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Persuasion (Collins Classics)
Persuasion (Collins Classics) | Jane Austen
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning. Written at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, Persuasion is a tale of love, heartache and the determination of one woman as she strives to reignite a lost love.Anne Elliot is persuaded by her friends and family to reject a marriage proposal from Captain Wentworth because he lacks in fortune and rank. More than seven years later, when he returns home from the Navy, Anne realises she still has strong feelings for him, but Wentworth only appears to have eyes for a friend of Anne s.Moving, tender, but intrinsically Austen in style, with it s satirical portrayal of the vanity of society in eighteenth-century England, Persuasion celebrates enduring love and hope."
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Maturing is loving Jane Austen.

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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On this day in 1816, Jane Austen finished writing Persuasion. How fitting that I finished reading for Thursday's Jane Austen's House Virtual Book Club. "You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope." ? #Pemberlittens

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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It's time for Austen in August! And while yes I do tend to celebrate Jane Austen all year long, it is tradition to read as much as possible in August.

Up first is Persuasion for next week's Jane Austen House Museum Book Club. My collection isn't as big as my Pride and Prejudice one, but some lovely editions none the less. 🎩📖📚


Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen

There, he had learnt to distinguish between the steadiness of principle and the obstinacy of self-will, berween the darings of heedlessness and the resolution of a collected mind…he had seen everything to exalt in his estimation the woman he had lost, and there begun to deplore the pride, the folly, the madness of resentment, which had kept him from trying to regain her when thrown in his way.

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Still one of my favorite of Austens, up there with P&P. But I admit I didn't care for this audio version quite as much. It is abridged with a full cast. I think so much of the novel is about feelings and happens internally, that some of the potency was lost here. I still enjoyed the story. The letter gets me every time 💌❤️

Ruthiella That letter! ❤️ 3mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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4/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

#janeausten #romance #classic #historical

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#SpringSkies Day 20 #2ndChanceRomance

I read this book, yes...I have various editions...Do I need this edition? Yes!!! 😂

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

peanutnine I have this edition. It's so pretty!! 😍 5mo
Gissy @peanutnine You have a treasure ♥️🙌 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 5mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Eggs 👏🏻💗👌🏼 6mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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#OneWordTitle ☝🏻 #SpringSkies 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌨️☀️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 6mo
Eggs Brilliant 💙 6mo
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Persuasione | Jane Austen
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

1) Persuasion (my very favorite Austen I have read it over a dozen times)
2) The Vegetarian by Han Kang
3) Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

dabbe 1: one JA I haven't read; on the TBR! 2 and 3: new to me and new to my TBR! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @dabbe I hope you enjoy them if you get to them!! I think I love Persuasion because it is so under the radar and I find Anne so relatable. It is a second chance romance I just adore. 6mo
dabbe @ChaoticMissAdventures Ooh, I'm all for second chances! I'm on my 2nd (and final) marriage right now! 🤩 6mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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While Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Jane Austen novel (& favorite all-time book), Elizabeth Bennet my favorite Austen heroine & Elizabeth & Darcy my favorite couple, Captain Frederick Wentworth edges out Mr. Darcy as my #BookCrush He may not be as rich, own Pemberley or saved his beloved‘s family & realized the error of his prideful ways, but the man is loyal, hardworking & writes a hell of a love letter! “You pierce my soul…”

Ruthiella ❤️ Captain Wentworth ❤️ 8mo
Liatrek Love Wentworth❤️❤️❤️ that letter 8mo
Eggs Excellent choice 🩷🩷🩷🩷 8mo
Cheshirecat913 Yes, love Wentworth ❤️😍 8mo
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This is the first Jane Austen book I have ever read. I didn‘t realize it was her last. I loved Anne, but it seemed much longer than 257 pages. I had good intentions of reading more, but ran out of time this month.

IndoorDame I love these editions! I‘ve never seen them before! 8mo
Soubhiville I haven‘t seen these editions yet either. Pretty! 8mo
RebelReader @IndoorDame @Soubhiville I got them at Half Price Books for like $3 a piece 8mo
IndoorDame @RebelReader good score! Love it when that happens! 8mo
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Persuasione | Jane Austen

‘you pierce my soul. i am half agony, half hope. i have loved none but you.‘ Once again Jane Austen's biting commentary on social situations and arrangements, on people and relationships is top-notch. Austen is excellent with female characters and also excels at writing gentlemen that, even now two centuries later, have many a girl swooning, Amazing book and a must read, highly recommended.
- https://english.shabd.in/

