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The Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Mitch Albom
Eddie is a wounded war veteran, an old man who has lived, in his mind, an uninspired life. His job is fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. On his 83rd birthday, a tragic accident kills him, as he tries to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakes in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a destination. It's a place where your life is explained to you by five people, some of whom you knew, others who may have been strangers. One by one, from childhood to soldier to old age, Eddie's five people revisit their connections to him on earth, illuminating the mysteries of his "meaningless" life, and revealing the haunting secret behind the eternal question: "Why was I here?"
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1. Android
2. I listen to audio books on my phone. Finished tagged book today. Starred The Sewing Girl's Tale

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView ❤️📖📱 Thanks for playing 2mo
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A sweet read about Eddie, who loses his life trying to save a little girl. He meets 5 different people in Heaven that his life impacted in some way. I enjoyed listening to the audio book. I enjoyed the lessons he learned as he met each person. It was a quick audio.

🙂Happy Reading 🙂

#bookspinbingo #readaway2024 #audiobook

tpixie To think the author was a sports writer!!! Another great one is 2mo
MonicaLoves2Read @tpixie that's the first book I read by him years ago 2mo
tpixie @Monica5 💙💙💙 me too. I‘ve read these two books and loved them. Not certain why I haven‘t read more then. Maybe I‘m afraid to feel so strongly! 😀🤪😅 2mo
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I don‘t like kitschy. I don‘t like sappy. So I was quite worried about this. It surprised me. Eddie dies trying to save young girl in a Ferris wheel accident. We know it‘s coming, so don‘t worry, that‘s not a spoiler! ☺️ The narrative follows him as he meets 5 important people in his life. I enjoyed the contemplative nature, the inter-connectedness of humanity. If you want to get off the roller-coaster and take a nice swan boat ride, this is it.

AshleyHoss820 I think this was on the #RoryGilmoreChallenge I‘m not sure I would have given it a chance otherwise, which is a shame. ☺️ 7mo
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Yah. It's been awhile. I left the woods back in September to take another shot at being a productive member of society. So I'm not reading as much. Just the occasional piece of Glen Cook. But I did send someone a copy of The Puma Years this morning. And I sat down and read The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I'm not a fan of heaven books and I probably would've hated it if I hadn't also just re-read Holy Moments before tossing it. Cont. next book.

mobill76 I read this for Cindy Denny, a friend from high school who passed away. I'm probably not in your top five but, frankly, I think you get more than five. Talk to you soon. 9mo
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Well done. Was skeptical at first. But it had me emotionally vested and deep thought-provoking by the end.

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This book has a lot of great messages and the author does a good job showing how connected we all are and that everything happens for a reason. With that said, I‘m definitely in the middle with it—neither loved it or hated it.
This was my first #bookspin read of 2023 and also a #RoryGilmoreReadingChallenge book!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
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This book has ended my year peacefully and wisely.
Taught me some gut-wrenching lessons.

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“You have peace," the old woman said, "when you make it with yourself.”



Eggs Brilliant ❤️ 2y
tpixie Great book and 2y
MemoirsForMe Mitch! 🙌🏻 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tpixie yes! Love that one! 2y
tpixie 🧡🧡🧡 2y
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I wanted to photograph this with the beautiful blue sky behind it but the rain had other plans. I‘ve always heard rain is tear drops from heaven. This book I finished in 1 day.

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“Lost love is still love. It just takes a different form that‘s all. You can‘t see their smile, or tousle their hair, or move them across the dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens, memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Life has to end love doesn‘t.”

All parents damage their children it cannot be helped, like pristine glass youth absorb the prints of its handlers.

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This book is all about lessons of sacrifice, love, forgiveness, letting go of anger and conscious that you have some form of impact on everyone you meet. A book you can but don‘t want to finished in one sitting. Cried buckets after reading this one.


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Happy Valentines Day everyone 💖. Just received this book as a gift from my aunt last night. Can‘t wait to get started I‘ve heard great things 😁

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Full disclosure: I tend to avoid this type of "inspirational" books, as it's not really my cup of tea... So no surprise here when you see my rating...

I enjoyed discovering the life story of Eddie: his childhood, his time in the army, his relationship with his wife. But that's pretty much it... The five lessons are to me quite cliché and cheesy...


