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Sputnik, mi amor
Sputnik, mi amor | Haruki Murakami
Del mismo modo en que, en el viaje del satlite ruso Sputnik, la perra Laika giraba alrededor de la Tierra y diriga su atnita mirada hacia el espacio infinito, en Tokio tres personajes se buscan desesperadamente intentando romper el eterno viaje circular de la soledad. El narrador, un joven profesor de primaria, est enamorado de Sumire; pero ella, quien se considera la ltima rebelde, tiene una nica obsesin: ser novelista. Sumire conocer a My, una mujer casada de mediana edad tan hermosa como enigmtica, y juntas emprendern un viaje por Europa tras el que nada volver a ser igual.
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💛 1mo
Eggs Brilliant 💛💛💛 1mo
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#BookReport 51/23

I bailed on The Rise and Fall but the other three were really good and all completely different. Oh the joy of reading 😂

AmyG Indeed! What would we do with our time…without books? 🤣❤️ 9mo
Ruthiella Nice! A Penguin black spine classic will ALWAYS catch my eye ! 9mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella It‘s a good one!! 9mo
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sarahbarnes Just got a copy of Idlewild from the library-looking forward to reading it! 9mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I hope you‘ll like it! 9mo
sarahbarnes And Sputnik Sweetheart is one of his I haven‘t read yet! 9mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes That‘s a good one too! 9mo
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Murakami writes so beautifully and there‘s always this touch of magic. The young teacher K tells about his friend Sumire (who he‘s secretly in love with), who suddenly disappears while traveling on a Greek island. Her disappearance leaves everyone involved with nothing but “feelings of immeasurable emptiness”. Nothing much happens but finishing the book leaves me with that feeling of emptiness. Which I think is exactly what Murakami wants.

batsy I read this many years ago but I remember that I loved it. That emptiness is exactly what felt compelling. 9mo
BarbaraBB @batsy such an achievement by Murakami 💕 9mo
Billypar Great review! I haven't read a Murakami in years, and in thinking which I should try next, I keep cycling between Sputnik, Norwegian Wood, or IQ84. I was leaning towards Sputnik though. 9mo
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 1y
Eggs 💛📚❤️ 1y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Certain passages in this book were beyond beautiful: meditations on loneliness, connection, loss & emptiness, written in gorgeously austere prose.

Then there were whole sections that seemed a waste of words! Overall, I found this book a frustrating experience.

My favourite part was the Ferris Wheel story. That was a dynamite piece of storytelling. Other sections jarred.

⭐⭐⭐ 3 stars, not my favourite Murakami, but some memorable moments.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Meet Sputnik, one of our first guinea pig squad of four - one neutered boy and three girls.
Yes, she was named after the tagged book. After all, that's what she was - Sputnik, a sweetheart... 😊
Don't get me wrong, I have loved all our pets - love animals in general - but with some you have a connection that's even more special. She was my sweetie - the calmest, friendliest, cutest one and the haven of tranquility of the troop🧡

DieAReader ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
Andrew65 ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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RaeLovesToRead I love her! 😭😭💕💕 2y
AllDebooks She's adorable 😍 2y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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I'm in the mood for some Murakami 😊

sarahbarnes Love Murakami! 2y
Yuki_Onna Uiii... Enjoy!!!
Sputnik Sweetheart is an especially strange one - a strange mix between his contemporary (like Norwegian Wood or South of the Border...) and magical realism ones. 🎡🎡 Very melancholy. I like it better every reread. 🚀
(This book was also the reason one of our sweeties (guinea pigs) was named Sputnik 😀)
RaeLovesToRead @sarahbarnes Me too! (With the exception of 1Q84 part 3 😅) 💕 2y
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RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Aww, Sputnik the guinea pig! Too cute 😍 I'm looking forward to this one! I meant to start it last night, but I fell asleep. Oops! 🤭 2y
Megabooks Great cover! 2y
Yuki_Onna I feel you with falling asleep when settling down to read! 😁
Sputnik was the sweetest! I love all piggies, but some are special. Spuddi (as I called her) was my special friend. She was so cute. I'll try to find a pic of her (not too easy since my old laptop crashed where I kept all the pics of the pets - and I haven't yet managed to retrieve its hard drive).
Yuki_Onna I'm curious - why didn't you like book 3 of 1Q84?
I don't remember it all that well, but I know I loved the whole trilogy. Come to think of it, yes, I wasn't the biggest fan of Ushikawa getting his own narrative POV...
RaeLovesToRead @Megabooks I love these Murakami editions! 😁 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Aww I'd love to see a photo if you find one! 😊 Book 3 was SO. BORING. I wrote a detailed review about why on Goodreads... are we friends on there? Parts I and II set up such an interesting premise and then III was just... lots of waiting about! 2y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Slow day at work. Continuing my Murakami kick with my foster kitty, who is hoping to meet someone who will adopt her.

