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Der Sturm (illustriert)
Der Sturm (illustriert) | William Shakespeare
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Der Sturm (The Tempest) ist eine tragikomische Geschichte von William Shakespeare.
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Eggs 👍🏼 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💙 1mo
lil1inblue @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved the cover of this edition! 💙 1mo
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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Here, master; what cheer?

Good! Speak to th‘ mariners; fall to ‘t yarely, or we run ourselves aground; bestir, bestir.
#TheTempest #WilliamShakespeare #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #shelfies #bookstack #bookstacks #stack #stacks #bookstore #Classics #Plays #Drama #Fiction #Fantasy #School #Theatre #Literature #Poetry #ReadForSchool 🤍🤍

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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I was having trouble concentrating on this so I switched to reading while I listened to this full cast recording version and the combo was fantastic! #Bookspin #BirthdayPixieReadathon @TheAromaofBooks @Lizpixie

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Yay! It‘s #bookspin day!!! I‘m really looking forward to both of these! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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One of my #Roll100 books next month is The Sea and The Mirror. I thought I might be more interested in it if I read it alongside The Tempest, but the only Shakespeare I own is this Oxford tome that my college professors insisted on but I‘ve never wanted to pick up since because it‘s like trying to read out of an encyclopedia! Does anyone have an edition they especially like? Right now I‘m considering the Macmillan or maybe a used Yale Shakespeare…

CuriousG I don't have a favourite edition, but if you are looking for another book to pair with The Tempest and expand your project, add in HagSeed by Margaret Atwood. Several years ago I read The Tempest, then went to see it at the Stratford Festival (Canadian), then read HagSeed. It was a wonderful week! 1y
IndoorDame @CuriousG ooh, fun! I love her. Definitely adding that in either next month or April 1y
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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Sleepswithbooks 😂😂😂 2y
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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SamAnne 😂😂😂 2y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Went to the woods for Shakespeare on the Green's sunset production of The Tempest last night. Fireflies danced around out feet and bats contributed to the chatter. We filled up on kettlecorn. The vibes were healing. ✨️

Prairiegirl_reading That sounds lovely! 💕 2y
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The Tempest the Graphic Novel: Quick Text Version | William Shakespeare, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Jon Haward
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Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but this is Shakespeare, so let's get married. #Shakespeare #GraphicNovel #GraphicClassics #ClassicLiterature

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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Live theater is back! However, due to high levels of covid in the area, concessions are closed! What is a micro loving Shakespeare fan to do? The notice says you are allowed to bring a water bottle. They did not specify what you can bring in that water bottle! Saw a good performance of The Tempest at the first show in the Elizabethan at OSF in over two years. #shakespearereadalong
Hope all my Litsy friends get to see some theater this season!

The Tempest | William Shakespeare

Not gonna lie, I had no clue what was going on during the play until I watched a video explaining the plot. If I had understood better what I was reading, I might have enjoyed it a little more. The storyline wasn‘t bad and Ariel was a great character, but the ending was so lack-luster. However, Shakespeare did portray the effects of power and how it can be used bother positively and negatively pretty well. Overall, not super impressed.

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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It's a mood 🍷🍷

Leftcoastzen Empathy abounds! 🍷🍷 2y
Michael_Gee 🍷🍷 2y
Texreader That feels accurate about now 2y
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Branwen Yup 🥃 2y
LeahBergen Indeed. 🍷 2y
Tamra Yes 😑 2y
Maria514626 @vivastory This would make a bad but good needlepoint pillow. 2y
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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“Hell is empty and the devils are here.”
I haven‘t read this one before, and I was psyched to find this for $3 at B+N! I was a “No Fear Shakespeare” gal in high school but you can‘t beat that price.

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Starting a reread of this one to prepare to start teaching it in my English classes next week. I usually teach Macbeth, but if you know anything about education, you know they change our curriculum/skills/textbook about every 5 years. Our new textbook this year has The Tempest as the play for 10th grade, not Macbeth. I'm sad, Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare play.

