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The Duke and I (Bridgerton Series, Book 1)
The Duke and I (Bridgerton Series, Book 1) | Julia Quinn
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“Is it so very unfashionable to love one‘s wife?”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Late to post my #Roll100 books for July & all 3 rolls were “anys” so I ended up with:

#34: “Any Bridgerton” (Love the show, haven‘t read the books but ordered the #OnceUponABookClub boxes a few years ago so I put them on my list & I‘m starting with the first book.)🤷🏻‍♀️

#3: “Any BOTM” & as I can‘t seem to get this read without a nudge, it‘s going to be Just For the Summer.

#66: “Any Library Book” & my e-book hold came in for The Art Thief.

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 3w
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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monibookishnerd I so so so loved this 2mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Been told repeatedly to watch this show. I am usually a “book first” kinda gal. What do y‘all suggest? Is it one you should read first? And how many books = season 1? #BookToScreen

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Does the series as books hold great appeal to you? I haven‘t watched or read it - but I think there are enough changes that the show can stand by itself. I think each book is a season as the Bridgertons are siblings - each season follows a different siblings path to marriage. 2mo
Chrissyreadit I think you are fine to watch whether you read the books or not. They are eye candy. and the costumes and banter are delicious. 2mo
KateReadsYA I just started watching it yesterday, thanks to my husband getting to pick our next Netflix watch. I was surprised he chose this and I haven't read the books yet but the show is a lot of fun. 2mo
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Soubhiville I haven‘t read the books but have enjoyed the show. The costumes, choreography, music, and sets are beautiful. I find the stories a bit predictable, but the characters are endearing. 2mo
ElizaMarie @thegirlwiththelibrarybag - I really am enjoying this show so far. I feel like I am not usually in love with historical romance type of books (although I love love love Pride & Prejudice). I decided to forgo the novels and focus on the beauty and the show instead :) 2mo
ElizaMarie @Chrissyreadit Oh yes! I love love love everything about it so far. I am at about 3 episodes in. And it's so hard to tear myself away from it. 2mo
ElizaMarie @KateReadsYA Oooo I am on episode 3!!! I had heard that it was such a great show, and several people have recommended that I read it. My husband did the whole - not wanting to watch it - but had a hard time getting dressed and ready for work this morning as he was glued to the TV !!! Ha! I love it when that happens! Your hubby has some good taste! 2mo
ElizaMarie @Soubhiville I am enjoying it as well. I feel like the books might not be for me“ but the show is definitely for me! 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @ElizaMarie, my reading and watching taste are different too - nothing wrong with that! Glad you‘ve decided to just enjoy the show ☺️ 2mo
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Fable made this quiz that you take and they match you with a soulmate from Bridgerton. I haven‘t read the series or seen the show but I thought this was a fun activity to do. This is my soulmate based off of how I answered the questions. Whoever this man is, he sounds like he‘s smart and handsome.


The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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I love the Netflix series and I thought I‘d read the series before I watch the rest. I‘m glad I did. This was a great book! It‘s unbelievable how close the series is to the book. I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series. #SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Great job! 2mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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In the ballrooms and drawing rooms of Regency London, rules abound. From their earliest days, children of aristocrats learn how to address an earl and curtsey before a prince—while other dictates of the ton are unspoken yet universally understood. A proper duke should be imperious and aloof. A young, marriageable lady should be amiable…but not too amiable. Daphne Bridgerton has always failed at the latter. This is the story of Simon and Daphne.

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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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I've never seen the show, so I don't know how they compare, but this is a great book!
I found it hard to put down. It's very entertaining. Some parts were surprising.
I'm going to have to read the rest to find out who Lady Whistledown is.