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I did the puzzle while I listened 🤣 #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Cute! 8mo
Ruthiella Louisa‘s ill fated last jump! 8mo
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Karisimo I have this puzzle too 😊 8mo
BarkingMadRead @Karisimo it was so much fun! I have the Brontë one as well! 8mo
Karisimo @BarkingMadRead oh, I‘ll have to look for that one!! 8mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I admit, I'm not the biggest Jane Austen fan. I think I like the movies more than the books or maybe I've seen the movies so much that I don't really enjoy the books. Either way Persuasion was okay. I found some of the characters rather frustrating but I liked Anne.
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Although I understand what Jane Austen tried to accomplish, I just found all the characters to be very bland and some downright unlikable. The book meanders for most of itself and then things really pick up in the last 5 chapters. It is one of those books that the conflict could have been resolved in 5 minutes but the characters refuse to communicate with each other like adults.

A pretty disappointing read.

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I‘ve read all of Jane‘s books several times (excluding Mansfield Park which I really don‘t like.) So for #AuthorAMonth I decided to re-read the one I‘ve re-read the least. I forgot how Jane‘s humor shows in this book. A fun re-visit.

AmyG I enjoyed this one on audiobook. Had never read it. 9mo
mom2bugnbee I'm in the middle of this one - I have read it only once before! 9mo
dabbe I chose SENSE & SENSIBILITY, but this was a close second. I'll have to read it next! 🤩 9mo
Ruthiella I‘m not a fan of Mansfield Park either, though I do want to at least re-read it once. 9mo
mabell Same on Mansfield Park 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I love the movie adaptations of all her novels. I did like this, but sometimes I felt it was quite the chore to get through her writing.

#authoamonth @Soubhiville

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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📚Currently reading:

🎧Persuasion - 4 chapters a day.
📕The Goblin Emperor - A chapter a day.
📙Lord of The Necropolis - Reading before bed.
🎧Night of the Hunter - From time to time.


Finished my first book of the year! I planned to read Persuasion between ACoK and ASoS but so far it's a huge slog but I will finish it. Looking forward to starting ASoS because I know I will like it.

Doppoetry I hear Persuasion gets better upon a re-read because the reader is familiar with the characters and their struggles at that point. I don't know much about the time period but I know enough to understand that the male love interest cares only about his feelings and doesn't really see the big picture.

I am about halfway done with Persuasion so unless he improves greatly in the latter half it's gonna be a struggle.
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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My third or fourth re-read? 😂

Increased star rating by 1!

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

Ruthiella I definitely appreciated this more upon rereading it! 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Book 3 of 2024.

As expected, this just wasn‘t for me. Even when I retrained my thoughts to think of this as more of a social commentary of the day a la Shakespeare, it just felt like a slog to get through and my attention kept straying. I‘m sure it‘s the narrative rather than the writing itself, because there was very little plot or conflict to be seen here. #AuthorAMonth

Those who loved this - what am I missing? What draws you in?

Melismatic Photo is of a lovely decor setup at a resto in my hometown, snapped when visiting my mom for the holiday. 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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1/3 left and I‘m still scratching my head at how this book is considered a romance? And how Wentworth is considered so swoony? He‘s barely been in this!

🥺 I‘m gonna push through but man, Austen ain‘t for me. #AuthorAMonth

Soubhiville Your dinner looks yummy though! 9mo
Melismatic @Soubhiville it was! I started using the HungryRoot service to save time/dabble with vegan options and it‘s been great so far! 💖 9mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I didn't like the satire of Northanger Abbey, so I tried a graphic novel of Emma. I disliked both and decided Austen isn't for me either. 9mo
Melismatic @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick glad I‘m not alone! My goal is to not DNF for this challenge but I knew Austen would be a tough road for me. 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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#AuthorAMonth Jane Austen

As Persuasion is the only book of Jane's, I haven't read, I chose it rather than revist old favourites (S&S).
This Audible collection is so good, I may yet listen to them all. Persuasion was narrated by Florence Pugh. As per usual, Austen's characters are exemplary, her plot masterful and social commentary as witty and scathing as always. Sad it was her last completed novel.

Bluebird Persuasion is my favorite! Have you read her juvenilia and earlier works? 9mo
AllDebooks @Bluebird I have read her novels, now to move onto her letters and 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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TBR for this week. #authoramonth

Melismatic What a combo! I‘m reading that Austen too and love Mona Awad - hope you love Rouge! 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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It‘s back to reality today after enjoying 2 weeks off, sigh. Spent part of yesterday reading my #AuthorAMonth pick and enjoying a coffee in my new favourite cup. Loved how the book and mug are colour coordinated! Thank you @UwannaPublishme for this awesome bookish gift!😘
(January 8, 2024)

UwannaPublishme Great photo! I knew when I saw this mug, it had your name on it. 😊 9mo
PurpleyPumpkin @UwannaPublishme Aww Donna, you‘re the best! You know me so well. 🥰 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Exhausting my kitty pictures from the holiday break 😻

Beginning my #AuthorAMonth pick today (tagged) and have changed my mind 12 times and decided on Vera Wong for my first #AuldLangSpine pick. Both will be audiobooks. Goal for this year is to be more balanced (and deplete my physical book TBR).

