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Riparare i viventi | Maylis de Kerangal
65 posts | 45 read | 131 to read
Questo romanzo bello come una tragedia antica. LExpress Tre adolescenti di ritorno da una sessione di surf su un pullmino tappezzato di sticker, tre big wave rider, esausti, stralunati ma felici, vanno incontro a un destino che sar fatale per uno di loro. Incidente stradale, trauma cranico, coma irreversibile, e Simon Limbres entra nel limbo macabramente preannunciato dal suo cognome. Da quel momento, una macchina inesorabile si mette in moto: bisogna salvare almeno il cuore. La scelta disperata dellespianto, straziante, rimessa nelle mani dei genitori. Intorno a loro, come in un coro greco, si muovono le vite degli addetti ai lavori che faranno s che il cuore di Simon continui a battere in un altro corpo. Tra accelerazioni e pause, ventiquattrore di suspense, popolate dalle voci e le azioni di quanti ruotano attorno a Simon: genitori, dottori, infermieri, quipe mediche, fidanzata, tutti protagonisti dellavventura, privatissima e al tempo stesso collettiva, di salvare un cuore, non solo organo ma sede e simbolo della vita.
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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I finished it, but skimmed quite a bit. I don‘t know what it was, perhaps the run-on sentences or maybe it was too detailed about things I wasn‘t interested in. I really liked the premise, a 24 hour window onto an organ transplant, but it just didn‘t captivate me. Disappointing because I was looking forward to it.

Into the donation bag it goes! (Pun intended!) 😝

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Why buy 1 when you can buy 2? Going out on a limb - not read Kerangal before, but I suspect I may like her writing.

ju.ca.no 2 is bettern than one obviously 💙 3y
BarbaraBB Beautiful composition 😍 3y
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Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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This book gutted me. Twenty-four hours in the life —and death, and life again — of a heart that begins with the fatal accident of Simon and ends with its rebirth inside the chest of Claire. Plus the stories of those who interact with it along the way. Although some of the passages wander a bit too much into the weeds of the extraneous characters, the writing is breathtakingly gorgeous. A definite pick.

Texreader Oh my that sounds amazing. But I haven‘t been able to read sad books this year so I‘m gonna have to skip this one. I‘m sure I‘d break down into a weeping mess. 3y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 3y
Cathythoughts Sounds very moving ❤️ 3y
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Amiable @Texreader I work at a hospital that has a transplantation center and my stepmom had a heart transplant a few years ago, so books like these are immediate go-tos for me. But it is an emotional gut punch —Simon is only 19 and the scenes with his parents getting the news of his death are… well, heartbreaking. 3y
Amiable @TrishB Thanks— I wasn‘t sure I‘d be able to find the words to adequately convey how beautiful this book is. The writing is amazing. 3y
Amiable @Cathythoughts Oh, it‘s incredible! 3y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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#LilithJuly #Heartbeat
This novel is so unique.... Some of the longest sentences of any book I've ever read, but WOW are those sentences gorgeous.
The MC is an actual physical heart of a young surfer, his organ treated as the 'protagonist' of the story. As we see his life and the life of those around him destroyed, we see his heart bring life to another. This beautifully translated story is about the nature of grief and the human capacity to love.

Cinfhen I stacked this book when I first joined Litsy and still haven‘t gotten to it yet!!! #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 😜❤️ 5y
KarenUK Same for me with the book you posted about.... 😊💕 @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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The translation was beautiful. Got lost on the story line in a few parts. Also felt like the beginning took a long time to set up and then resolved too quickly at the end.

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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This has been on my TBR for the longest time??? Has anyone read it??? #SeptemberDanes In the span of 24hrs, a life will be lost and a new life will begin...#crucifyMyHeart

TrishB Sounds tough! 6y
Kalalalatja I have never heard of it! 6y
Cinfhen I forgot that I stacked it in 2016 @TrishB @Kalalalatja now I want to find it!!! That‘s what I love about these challenges - puts books back on my radar 🤓 6y
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KarenUK I have... and loved the writing! It‘s very moving.... but be warned, the style is a little odd... the sentences are sooooooo long! 6y
Reviewsbylola I think I had this one stacked at one point. 6y
arubabookwoman I liked it, but I found it to be more of a “documentary” work about all the various aspects of an heart transplant than a living, breathing novel with characters and a story to follow (though parts are obviously novelistic). Don‘t know if I explained this very well, but I did like it. 6y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Day 10 of the RiotGrams Challenge:
Book Deserving More Readers

Maylis de Kerangal‘s novel, translated into English by Sam Taylor, received critical acclaim in France and is the riveting story of a heart transplant. It illuminates the inner lives of the patients, parents, doctors, and nurses that are affected over the 24 hours it takes the heart to travel from donor to recipient. Highly recommend.

@bookriot #riotgrams #bookdeservingmorereaders

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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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The Heart by Maylis de Kerangal, translated by Sam Taylor, is the story of a heart transplant, but really it is more about the people surrounding the situation and their individual stories. As seen on The Readers Podcast summer reading longlist, who knows, maybe they'll select it. I decided to just read those I hadn't read.