OutsmartYourShelf She looks like a sweetheart. 2y
Kimzey 😻 2y
RaeLovesToRead 🥰🥰🥰🥰 so cute!!! 2y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Wow. I love the narration of this book.
The man narrates his feelings and tells the story of her best friend being in love with some other girl.
Seriously a beautiful story and tragedy that leaves you in awe. The experience was so extreme and made me slow down sometimes.
As ever his dystopian world and unusually beautiful description bind us in every moment.
It's a different experience.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami

I would like to get to know this author #HarukiMurakami.

#FellowLittens, do you have a recommendation which book by him I should start reading first?

#newauthor #needhelp #question

Freespirit I loved this one.... very quirky 😊 4y
LionHeartLeo Killing Commandatore was really good 4y
LionHeartLeo 1Q84 was a trip!!! 4y
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thewallflower0707 @Freespirit thank you 🙏 4y
thewallflower0707 @LionHeartLeo thank you! It does sound a bit like 1984 by Orwell 4y
bibliobliss I'm currently reading 4y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#ChristmasQuotes Day 26: Giving myself one extra day in advance so tomorrow, I can relax 💕 #Ice - Merry Christmas , @EadieB our lovely host this month, and to all beautiful Litsy people!!!

EadieB Thanks! Merry Chistmas to you too! 4y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Sputnik Sweetheart is a fast paced quick read and has a comparatively simpler narrative as compared to other Murakami books. Even though his books leave the reader wondering and confused, reading Murakami always has a meditative effect on me and Sputnik Sweetheart was no different. It‘s a great read but definitely not his best work

LeeRHarry Yep it wasn‘t one of my faves either 😊 4y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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A simple young man who loves reading and listening to music falls in love with a girl. The girl loves another elder woman and is somehow trapped in a dark place. The boy tries to redeem the girl but fails. Now insert sexual desire, random boners and cats to this. Sounds familiar? I thought so too. The story of Sputnik Sweetheart is quite similar to Norwegian Wood but unlike the latter, the theme of SS is loneliness, longing and unrequited love.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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This novel is dreamlike. I don‘t want to go in the direction of any spoilers so I won‘t. In each of his stories is a character who personifies or mirrors the essence of Murakami himself. Female MC: “..in a realm I can not even give a name to, I conceive a dream, a sightless fetus called understanding, floating in the universal, overwhelming amniotic fluid of incomprehension. Which must be why my novels are absurdly long and never reach ⬇️

Eggs ...a proper conclusion. The technical and moral skills needed to maintain a supply line on that scale are beyond me.” !!!!! #authoramonth2020 5y
BookishMe Yes, I too found there were parts that seemed to voice his self-reflections. 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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I never imagined I'd finish his book so fast, neither was this ever in my list! But I know this is v popular story. Lets see
✔️ pining male MC
✔️ unavailable female
✔️ journey
✔️ Fantasy (with cats!)
✔️ Sexual bits (oh well)
Found this less strange, thus more enjoyable than others.
I believe his prose can still be effective, without excessive similes & platitudes. I haven't read enough of his books but I now find HM overrated 🙄 #AuthorAMonth

sheshedbooks HM as overrated 😂 I think he has his good stories to tell. I'm pretty much a fan of his short stories (Barn Burning from The Elephant Vanishes is one of my favorites) but his novels, not so much. 5y
BookishMe @greenreads I enjoyed that in the tagged collection! I like his non fiction too. He's a great writer who stretches his creative license to his whims methinks ;ல 5y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 2📚 (edited) 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami

The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams, and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time.