A well written book, easy to read. Really feel like you know Eddie at the end of the book.

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A darling of a cosy story!!! A wonderful quick read for when you need a hug 😊📚💗

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I liked the way in which we find out about those 5 people, and how their lives intersected. The chapters were short and not superfluous in any way yet full of descriptions that built an image.
Not so sure about the ending but still a good book!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Book club for November.
We were all amazed that none of us had read this, hence the choice.
Looking forward to reading it.

MatchlessMarie I read it for the first time last year. I had all kinds of assumptions about this book that ended up not being true (in a good way). Hope it‘s an enjoyable read for you. 3y
rachaich @MatchlessMarie thanks, that's an interesting thought 🤗😊 3y
Crazeedi I have never read, but heard great things 3y
rachaich @Crazeedi it's extremely readable. Plus making me think, always a bonus! 3y
Crazeedi @rachaich I love books that make me think! Thank you🥰 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!! 3y
Eggs Perfect 👌🏼📚❤️ 3y
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Beautiful story

Nute Love this book! Have you read Tuesdays with Morrie? 3y
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I have loved Mitch Albom as an author since reading “Tuesday‘s with Morrie” .. so I was not surprised that this book would be just as great! Some wise lessons in this book! Highly recommend!!

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Eddie is introduced as an old man who stays busy by working at Ruby Pier, an amusement park. He‘s worked there for a large chunk of his life, spending most of it dissatisfied with his position. A problem arises with a ride, and while a cart comes tumbling down, Eddie put his last efforts into trying to save a little girl. The cart undeniably crushes him, yet he is unaware if his last moments were helpful. The truth unfolds brilliantly at the end.

alyssia.malinowski Through this book, we are taken on Eddie‘s journey through the afterlife and his realizations about life on Earth. Albom used the motif of anger through out the book. When Eddie was alive, he hated having the same job as his dad, considering it deadbeat, and he wanted more. He was angry about his war experiences, losing his wife to cancer, but most of all, he admits to feeling like he has nothing to show for his time on Earth. 4y
alyssia.malinowski In the afterlife, he learns to let go of all that anger and pain. He learns to realize all the joy he brought and all the lives he saved doing what he does. If you like books that make you ponder what the afterlife looks like for you and how your actions affect others, take the time to sink into the comfort of Albom‘s words. 4y
MissYaremcio He is one of my favourite authors of all times! Nicely done Alyssia! 6/6 4y
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Just finished reading this with my 7th graders for English class. They liked it, it fell flat for me...

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“The Five People You Meet in Heaven” begins at Ruby Pier in the early 2000‘s however the setting and time period changes many times throughout while always following the main character, Eddie. Eddie was a maintenance worker who had worked at Ruby Pier his whole life. The book follows Eddie through the moments leading up to his death and the sadness he was feeling in his life considering his situation with his job and lonely home life. (comments)

emma.peto Not only does it follow him leading up to his death but it also follows him after his death where he is shown the part he played in many different peoples lives; some of the people he didn't even know but he still had a huge impact on them and their lives. A motif in this book would be birthdays. This is important because Eddie had died on his 83rd birthday. (another comment) 4y
emma.peto Throughout the book Mitch Albom makes Eddie revist many different important birthdays during his life that held great significance. If you like books that focus on the meaning of life and are full of emotion then this is a book you would really enjoy. I would rate this book a 3.5/5.
MissYaremcio Nicely done Emma! I love this author but I agree, it's definitely a 3.5/5 type of book! 6/6 on the review! 4y
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That is true.
#truth #ordinary

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A comforting book immersing readers in the (past) life of a seemingly dull, aged man named Eddie. Eddie‘s afterlife exhibits to readers his effect and purpose in the world. Honestly one of the most thought-provoking books in correlation to our purpose in the world and whose lives we affect.

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Saying 👋 to January with this interesting new read. Here we go ❤️
#byejanuary #fiction #newread

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Book 2 of 2021 and its an old favourite. It's been a few years so was time for a re-read!

EadieB I read this one too but not the sequel. 4y
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A beautiful message inked into the papers of this book on one side leaves the reader inspired about our spiritual links with others but on the other side it gets a bit heavy on minds for it lacks certain aspects of sophistication.
The fiction in the story could have been blossomed by putting some knots into the plainness. It can still be worthy of being put onto your book shelf for the theme is exceptional and is meant to be understood by us.

