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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created
Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
42 posts | 14 read | 105 to read
A glorious collection that delves deep into the inception, influences, and literary and historical underpinnings of nearly 100 of our most beloved fictional realms.
Please note: The ebook edition is text-only, illustrations are not included.
Literary Wonderlands is a thoroughly researched, wonderfully written, and beautifully produced book that spans two thousand years of creative endeavor. From Spenser's The Fairie Queene to Wells's The Time Machine to Murakami's 1Q84 it explores the timeless and captivating features of fiction's imagined worlds including the relevance of the writer's own life to the creation of the story, influential contemporary events and philosophies, and the meaning that can be extracted from the details of the work. Each piece includes a detailed overview of the plot and a "Dramatis Personae." Literary Wonderlands is a fascinating read for lovers of literature, fantasy, and science fiction.
Laura Miller is the book's general editor. Co-founder of Salon.com, where she worked as an editor and writer for 20 years, she is currently a books and culture columnist at Slate. A journalist and a critic, her work has appeared in the New Yorker, Harper's, the Guardian, and the New York Times Book Review, where she wrote the "Last Word" column for two years. She is the author of The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia and editor of the Salon.com Reader's Guide to Contemporary Authors.
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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1) Indoor.
2) Daytime: Iced coffee & sugar free soda. Weekend/Evening: Wine, margarita, beer.
3) London
4) Blue
5) Yep
Happy National Book Lovers Day! Treat your shelf!
#friyayintro @howjessreads

saresmoore Dickens‘ London or Miéville‘s? ? 5y
vivastory @saresmoore Both! 😄 5y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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I nearly posted a picture of my bedroom wall filled with Penguin Books post cards, but then I realized I have never shared this treasure. I bought this Colour of Books poster on Etsy & it's basically what it says: a color wheel with a title ascribed to different colors. (Red:Blood Meridian, Emerald: Emerald City of Oz). I've spent a lot of time lost in it, making where it hangs a true #WonderWall.
@Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola @Cinfhen

Reviewsbylola Wow that is amazing! 5y
vivastory #AnglophileApril Side note: I DID NOT buy it on Etsy, I bought it on the excellent www.wearedorothy.com 5y
vivastory @Reviewsbylola Thanks! I love it. The other poster I bought off their site is even better, when I had it framed I posted several pictures of it under the following 5y
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Mdargusch Beautiful! I would stare at that for hours too! 5y
MicheleinPhilly 😮That is incredible! I might look into that as my wife is a graphic designer and loves stuff like this. It would be perfect for both of us! 5y
vivastory @MicheleinPhilly You would both love it! The site has a ton of other really clever designs for other art forms, too. There's some great music & film posters. I've ordered from them 3 times (twice for myself & once as a gift) & I've always had great service. 5y
398.2 Wow!!!! 5y
silentrequiem That is so cool! 5y
Cinfhen Oh, THAT‘s cool!!! And THAT would be a gorgeous tattoo 💕💕💕💕 5y
sprainedbrain That‘s awesome! 5y
RohitSawant Love this so much! 5y
emilyhaldi So cool!!! 🙌🏻 5y
readordierachel That is so neat! 5y
gradcat I love this...I gotta have one, too! 5y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes!!! ❤️ 5y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Interesting information about important books and stories through time. I thought it would be more of a description of these imaginary worlds and maps. There was just a handful of these as most of the entries were summaries about books.