- #currentlyReading #santhiReads2020

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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So, I am whizzing through this #ebook. Starting the 10th chapter, Dr Mardy's tweet, quoting Kerouac, pops up in my notification. #santhiReads2020

The very writer, whom one of the MCs in the tagged book, is obsessed with! Strange coincidence, hai 🙄😏
(dare I reckon I'll finish this before I sleep??

Andrew65 Good luck. 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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And just like that, I find myself reading one of his popular novels... 🤔🤔 Smooth ordinary start. Let's see how long it takes before I get lost in his inexplicable realms of fantasy 😉

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Boy loves girl but girl loves an older woman. Not a typical love triangle though. With Murakami, expect to be confused between the realms of fantasy and reality. A story where two parallel worlds overlap. A story of longings, of love/desire & unreciprocated love/desire. There‘s a mystery, themes of isolation & loneliness are apparent. It‘s also rich in metaphors. ⬇️

#AuthorAMonth #AuthorAMonth2020
#jennyis30 #lgbtqromance

erzascarletbookgasm (continues) Though ambiguous, puzzling, & haunting, I enjoyed the novel except the parts with descriptions of penises. Part of the novel is set in #Greece so great for #ReadingEurope2020 . 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good!! Stacked! ❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB Great choice! 5y
Librarybelle Perfect! 5y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 5📚 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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The pressing loneliness of the lives of the characters in this novel is comparable to a satellite in space..


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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami

The final so...weird and Murakami's style

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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I liked this classic Murakami, although the more of his books I read, the harder it is to ignore the terrible way he writes women. Plus the storylines all start to blend together... even still, I keep visiting his backlist.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Haven‘t done one of these in forever! Here goes...

1. Sputnik Sweetheart, Haruki Murakami and Maid, Stephanie Land (liking both)
2. Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland, Patrick Radden Keefe (so good)
3. Independent People, Halldór Laxness (feels like a January read)



"Every time I read [the letters], I felt like Sumire and I were together again, our hearts one. This warmed my heart more than anything else could. Like you‘re riding a train at night across some vast plain, and you catch a glimpse of a tiny light in a window of a farmhouse. In an instant it‘s sucked back into the darkness behind and vanishes. But if you close your eyes, that point of light stays with you, just barely, for a few moments."


"In the sky above the summit, the coarse-looking moon loomed awfully near. A hard ball of stone, its skin eaten away by the merciless passage of time. Ominous shadows on its surface were blind cancer cells stretching out feelers toward the warmth of life."


"I woke in an unpleasant sweat, my shirt plastered to my chest. My body was listless, my legs swollen. I felt as if I‘d swallowed an overcast sky whole."


"Imagine _The Greatest Hits of Bobby Darin_
minus "Mack the Knife." That‘s what my life would be like without you."


"When I got home I was as exhausted as an old railroad tie."


"When this pitiful moon is hanging there in a corner of the eastern sky like a used-up kidney."
Today in odd similes.


"Staying there any longer, she concluded, was a waste of time. I think it was the right move, but if I can be allowed a mediocre generalization, don‘t pointless things have a place, too, in this far-from-perfect world? Remove everything pointless from an imperfect life, and it‘d lose even its imperfection."

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Another great Murakami ❤️ With most authors that wander into the supernatural, I have a real problem with suspension of disbelief (which is why I don‘t enjoy Fantasy or Sci-Fi). But with Murakami, he blends all aspects of his novels so masterfully, it‘s difficult to place the story into just one genre. Recommended. #murakami

(Part of the novel is set in Greece. I have nothing from Greece, so here‘s a painting from a street artist in Peru.) 🤪

Cathythoughts Sounds good & partly set in Greece 👍🏻💙stacked 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 6

Tagging @hes7 if you‘ll like to share your 7 favourites. 🙂

Cinfhen This cover seems different then the other Murakami covers I‘m used to seeing. I like it. Although I‘ve still NEVER read a Murakami novel. 🙈 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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One of my fave Murakamis. Often his relationships between men and women feel hollow but this had some lovely quite universal exploration of longing and emotion and wasn‘t just horny men focusing on their erections instead of the dreamy magic realism I want from murakami. Better than I expected, but unfortunately still murakami so it gets a soso not a pick for having so many strange awkward sex scenes and descriptions of penises I had to skip.

