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En man som heter Ove
En man som heter Ove | Fredrik Backman
En roman om krlek, ordentliga verktyg och vikten av att alltid kra Saab Ove r 59. Han kr Saab. Folk kallar honom bitter och grannarnas skrck. Men Ove r fan inte bitter, grymtar han. Han gr vl bara inte runt och flinar jmt! Varje morgon tar Ove sin inspektionsrunda i kvarteret. Flyttar cyklar och kontrollerar kllsorteringstunnorna. Trots att det r flera r sedan han avsattes som ordfrande p bostadsrttsfreningens rsstmma. Eller den dr statskuppen, som Ove sjlv bara minns den. Men bortom den vresige ordningsmannen finns en historia och en sorg. S nr de nyinflyttade grannarna i radhuset mittemot en novemberdag rkar frstra Oves brevlda blir det upptakten p en komisk och hjrtevrmande berttelse om tilltufsade katter, ovntad vnskap och den urldriga konsten att backa med slp. Som kommer frndra en man och en bostadsrttsfrening i grunden. Fredrik Backmans debutroman om den arga ldre mannen i grannhuset prglas av pricksker humor och hg igenknningsfaktor. En underhllningsroman som bde lyckas skapa sitt eget humoristiska universum och bertta ngot viktigt om oss sjlva och vr tid. Det r en underhllande feel good-berttelse i samma anda som Hundraringen som klev ut genom fnstret och frsvann och filmen Livet frn den ljusa sidan. Extramaterial: E-boken innehller ven utdrag ur Fredrik Backmans briljanta och skruvade humorbok Saker min son behver veta om vrlden. Omslagsformgivare: Nils Olsson
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I was a huge fan of Backman‘s “Anxious People”, so when I saw that my library had a well-loved copy of “A Man Called Ove”, I took the chance. This book is simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking, and I‘m so glad I read it. The found-family trope was well done and even the ending was very satisfying.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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We read this for Bookclub. I liked it but didn‘t love it. There was some lovely wisdom and I did shed a tear at the end.

Lesliereadsalot Didn‘t love this one either although zillions of other people did! 4w
Cathythoughts @Lesliereadsalot Yes seems very popular. I lost patience with Ove … I think I started to turn into him 🤣 4w
Tamra I watched the film (not the American version) and enjoyed it. 4w
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Cathythoughts @Tamra I only thought there was one with Tom Hanks. Another one too ! 4w
Cathythoughts @Tamra Thanks for that ! I‘ll look it up 👍🏻 4w
emmasm08 Totally agree Cathy - I read it awhile ago and thought it was nice rather than memorable ! X 4w
Cathythoughts @emmasm08 Yes, that‘s it. 👍🏻❤️ 4w
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A Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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1) Fourth Wing and Throne of Glass series come to mind
2) Tagged. I know it's well loved by many
3) Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs

melissajayne I was meh on the book 4mo
Eggs Thanks for sharing your likes and dislikes🥰🥰 4mo
Lesliereadsalot I didn‘t get how many people loved A Man Called Ove. It did nothing for me so I‘m with you on that one. 4mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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So good!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Ove 💙 (edited) 4mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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This one was tough to get into. I got to about 150 pages and felt that it was all a grumpy older man with not much explanation as to why. I almost gave up on it but I'm glad I didn't. The writing is truly lovely and as soon as other characters came in and there was more given about Ove and why he was the way he was, there was humor and the story was endearing.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView

1. Exhausted pigeon… the true story of a teacher at the end of the school year
2. Done

@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot

TheSpineView Can't even imagine the "exhausted"! Thanks for playing 5mo
BethM Hahahaha and Ove automatically came to mind! 5mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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What am I getting myself into???? Starting this book right now.


ShelleyBooksie So good. 6mo
UwannaPublishme I loved this book! 6mo
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Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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1- taxes, finances in anything, what student debt would do to you, car maintenance- but hey I‘ve got some skills in French and calculus 😂
2- Ove
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

AmyG I so agree with #1. So many young people have no clue. 6mo
TheSpineView So true on #1! 6mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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3.75⭐️ There were aspects of the story that I really liked, but was ho-hum about others. It felt liked it dragged in places, but overall I thought it was a really good book. It was one that I don‘t know if I will read again, but am glad that I did read. #2024 #fiction #bookclub #booksintranslation #contemporary


Ddzmini Loved it 😊 I‘m sorry you had a so-so on this 🙌🏽 (edited) 7mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I hope to complete Prequel and work a bit more on The Alice Network this weekend. I just started the tagged book and am enjoying it.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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“We always think there‘s enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding onto words like ‘if‘.”

