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The Exile
The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
29 posts | 49 read | 30 to read
Diana Gabaldon's brilliant storytelling has captivated millions of readers in her bestselling and award-winning Outlander saga. Now, in her first-ever graphic novel, Gabaldon gives readers a fresh look at the events of the original Outlander: Jamie Fraser's side of the story, gorgeously rendered by artist Hoang Nguyen. After too long an absence, Jamie Fraser is coming home to Scotland-but not without great trepidation. Though his beloved godfather, Murtagh, promised Jamie's late parents he'd watch over their brash son, making good on that vow will be no easy task. There's already a fat bounty on the young exile's head, courtesy of Captain Black Jack Randall, the sadistic British officer who's crossed paths-and swords-with Jamie in the past. And in the court of the mighty MacKenzie clan, Jamie is a pawn in the power struggle between his uncles: aging chieftain Colum, who demands his nephew's loyalty-or his life-and Dougal, war chieftain of Clan MacKenzie, who'd sooner see Jamie put to the sword than anointed Colum's heir. And then there is Claire Randall-mysterious, beautiful, and strong-willed, who appears in Jamie's life to stir his compassion . . . and arouse his desire. But even as Jamie's heart draws him to Claire, Murtagh is certain she's been sent by the Old Ones, and Captain Randall accuses her of being a spy. Claire clearly has something to hide, though Jamie can't believe she could pose him any danger. Still, he knows she is torn between two choices-a life with him, and whatever it is that draws her thoughts so often elsewhere. Step into the captivating, passionate, and suspenseful world of The Exile, and experience the storytelling magic of Diana Gabaldon as never before.
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon

I am a huge fan of the Outlander series, but I didn't enjoy this graphic novel. I was confused who the characters were. You couldn't tell them apart except for Jamie and Claire. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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This is a graphic novel based on the first few books of the Outlander series. The storyline, although simplified, was true to the novels. I wasn‘t a big fan of the artwork but, that‘s just a matter of personal preference. To each his own.

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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Ugh, this book was terrible! So, so bad. I was hoping for a romp in the Outlander world ahead of Nov‘s book release. I‘m a long time Outlander fan, and this hurts. And wtf was up with Claire‘s ever increasing breasts as the story went on? Definitely could tell this was illustrated by a guy. But the story was also just, off.

This does not add to the Outlander universe in any way. Skip!

#catsoflitsy #HelloKitty

hannah-leeloo Pretty kitty 🐈‍⬛❤ 3y
MidnightBookGirl I read this when it came out, and the graphics are not great. I had trouble figuring out who was who because it wasn‘t consistent. I don‘t even remember the storyline. 3y
alisiakae @MidnightBookGirl I had the same problem. The faces all looked the same, except for Jamie. It‘s basically the first 1/2 of Outlander, but from Jamie‘s perspective, with an odd new character thrown in 3y
RaeLovesToRead Sorry the book was no good... but look at that adorable kitty face 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 3y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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This whole graphic novel is from Murtagh and Jamie‘s POV? YASS!! I love Murtagh so much.

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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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As a huge Outlander fan, I naturally had to grab this from the library once I learned of its existence. It takes us through about half of the first book, with a few small changes here and there. The artwork was a little underwhelming because it was very hard to keep track of the Highlander men, as I couldn‘t really tell them apart. Still, if you are an Outlander fan then I would recommend reading this. 3.5⭐️


The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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I'm sort of torn on this. If this is aimed at people who are Outlander fans then I am the target audience but I found it just way too similar to the original for it to be particularly interesting. I also struggled with the illustrations themselves. Some pages were just so overwhelming and cluttered + some characters looked too similar.
The good: thank you for keeping those iconic lines from the book in here!

MicheleinPhilly Gorgeous pup! 5y
brit91 Beautiful dog!😍😍 5y
vkois88 I didn't know there was a graphic novel, but I'll have to check it out... awwww, hi Watson! 5y
cookreadsleep Is there less sex in this since it's a graphic novel? Or is it just even more awkward to read? lol 5y
SassenachTheBookWizard @cookreadsleep there's only one panel that shows the sex on their wedding night. 5y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Going to squeeze in one more read on my day off

Scochrane26 One of the few comic books/graphic novels I‘ve actually read. 5y
MartinaLove Awe look at that handsome dog! 5y
brit91 Beautiful dog!😍💖 5y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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This was different and interesting. I quite liked the graphic novel format.
Book 14 of 16 for #bookfitnesschallenge

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Nope. I'm not sure what the thought process was here, but yuck. I love Outlander. Seriously. I have 5 editions (including the audio) of the first book alone. But I was so lost with this one. Half the story didn't make sense, and the artwork... OMG the artwork was so bad. Just really, really bad. The whole thing was a big disappointment.

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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1) Strawberries
2) It‘s been a very long time since I‘ve read a huge book. I think it was A Court of Mist and Fury.
3) The Exile
4) I‘ve been working toward growing my savings and 401k, so I‘d have to say being financially stable.


Eggs #4: a worthy goal-👏🏻🙌🏼 5y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Graphic novel based on the Outlander book. Pretty good although there is a lot more cleavage than necessary. 😆 #32of2018 #graphicnovel #outlander

Tianarose Whoa too much cleavage is right! Especially since Claire is said to have small breasts. Lol. 6y
jillrhudy Marketers take the court dress of 17th century France and apply it to all women in a 500 year period. These women would throw that skank in jail https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/5c/53/645c5382f960a220f1f0e821737068eb.jpg 6y
DeborahSmall 😆😂 6y
Chellebearss @Tianarose @jillrhudy 😂😝 they start off a little bigger than they should be but by the end they are huge. 6y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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GNs have never really been my thing but I couldn‘t resist taking a look at this Outlander GN! #IheartOutlander

ladym30 What a beautiful face! 6y
Chellebearss @ladym30 thanks! He knows he is cute 😛 6y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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A very busty Claire Beauchamp 😳😳

Zelma I hated this comic. Claire was all boobs, all the time. 7y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Just finished this one and it wasn't horrible, but it definitely was not great! And seriously with Claire's boobs in this!!! I get that graphic novels love the boobage, but this is a bit much for Claire...

