“love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit”
“love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit”
This is probably the most famous book about a Jew and recently it became rather controversial, so I had to pick it for my #Hanukkahchallenge.
Honestly, I don‘t even understand why it is considered a comedy: all the characters are unsympathetic and immoral, Shylock included. And this is a very antisemitic text: though Shylock is not a good person and not a good Jew, he‘s treated abominably, humiliated and robbed of possessions and faith #imthatjew
#illuminate #poetrymatters @TheSpineView
Tagged by @Eggs 💙
I hope to had folllow correctly the prompt 😅
I just watched the 2015 RSC production, and Antonio and Bassanio are portrayed as lovers. It makes Portia‘s business with the ring make more sense, but is there evidence for it in the text? What think you #shakespearereadalong friends? Defensible through the text, or artistic license run amuck?
I LOVE this part. ♥️
Since I'm re-reading Macbeth for university, I thought why not post some #shakespearequotes, and since I love The Merchant of Venice why not start with it?
#Quotsyfeb21 @TK-421
Since I'm re-reading Macbeth for university, I thought why not post some #shakespearequotes, and since I love The Merchant of Venice why not start with it?
#Quotsyfeb21 @TK-421
Since I'm re-reading Macbeth for university, I thought why not post some #shakespearequotes, and since I love The Merchant of Venice why not start with it?
#Quotsyfeb21 @TK-421
One of Shakespeare‘s better plays in terms of creativity of the storyline, but viewed from a 21st century lens this is undeniably, unacceptably anti-Semitic. Reading it now you understand why Shylock was being so very “unreasonable”, he was sick of the discrimination against his kind (as succinctly described in the highlighted portion of the photo). Portia and Nerissa are badass. Overall though it is a good play, witty and creatively written.
(Image: expulsion of Jews from Frankfurt 1614.)
The #shakespearereadalong leads me to ❤️ Shakespeare...and then there is this, a nuanced antisemitism. Still I come away with lot. Shylock‘s no nonsense directness holds a natural dignity no matter his dark purpose. And Portia compromised no matter how clever she is or who she saved. Well, a lot depends on actor interpretation. In the end it was better than I anticipated and I‘m glad I read it.
⚠️ Political Post!
Saw this while finishing up TMoV
Me thinking of this evening‘s debate.
This remains one of Will's most complex plays. A comedy that in our time can only be seen as a kind of tragedy. Questions remain about whether the text is antisemitic or a depiction of antisemitism, & what it has to say about Christians, women, men who are strangely melancholy, the nobility, merchants & the burgeoning values of early modern capital & debt. For me, not a play to be enjoyed so much as revisited & mulled over. #shakespearereadalong
I found this play difficult to like. The characters are unlikeable, even Portia, though clever, I struggle to like. The anti-Semitism bit was a big problem but I guess Shakespeare wrote it as a satire or bounded by the prejudices of his time. Still, left a bitter taste in my mouth. The play has produced some famous phrases. The reasons it‘s not a ‘pan‘ for me...good trial scene, and outstanding speeches by Shylock and Portia.
⭐️ This is my least favorite Shakespeare play. The antisemitism is just appalling and there is nothing else that saves it for me. Huge 👎for this one. #shakespearereadalong
What did you think of Act V?
Now that we‘ve finished, what did you think of the play?
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
I finished Acts IV & V this morning with breakfast in the backyard. After listening and going back to read discussion, I‘m still not sure what I think of this play. I enjoyed parts of it, but I can‘t say that I enjoyed it as a whole. It felt somewhat disjointed, and I wonder if maybe this would have been better if I‘d read through it over the course of just a few days instead of spreading it out over weeks.
#ShakespeareReadalong #BookAndBreakfast
This would be better as a tragedy. Not my favourite Shakespeare play by any stretch of the imagination. I don‘t understand the need for Act V. The play was over at the end of Act IV. The antisemitism seems to drive the play, but forced conversations are just a step too far for me. I wouldn‘t have minded if a few of the characters had died in Act V. At least then Act V would have been justified.
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
Troilus and Cressida make a cameo in the final act. SPOILER ALTER: that is the only exciting part of Act V.
