are thrown together in a world that is colliding together. The given facts and explanations of things occurring seem far fetched yet in some ways possible in the world we currently live in. I feel COVID may have assisted in my own thoughts of a potential future this unusual, leaving the reader hanging on to what? Sanity or insanity! 3.5/5

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This one left me wondering “so what the heck happened next?” It ended pretty abruptly, but I guess that‘s part of its charm, the reader has to fill in the blanks.

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Mostly a pick, but I do need to sit on it some. It‘s strange and different and I dug the vibe, I‘m just not sure of the ending right now.

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The worst writing ever. 1⭐
(The background wallpaper makes sense if you've read the book.) See the movie instead, I've heard it's better.

LaraS I felt the same way! Interesting to know the movie did it better, I think there's a good idea in there somewhere, it's just poor execution 8mo
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Currently reading for movie/bookclub.
The writing is sooo bad.

The_Book_Ninja I really enjoyed the film 8mo
staci.reads Agreed! Great premise ruined by bad writing! 8mo
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"Well, the sun was shining."


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I've only read the first 4 chapters but this isn't appealing to me at all. I don't usually give up so quickly but I'm thinking I might this time.

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Unpopular opinion: I loved this book.
I‘ve read so many reviews saying that it‘s boring, pointless, etc. and I suppose that they are sort of right in that nothing is really happening. Something has happened in the world, the characters don‘t have any way of knowing exactly what happened, and they are trying to navigate their fear of this new, unknown reality within the scope of their mundane, flawed lives & selves. But it‘s so beautifully told.

cariashley Is that really unpopular?? I looooved this book. And just watched the movie and loved that too! 9mo
Vanessa @cariashley a group I‘m in on FB has mostly nothing but bad things to say about it 🤷‍♀️ 9mo
Jaimelire I liked it too 😁 6mo
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2⭐I listened to the book and a few days later, I watched the movie. This may be one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the book. The overly wordy writing style did not bog the movie down, but I can‘t say I liked either of them. With many added scenes; the movie gave the consumer a few more clues as to what might be going on…although they both left you feeling very…unenlightened and left me with a general feeling of uneasiness.

Bklover I haven‘t read the book but watched the movie over the weekend. So many unlikeable characters! Especially Julia Roberts‘ as the mom. My favorite was the little girl wanting to watch Friends. This movie made me very uneasy, which I think is exactly what they intended! 9mo
AudiobookingWithLeah @Bklover The movie added a lot to it the overall story. The whole bit with Friends was one of them. 9mo
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The tagged is not a Christmas book, and did not help me rack up word search points lol, but it was an excellent read. can‘t wait to watch the movie this weekend.

I will get some holiday fun in this post. One of my favorite ornaments is handmade ❤️

#wintergames #USS #UglySweaterSquad


An odd book but I enjoyed it for the most part 😊

Read for reading prompts


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⭐️⭐️ ½ • huh?

fredthemoose That was my take exactly! 10mo
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This was...not good. The writing was just over the top and pretentious. The idea was promising, but it never delivered. And there were way too many unanswered questions. Audio narration was ok
(4hours x 5thons x 10) +11 = 211 for team #spookyghostclub #scarathlon @clwojick
#rushathon @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader #31by31 @Catsandbooks #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks #falling4books @Read4life #littenlisten @aperfectmjk

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
aperfectmjk I guess thanks for reading it so I don't have to. 🤣 12mo
Read4life At least it‘s off the TBR 🍁👻🎃 12mo
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marleed The movie adaptation comes to Netflix in December with an all star cast - Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, Ethan Hawke. I have a feeling the movie may be better than the book! 12mo
Catsandbooks ☠️🦇 12mo
Traci1 @marleed that's why I picked it up. I saw the trailer and thought it looked really good. I agree that it seems like the movie could be much better. The cast is great. 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 12mo
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This was a book I knew from the first few chapters what I was in for and it wasn‘t for me

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Chiperskee This one was hard to put down and left me wanting a bit more at the end. 12mo
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This book is impossible to categorize, a family drama, a thriller, an end-of-the-world novel? It's all of those things. It's insular, giving us a glimpse of 2 families at a Long Island vacation home when technology stops working. We know little except their reactions. It struck me as so human and personal, yet somehow detached in the writing. This book is so hard to explain, but it was also excellent. Not a lot of answers, but beautifully written.