ChaoticMissAdventures Persuasion is my favorite Austen ❤️ 9mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
Melismatic @ChaoticMissAdventures that bodes well! I‘m def not an Austen girlie so I tried to pick something that didn‘t have an adaptation I was familiar with. 9mo
DGRachel Persuasion is my favorite Austen, too. I hope you enjoy it. 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Sigh. I flipping ADORE this book.

Sigh. That's all I got. A swoony sigh 😂😂

#authoramonth #janeausten @Soubhiville

TheBookHippie I picked this for a reread too! 9mo
LiteraryinPA 💗💗💗 9mo
DGRachel My favorite Austen. 💖 9mo
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gossamerchild @DGRachel it might be mine, too ❤️❤️ 9mo
gossamerchild @TheBookHippie 🥳🥳. Such an amazing read. 9mo
Soubhiville I‘m glad you love it. 😊 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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ShyBookOwl A mouthful, but one I appreciate 😌 9mo
AnnR Austen sure has some really long sentences! 9mo
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Crinoline_Laphroaig Love this! 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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When this was announced, I told myself I wouldn't buy it. It was just a marketing ploy, it was just a kitchy edition. I already have 3 other editions...

But I saw it in B&N and bought it with giftcards!

Eyelit 🤩👏🤩👏🤩 9mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Happy Persuasion Day! Brandon's whole thread on The Letter is a killer, forget Darcy, it's Wentworth FTW! ❤️

Read it here:

Cuilin Absolutely Team Captain Wentworth!! 10mo
batsy Yes! 10mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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The older I get the more I like Persuasion over P&P. I guess with age I have tempered my character and went from being more of an Elizabeth to more of an Anne. They are alike in many ways, but at the same time dramatically opposite, Elizabeth is headstrong and once she believes something she won't let anyone persuade her to act in a different way, she'll do what she thinks is right, but at the end of the novel she changes her views. ⬇️⬇️

nanuska_153 Anne on the other hand lets, out of love, other people persuade her to act against what she believes is best, although she is constant on her emotions. In Persuasion Anne's character is measured against the more impulsive and stubborn character of Louisa, and although in both novels the resolution is that a more flexible cautious behaviour is always better, in P&P Elizabeth's character is romanticised. 10mo
nanuska_153 Anne and Elizabeth are both seeing as perfect, but the idea of what "you ought to be" evolves with age. 10mo
Cuilin Persuasion has always been my favorite. 🩷 10mo
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ravenlee I‘ve always loved Persuasion. P&P is great, but Persuasion has my heart. 10mo
Ruthiella It took a second read and 10 years for me to appreciate Persuasion. That letter! “You pierce my soul”. ❤️ 10mo
nanuska_153 @Cuilin it's so good, you can tell a more mature Jane wrote it 10mo
nanuska_153 @ravenlee both Persuasion and Captain Wentworth have my heart ❤️ I'd pick him over Darcy every time 10mo
nanuska_153 @Ruthiella and the way he gives it to her, I always get nervous when it's coming. You really can tell how strongly he feels about Anne 10mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Time for a cozy re-read by the Christmas tree 🎄

Wentworth, I'm ready to fall in love with you again ❤️

peanutnine Favorite! 💖 Also, love your tree! 🎄😍 10mo
nanuska_153 @peanutnine thanks! It was the first time that we put the tree with my toddler's "help" so to be honest looking at it still gives me a bit of stress from re-living the experience ? 10mo
peanutnine @nanuska_153 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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#OnceBittenTwiceShy is said when someone has been hurt or had a bad experience in the past, so they‘re far less likely to take risks or make the same mistake again in the future. Often used in books where the hero or heroine has been scorned once by love and refuses to let their guard down again.