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Devouring this book with my lunch. I also put my first entry in my new reading journal. I like the format of this one the best so far. Plus it‘s hardcover so it should survive traveling around. #fearstreet #rlstine

TricksyTails Okay I was going to try to join this buddy read but the size of that book is making me sweat now. 😅 6y
Craftylikefox @TricksyTails please don‘t sweat it. that‘s two of the books! It is the combo of party games and don‘t stay up late. It also happens to be a larger print. I am flying through it and I am an average reader. You can do it and you should join in. It kind of has the feel of the 90‘s mixed with more current stuff haha 6y
JoScho Awesome!! @TricksyTails join us! The first book is like 280 pages 6y
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JoScho Also I really want a book journal for my bday but there are so many options. What is the format like inside? 6y
Craftylikefox @JoScho it has a nice clean break down for plot, characters, favorite quotes, and other books to read from the author. I sent you an email with the photos of the pages. I hope you don‘t mind. I have looked through so many Book Journals and this is the one that really clicked for me 6y
JoScho @Craftylikefox oh that is perfect! Thanks so much for sending pictures. There are just so many it is overwhelming and most of them don‘t show an inside view. Thanks love ❤️ 6y
laundry_piles @TricksyTails these books are short so DO IT! Peer pressure 😂 I'm devouring the first one already,I love it! @Craftylikefox I like the idea of a book journal! 6y
Craftylikefox @laundry_piles I had been shopping around for a journal just to keep better track of my reading and this one had a format I really liked. 6y
Craftylikefox @JoScho that is what always frustrated me when I shopped for book journals online. They could sell more if they just showed some of the pages inside. 6y
TricksyTails @laundry_piles Hahahaha yes ma‘am! Looks like I‘ll be joining you ladies soon @Craftylikefox @JoScho ! 😅 6y
JoScho @TricksyTails yes!!! 😊 6y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Foyles, London. Oh how I want to teleport there right now!
One day! A Literary Wonderland, for sure. This is the photo my friend sent me back in December😀I don‘t know how to do side by side photos, sorry.

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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My friend Timothy was at Foyles in London and purchased this book for my birthday. The ironic thing is he had sent me a photo of Foyles from the 2nd floor and I zoomed in on the photo and immediately “I spied” this book. Lol...I said in the next text that I thought that book was super cool looking...he had already bought it for me. That‘s what 45 years of friendship looks like❤️

UrsulaMonarch Great story! (& peacock!) 💚 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @UrsulaMonarch Thank you!! Pier One a long, long time ago!!! I think they‘re symbolic of something...let me look it up....looks like they‘re symbolic of a lot..wisdom is one! Blue in nature is rare🦋 6y
UrsulaMonarch @JanuarieTimewalker13 interesting! I always like Pier One things that people have and yet can never find anything I want in the store! 6y
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Ddzmini Love the peacock 😍 6y
MelAnn Oh the peacock!!! Drooling!! 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @MelAnn I never named that peacock, but now I will call her Melanie😀 6y
MelAnn Sounds perfect to me! 6y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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#Rocktober Day 6 and #UncannyOctober Day 6: I am eagerly #waiting to reach #TimesLikeThese in this literary wonderland as I am still currently stuck in 1914.

vivastory I need this book! 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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I found way more #orangecovers than expected! Very fall and festive for #riotgrams 🎃🍁🎃

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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homemade Sunday lunch courtesy of chef husband and an excursion to literary wonderlands :) 👌🏼

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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This might just be the best book about books I have discovered for our current #metareading theme until end of October.

Booksnchill Read this earlier this year- loved dipping in and out of these worlds!❤️ (edited) 7y
GatheringBooks @Booksnchill am actually considering reading it backwards - the contemporary ones before the ancient ones :) 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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New Crobuzon from Literary Wonderlands- and the book is?????

DrexEdit From a book that's been on my #TBR waaaaay too long, Perdido street station by China Mieville! 😊 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Can anyone guess which fictional landscape this pic depicts? Hint, those are petunias on the sperm whale!

Jinjer No but he's very cute!!! 7y
Booksnchill @jinjer he is indeed, #HitchhikersGuidetotheGalaxy this is from the Douglas Adams Classic Hitchhiker's Guide, one of my frequent re-reads! (edited) 7y
Jinjer Does he WANT a tiny pot of petunias stuck to his face? He can't reach to scratch with those tiny arms. 7y
Booksnchill @Jinjer the Infinite Probability Drive turned the missiles into petunias so all is good! 7y
Jinjer @Booksnchill 😳👍🏻 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Such a fun read- explore your favorite bookish places- fiction and non- fiction- will post additional pages soon. Just returned this beauty to the library.