Anna40 Great review 12mo
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Rainy mornings are the best mornings to start a new book! 🖤

Kitta Raining here too and also starting a new book! 13mo
all_4_kb @Kitta I love that!!! 13mo
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Next up.....cosy blanket included! It's a mixed bag of reviews on this one but many of the reviewers with similar tastes to me seem to like it so 🤞

AmyG I really liked this book. I‘ve never seen this cover so got confused for a minute. Hope you enjoy this. 2y
Balibee146 @AmyG i hav only seen this cover on one other post, it's a UK edition 🤷‍♀️ Really liking the writing style so far 👍👍 2y
Cathythoughts I really enjoyed this one 👍🏻♥️ 2y
Tamra I enjoyed it too! 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This has been on my tbr since it came out and I finally read it 😅 It was a little slow toward the middle but by about 70% I couldn‘t put it down. I really enjoyed the tension the author created, and how realistically I felt he played on people‘s distrust of each other and even racism. I would not recommend this to people who have to understand what‘s happening - there is no resolution and a lot is unexplained. I‘m weirdly ok with that.

HeatherBookNerd I loved it. 2y
Lauren890 @HeatherBookNerd Yes! I was nervous because reviews seemed so polarized but I really enjoyed it. 2y
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Not my favorite. It had promise, but got a little dark and Sci fi like about the end of the world. The ending didn't resolve anything in the story and I was simply left with questions.

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A pick because it was compulsive listening to find out what was happening, what was going to happen. Alas, it was infuriatingly slow too! 😜

Outside my wheelhouse for sure, but the premise was intriguing enough to lure me in. Speaks to human nature on several levels.

Tamra I am left with a vague unsatisfied feeling, but I‘m not sure there is a way for the novel to end any other way. That is probably the nature of war too. 2y
RobES I loved this...I love an intense slow burn 🔥 2y
Cathythoughts Nice review 👍🏻 I enjoyed this one very much ! 2y
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One of the strangest books I‘ve read. Loved it.

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“We‘re just a bunch of adults who don‘t know anything about birds.”

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“Enjoying a moment is a victory. I think we need to hold on to those.”

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“You never know when a time is the last time, because if you did you could never go on with life.”

DimeryRene I have wanted to read this for so long. 💕 2y
AnnRaz @DimeryRene just finished it. Really enjoyed it! 2y
DimeryRene @AnnRaz so glad! I‘ve heard mixed reviews. I loved his first two books, so this is certainly on my list. 2y
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“Perhaps that was why, in his estimation, true intelligence was accepting how limited one‘s intelligence always is.”

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“It only sounded like paranoia if you were wrong.”

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1. Several Christmases ago I read Mystery In White. A classic Christmas locked room mystery where a blizzard causes the setup

2. The tagged book is about a NYC blackout. They‘re sometimes caused by natural weather phenomena & sometimes not, but having lived through citywide blackouts I can say that to NYers it feels a little like being stuck in a dangerous blizzard in the country

3. When I had a fireplace it was ❄️, now 🤷🏻‍♀️


BookmarkTavern Love snow with a fireplace! Thanks for posting! 2y
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CBee Yup, exactly 😂😂 2y
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The narrator is oddly misanthropic, as well as keenly aware of the low grade climate anxiety many people feel. He or she divulges tantalizing bits of information that the characters lack about the mystery that has befallen them.

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I picked up Leave the World Behind because Sam Esmail is adapting it into a movie. It's part of the vacation-gone-strange genre. The narrative uses a lot of free indirect discourse, but constantly pivots from one character to another because it's more of an ensemble cast than a book with a single protagonist. The narrator conveys a lot of the perspective of each character but in an acerbic, ironic, almost disdainful way.

TEArificbooks I liked this one 2y
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That was fantastic!
Took a bit to get used to the style of writing but so very worth it.
Definitely giving this to the daughter next!

Cathythoughts I loved this one too 👍🏻❤️ 2y
Caroline2 Oh I‘ve heard lots of good things about this one. Stacked! 😉 2y
Caroline2 Ha! Good job I checked… I already have it on my kindle!!! 😆 🤦‍♀️ 2y
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This is eerie... I've no idea what's going on!

Cathythoughts I loved this one 👍🏻 2y
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This was an interesting vignette into how people would react in an emergency. The book as a whole is commentary on society, how people see themselves, see others, react in a crisis when it feels like the end of the world was triggered. We never know what disaster befalls the world, only getting slightly more details about it beyond what the characters know. It inspires you to think how you would react to this situation. I'm still not sure.

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I don‘t know anything about this one but the title sounds intriguing.

LeslieO My fav book of the year when it came out. 2y
DHill @LeslieO agreed! Just finished and possibly my favorite this year. And Marin Ireland‘s narration is fantastic, always. 2y
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Someone come get me, I'm still at the edge of this cliff!

This novel asks us to face our unconscious (and sometimes conscious) biases when in the face of crisis. Would your actions change when the situation becomes life or death?

Is this book about the apocalypse? A warning against too much screen time? World War 3? Radiation poisoning? Global warming? ... the answer is...

