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Joined May 2016

Book hoarder and avid reader
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This is my book haul from my visit to the WWI Museum and Memorial in KC. I couldn‘t walk empty handed from it and actually restrained myself and only got 2 books ☺️

Our Daily Nada | Kansas City, MO (Bookstore)
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I‘m visiting Kansas City for the American Royal World Series BBQ and I loved this cute little bookstore/coffee/bar. You can spend hours in there reading and eating and drinking coffee or cocktails.

vivastory I'll have to check this out. I'm in KC & was totally unaware of this one! 5y
Lidia You should definitely check it out @vivastory 5y
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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This is me 2 years ago when I went to visit the LA public library. I thought it was one of the most beautiful buildings I‘ve ever seen and after reading this book it makes me want to go back and explore it more thoroughly. This was a love letter to libraries, particularly the LA library, and I enjoyed reading about its history.
I‘m really glad I picked it for our #LMPBC group @Sward7 @Fridameetslucy @mrsmarch

Booktastic I think visiting this library first would have made a huge difference in my enjoyment of the book! Glad you had the opportunity. 5y
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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Hi girls! I‘m in the middle of my book and it‘s been really interesting learning all about the LA Central Library. Today I was reading while on a little road trip to San Diego. #LMPBC @Sward7 @mrsmarch @Fridameetslucy

Sward7 I mailed you my book - did you get it yet? 5y
Megabooks Love this book! 5y
Books88 This picture is awesome! 5y
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mrsmarch 😍😍😍 5y
Fridameetslucy I listened to it on Audible. I loved thisbook and can‘t wait to tell you why :) 5y
Lidia @Sward7 Sorry I haven‘t gone to the PO box to get my book. I will go until the weekend. 5y
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I can finally post about my #summersantagoespostal package, I was dying to open it. Sorry for not posting before, I was away for the weekend. Everything was so delightful! I have wanted to read the tagged book since it came out and the other 2 are totally my style. The book sleeve is really pretty! I‘ve never had one before. Thank you so much @ferskner for putting together such a lovely package all the way from Nashville ♥️

ferskner I'm so glad it arrived and that you enjoy it! It was fun to put together for you. 💖 5y
CouronneDhiver Lovely!!! 5y
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Some bookmarks for #riotgrams day 17

ferskner Hi Lidia! I hope my box arrived! It said it was delivered on Thursday. 5y
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Accidental Book Club | Jennifer Scott
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Hi! @mrsmarch @Sward7 @Fridameetslucy this my selection of books I would like to read for #LMPBC #GroupJ . I have historical fiction, none-fiction and some contemporary fiction. Please let me know what you think. I‘m tagging the books in the comments

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BkClubCare @Lidia - 1000x upvote to The History of Love! (But I haven‘t read the others! 🤣) 5y
Fridameetslucy Love idea of the library book and history of love too ! Can we exchange emails and addresses? 5y
Sward7 I like The Library Book too 5y
Fridameetslucy @mrsmarch @Lidia @ BkClubCare I don‘t have 4 choices yet but I am interested in City of Girls (edited) 5y
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I‘ve just sign up for this in group J! There are 2 spots available for anyone who wants to join. This is so much fun 😄

mrsmarch Hey! I joined #GroupJ too! I too enjoy women authors, memoir, historical fiction, and historical non-fiction, so that's what drew me in. I am already plotting which books I might like to suggest to the group. :) (edited) 5y
Lidia Hi @mrsmarch ! I will start looking for book suggestions too 😊 5y
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I am so obsessed with Chernobyl the series that I just had to finally read this book. The story is so horrifying, there were so many forgotten heroes that died there or soon after and who prevented this disaster from getting bigger than it was.

ephemeralwaltz Yas! Estoy igual de obsesionada pero todavía no la he terminado. 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Only on episode 2 and it's heavy! Incredible what happened! Will definitely be looking for this book! 5y
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Summer Santa | Ward Maia
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Yesterday I finally mailed my #summersantagoespostal package going from California to a nearby state 😄

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Aren‘t these covers just gorgeous 😍

Lost and Wanted: A Novel | Nell Freudenberger
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My shelfie for #riotgrams 📚

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Some non-fiction for a change. This book is about the recent discoveries in genetic research. Things that once were considered science fiction will be possible in the near future. Super interesting!