GingerAntics You‘re tied to a textbook as far as which Shakespeare play you can teach? That‘s just sad. 3y
CoffeeNBooks @GingerAntics Pretty much- I can't teach a play that will be taught by another grade level (it wouldn't be fair to those teachers); everything has to also be available online for students, so it's better to use what's in the textbook because students have online access to the textbook- otherwise, I have to copy, scan, and upload every page and all materials; also, I don't have access to enough copies of plays that aren't already in the textbook. 3y
Palimpsest I‘m sorry you don‘t get to teach your favorite. The Tempest from what Shakespeare plays I‘ve read is my favorite. There is so much to talk about with “drowning of books” to Prospero being like Shakespeare, Caliban and Colonialism, Gonzalo‘s speech about utopia, magic, and the list goes on. Also, retellings like Hag Seed and A Tempest by Cèsaire are so good. I read it for two separate college classes and found it brilliant upon the 3rd time too. 3y
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GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks that is so unfortunate. My 8th grade English teacher managed to teach R&J, MacBeth, Tale of Two Cities and Les Mis, plus spelling, etymology, and grammar with nothing but a dictionary, an old grammar/English textbook (just the master copy), and exactly one copy of each of the mentioned books. Period. She read to us, we took notes. If we wanted our own copies, we could get them from the library or buy a copy, but it wasn‘t required… 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks if we missed a class or wanted to go back and see a bit, her copy was always available upon request (but it never left her sight) and then you got her notes which were AMAZING!!! Sometimes I feel like they have way over complicated education. That was the BEST year ever. I don‘t think anyone cared if you read a book more than once back then… and it wasn‘t that long ago. It‘s sad, really. 3y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks obviously you‘re going to teach MacBeth from a completely different place than another teacher, plus you really like it, so you‘re going to bring a much different emphasis than someone who is teaching it because they have to. If another teacher teaches it later, they can just go that much deeper into it. 3y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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I was so absolutely lucky enough to see this play in the Boston Commons as part of a bachelorette party. We had so much fun, and this play was so well done! Absolutely fantastic acting, sound, prop, and stage use. It‘s one of Shakespeare‘s last plays, so it gets a little weird with magical elements, but everything was seamlessly done in this production! We were laughing & singing along, there seriously is something magical about seeing his plays!

SaunteringVaguelyDownwards What a great idea for a bachelorette party - or at least it's something I and my friends would appreciate! 3y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Wohoo! Finally I got around to read this famous work! There's are so many famous sayings voming from The Tempest, and I got happy, whenever I met one 😁

Also, I'm just so happy and content to know what it's all about 💪

CuriousG Now you should immediately read HagSeed by Margaret Atwood - a really great take on The Tempest! 4y
Jari-chan @CuriousG Thank you for the recommendation! 😊 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest is a play I actually enjoyed reading at university. Even though we discussed it a lot, I still like it lot. I treid to read it once a year. This ebook was supposed to be commented, unfortunately it was not. 🙈

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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Watching the latest version of The Tempest - with Helen Mirren as Prospera and Ben Wishaw as Ariel.
#shakespeare #thetempest

LindaLappin yes! 2y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Reading The Tempest while the sun is shining and the „sea“ is calm... 😜
#shakespeare #thetempest

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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I'm not sure why, but I just don't love this play as much as some of Shakespeare's other works. I read it to refresh my memory on the story before reading Margaret Atwood's Hag-Seed.

sgoffe I love these No Fear Shakespeares - I read them all the time in high school & college. 4y
Rachel.Rencher @sgoffe Even now that I understand the language, I still love them as a companion to the text. I'll always use them in my classes. 💕 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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I'm brushing up on The Tempest before reading Hag-Seed. I haven't read this since high school, and I still don't think it's up there with my favorite works by Shakespeare. What do you think?

Clare-Dragonfly I like The Tempest a lot, but it‘s not in my top 5 😄 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94
Thanks @Eggs for the tag.

I am a bit late for this one.
📚The Tempest - Shakespeare (one of my favourite plays)
📖 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie (a German word) - fear of excessivly long words... Even without having this fear, how is one supposed to pronouce that?
🍕 Pizza Diavola

MoonWitch94 That‘s a good word! Thanks for playing 🍂🎃📖 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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... buying the annotated version of the play itself. #nextread #shakespeare

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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@Emilymdxn Look what I found today! I thought I had lost this ticket ages ago.

I'm going to frame it. 😁

BiblioLitten 😍 4y
reading_rainbow I‘m so jealous 😍💕 4y
Velvetfur Aaww I love the Globe! My ex worked there, as one of the tour guides, actually in charge of all the other tour guides there, so I've spent quite a bit of time there. It's a fantastic place isn't it? Good idea to frame the ticket! 4y
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Texreader Ohhh that‘s fantastic! On our trip there (when we met) we got there just around closing time. We got to go through the little museum though. 4y
Emilymdxn Omg that‘s amazing!! I miss the globe so much right now, I cannot believe it‘s been over four months since I went in to the office there??? Too weird. 4y
Palimpsest So cool. The Tempest is possibly my favorite. Hard to choose, but I know I‘d love to see anything at the globe. 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Far and Away the most provocative and unusual adventure film you've ever seen!
Did you know the 1956 Sic-Fi movie Forbidden Planet (staring a very young and attractive Leslie Nielsen) was based off Shakespeare's The Tempest? I had a very cool college English teacher who loved to pair films with texts The Tempest + Forbidden Planet, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde + Fight Club. Such a fun way to learn
#AugustAuthors w/@alwaysbeenaloverofbooks &@originalcyn620

OriginalCyn620 Very cool! 😎 4y
Nute Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde paired with Fight Club...brilliant! 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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#two4tuesday Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView

1. None, it never occurred to me
2. Our daughter is named after Ariel in the Tempest as the husband is a huge Shakespeare fan

TheSpineView Love that name. Shakespeare never disappoints! Thanks for playing! 😊 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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I don‘t think an encounter with Prospero is what they had in mind when they set out. #getawaygonewrong #bibliomaynia

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
CuriousG If you want to watch the film of the Stratford Festival's most recent staging of the Tempest, it is on their YouTube channel for free for the next 2 weeks I believe. Martha Henry did a *wonderful* job as Prospero! 4y
Cuilin @CuriousG good to know, thanks. 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Plans for the next hours ❤️

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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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HBD, Billy!