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5✨ Yes, I waited a really long time to start this. It was really worth the wait! I loved the relationship these two had. Simon had a lot of baggage and Daphne is innocent, but can really hold her own. As they learn more about each other their love for each other grows. I also love the extra epilogue in this TV tie in and will need to get the rest this way too. 🥰💛 #SeriesLove

slategreyskies Ah, I‘ve been meaning to read this too! I actually purchased 12 (!!) of the Bridgerton books when they went on a steep Kindle sale a while back, but they‘ve just been waiting for me to start them! Haha 4mo
Roary47 @slategreyskies Yay! I‘m in the situation that I want the next one, but I‘m on a book buying ban and broke anyways. So, you at least won‘t have to stop if you don‘t want to. 🥰💛 4mo
TheSpineView Well done! 4mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Spring break and Spring cleaning are going well. These puppies are growing too fast. 😭 I will definitely be cuddling up to them each night.

vonnie862 So cute! 4mo
Ladygodiva7 🥹😍 4mo
dabbe #myeyes! #cutenessoverload 🖤🐾🐾🖤 4mo
ShelleyBooksie Adorable!!!!!! 4mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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I finished The Duke and I back in February and I totally forgot to review it until today. I enjoyed this book but I don‘t think I enjoyed it enough to finish the series. I liked the fake dating trope. I thought that was executed well but when the relationship started for real there was sooo much miscommunication. I just didn‘t enjoy that. I did love the Bridgerton family though. They were a lot of fun.

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Duke and I | Julia Quinn


The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Hi. Yes. It is time for my March 2024 tbr. Usually, when I make these, I have some idea of what I want to read for the month. Not this time. And usually, when I make my tbrs I have cute little pictures to go with. Also, not this time. It‘s raining like crazy here and frankly I have no clue what I want to read. So honestly, I‘m just going to wing it.

If you want to read my rambling tbr post: https://wildwoodreads.com/2024/03/01/march-2024-tbr/

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Definitely a light pick for me, but I do plan on continuing on with this series. Daphne is definitely not my favorite character.

I feel like I should at least mention that there is *a problematic scene* in this book and the experience will probably differ for every reader.

This was my #Bookspin pick for February

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! This series had some ups and downs for me, but I was always here for the sibling energy 😂 5mo
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First line: “The birth of Simon Arthur Henry Fitzranulph Basset, Earl Clyvedon, was met with great celebration.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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All rogues live #InTheFastLane before they‘re reformed. #IdiomInsight @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👌🏻📚🙌🏻 11mo
Eggs Perfect 🤩 11mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Up next…starting the Bridgerton series. 🎧


Mrs_B 😍 enjoy!!! 11mo
CoverToCoverGirl I really enjoyed this series. 11mo
GinaKButler @CoverToCoverGirl Really enjoyed it…on to #2!! 11mo
CoverToCoverGirl @GinaKButler Yay! Wonderful! 11mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Willful and purposeful miscommunication does not a quality romance make in my opinion. Then again, this “era” was never my thing. Also *that* scene was absolutely not it. I tried this first before watching the show but I think the show (if that even) might be more my speed.

ChaoticMissAdventures I really enjoyed the show, but couldn't get into the books. The books felt cheesy and forced to me as someone who does not read a lot of romance. For some reason the story worked for me on screen even when I am not a fan of the leading man. 12mo
Melismatic @ChaoticMissAdventures I‘m thinking the same will be the case for me. 12mo
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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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I had lower expectations for this book after reading some of the other reviews, but I have to say I loved it! I read the entire book in a day (similar to how I devoured the Netflix series). So happy that I gave it a shot 😊

Duke and I | Julia Quinn
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I asked a friend for some fun, light recs. This was on her list, since she knew I watched Bridgerton. It's a low pick for me, because pregnancy and motherhood are just NOT plotlines I get on well with. Fortunately, I was warned from the show, and instead got to enjoy the compare/contrast instead of being surprised. I had a fun time with both, and liked the book a little more. Impressive, considering I dislike a central trope!

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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I read this entire series recently. I don‘t usually read historical romance so that was a new thing for me. I found they are very formulaic and some of them were truly bad but for the most part I still had a great time throughout the experience. My ranking goes 1. Benedict/Sophie 2. Anthony/Kate 3. Hyacinth/Gareth 4. Colin/Penelope 5. Gregory/Lucy 6. Francesca/Michael 7. Duke and I 8. Eloise/Phillip

Megabooks So pretty! 🤩🤩 1y
CrowCAH Those are pretty spines making a whole scene!!! 1y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Those spines are gorgeous. 1y
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Loved the book. I really like how Daphne represents how smart yet unknowing someone can be.
I enjoyed how Julia Quinn made sure to represent different kinds off love. The love from a friend, partner, a mother and even brothers.