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The Map of Salt and Stars: A Novel | Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar
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Morning reading enjoying my day off from work ☺️

Summerland | Michael Chabon
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Let‘s play #summerthisorthat for the benefit of my #summersantagoespostal match ☺️ 1. Coffee always!
2. Sweet
3. Dogs
4. Beach in the summer, mountains in the winter
5. Anyone participating in SSGP

Hestapleton Thanks for playing! ☀️ 5y
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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Happy world book day to all the wonderful Litsy community 🤗

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Yesterday I went to the Book Fair in my hometown and didn‘t go crazy with the book haul. I just got 2 books for me and 2 for my nieces ☺️

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I enjoyed this book, it started slow but it soon started to pickup after the 3 main characters meet and start interacting with each other in this abandoned mansion where they will be working for the summer. There is just something mysterious and sinister in the house that starts penetrating their subconscious and you just know it‘s not going to end well.

Penny_LiteraryHoarders I find her books are like a slow burn. Their impact starts to settle in and stay on your mind well after you've finished. I haven't read this one yet, buy I do own it. 😊 6y
Lidia I know what you mean @Penny_LiteraryHoarders . Just like Swimming Lessons 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Lidia yes! For sure! I still think about that one!! 6y
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Flâneuse: I didn‘t even knew what the word meant before I picked up this book at the Strand some months ago. Women walking in the city, strolling, wandering by themselves. We take it for granted now but this concept used to be reserved for men only, the flâneur. I love this concept and I‘m loving this book ❤️

Booksnchill Listened to this on audio- while walking! Loved it! 6y
Lidia Great way to listen to this book! @Booksnchill 6y
Booksnchill @Lidia yes, now if it were only while walking in Paris...🤣💖 6y
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I was out of town for Christmas and didn‘t get my #jolabokaflodswap package before leaving. I finally opened it yesterday! Thank you so much for everything Karyn! Crunch chocolates are one of my favorites and I just love the cover of this book. I hope you had a very merry Christmas 😊 @Karkar

Karkar Woo hoo! So glad it arrived!!! Hope you had a great holiday 6y
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Goodbye, Paris: A Novel | Anstey Harris
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I really liked this book. I raced through the last third today and it just made me want to go to beautiful Cremona in Italy to the Museo del Violino 🎻

Goodbye, Paris: A Novel | Anstey Harris
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Happy National coffee day littens! Coffee is better with a good book 😊

JanuarieTimewalker13 Right back atcha...I‘m chillin with a cup of Early Bird blend...even though I‘m so NOT an early bird! 6y
Reviewsbylola Your nails look gorgeous! 6y
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Thanks a lot for my #aswapoficeandfire package! @Tianarose I loved the little direwolf figurine, #teamstark always! And E.A. Poe is one of my favorite authors too. Thank you for your understanding of your package arriving late, I can‘t wait for you to get it 😊

Tianarose You‘re welcome. I‘m glad you like it all! 6y
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I finally got to open my #myfavoritebookexchange package today. It was awesome! Thank you so much Rachel @iread2much everything was so pretty wrapped too. I‘m looking forward to read your recommendations, they sound so interesting. And the other 2 are books I really really wanted for a long time. Also you just have to tell me the name of the panda cookies. They are too cute to eat and insanely good! I ate the first package too fast ☺️ #mfbs

iread2much I‘m so glad you liked everything! The bears are from Lotte, and come in lots of different flavors. You can get Panda Bears and Kola Bears. 6y
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Lying Game | Ruth Ware
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I started this over the weekend on a roadtrip. It's getting real creepy 👀girls. I might have nightmares tonight... #LMPBC #GroupZ #round3 @Velvetsun @shellleigh33 @cherinium

MrsMalaprop Cool photo 👍 6y
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This was definitely a pick for me since it combines mystery, murder, family drama and two storylines that ultimately connect. One of them set in Germany right before the start of WWII. This is heading your way @shellleigh33 ! #LMPBC #GroupZ #Round3 @Velvetsun @cherinium

shellleigh33 🙌🏻I‘ll be on the look out for it. Can‘t wait to read it @Lidia!! 6y
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Beautiful Exiles | Meg Waite Clayton
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Starting this book today and I can't stop reading it now. It's about the relationship between Martha Gellhorn and Ernest Hemingway and I'm completely obsessed! At one point they said #idoidoido #AbbainAugust