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
The damage has been done now. Shylock gets nothing AND is forced to convert to Christianity (a step too far in my book). Portia has gotten her husband of just a few hours/days to give up his ring (that was quick). What do you guys think?
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
I‘m thinking his “Jewish heart” was hardened by the stone cold Christian hearts around him. This says more to me about the Duke than it says about Shylock to me.
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
Bassanio has chosen the right casket, but Antonio is in trouble with Shylock and the law. Just when you thought there was a happy moment, the play has taken a dark(er) turn. I have a feeling the antisemism is only going to get worse.
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
Finished this late last night/early this morning. I only meant to read one Act for our discussion this weekend, but then I wanted to see what happened & just read it all 🤫 oopsie🤪
I actually enjoyed this story and all of the twists, if only I could remove all the religious prejudices/discrimination it would have been perfect. Actually, I think it could be re-written without that and just become about letting go of prejudices/grudges.🤷♀️
I do love a good riddle, especially when the answer is staring you in the face, but you don‘t see it until you‘ve really thought about it. 💙🤍💙 It must be the Ravenclaw in me.
HINT: In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, think about how Indy chooses the correct cup. 😇
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
We now know which of the caskets is the right one. What did you think of that choice?
Did you notice the antisemitic elements in this act more than the last?
What did you think of Jessica and Shylock‘s relationship? What did you think of Jessica and Lorenzo‘s elopement?
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
Sunday morning Shakespeare
I‘m not at all sure what I think of this play, but the audio performance is great.
#ShakespeareReadalong #BookAndBreakfast
@Daisey Did this jump out at you too...maybe I‘m just reading too much Tolkien and making weird connections? #FellowshipOfTolkien & #ShakespeareReadAlong
Arragon/Aragorn 🤪
Finished Act II and am officially caught up with #shakespearereadalong. Stuck with this weird edition copy from the library. Haven't resorted to reading the modern translation yet.
I‘m a little late, I started remote teaching this week! So much planning 😩 so I‘m treating myself to some quiet reading. TMoV was my very first Shakespeare play at age 12 or 13 for school. I‘ve read once since then, so excited to read again. Great opening line!!
#shakespearereadalong @merelybookish @Graywacke
Antonio is in a funk. Portia is love sick. Shylock has clearly has some negative run ins with Antonio, so now he‘s asked for his “pound of flesh.”
What‘s up with Antonio? Do you think he‘s officially depressed or is it something else?
What do you think of Portia‘a father‘s test for potential suitors?
What do you think about the history between Shylock and Antonio?
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
Who‘s ready for the Bard‘s great courtroom drama?! I don‘t think RGB is officially in it, but maybe we can find someone to cast her as.
⚖️ 👩⚖️
Discussion starts Sunday!!!
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
Our next play is The Merchant of Venice. Brace yourselves for outlandish characters and some antisemitism. Let me know if anyone needs to be added or removed from the list.
#Shakespeare #MerchantOfVenice #shakespearereadalong
@merelybookish @graywacke
For those of you who like to plan ahead, here is the upcoming schedule:
? Antony & Cleopatra
?Love's Labour's Lost
?Titus Andronicus
?The Merchant of Venice
As usual, the #shakespearereadalong team went with a random "why not?" selection. ? It's a good mix of love, gore, and antisemitism. No history alas We will tackle a Henry again someday.?
Please join for one or all!
Our reading of A&C kicks off Sun (4/26) with @GingerAntics
Today was my first experience with the Merchant of Venice — I‘m surprised it‘s not performed more often! Racist interactions with Shylock notwithstanding, Portia is kind of a badass feminist (s)hero! 💃🏻💍
Thanks @merelybookish for sharing this fun quiz! I got Lorenzo.
Which Shakespeare Character are you?
The first thing I think of when I hear #Moneylender is this play. Not one of my favorites but I saw a really good production of it a long time ago (that's the publicity image from that production on the left). #SpringIntoReading
My favorite #moneylender story. #springintoreading
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
Watching the Pop-up Globe performance of Merchant of Venice. We are groundings this afternoon (#ohmyback) but have seats for the other two performances we are seeing
Let‘s see if I can find The Merchant of Venice playing in Venice... #LifeGoals #BackpackEurope #Classics