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On a personal note, I have an exit interview today as I leave my elementary school library job and move to a new position in a high school library. I‘m excited to try a new challenge (and to read all the YA!), but ugh - I am so not looking forward to today. #staystrong #yougotthis #movingon

Avanders Congrats and good luck with the transition! 🙏🏽 3y
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The Helm of Midnight | Marina Lostetter
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Got my second covid vaccine and now I‘m laid up in bed sick 🤒 I knew that having symptoms afterwards was not unusual, but I had hoped that perhaps I might escape with just a headache like most of my family. No such luck. Ah well, I‘d rather have the vaccine than not and now I get to amuse myself with this stack of books for the night, rather than do other things...like homework 😅

Megabooks Feel better soon! 3y
TheSpineView I was sick too with my 2nd shot. Good news is it was short lived. Hope you feel better soon! 🤞 3y
Just_reading Sounds like a great excuse for extra reading! Hope your back to yourself soon! #yougotthis 3y
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Artificial Condition | Martha Wells
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saresmoore 😢 5y
IamIamIam #yougotthis 🤘🤘🤘 5y
LibrarianRyan You Can Do IT! 5y
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Reviewsbylola Good luck! ♥️ 5y
Slajaunie Come do mine when you are done, please. 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Slajaunie There are still two more Murderbot audios after this one that I want to get through, so I‘ll be right over! 5y
Slajaunie Great! Thanks! 5y
TEArificbooks At least your school lets you work on it, our district let‘s the teachers in 4 hours before back to school night and says good luck. 5y
mabell That hashtag 👏👏👏😂 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Going public with my 2019 Reading Goals and Challenges.

Thanks to @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft for hosting #booked2019

#readingwomenchallenge in from the Reading Women podcast and blog https://www.readingwomenpodcast.com/reading-women-challenge-2019/

#centuryreadchallenge is to read one book from each year 1918 to 2019

Soubhiville I love your goals! My goals are traversing Mount TBR except for audio and library books. Announcing it here is a great idea, too! 6y
mreads @Soubhiville Thanks 😀 6y
Cinfhen #Ambitious 🎉🙌🏻❣️#Goals #YouGotThis 💕💕💕I think the book budget might be the most difficult xx 6y
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Naj Reading two non-fiction books every month is my goal as well! Good luck on all of these😊🙌 6y
alisiakae Wow! These are awesome goals! I try to read at least 1 non-fiction each month, but was also thinking about increasing that. 6y
mreads @Cinfhen agree though I did give myself a generous budget 😀 6y
mreads @Naj @4thhouseontheleft Thanks! Yes we can do it - 2 a month! I do like memoirs and they're not as heavy as some nonfiction and often shorter. 6y
DivineDiana Impressive! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
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Overwhelmed that there‘s only 10 more days until Christmas. #audiowrapping

IamIamIam We're big fans of Emmet Otter so my line is, "Don't talk about Christmas all the time. We barely have enough for regular days!" Lol, I can only use, "And since it's 3 days to Christmas, I'd really appreciate it if you'd...fall off the dock" one day. ?? #yougotthis 6y
mcipher If it makes you feel better... I haven‘t really even started shopping, let alone wrapping. 😳 6y
CouronneDhiver The only gifts I‘ve purchased so far are two boxes of chocolates for the neighbours 6y
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CareBear @CouronneDhiver @mcipher I‘m anxious for you two! 😱 but it does help to put things into perspective, so thank you. 💕 6y
CareBear @IamIamIam lol! At some point in almost every conversation with my mom, I have to ask if we can talk about something other than Christmas. Thanks! 6y
Lissie Xmas is cancelled round here (EXCEPT FOR THE FOOD!) i will be gutted if we can‘t have xmas food anywhere 😬 we are in process of moving.. 6y
BiblioLitten Exciting!! 6y
RadicalReader @CareBear absolutely amazingly wonderful Christmas tree and terrific amount of beautiful boxes surrounding it. Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases!! (edited) 6y
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LazyDays 💙👣👣 6y
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Also, now thinking we have made a fatal error. He hasn't stopped playing on them all morning...😂🙉