emilyhaldi Ooohhh I loved Mrs. Hemingway and have been meaning to read The Paris Wife for so long!! Adding this to my tbr too 😉 (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola There‘s another new book about them I think that I want to read. (edited) 6y
Lidia I want to read Love and ruin too! I just loved The Paris wife and Circling the sun @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi 6y
Cinfhen I just read Love & Ruin ~ it was good but a bit too much detail for me, it kind of overpowered the story in a way. I‘d be curious to compare the two books, it was definitely an exciting time in history 6y
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Today I went to the Castle Rock experience at The San Diego Comic Con and it was so creepy and great! I can't wait to watch this series. It takes place in the Stephen King universe.

saguarosally So how do you get the keychain? 😁 6y
Lidia @saguarosally they gave us the keychain when we registered for the tour, it was part of the experience 😊 6y
JoeStalksBeck Hey @Lidia are you still participating in the MFB swap? 6y
Lidia Hi @JoeStalksBeck yes I am participating 😊 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Lidiacreech great! Your match was just concerned that you hadn‘t responded to her emai 6y
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Doing some reading by the pool during my little weekend getaway. The weather was perfect. I am really enjoying reading all your comments @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @Kappadeemom . I am so intrigued on how this is going to end for Jules and August. #LMPBC #Round2 #GroupS

Mdargusch The last round is always my favorite one because it feels like you are reading along with the group. 6y
Reviewsbylola Enjoy!! 6y
iread2much Hi! I‘m your match for the my favorite book swap. I sent you an email, hope to hear back from you soon 6y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Hi ladies! Finally these are my choices for #LMPBC #groupZ . Please let me know what you think 😊. @cherinium @Velvetsun @shellleigh33

Lidia Tagging the other 3 books 6y
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Velvetsun @Lidia I‘ve read The Dry, but the other three sound great. 😁 6y
shellleigh33 The Dry sounds really good but Velvetsun has read it so my next pick would be Hotel on Shadow Lake. I‘m down with any one of them though 😊 6y
cherinium I have read none of these. White Fur does not sound like it would appeal it to me, but the others all sound good. 6y
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I can listen to The Beatles and any covers or music inspired by them #AnyTimeAtAll 😊 #HeyJune

Cinfhen 🙌🏻 6y
GypsyKat Awesome! ❤️ 6y
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The History of Love | Nicole Krauss
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#Allyouneedislove ❤️. Playing catch up with #HeyJune

Cinfhen YES!!! 6y
GypsyKat Very nice! 👍 6y
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After Brian met Rachel he just thought #GotToGetYouIntoMyLife and decided to take a risk that would change his life. #HeyJune @Cinfhen @GypsyKat

Cinfhen I liked this book but I don‘t remember all the details anymore 🤨 6y
candority I‘m the exact same way @Cinfhen! 6y
Cinfhen That‘s the story with nearly every book I read @candority 🙄 6y
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candority @Cinfhen Same! I‘m envious of the people who can remember the details of books months (or even years) after reading them! 6y
Cinfhen I KNOW!!! It‘s a skills set I don‘t possess @candority 6y
Lidia I remembered the story but I have to confess that I had to check on the names of the main characters 😂 @Cinfhen @candority 6y
Cinfhen NAMES?!? Yeah, NEVER HAPPENING 🙄 6y
GypsyKat Interesting! 6y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Thank you Kat! I loved everything, especially the tote! It's so cool!💗 I love Agatha Christie and haven't read any of the Hercule Poirot short stories so I'm looking forward to that. And I've read great things here on Litsy for Magpie Murders. This was fun and Litsy has the best swaps! @TheFunkyBookworm #summerslasherbookswap

TheFunkyBookworm Yay so happy you like everything!!! The tote was my fav too... I might have to order one for myself 😂 happy reading! 💜 6y
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Paul McCartney: A Life | Peter Ames Carlin
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Well my heart went boom... when I saw him standing there at his concert last year in Long Island. Paul McCartney still rocks! #HeyJune #Isawherstandingthere