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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The first season of Bridgerton didn‘t follow super close. Yes “that” scene is in the book and it‘s still disturbing.
Not my usual genre. It wasn‘t bad though. I did find the narrator incredibly annoying.
I would recommend it.

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Started this today. Not my usual genre but like so many people I‘ve watched Bridgerton on Netflix and loved it.
I‘m not loving the narrator‘s voice.
I‘ve borrowed books 2 and 3 already as well lol might as well binge them lol 😂


This book was a delight to read. Julia Quinn did an espectacular job writing the narrative. When the family were together we could feel the feeling of a family reunited through the words. We felt for Simon and Daphne. I know there was a passage about “consent” that everyone has been talking about, however I don‘t believe Julia Quinn need to “pronounce” herself about it. It is a book and the book “says” everything for her.

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Duke and I | Julia Quinn
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I read the Duke & I for my book club‘s monthly selection but now I have to know the other Bridgerton siblings‘ stories too. I love that each sibling‘s story is different from the others. On to Book 6…

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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Good, but imperfect. It felt like Daphne fell in love with Simon too quickly. But! There were 2 epilogues in this version, and I LOVE epilogues 💖

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I watched the Netflix series and throughly enjoyed both seasons but assumed reading the book wasn‘t necessary. However, my book club decided this was the October read so I said “eh, why not?”. Well, I also enjoyed the book and found out Netflix got very creative with their version of the series. So now I have to read the next book to see how different season 2 is… 📖

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But simon had seen Anthony's point, and Simon had told Daphne that he wanted her to find a suitable husband.
And so Simon stayed away.
And Daphne was miserable

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I avoided these books, and the related series for no reason but the hype. They couldn't possibly be that good! But when a fiendish friend found the series available on #bookoutlet (except one) I caved. Without having read a word I owned the entire series. I am now grateful for the bad influence of my friend because I am all in. Simon and Daphne were charming and enchanting. I only hope the rest of the series carries on the same.

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn
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9️⃣ First book of the holiday #thedukeandi #juliaquinn #kindlereads

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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

I finally started the Bridgerton series, and what a great start, Daphne and Simon were adorable to follow.
I‘m really glad that in the end everything worked out.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4854007007

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“Daphne just smiled and touched his cheek. She understood him so much better now. After facing such rejection as a child, he probably didn't realize he was worthy of love. And he probably wasn't certain how to give it in return. But she could wait. She could wait forever for this man.”

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The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“She might be able to live without the children she hadn't yet borne, but she couldn't live without Simon. The children were amorphous, unknown beings she couldn't picture or touch.

But Simon—Simon was real and he was here. She knew how it felt to touch his cheek, to laugh in his presence. She knew the sweet taste of his kiss, and the wry quirk of his smile.

And she loved him.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“If it could be anybody, Daff, it would be you. I promise you that.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“Simon caught her gaze, his eyes burning hot and intense into hers. A warning bell sounded in his mind. He wanted her. He wanted her so desperately he was straining against his clothing, but he could never, ever so much as touch her. Because to do so would be to shatter every last one of her dreams, and rake or not, Simon wasn't certain he could live with himself if he did that.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“Simon cracked a smile at her deadpan wit. "I live to make Bridgertons happy.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“Daphne laughed again, this time with more gaiety, and Simon once again found himself mesmerized by her smile.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“He thought of Daphne, with her simple sage green gown. Daphne, with her direct brown eyes and wide smile...”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“His face was quite simply perfection. It took only a moment to realize that he put all of Michelangelo's statues to shame. His eyes were oddly intense—so blue they practically glowed.”

The Duke And I | Julia Quinn

“Her heart-shaped face wasn't beautiful by society standards, but something about her quite simply sucked the breath from his body.”