quietlycuriouskate Oh my goodness! 😱 6y
Tanisha_A Good luck! 😂👍 6y
Reecaspieces Well at least you know where he is. Invest in noise canceling headphones. 😳 6y
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Craftylikefox 🤣 oh goodness!! Good luck with your rock star and hopefully the noise will turn to music in this me ☺️ 6y
MayJasper 🎧 6y
TrishB Ouch.....no way!! 6y
Bookladylinda 😱 good luck!!!! 6y
IamIamIam Lol, give it a week & they'll be a novelty. We have 3 drum sets in the basement & the kids barely remember they're there. 🤗 Happy birthday & #yougotthis!!! 6y
ravenlee Animal says, "beat drums!" 6y
laurieluna @River_Voice @Tanisha_A @Reecaspieces @Craftylikefox @MayJasper @TrishB @Bookladylinda @ravenlee thanks everyone! Definitely think noise cancelling headphones are in order. @IamIamIam I definitely hope not, he asked for a drum kit so I'll be annoyed if it just ends up collecting dust 😂 6y
IamIamIam My husband's a drummer and my son only wanted a drum set for his 3rd birthday! I totally understand your frustration!!!! We even got a full kit for free that's set up in my basement! My kids claim they don't need lessons... 😖😡🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
IamIamIam BTW.... My son is now 9.... 😂😂😂 6y
minkyb ❣️ 6y
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Meridian | Alice Walker
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This is today‘s train book as I try and tick off my last few #readharder squares. I made such a good start to this challenge at the start of the year, but let it slip away so I‘m in a race at the end.

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#JingleShelves I‘ve been thinking about this all day @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @bookloo Even though this book was released in 2016, I didn‘t “read” (audio) it until January 2017...and it‘s my #Favoriteof2017
Born a Crime was funny, fascinating, heartfelt, uplifting, informative, inspiring and entertaining💕💕💕 Trevor Noah needs to join Litsy....

TrishB Good pick 👍🏻. Great NF for me as I‘m not a big NF reader. 7y
Cinfhen Did you read it or listen on audio @TrishB because I‘m pretty sure Noah sold me this story with his sexy accent and charming personality #crushingHard (edited) 7y
TrishB Another admission- I never do audio, I have always hated being read to so I just can‘t get into audio! 7y
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emilyesears One of my faves of the year too!! 7y
Cinfhen I usually detest #audio @trishb my brain wonders, but in this instance Trevor became my best friend 💘💘💘I was smitten 7y
Reviewsbylola That accent. ❤️ 7y
AmyG I have it in audio and now am saving it for the booked 2018 challenge! If I can wait that long. ;) 7y
Cinfhen It‘s sooooooo good in audio @AmyG ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 7y
TNbookworm I loved this book too! He is such a good storyteller❤ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I stacked it!! I did the same! The books I read in 2017 😉 7y
rockpools ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Cinfhen Hey, @RachelO how‘s your challenges going?!?!?! 3 weeks and counting🙌🏻#NoPressure 😘 7y
rockpools @Cinfhen 😱! Also work 😱and life 😞, but the challenges will get finished somehow. 1 more on ReadHarder & 3 on AtoZ #TotallyDoable 🤔🙄#DefinitelyNotCounting. Will be back joining in stuff in January. 7y
Mommamanzi Gaaaaaah he is totally my man crush. ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Cinfhen #NoSweat @RachelO #youGotThis 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Cinfhen Same @Mommamanzi 😍😍😍😍😍 7y
Kalalalatja One of my favourites as well - definitely my fave audio and NF of the year ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
mrp27 Totally agree, one of my favorites this year! 7y
emilyhaldi So many rave reviews on this one! I haven‘t really been interested in it before but this is a pretty solid endorsement. 👍🏻 7y
Cinfhen I would say audio is the way to go @emilyhaldi @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks he‘s SUCH a gifted storyteller like @TNbookworm said 🙌🏻 (edited) 7y
Mrs_Black Loved it and keep hearing good things about the audiobook. I may have to check it out. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I got to see him in person a year ago on his book tour. He‘s utterly charming, just like he seems on tv and in the book. Smart as a whip, funny, handsome ... swoon! 7y
RaimeyGallant Love Trevor Noah. :) 7y
Cinfhen So jealous @BarbaraTheBibliophage @RaimeyGallant Trevor is my #celebritycrush 💗💗💗I would definitely listen to the audio @Kittybritches Trevor reads his mom & grandmother׳s parts in voices which are hilarious 7y
JaclynW I agree! Trevor should join Litsy! 😍 7y
JaclynW @Cinfhen I think we've maybe discussed this before, but I'm in total agreement that the best way to read this book is audio. The sexy accent and charming personality were HUGE factors! But don't forget that beautiful brain of his! (I guess that is his backup plan. 😉) I could have sworn he was sitting at my kitchen table telling me his stories. 😉😄😍 This is on my top 5 for sure this year (I read it in 2017 as well). 7y
Cinfhen 🤗🤗🤗 @JaclynW 7y
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