My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:
Charlie the Choo-Choo will not add anything new to fans' understanding of the Dark Tower cycle. It contains no juicy new bits of story and, in the way of text, absolutely nothing you'll already have read elsewhere. Having said that, the illustrations are a lovely realization of how they are depicted in the Dark Tower series, and it's a nice little piece of King ephemera to have. 4/5
I'm quite pleased with my #ScarathlonDailyPrompt picture today. Any fans of Stephen King's The Dark Tower around? I think if there are, they'd agree that this is quite apt for the #scream prompt.
@StayCurious @Clwojick
📚 was at B&N today. I just finished this 24 page book. It‘s a little creepy. Susannah (Dark Tower) makes an appearance. Charlie is a real live train & Engineer Bob is his friend. A sleek diesel train takes his place & Bob resigns as engineer & is now Wiper Bob. Beryl Evans is a pseudonym. Written by King! I can only imagine him reading this to his kids. I think Charlie would scare Thomas 😆 extra stars for the cuteness & Dark Tower link. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So @Trashcanman I jinxed myself because I came across this book and thought of you. See how that works? 😆 yes Charlie the Choo Choo from the World of the Dark Tower written by Stephen King. 🤨 I kid you not, I had no clue & I love King. I feel like my fan cred just took a hit. Well now this book is on my Amazon Book wishlist. So it looks like a children‘s book ... really? That‘s gottabe creepy, right? I think my niece would love this! Truth! 😆
I was trying to decide which books to read first out of the 80 I have picked for the #readathon when I realized Goodreads lets you sort by page count. I'm going to try to finish as many books as possible by reading the shortest books first.
3 🌟
This is apparently the 4th edition of this book. The modern illustrations are based on the originals by Ned Dameron, and let me tell you these modern illustrations are just downright scary. It‘s not just the weird demonic smile of Charlie on the cover, the baring teeth of charlies in the pages. The story is actually very sweet story of a steam locomotive that finds a new life after being replaced by diesel trains. ⬇️
I read this Aug 17 & gave it 3 ⭐️ on Good Reads. This book plays a role in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. It‘s not as creepy as it could be but it is unsettling. Probably more for the super King or Dark Tower fan than a casual reader.
Y is for Young readers who can now get an early start on getting nightmares from King. I mean just look at the grin on that train. Who would buy that for their kid?
#Kingatoz @GarthRanzz
B is for my second favorite author, Beryl Evans. Just when I thought my journey to the Tower was over, Beryl surprised me with a trip on Charlie the Choo-Choo. #KingAtoZ @GarthRanzz
1. 2 year old wanted to make a train for him and his brother. They sat for a whole 20 mins, Robbie just smiling at Max as he shouted 'Choo Choo Robbie!' 😄 They lift my spirits always.
2. We're here for each other, always! I have found a place where I can find calm, and reduce my anxiety. I love you all ❤
3. I was buying some art prints and saw one a friend would like. Going to write her a letter and send it 😊
#humpdaypost @MinDea @tricksytails
For all my fellow Dark Tower fans, this came out this week!
Sbarco anche io su questo nuovo social, e lo faccio con la recensione del giorno dedicata ad una favola moderna scritta dal RE!
#stephenking #charliechoochoo #sperlingkupfer #middlegradebooks
All of my Dark Tower fans should recognize this... I just got Charlie in the mail...
#stephenking17 #villains Charlie. Blaine. Andy. The library policeman. The cat from pet Sematary. The man in black/Randall Flagg/Martin. It. The creatures of the Mist. The Longboy with the piebald side. Shall I go on? King makes the best villains.
A really nice story of a friendship, written by... Stephen King!
Weird Stephen King masquerading as a kids' book. The illustrations are creepy (especially in the scenes where Charlie cries). And there's a line one would never find in a standard kids' picture book: "...with Susannah yanking hell out of the train whistle the whole way." This book fills a little Dark Tower collector's niche, but the story is unoriginal. If you're a DT completist, buy it.
Creepy because of the subtext.
My kid is obsessed with this Stephen King book. I'm so proud :D
Latest addition to my #StephenKing collection. Yay! 😁
Light hearted enough to pass as a bedtime story for children (especially with the song) but creepy enough to make you wonder. Beryl Evans (Stephen King) does a great job blending disturbing with children's literature.
#givingasgifts #12daysofXmasPhoto Starting a new generation (he's age 7) on a Stephen King book! His mom & dad & gramma are longtime fans.
I haven't read a lot of books about #planestrainsautomobiles but I really want to get this one - I have a weakness for tie-in merch. 😅 #photoadaynov16
I think some of you will be glad to know that this will be for sale soon.