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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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This book offers so much to think about and so many little bits that touched me so... I see it as less of a novel, though. Quite literally, as the book itself states, the author seems to have used fiction here as a means of transmission for an understanding of the human condition as he perceives it.

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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami

Just passable for a Murakami .
This book deals with realities and mirages ... Two sides of a coin , mirror images .. and everything double natured.
Plus it looks upon various hues of attraction - between friends , employer -employees , man -woman, woman-woman.
There are 3 lead characters -
Sumire, the mysterious 22 year old, the narrator , Sumire's friend and secret admirer , and Miu, the older lady whom Sumire is enamored of.

LettieHempstock This one was my first Murakami. It had seemed pretty much brilliant back then, as you would expect someone's first taste of Murakami to be. But looking back I see how it was barely up to his usual standard, not to mention the political incorrectness! 5y
Syl Perhaps I too would have liked it better if it were one of my earlier Murakamis . But books like Norwegians wood, 1Q84, Wind up bird chronicles and Kafka on the shore have spoilt me. 😁 5y
LettieHempstock I just realised that I haven't read a Murakami in nearly three years. 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#QuotsyJuly19 Day 3: #Destiny
This quote is depressing.

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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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“..But falling in love is always a pretty crazy thing. It might appear out of the blue and just grab you. Who knows — maybe even tomorrow.”

#MayMovieMagic #tomorrowneverknows if love will come knocking on its door.

BarbaraBB Well played 💕 5y
Cinfhen Fabulous 🏆 5y
RohitSawant Love this! 💜 5y
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#AnglophileApril Day 29: Iphigene‘s review: “I used to think this book was about a girl‘s unrequited love for a woman 17 yrs her senior, & a man‘s unrequited love for the said girl. [hence, #OwnerOfALonelyHeart] However, that is me being superficial, that‘s me missing the point. Sputnik Sweetheart is in reference to Sumire‘s nickname for Miu, the woman she loved. But that‘s not the heart of this book.” Review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-2CA

Cinfhen Ahhhh, I think I might need to try this book 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve always been afraid of Murakami 5y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen i always say that about his books that i own lying unread in my shelves 😭 but to no avail. i did read his strange library and enjoyed it. who knows? maybe we do reach a certain point in our lives when books have a massive turn around for us - reason why they are still there, patiently waiting for the perfect timing! mwahahhahaha 😂🧚🏼‍♀️😘😍📚💕 5y
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Cinfhen I think age & maturity has a lot to do with certain books / authors 5y
emilyhaldi @Cinfhen me too!! So many people rave about him but I have a bad feeling he‘s not for me. Was just taking about this yesterday with @vivastory and he suggested this book of short stories to dip my toe in the water!! Maybe a good idea for you too (edited) 5y
Cinfhen I really dislike short stories @emilyhaldi I think that would be a recipe for disaster 😂🙄let me know your thoughts if you ever pick the book up 5y
Mdargusch This author scares me too @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi and as for short stories... that‘s a maybe. 5y
BarbaraBB @Mdargusch @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi I think you all could dive into a chunkster. They are easy to read and after 50 pages you‘ll know if you like his style or not. And now that I am meddling with your business 😉I‘d suggest to pick up 5y
Cinfhen I want to @BarbaraBB but I‘ve already convinced myself im going to hate his work 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen I know @Mdargusch it makes no sense but I‘m not ready to tackle Murakami 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve always been curious about Murakami but I‘m in the same boat as @cinfhen 5y
emilyhaldi @BarbaraBB between you, @vivastory and Patti Smith, I think I'm ready to try Wind Up Bird!!! 5y
vivastory @emilyhaldi This makes me really happy! I completely agree with @BarbaraBB give it 50 pages & see what you think. I resisted reading Murakami until just a couple of years ago. Now, he's one of my favorite living authors. Sometimes you just have to wait for the right time in your life to read a particular author. 5y
Cinfhen Let us know @emilyhaldi 🤞🏼🤞🏼 5y
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I brought a bunch of books on our vacation to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and I only opened this one right before we left. Great time but exhausting! 😂 Hopefully I‘ll get some downtime this weekend. ☕️📚