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3.0 ⭐️ I have no clue what I just read, but also I couldn‘t stop reading it…that was an interesting experience!
~ L for #AutumnAtoZ
~ Unreliable narrator for #PromptMaze
~ Theme Read and Clue Prompt for #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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This one is a pan for me. It wasn‘t a thriller and I found it boring. Probably wouldn‘t have finish it if had been a full length book. #teamslaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick

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Wholly unsettling, yet incredibly captivating. Tension was palpable throughout, and the ambiguity of the ending lends an extra layer of "choose your own terror". Enjoyed it!

My only critique: The author needs to rely less on his Thesaurus - it often feels as if he chooses a random word, and finds the most obscure, complex synonym to use in its place. It was distracting and felt inaccessible, in spite of my own expansive vocabulary.

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What kind of nightmare scenarios were writers coming up with in 2020? ‘Leave the World Behind‘ for one. This modern story mixes family dynamics, race and social class with a slowly creeping sense of dread. At times the writing was bit pretentious but the story was intriguing and third person omniscient insights were perfect. Read if you‘re in the mood for something unnerving.

This is currently in production as a Netflix movie.

mcctrish This kind of horror is just a bit too close to home. I did really enjoy this 2y
rachelk @mcctrish I can definitely see that 2y
Cathythoughts Great review! I really enjoyed this one. 👍🏻 2y
rachelk @Cathythoughts Thank you! 🙂 2y
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Woof. The writing is way too pretentious for me to try and continue. No thanks.


TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just gotta cut a book loose!! 2y
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Entirely unsettling, but it‘s a pick for me. I know the ending (or non-ending) is a point of contention for some. For me, I‘m good with not knowing what happens but being left with enough clues to guess at a couple of outcomes. Alam sprinkles in details about what‘s going on in other places across the US that are really interesting, but I definitely could‘ve done without the unnecessary and unwanted sex/bodily fluids/body parts details.

EmberIvyRose I really liked this one too, but same about the unnecessary sexual stuff. Lol. I found the whole story fascinating.
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“She packed a book, as you never knew when you‘d need a book.” My book goes everywhere 🤷‍♀️✊🤓 #lifemotto

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“She wasn‘t terrible, his sister, and she was still a little kid, so she couldn‘t help being a dumbass. Had he been that stupid at thirteen?” 😏😆😂🤩 #siblings

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I did like the actual story and I‘m not sure what is creepier- reading it in first lockdown with not a clue what‘s happening to us all or reading now on brink of another war/invasion 🤷‍♀️ we all know the dread of uncertainty.
But I hated the authors overblown writing style with totally inappropriate sexual descriptions- come on - some of them just made me go ewww.

Cathythoughts I agree with the sexual descriptions you mention 👎... apart from that I loved the suspense, the beauty of the countryside, I really loved it. 3y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I think the author wrote those bits well. Maybe it‘s people he struggles with 😁 3y
Itchyfeetreader Yes it was just oddly disjointed and creepy 3y
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eanderson I agree with your review! Especially the sexual stuff... way to much for me. 3y
Caroline2 Ok unstacked! 😆 3y
BkClubCare I thought it excessively wordy. 3y
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Exactly Rose! Have to be prepared!

Cathythoughts Rose👏👏👏😄 3y
Caroline2 This happened to me once when I was younger, I finished my book and didn‘t bring a back up! 🤦‍♀️ I learnt my mistake and never let it happen again!!! 😆 3y
TrishB @Cathythoughts @Caroline2 definitely wouldn‘t want that happening! 3y
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AmyG One of my biggest fears....getting stuck without a book. @Caroline2 ...I have had this happen a few times and made my husband take me to the supermarket to buy a book. (edited) 3y
swynn I keep a paperback in the glove compartment for emergencies. Even though I now have, like, a megatillion unread books on my phone. I mean, that battery won't last forever, right? 3y
Megabooks Yes!! 👍🏻👍🏻 3y
CarolynM I can definitely relate! 3y
TrishB @Megabooks @CarolynM always best to have too many! 3y
TrishB @swynn always be prepared! 3y
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And further to my last post, here's the stack with the lovely edges.

Cathythoughts Nice ! I loved the book on top of that lovely stack, and the book on the bottom 👍👍 3y
Oryx @Cathythoughts me too! I think Leave the World Behind is the best of this stack for me. 3y
squirrelbrain Didn‘t guess any… but I think I read most of them digitally so it‘s no surprise really! 3y
Oryx @squirrelbrain I think this stack is evidence of a misspent (or well spent) pandemic... Treating myself to pretty versions. And now it's hard to break the habit! 3y
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I liked this as a lit fict pick but as others have mentioned, the ending left a lot of unanswered questions. Overall it was a solid ⭐⭐⭐