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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1. Yes! I learned how to drive at the age of 15 because everyone in my family knew how and I wanted to know how. Both of my cars are currently manual, 5-speed and 6-speed 💨
2. A Man Called Ove, Ove taught his pregnant neighbor to drive a stick :)
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

CatLass007 Such a good book! 8mo
TheSpineView Loved A Man Called Ove. Thanks for playing! 8mo
BethM Yet another book I could‘ve used for 2 instead of just a blank stare 😂 8mo
Ladygodiva7 @BethM 😂😂😂 8mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Late post. I finished the audiobook a while back and didn‘t post. I just finished the movie. Both were great, but I enjoyed the book more.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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The unfortunate thing about this read, is that I knew whatever book I picked up after Fourth Wing was not going to get the rating it probably deserves.
This book at times was hard for me to get into, but by the end Ove stole a piece of my heart. A beautiful and heartbreaking story. One that will make you laugh one minute, and cry the next. A beautiful story about a man who loses the thing he loves most, to finding the most beautiful Found Family.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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The difficult decision of what book to read after a 5 star book hangover…
I needed 48hrs after finishing Fourth Wing to stop thinking about it enough to pick up another book.
- I like to go for lighter reads that are a completely different genre: a palette cleanser.
- A book I can read with no expectation of it making me feel the same way my last book did.
- In this case… a book on my TBR that will refresh my brain during the wait for Iron Flame.

emz711 More like a heartbreaking book, but very good 11mo
courtearle @emz711 Yes. The farther I get into it, the more I feel that‘s the direction it‘s heading. 11mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman

“People said Ove saw the world in black and white. But she was color. All the color he had.”

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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“He‘d accepted long ago that some people, no matter how good their heart was or how much love they had to give, would always be alone.“

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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“We always think there's enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like 'if'.”


Love Ove 💙

AnnCrystal 😥😭😘. 13mo
Eggs Brilliant 🥰😢😔 13mo
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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My first in what I feel will be a series of bails this week. I set this down last week and, upon picking it up today, I found I had lost interest. I feel like if I didn‘t set it down I would have got through but I lost my momentum and my patience for the character along with it.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ not my favorite Backman, but still a good read! Parvaneh is the best

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I picked this up yesterday on a whim. A friend said they liked the movie and I haven‘t read any Backman, so I‘m giving it a shot. Honestly, I‘m feeling a bit curmudgeonly about the book so far, but I‘m going to keep with it. Side note- As depicted above, my cat Finn decided to bite the cover in the nighttime, something he never does. He‘s still annoyed about our move I think, but perhaps it‘s appropriate he chose this book to deface?

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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It was a very heartwarming read and I got creative burst and poured my heart into summarising this book in form of poem. I hope y‘all enjoy it.
P.S- My commitment is going strong and I‘m about to go on another reading spree. Lots of love. ❤️

A Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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#VolumesandVocals @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#StandByMe - Ben King

The song reminded me of how Ove stood by his wife even when she was ill.

LaraReads Good one! 💔 1y
Eggs Well chosen 👍🏼👏🏻 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman

I listened to A Man Called Ove about four months ago. It was narrated by the magnificent J. K. Simmons. I haven‘t loved a book so much in longer than I care to remember. ❣️❣️❣️

Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Oh man this one just about killed me. I'm a blubbering mess. I'd read the book, so nothing was a surprise except that the movie was really well adapted. I'm going to have a crying hangover in the morning. 🥺