Sills Does Gatlinburg have an Indie bookstore? 5y
jillannjohn @Sills not that I could find. And I looked! 5y
Sills Well shucks, I'm going there the first week of December. 5y
jillannjohn @Sills Maybe in Pigeon Forge or Sieverville? We didn‘t have enough time to explore everything. It‘s so beautiful & we had a great time. Enjoy! 5y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#LMPBC #GroupT
Here are a few options I am considering. Two Murakami books I haven‘t yet read (*gasp*). But I know Murakami isn‘t for everyone... Also, Europa and NYRB are favorites. Any thoughts? (Tagging other three books in comments so you can easily read descriptions.)

Outside of #LMPBC, have any Littens read these and have input?

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ephemeralwaltz Tsukuru Tazaki is great!; 6y
ephemeralwaltz Sputnick as well, but I didn't enjoy it that much. Very magical if you're into Murakami's more magical novels. 6y
KarenUK I loved Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki too 💕 6y
suvata ♥️ Murakami 6y
EclecticBookLover I think the all sound interesting, but All For Nothing stands out for me. I've never read Murakami. ☺️ 6y
EmilyM @cathysaid Both Murakami look excellent! 6y
sprainedbrain Sorry for the delay... I finally had time to give them all a good look. 😃 Honestly, I‘d be happy with any, but Sputnik Sweetheart and All for Nothing are especially intriguing! 6y
cathysaid @sprainedbrain @EmilyM @EclecticBookLover Going to go with All For Nothing. While I love Murakami, I‘m not sure either would be the best for those that have not yet read him. 6y
EmilyM Sounds good! 6y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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MStew I wanna read this 😎 6y
scowler1 It's all good. 6y
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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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#LiteraryLove Day 12: Iphigene‘s review: “Sputnik #Sweetheart is Sumire‘s story, but our narrator allows us to look into his own journey as well as that of Miu. Their lives are like echoes to Sumire‘s. Should they cross the door? Should they slit throats? Or should they remain as empty shells? No matter the decision, we continue to live in this world waiting like half-opened gates with or without blood from the dogs.” https://wp.me/pDlzr-2CA

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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"This is where it all began, and where it all ended. Almost."

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Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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So I managed to find the love story, it is beautiful, but it's also quite sad.
I love Murakamis storytelling in this book, his characters came to life so vividly, it felt as if I could touch them. The story definitely touched me.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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I read this more than15 years ago and I loved it. Then I gave it to one of my friends for her birthday, telling her that I thought it was one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read. She recently finished it and asked me where the beautiful love story that I promised her was and I couldn't tell her, because I just couldn't remember the plot. We'll see if I can find the love story again 15 years later.

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami

"Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?”

Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami
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Happy Wednesday!🙌 Well, Thursday here in Australia so Happy Thursday to my fellow #AussieReaders 💛💛 It's such a beautiful day here, Summer Time approaching!!!
Here's my #HumpDayPost @MinDea 😊
1. I was out running errand so this is the closest thing that's blue...Our beautiful Blue Sky
2. Roughly 4- 5 hours sleep
3. Dark chocolate with nuts, hazel nuts or almonds
4. About once or twice a year
5. Totally recommend 👍
#booknerd #readinglife

MinDea Aaaahhhh. So jealous. It is straight up end of fall here in Seattle and the sun doesn't come out too much now. ☀️🌦️ 6y
BooknerdsLife @MinDea Haha no need to be jealous 😂 I've been waiting for this warmer weather a whole year now 🤣🤣🤣 Will send some Aussie sunshine your way 🙌💛 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Which part of Aus do you live in Eliza? 6y
BooknerdsLife @Jee_HookedOnBookz I live in Sydney 😄 How about you? Where in the US? 6y
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