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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#sizzlingsummerbooks #aroundtheworld

Been dying to add this book to my shelves.

erzascarletbookgasm Stacked! 😊 7y
LeeRHarry Me too 😊 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Pretty damn pleased with this library haul!📚Also got JACKABY on audiobook to listen to in the 🚗 on my 20 minute work drive.🤓

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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I was expecting more of a literary atlas, so this book wasn't quite what I expected. That said, I really enjoyed it, and now I have a whole list of even more books that I need to read. I especially liked how much non-English literature they included - so many things I've never heard of!

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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#GRABBYHANDS I heard about this one from Litsy and it did not disappoint!

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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They left out a number of crucial worlds and essays. However the ones they included were fascinating to see from this point of view and in a broader context. The book looks gorgeous which is a plus for my shelf 😉

ElizaTodd The cover is definitely beautiful! 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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While a physical copy of this book would be AMAZING, Apple and Amazon have this ebook for $2.99 today! I snatched it up!😍📚

Librarianaut Oooooh thank you! Just found it and hit the go button!! 😎😎 7y
Leelee08 @Librarianaut You're very welcome! 😊 7y
rubyslippersreads Thanks--just bought it! 😀 7y
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Leelee08 @rubyslippersreads You're welcome! Yay!😀 7y
Booksbymybed Oooh, thanks, just got it❤️️ 7y
Leelee08 @Booksbymybed Sweet!😀 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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New library loan, but I think I'll have to get a personal copy. This is a beautiful book! ♥

mustbekel On sale for Kindle right now - just $2.99! 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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This book was not my favorite. Cool concept, good variety of books, but too spoiler-y, essays can't really get too deep in the short space, and man that book could use a copy editor! Otis is only mildly impressed. #dogsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐶 7y
Mariposa_Bookworm Otis is very handsome! 🐾💕 7y
brennahawleycraig @Mariposa_Bookworm 😊 thank you! We think he's pretty cute. 7y
BookishMe I liked the sneak peeks into books that made to my TBR and those I am unlikely to read 7y
brennahawleycraig @BookishMe yes, I will say I was especially intrigued by the ones not originally written in English that I hadn't heard of. 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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This is reallllly slow going, folks. Cool idea (essays on the fantasy worlds authors create) but they're too short to say anything fabulous, and a few punctuation mishaps are bugging me. I don't really bail on books, and won't on this one because it's for #Popsugar2017 but the sooner I finish, the better!

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Delighting in my cardstock letterpress bookmark with an excellent font, and also the hour alone in my car while my middle kid is in her choir practice. 👌🏼

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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DogMomIrene Sold! And if there are maps inside, I may not be able to contain myself! 7y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Found this on the new book shelf at the library. Can't wait to get started! #LitsyAtoZ2017 #ReadHarderChallenge2017 #bookaboutbooks

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Loving the #Bookishgifts from my family. A Beverly Clearly collection...anyone else love Ramona like I do? Also, this beautiful book of all sorts of literary worlds 😍