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Eddie meets five people in heaven.

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#bookreport #katies_always_booked
🎧 A Man Called Ove - 4⭐️
📖 The Lending Library - 4⭐️
🎧 Tweet Cute - 4⭐️
📖 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - 5⭐️
📖 The Five People You Meet in Heaven - 3⭐️

📖 Leave the World Behind

📖 Twenties Girl
🎧 The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell

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#fridayfeelings Thanks for the tag @Megabooks

1) The Five People You Meet in Heaven-I love this book
2) The Fault in Our Stars
3) Old Yeller

I loved the book but didn‘t cry until I saw the movie of A Man Called Ove.

Cuilin Thanks for playing. 📚🥲 4y
Megabooks Oh yes! I cried the first time I read Fault. 4y
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Thanks for the tag @GreenGrl87

I‘ve been having some difficulties being grateful lately. 2020 is kicking my butt finally. But I am grateful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my emotional ups and downs like a champ. And I‘m grateful for the Chinese place who delivers to my office 🥡🥢

Beautiful love story that comes full circle during death.

@BayouGirl85 @Moonprismpower

GreenGrl87 Thanks for playing. I‘ve been having a hard time seeing the positive side of things too lately. That was why I was kind of excited to see this prompt. A great reframe to start the day. I hope things get brighter for you soon. 4y
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I personally love this books. There are a lot of things i can relate to this books. Losing people whom were so dear to me really broke my heart and i have been wishing to meet this people in heaven someday. I'm sure that we all have our own list of people we wish to meet again in the afterlife. And this books taught me to hold to those hopes. Here is my fav part of this books

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If you need a good cry, read this.
If you want to read a beautiful love story, read this.
If you need to restore your faith in humanity, read this.
If you want to read an honest book, read this.
Basically, just read this.

megnews Great review. Al his writing is like this. For One More Day hit me the hardest. The one you posted has a sequel recently released. 4y
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Read this today and it was lovely. Insightful. Sad. Hopeful. I'm glad I read it. 😊

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Reading snuggles. 🐶🐶🧡🧡

TheSpineView Awwwww... 4y
Gissy 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Beautifully quirky little book. Very cleverly written. Loved it!
Now to see if the movie lives up to the book...

#summerfun “book to movie”

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“All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair.”

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OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great book!! ❤️✝️ 4y
Helen19 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks have you read the sequel? It‘s on my TBR! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Helen19 no, what‘s the title?? 4y
Helen19 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it‘s The next person you meet in Heaven 😊 4y
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I genuinely enjoyed this book and the lessons that Eddie learned. I can tell that this one is going to stick with me for awhile.

tpixie He really makes you think! 4y
Clwojick I read this book 15+ years ago, and though I don‘t remember all the details, I still think of this book fairly often. It certainly sticks with you. 4y
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Don't you love it when a book surprises you? I started this one this morning because I was wanting a quick read and had little expectations for it, but it blew me away. I only even grabbed it from a local little free library because it was my first visit to one and I was determined to pick something even though the selection was a little lacking! I loved it so much I gave it 5 stars and plan to force my family members to read it next.

samantharoberts I loved this book so much! The movie was just as good in my opinion, it‘s almost like they used the book as a script. 4y
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An interesting take on #heaven


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Mitch Album has a gift for words and I find his stories to be thoughtful, inspiring, and comforting.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven was a beautiful story that had me reflecting on ones purpose in life and how the events in our life are interconnected, one affects the other and the other affects the next.

Mitch Album has a way of reminding me that despite the darkness, there is always light. He‘s my go to comfort read

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“You have #peace," the old woman said, "when you make it with yourself.”


“The future depends entirely on what each of us does everyday.” ~ Gloria Steinem

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻❤️ 5y
Schnoebs One of my all time favorites 💕 Have you read the sequel? 5y
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MemoirsForMe Amen to that! ❤️🙌🏻 5y
Schnoebs It‘s really good. Not exactly to where the first one is but pretty darn close lol 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Schnoebs what‘s the name of it? 5y
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