Does this count as an adult book? If it does I'm checking off "reading an adult book in one day, start to finish"

#eclecticreadathon #litsypartyofone #24hrtbrreadathon

erinreads With those boobs, I'd definitely say this was an adult book. 😂😂😂 And yes, I wasn't a huge fan of this, either, so you're not alone. 7y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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ReadingSusan 🤣 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes it is!!! 😂 7y
EclecticReaders Indeed! 😂 7y
SassenachTheBookWizard That's my husband lol oh Jamie... 7y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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I need to change things up so I'm switching to a graphic novel for a bit.

Getting 2 scavenger hunt items with this one:
* "reading a book out of your comfort zone" Outlander - not so much, but a graphic novel is a rare choice for me.
* "takes place in/goes to a city you want to visit" I would love to visit Scotland, particularly Argyll where the seat of Clan Malcolm is located (my husband is a Malcolm)
#eclecticreadathon #litsypartyofone

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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#marchbookstagram 3 of my fave characters: Hermione Granger (from the illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Betty Cooper (from Betty and Veronica: Fairytales), and Claire Beauchamp Fraser (from Outlander: The Exile)

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Finally have a bingo! The Exile has been on my TBR for over a year. I wish I'd read it before the Starz series came out, because it was hard not to compare the two. I enjoyed the new (but small) twist in the Outlander story, but wished for more. For me, the art was just good and not great. There wasn't enough differentiation in the male faces, and the women were too objectified for my taste. 2.5 stars #litsyreadingchallenge #mounttbr

DivineDiana Congratulations! 👏🏻🎉📚 7y
Eyelit Nicely done! 7y
Donna_sBookMinute BINGO!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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TrishB 👍🎉 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Excellent job!👏🏽 7y
Hobbinol Wow! Look at you go! 7y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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A graphic novel was an odd choice for the Outlander series. I feel that it's core readers are not the graphic novel crowd, and this subpar example of the genre isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's like looking at the skeleton of the story. Where is the muscle? Where is the heart? If you loved the series, you'll likely find the loss sad. Plus, the art work is awful. I mean, Claire would not have been able to stand without falling forward! 😳

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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My mom is Outlander-crazy but last year she swore she didn't want this graphic novel. Guess what made the top of her list this year? My order for it has been delayed but on its way! #givingasgifts #12daysofxmasphoto

cariashley I have this and it's so great! 8y
LibrarianRyan That sounds like my mom. 8y
Texreader @cariashley Maybe I'll sneak a read of moms copy when I get it. 😆 8y
Texreader @LibrarianRyan Those silly moms are a hoot. 😄 8y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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I honestly think this is the only graphic novel I've read. I'm not a huge graphic novel reader! I currently have Something New out from the library, and I've intended to read Maus at some point. Any other suggestions? #favegraphicnovels #booktober

queerbookreader Not sure how much you're about superhero comics, but if you want to try those I suggest Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Widow 8y
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queerbookreader Also suggest Hawkeye, I looooove Matt Fraction's series 8y
queerbookreader Do you want me to keep going? Lmao I could go all day about graphic novels 8y
queerbookreader Wait I'm not done yet also you HAVE to read Lumberjanes, Rat Queens, and Princeless. Definitely Lumberjanes tho omg it's my fav 8y
queerbookreader If you want to try a one-time, not a series book, try Nimona 8y
queerbookreader The first 5 I suggested are all Marvel comics, if you want to try out DC comics try Batwoman (my fav omg), Batgirl, Gotham Academy, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl 8y
queerbookreader (Here's another batgirl series by Gail Simone who is awesome) 8y
queerbookreader Here's one WW series, but try looking at other ones and see which ones look interesting to you. There's a lot to choose from with her 8y
queerbookreader Lmao sorry about the zillion comments. Scope out my page for more suggestions, I'm always posting about graphic novels. You can also add me on goodreads (lemonlime799) and look at my graphic novel shelf too!! 💞 8y
queerbookreader Oh shit I almost forgot Jem and the Holograms, Monstress, and let me know if you're interested in stepping your toes in manga bcz I have a few suggestions for that too 8y
queerbookreader Honestly just let me know what you're into. I basically only read comics about women so that's my general thing and I can totally suggest queer comics and comics by/about people of color too soooooo. Just let me know. 🙈 8y
raelaschoenherr @lemonlime799 Yay, thanks for all the recs!! 8y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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My small collection of #graphicnovels. All but one are #Litfluence purchases. Monstress is amaaaaayzing. Phoebe and Marigold are so wonderful. The other two are TBR for now. #octphotochallenge #graphicnovwl

KCorter Persepolis is excellent! It deserves all the acclaim it receives. I hope you enjoy it. :) 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @KCorter Thanks - I'm sure I will! 8y
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The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Guess I'm not done with Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander series yet since I need to read this before I return it to the library 📚

The Exile | Diana Gabaldon
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Here's my #24in48 #SpinePoetry. I'm reading mostly digital, but these may get folded into the #readathon if needed. Thanks @Litsy and @24in48 !

The Exile.
A Thousand Splendid Suns
On Such A Full Sea.
This Rough Magic.
Black City.

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