mcipher This sounds gorgeous! 8y
Blaire ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Ramona. They were the first chapter books I read on my own. My mom just brought me my copies to give to my son. 8y
B.Reader Ramona is the absolute best! As an awkward child getting into silly situations of my own making, I appreciated such a character in fiction! 8y
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shanebeth adore Ramona and all things Beverly Cleary! 8y
LeahsBookNest Yes! I love Beverly Clearly! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Great gifts and love both of the choices! Literary wonderland is in my want list! 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ramona is my spirit animal 8y
josie281 I want to add a Q with a tail to my literary tattoo for Ramona! (edited) 8y
Zelma @josie281 that would be awesome! 👍 8y
Bookworm83 @mcipher It is! @Blaire @B.Reader @shanebeth @LeahsBookNest @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com Ramona really is a classic, isn't she? I have read these books so many times and I still love them just as much as I did when I was a kid. @josie281 That would be awesome! 8y
Bookworm83 @Graciouswarriorprincess I think it is a must have 😉 8y
Emily92Bibliophile Love Ramona! 💙 And I also received the Literary Wonderland as a gift this year 😊 8y
dragondrool Totally love Ramona. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 is my fave. 8y
dragondrool I am reading Insomnia right now. Had to take a break from War and Peace, since even the peace part got too sloggy. 8y
Bookworm83 @dragondrool That's my favorite, too ? "sloggy"...the perfect word to describe W&P!! 8y
LindaMcGraw16 Love Ramona! 6y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Last post tonight, I promise- we had our present night with my aunt tonight since she is spending Christmas with my grandparents, and she got me this!!! So excited!!!😍😍🎉🎉in looking through it, this is going to be a good book for when I am needing a new book to read and need a quick look at it !

MonikaS Wow! That looks amazing!!😍 8y
Texreader What a gift!!! 8y
LeahBergen Nice!! 😍😍 8y
Eyelit So awesome - can't wait to see what you think of it 😃 8y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Our latest #getindie #bookhaul from @TheBookmarkPR Boutique 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼--- The Literary Wonderlands book is to-die-for! So gorgeous! And it would make the BEST #bookishgift!

LiteraryinLawrence I got Ghost recently too! So looking forward to reading it! 8y
Laura317 Literary Wonderland sounds fantastic! Adding for myself. 8y
MamaGina Thank you for the best idea, just ordered Literary Wonderland as a Christmas gift for my mother, she'll love it! 8y
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AliBG GHOST!!!!!! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️ 8y
vivastory Stacked "Literary Wonderlands." Thanks for the recommendation! 8y
kathyellendavis Ghost is SO GOOD! 8y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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I had expected to love this, and parts I did. Loved the visual elements - wish there were twice as many. But in the end, the glaring omissions and the many rather uninspiring essays got to me. Where was Madeline l'engle? How can one make some of my favorite literary places sound so dull and pedestrian?

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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A #TBRtemptation book that I saw tonight at Barnes & Noble!

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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And then I saw this at the bookstore. It is basically an encyclopedia of 4,000 years of fictional worlds. It is chronological, and broken down into 5 different eras. The artwork is phenomenal, and there's background information on the authors and where their inspiration came from. The timing of this book couldn't be better-perfect for much-needed distraction and a way for me to discover more authors and their worlds.

charl08 Looks like a beautiful book. 8y
I-read-and-eat This looks perfect! Stacked! 8y
SharonGoforth @charl08 It is! My picture doesn't do it justice at all. @I-read-and-eat I think it will be. 8y
GlitteryOtters OMG! I need a copy for myself and one for my best friend, too. This sounds fantastic!! 8y
SharonGoforth @GlitteryOtters Yes you do, and yes it does 😀 8y
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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Received this beautiful book recently. Going to disappear into it for a while this evening. #literarywonderlands

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Gotta hand it to the publicist that sent me a copy of LITERARY WONDERLANDS, she used a Harry Potter quote as her signature sign-off and it sold me even before I got to open up this amazing book. If you are a book nerd and love the imagery behind novels that take you beyond this world and into fantasy/sci-fi then I recommend checking this one out! 💜💜💜

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Guys, this book landed on my desk today and let me tell you how fast my Monday turned around. This covers everything from the ancient myths all the way up to 2015 books. IT IS GORGEOUS! It showcases the worlds and the authors who created them. Photo does not do it justice either, as this book is on the larger side. #LiteraryWonderlands

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Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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Literary Wonderlands has skyrocketed to the top of my Christmas list. The entry about DFW's Infinite Jest actually made me want to read Infinite Jest. That's pretty impressive, tbh.

Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created | Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Laura Miller, Tom Shippey
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"Buying a book is not about obtaining a possession...but about securing a portal."
~Laura Miller