Texreader Such a brilliant book. Great review. Blubbering… 1y
KateReadsYA I just watched this today with my husband, and we were both crying. It was such a great movie!!!! 1y
Larkken Sooo much crying!!! 1y
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BooksNBowls @KateReadsYA omg that‘s so funny me and my husband watched this today too! 1y
Traci1 @KateReadsYA @BooksNBowls my husband has been asking me to watch it ever since it was released to stream (not so much because he wanted to but because he knew how much I loved the book), but I've been putting it off because I knew I'd be a mess. And now this morning, I'm all red and my eyes are puffy and blurry. It was worth it, though. Now my daughter wants me to watch it and the Swedish version with her. I think they're trying to kill me. 😭 1y
KateReadsYA @Traci1 I'm so glad you watched it. 🤗 It's a movie that you can't help but cry. 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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#amancalledove #amancalledotto #Fredrickbackman #grumpyoldman #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #booknerd #booksddict Ive seen the movie before I read the book Huge mistake! I can now understand why Tom hanks took the roll of a loveable grumpy old man! I wish I could tag Tom hanks because Tom hanks actullay brought Ove alive for me

Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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This book made my eyes sweaty.
Loved it! Loved Ove, but my favorite character is the Cat. I love that cat.
Well written, characters with some depth (although a couple felt thrown in just to round out something), a good story.
5 ⭐️ highly recommend
(Now to watch the movie)

Readergrrl If you loved this book, you may also love The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. One of my favorites!! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Ove 💙 1y
OrangeMooseReads @Readergrrl I have that one on my shelf. Perhaps I‘ll grab it for my next stack. Thanks 😊 1y
rwmg I think the Swedish film is much truer to the book than the American re-make 1y
OrangeMooseReads @rwmg I‘ll have to see if I can find that version to watch. Thanks! 1y
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Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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This is my commitment post to stick to reading and improving myself in this horizon.
Starting with this beautiful read and let‘s see how this journey unfolds.
Hola! -To the fellow readers.

TheKidUpstairs Hello! Welcome to Litsy! 1y
seventyorten Does Litsy provide us option to post a video? 1y
TheKidUpstairs @seventyorten you can't post a video, but those who do videos will usually post a "blurb" or "review" with a still screenshot and a link to their video on YouTube ? 1y
seventyorten Ohh! Okay. Thank you so much. You‘re so kind. 😇 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Oof! I just finished the adaptation of this on Netflix and am hesitating to use one of my Libby holds on the audiobook - is it as much of a snotbomb as the Tom Hanks spectacular? I tend to listen to audiobooks in public and I‘d rather limit the amount that I look like a lunatic. 🫣

rwmg Even more so 1y
BookBosomed1 ^ Agreed 1y
Amiable I haven‘t seen the Tom Hanks movie (not interested), but I read the book and cried like a baby at the end. 1y
RosePressedPages I ended up crying in my statistics class 😂 1y
Larkken @rwmg @BookBosomed1 @Amiable @MadelineMcCrae ooo ok good to know - think I‘ll have to pass! I cried through the whole dang movie and I don‘t have enough tears for ten hrs of audio 😆 thanks for letting me know! 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I don't usually have issues with movie version covers. BUT changing the name is a big no-no. Yuck. 👎

JacqMac Ugh. Just ugh. 1y
AvidReader25 Right! I can‘t believe they changed the name. 1y
tjwill Agreed. 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I know I'm in the minority here, but this just wasn't for me.

My colleague gave me this and said it was the best book he'd read in a long time. I went in with high hopes but found myself disappointed.

It has a lot of heart, sure. It is well written with realistic characters. I just found myself forcing my way through it, reading it was a bit of a chore.

Deblovestoread In the minority but not alone. I also am not a fan. 1y
jamield1911 @Deblovestoread I'm glad I'm not the only one! I found it hard work! It's a shame as it had potential. 1y
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A Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Ove would have loved Visby, Sweden 🇸🇪.

On Wednesday, we went on a cycling 🚴‍♀️ tour on Gotland (2nd biggest island of the Baltic Sea). We saw lots of sheep 🐑 and lots of sheep 🐑 statues. The ice cream 🍦 shop is called „Gotlato“, which is hilarious.

#holiday #sightseeing #sweden

En man som heter Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Today, we walked through Gamla Stan (Old Town) and I had time for a short visit into this lovely bookstore focused on fantasy! They had lots of English books as well, so I assume that the Swedish translation probably takes a while and that not every book might even get one. 🇸🇪📕🗺️⚓️

#sweden #stockholm #holiday

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Finally read this one, might be one of the last people on earth 😅 I liked it! It was a little feel-goody and contrived, sure, but the Swedish locale helped. I probably would have hated it if was set in the US (I won‘t explore that thought more right now 😬). This author clearly also doesn‘t have a cat, but I was entertained by this Disney version of a feline.