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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TheSpineView ❤❤❤ 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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“How camest thou in this pickle?”

Deifio Oh yes, have to try that quote out in regular conversation! 🤩 4y
batsy I ask myself, daily 🙃 4y
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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My son playing Caliban in his school‘s production of The Tempest. He was so good!

Tempest (UK) | William Shakespeare
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Decided to join the #jennyis30 bingo card challenge, which runs for all of 2020 — whee! It‘ll be my first bingo card challenge on Litsy.

I‘m marking off “classics” with this post, because I finished reading Shakespeare‘s The Tempest as my first read of the year. I meant to do it with the #shakespearereadalong last year, but better late than never!

(If plays don‘t count, @jenniferw88, feel free to let me know and I‘ll just have to start over. 😆)

Cinfhen It will also work for the Drama box 👍🏽 4y
Sunraven @Cinfhen Oh, true, I could have put it there! Hmm, options. We‘re only supposed to count one box per book, though, right? I think I saw Jenny say that in a comment somewhere... 4y
Cinfhen Yes, that was pretty much her only rule 😁 4y
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Sunraven @Cinfhen I want to read King Lear anyway, and re-read Hamlet, so it looks like I‘ll end up with Drama covered a few times over. 😆 4y
Cinfhen I‘m kind of dreading that category but @jenniferw88 said I could read any book that felt “dramatic “ 😂😂😂 4y
Sunraven @Cinfhen So, you could read something about a love triangle or the daily lives of endangered animals, or hey, a book of monologues for kids — you can dooo iiiiit! 😆 (edited) 4y
jenniferw88 @Sunraven yes, plays count! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I write down which book I've used for which square, so that way if I need to switch it later I can. (It may be easier to find another Classic than find another Drama, for instance.) I never did bingo cards before Litsy, and now they're basically an addiction. 😆 4y
Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks I totally stole your writing the books down idea, though I‘m pretty sure I‘ll have an easier time finding both Classics and Dramas than some of the other things on the card. 😆 Also I think I‘ve mostly done bingo cards in a scavenger-huntish context at events, like at conventions and things like that. They‘re super fun! 4y
Sunraven @jenniferw88 Awesome, thanks! 🤩👍 4y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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My New Year‘s Eve companions, along with the cat hovering invisibly nearby. Not a bad way to end one year (decade) and begin another. 😎

TheAromaofBooks Love your photo. Anytime you can get a map in the background, it's a win! 5y
Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks Thanks! It‘s actually my coffee table ... We have one with a glass top and it seemed nicer to put a map on it than to stare at the boxes sitting under it. 😆 5y
TheAromaofBooks That is a great idea - love it! 5y
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Tempest | William Shakespeare
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#classicfantasy (I also recommend checking out the graphic novel adaptation if you're interested in graphic novels or adaptations of classic literature)

The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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Came home to some book mail! 😍📚 I'm obsessed with the No Fear Shakespeares. They have the original text with a translation so you actually understand what the heck is going on. I've never read The Tempest or Julius Caesar, so those are next on my list!

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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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The charms & dangers of Prospero's #laislabonita in The Tempest is sustained by magic & sprites doing his bidding.

#MOvember @Cinfhen

Cinfhen 🙌🏻❣️🏝✅ 5y
Graywacke Caliban 🙂 5y
batsy @Graywacke He had some stunning lines! 5y
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The Tempest the Graphic Novel: Quick Text Version | William Shakespeare, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Jon Haward
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This was my second read of the Tempest, and I picked the graphic novel format. At second read, I followed the story, and appreciated the language and characters a lot better. I found the art so-so: I liked the story design, effects and use of format, but the character art was clunky and too literal, especially of Caliban, whose nuances as both a monster and a victim of colonial oppression were lost in the depiction. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Tempest the Graphic Novel: Quick Text Version | William Shakespeare, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Jon Haward
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#shakespearereadalong took me to my 800th book marked as read on Goodreads. Thank you guys - and thanks for all inspring Littens to help keep me reading!

#milestones #goodreads

tessavi Nice! ✌️ 5y
Crazeedi 👏👏👏congrats! 5y
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The Tempest | William Shakespeare
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A surprisingly impressive and interesting play. An exiled Duke who uses magic power to control and manipulate others resulting in many theatrical scenes while exploring themes of sovereignty and colonisation. I‘m ambivalent about Prospero..mostly vengeful, manipulative, abusive, yet at the end so forgiving. Love the epilogue and reading fellow #shakespearereadalong discussion comments about 👇

erzascarletbookgasm ..(cont.) it very well being the speech of the Bard himself makes this play the more brilliant. Thanks for hosting @merelybookish . I enjoyed this very much. 5y
Hamlet “Surprisingly”? 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Hamlet I was apprehensive how this comedy-tragedy play will pan out. 5y
Hamlet Oh, I see. Thanks! 5y
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