In Persuasion, my second favorite Austen novel, Captain Wentworth epitomizes this idiom. These are the covers of the editions I own.🩵

DebinHawaii Thank you to @Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for this month‘s idioms. I learned a lot looking them each up! 🤗 12mo
Eggs Beautiful covers 🥰🥰 I‘m so glad you enjoyed the idioms ~ something different. Always a pleasure to have your participation 🩷🩷 12mo
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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#OnThisDay 1816 Jane Austen finished writing Persuasion. I love this quote. 🚣🏻‍♀️

#pemberlittens #pagesofpersuasion

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Matching my nails to my current reread! I've had a spate of not terrific reads, so I've delved into an old fave to boost my desire to keep reading ... I get a bit discouraged when I get a run of not-so-terrific books. I'm going to follow this up with the next Cormoran Strike novel, Troubled Blood, as I know that won't let me down 👍✨️

dabbe #coverandnaillove 🤩🤩🤩 1y
Suet624 I was disappointed too recently with some blah books. I was starting to get nervous that I just didn‘t like anything anymore. 😳 1y
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theokiereader Those are beautiful nails!! 1y
Gissy Love that edition and your nails 💅 1y
RobES @Suet624 I get like that....nothing excites me, but I find if I read something 'safe', an old fave or a series I'm enjoying it shakes me out of the rut 💛😉 1y
Suet624 @RobES I agree. Sometimes though I get that bleak feeling: “what if I never again find a book I really enjoy??” 😊 I have to talk to myself to snap out of it. 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I think this is the most disappointing Austen read I've had to date. I couldn't connect to Anne. Her longing for Frederick became a point of irration rather than something enduring. And in the end I was hoping for a vicious plot twist where they don't end up together 😱

I reckon this is an #UnpopularOpinion

@Clwojick #Pantone2023 #Macchiato

Ruthiella That‘s how I felt the first time I read it too. But when I reread it a few years later, I was able to better accept both Anne and Frederick‘s behavior. I still need to reread Mansfield Park because I disliked it too in the first read. 1y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @Ruthiella I'll give it a year or 2 and try again. Glad to know I'm not alone in my initial dislike. ☺️ 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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“You pierce my soul.” I had the ending spoiled for me before I sat down with this book so I knew that somehow Miss Elliot and Captain Wentworth ended up together. That only made this book better. I felt like I was sitting down with old friends catching up on how they came to be together. Austen does it again. 10/10

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Another lovely classic from Jane Austen.

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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#AtLast 💕 #EttaJames #VolumesAndVocals 🎶🌞🌈🌼

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1y
Eggs Love your Austen covers 🫶🏻👌🏼 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Perhaps because his name is popping up in our #PemberLittens #chapteraday readalong of Old Friends and New Fancies (tagged below), Sir Walter Elliot of Persuasion came immediately to mind for #LoveYourself by Justin Bieber. Particularly “Cause if you like the way you look that much Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself.”🪞

(For the record, my favorite Sir Walter is Anthony Head in the 2007 version)

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent 📚👌🏻 1y
peanutnine Lololol this is amazing 🤣 1y
Eggs Awesome choice 👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Conversations with friends. #PemberLittens

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 Maybe it‘s Sir Walter because he insisted as the highest ranked character and Anne was all, “fine dad, we‘ll put your portrait on my story…”.🙄 (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😵‍💫 1y
batsy So true! Very Charles Musgrove-looking 😆 1y
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SamAnne 😂 😂 😂 1y
MaureenMc 😄😄😄 1y
LeahBergen 😆😆 1y
DivineDiana I am aghast! 🙄 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Have you guys seen these with the gilded edges? I lifted one at Barnes & Noble and immediately put it down. So heavy! Beautiful but too heavy. #gold #heavy #classics

Leftcoastzen I bought them , but I agree , heavy!😄 1y
KathyWheeler Those are really pretty! 1y
Ruthiella I already have Austen in hardcover, otherwise I‘d be sorely tempted. Heavy means good paper! 1y
BookwormM So pretty 1y
Saknicole So pretty but the WORST pages material, in my opinion. I hate the plasticy pages that they have. 1y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I love having a lazy Sunday with nothing to do, and I especially love filling that time with my favorite Austen! I'm generally not a fan of the "radio play" adaptation but this one is better than many. I like the actor playing Wentworth and Florence Pugh is a fantastic narrator. And as ever, I'm struck by the complete badassery of Mrs. Croft; anyone else a huge fan? #CurrentlyListening #audiobook

Ruthiella I‘ll have to check it out if I can get a copy from the library. I‘ve not yet experienced Persuasion on audio. 2y
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Persuasion (Revised) | Jane Austen
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Tiktok performance of Wentworth's letter

Ruthiella Nice. ❤️ 2y
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The actual letter ✉️ 💘 😍😍

IndoorDame ❤️ 2y
staci.reads Gorgeous!😍 2y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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My favourite ❤️ Austen and my village bookclub February read - couldn‘t resist this stunning 🤩 edition with perhaps the most romantic 💘 letter ✉️ ever written in literary history from captain wentworth

IndoorDame I‘ve always been tempted by these editions! 2y
Bookbuyingaddict @IndoorDame do it ! Get it get it get it 😆😂 2y
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