Cinfhen I saw him 2 summers ago!!! Man does he still got it!!! Such a great performer ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
TheDaysGoBy He's an awesome performer! I couldn't believe the way he played for like 3 hours with barely a drink of water. A favorite concert for sure! 6y
Cinfhen Check out carpool karaoke with James & Paul it‘s awesome!!!! Thank you to @dariazeoli for posting & sharing 6y
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GypsyKat ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Lidia I've seen him 3 times in concert and he is the best performer! @Cinfhen @TheDaysGoBy 6y
Cinfhen I‘m officially in love with him now!!! I only saw him that one time but I will gladly pay to see him again 🙌🏻 6y
rubyslippersreads @Cinfhen I‘ve been in love with him since I was 9. 😊 6y
Cinfhen Smart girl @rubyslippersreads 😁 6y
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I forgot to post this yesterday for #heyjune So #LucyintheSkywithDiamonds is one of the most psychedelic songs of the Beatles and it just makes me think of the images from Alice in Wonderland.

Cinfhen I love this illustration ~ I want it as a screensaver 😍 6y
tracey38 The illustration is beautiful! 6y
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Reviewsbylola Enjoy! 6y
Mdargusch It‘s a good one 👍🏼 6y
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Summer Girls | Mary Alice Monroe
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This package is on the way to Florida! @TheFunkyBookworm #SummerSlasherSwap

TheFunkyBookworm Yay so excited 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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This book is turning out to be unputdownable! #bookanddinner

TheFunkyBookworm I‘ve got to move this one up in my TBR stack! 6y
PomegranateMuse I loved this book!! 6y
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The Da Vinci Code | Dan Brown
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I remember I was so obsessed with all the paintings mentioned in The Da Vinci Code when I first read it. The Madonna of the rocks was used for one of the first clues... #LadyMadonna #HeyJune

Cinfhen Well played 🙌🏻nice choice 😍 6y
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The Great Gatsby | Francis Scott Fitzgerald
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All Jay Gatsby ever wanted was to #GetBack together with Daisy no matter the cost... #HeyJune

Cinfhen Truth 👍🏻🧡 6y
GypsyKat Well done! 6y
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Trying to catch up on #HeyJune so here goes. Hercule Poirot got a #TicketToRide the Orient Express at the last minute in this classic murder mistery

Cinfhen Nice choice ❤️great graphics 6y
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Commonwealth | Ann Patchett
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Sunday plans... I finally got the book yesterday and started it last night! @Mdargusch #lmpbc #GroupS

Mdargusch Yay! Enjoy! 👌🏼 6y
Reviewsbylola Oooooh I hope you like it!! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm Hey Lidia- we were paired for the slasher swap! I sent you an email a couple days ago and just checking in to see if you got it 🙂 6y
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Happy #worldbookday littens!

Gissy Nice photo!😍 6y
Lidia Thanks @Gissy ! 6y
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The House Swap | Rebecca Fleet
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I started this ARC yesterday and I'm hooked. The suspense is building up and I think it's not gonna end well...

One Of Us Is Lying | Karen McManus
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I got your package @Mdargusch ! Thank you for all the goodies ❤️. How cute are these socks! And I just love face masks 😄. I'm starting the book today. #litsymail #LMPBC round 2

Mdargusch Wow! Sorry it took so long to get to you. I hope you like it! 7y
Bostonmomx2 Such a great book!! 7y
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Giveaway | Tod Goldberg
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Happy Litsyversary!!! 🎉🎊👏🏼 and many more to come @Cinfhen . Thanks for the giveaway 😄. I'm tagging @Kaylamburson and @Gissy #LitsyApocalypseGiveaway

Gissy @Cinfhen I like that, Happy Litsynniversary! 🎉🎊🎉🎈🎈🎈 7y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @Gissy and @Lidia 😍😘 7y
Kaylamburson Thanks for the tag, @lidia and Happy Litsyversary @Cinfhen !!!! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @Kaylamburson 7y
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"Once upon a midnight dreary..." I'm loving my Raven t-shirt ?

Gissy So pretty! 👌🏼 7y
tracey38 Love the shirt. Great pic! 7y
JoScho And that lipstick 😘 7y
CoffeeNBooks Great shirt!! 7y
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Friday night plans 😊. This is starting to get interesting. #Firsttoread

Carlota | Laura Martnez-Belli
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I'm completely obsessed with the sad story of our very own Empress Charlotte and the failed Second Empire of Mexico. She was a princess of Belgium who married the archduke Maximilian of Habsburg and came to Mexico under false pretenses to rule a country that did not wanted a monarchy. #readingwomenchallenge : A book where the characters are traveling somewhere

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