Curiouser_and_curiouser Cool. I've just this minute finished Olive Kitteridge and Ove is next on my nightstand. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 😊 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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There‘s something to be said for a happy ending. This book made laugh and cry (almost). Everyone needs an Ove at some point in their life, a curmudgeon with a heart that‘s literally and figuratively too large. Loved this book!

LoverOfLearning This has been on my shelf for way too long. I need to read it soon 1y
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A Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Hmm, something about this book just didn‘t click with me. Perhaps something was lost in translation.

Reminiscent of the film ‘Up‘, this had an undertone of heartbreak throughout and some genuinely sad moments. It felt as if many things were added purely for entertainment purposes, therefore it felt too try-hard at times. Ove is a loveable character, and the ending was just right.

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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It takes me longer to finish them now that I don‘t have a commute anymore, but I enjoy listening to audiobooks. They‘re good company on long trips, sometimes they have extras not included in the print version, and you learn how to pronounce unfamiliar names. #hsundayfunday

BookmarkTavern Yes! I love being able to hear unfamiliar words! Thanks for sharing! 1y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Lotsa heart, this one!

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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There really is something about his character‘s and their stories that really just sit with you. Even when you think you‘re not being affected, and then at the most random moments you find yourself thinking about them. Another beautifully told story about humans. #doublespin for March
Also: am struggling to see how Tom Hanks could pull this one off, after reading this I don‘t know if I really want to see that movie ❤️

robinb I‘m with you on the movie. I‘m just not seeing him in that role. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
suvata I completely agree. The book was just perfect and that‘s what I want to keep in my mind so I will probably pass on the movie. Strangely, I feel the same way about 2y
TheAromaofBooks I feel the same way about the movie. Especially since they decided to change the location and his name, etc. I was not expecting to love this book and I absolutely did. 2y
Sargar114 @suvata oh interesting, I feel opposite about that one. Probably because of the style in which it was written, feels like she intended it to go on a screen. 2y
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Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Loved it ❤️❤️

A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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#MarchMadness @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

At my age most characters are younger than me. Thank goodness for this book! 🤣🤣🤣

Has anyone seen the movie yet? Thoughts?

peanutnine I liked the movie! I thought they did a great job. They glossed over his earlier life a bit but still got the main story across. I really enjoyed the woman who played his neighbor 2y
TheSpineView @peanutnine OH good, because I want to see it. 2y
ReadingisMyPassion Loved the book and the movie. 2y
Eggs I 💗 Ove and the first movie! 2y
LaraReads Both movies were good! I was pleasantly surprised by Otto because I wasn‘t sure what to think about Tom Hanks in the roll. 2y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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With the movie based on this book coming out not too long ago, I‘ve been wanting to do a reread of this book. Not sure if I want to watch the movie though 😬(I‘m a little peeved they changed his name). I loved this book the first time I read it and I‘m hoping it holds up to a reread 😊

#MCOlderThanYou 👴🏻❤️ #MarchMagic 💚💰🌈🍀

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs 👏🏻👏🏻 I recommend the original OVE movie with subtitles-so good 🥰 2y
JuliaTheBookNerd @Eggs I will have to look it up 😊 2y
Eggs @JuliaTheBookNerd Hope you enjoy-it really captures the story 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💙💙 2y
MyNamesParadise I enjoyed A Man Called Otto as it‘s own movie. Definitely check out the original film! 2y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I put this one off for some time. Decided to give in so I could see the US movie version. I enjoyed it more than I expected. The lonely curmudgeon that finds new purpose and a reason to love again has been done many times over. It is nice that each time, the characters and themes are still meaningful. 4⭐️ for a sweet, understated novel about friendship and community.

Andrew65 Loved all his books. 2y
Honeybeebooks I loved BearTown! 2y
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En man som heter Ove | Fredrik Backman
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Worth reading!

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A Man Called Ove | Fredrik Backman

I know I‘m in the minority but I had a hard time finishing this book. The neighbor was the best but I just was bored reading it. I kept going since I heard how great it was, but finally didn‘t finish it.