Nute I like the stories in the news when a heart transplant recipient meets the family of the heart donor and the family feels that a part of their loved one lives on and has helped someone. Since this book tells the surrounding story it seems that it touches on everyone involved. I‘d like to read it because of that. 6y
ReadingEnvy @Nute I like that too. I saw a story just today about a transplantee and transplant donor with matching tattoos! 6y
Nute OMG! That gave me goosebumps.😊 6y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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(is it the translator or the original, I wonder.)

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Grandiloquent! what a word.

dylanisreading Did The Readers choose this one as their summer read? I'm not on GR anymore. 6y
ReadingEnvy @Bianca I dont know yet. It was on the list of possible reads and I just decided to read them all. 6y
dylanisreading @ReadingEnvy Nice! I like your style. I'm definitely curious about all of them, and I was able to get The Heart from the library. 6y
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ReadingEnvy @Bianca I'd read several already...loved the Boyne and the Lee. Why did you leave GR? 6y
dylanisreading @ReadingEnvy I was so annoyed by their most recent ads. I remember trying to read reviews of something on there, and the book's entire page was dominated by an ad for the Sweetbitter TV series. Before that I'd been pretty done with GR's messing up people's shelves and stuff. It was the last straw lol. 6y
ReadingEnvy @Bianca fair enough ... I've started tracking my reading other places so if it all falls apart I at least have that. 6y
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Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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Today's read...only a few pages in and I'm mesmerized. I have never read anything quite like this.

Cathythoughts That sounds interesting ! Mesmerized so soon ❤️ 7y
Tamra Yes, it does sound interesting! 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Questions for tonight‘s book club

BookaholicNatty I just bought his book and I can‘t wait to read it! 7y
Sweettartlaura @BookaholicNatty It‘s beautiful ❤️. Try to read it in one or two settings, for maximum impact. Enjoy!📚 7y
BookaholicNatty @Sweettartlaura thanks for the great advice! ❤️ (edited) 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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“No sooner was she twenty-three years old than she was twenty-eight; no sooner twenty-eight than thirty-one: time is speeding past her while she examines her existence with a cold, deadly gaze that takes aim at the different areas of her life, one by one...”


Magpiegem Oh god I hear this... (she says as she speeds through 34 thinking wasn‘t I just 28?) 7y
Sweettartlaura @magpiejem Read on...this passage skims over every panic button, and the reader wonders which one is going to get set off 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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So for Valentine‘s my boyfriend took me to the bookstore and told me to pick everything I wanted 💛Any suggestions on what to read first?? #bookhaul

Eggs ❤️❤️Great Alone and Woman in the Window 6y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Day 14 of the @bookriot #Riotgrams Challenge: hearts! I ♥️ this book so much. ❤️🖤💙

Sweettartlaura 😍. My book club is reading this for next week! It‘s amazing. 7y
Moray_Reads That's a gorgeous cover. It's called Mend the Living here 7y
JennAndrew This sounds like it would be a beautiful but heartbreaking read! 7y
LauraAmalia Just got this book today! Looking forward to it! 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Super excited to read this for February‘s ExLibrisTacoma book club with @Sweettartlaura & @AWahle !!!

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal

Well written but tedious.

keithmalek If it's tedious, it's not well written. 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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I found this completely riveting. Taking place in a 24 hour period, the story follows the process of a heart transplant. And while the medical procedures were fascinating to learn about, it was the inner lives of the patients, parents, doctors, and nurses that really had me engrossed. So many facets of the journey are explored. It reads almost like a thriller, with the pace picking up as the clock is ticking to get the heart to the recipient.

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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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I have been laid up for a week with a terrible virus and have felt too crappy to read. But I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and felt better enough today to read some. This book is fascinating in that it follows a heart through the transplant process through the eyes of the families and doctors involved. The writing is excellent, vivid, and very unique. There are entire pages comprised of one long sentence. So far, so good.

Jas16 Hope you feel better soon 7y
Texreader Glad you are on the mend! 7y
Anna40 Get well soon! 7y
Reviewsbylola I hope you continue to feel better! 7y
HeatherBookNerd @Texreader @Anna40 @Reviewsbylola @Jas16 Thanks! Hoping to be back on my feet soon! 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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This was between a pick and a meh for me. The subject matter is compelling, and the narrative has transcendent moments, but it is also a little too 'experimental' in structure, with way too many rambling digressions into irrelevant thoughts, moments, etc. I found myself skimming a little too often. For a short book, this novel felt overly long. Still, the focus on the 24 hours prior to a heart transplant makes this a worthwhile read.

Eggs Thanks for the thoughtful analysis 7y
britt_brooke Nice review! 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Isn't this a gorgeous cover?

Jennick2004 Ooh watercolor 🎨 7y
anwade88 So gorgeous 👏🏽👏🏽 7y
ephemeralwaltz Beautiful 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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#TBRtemptation post 2! This has been a huge hit in France. On a Sunday morning three teenage boys going surfing. Driving home, they get into an accident where one of them goes through the windshield. Taken to a hospital, he's pronounced brain-dead though his heart keeps beating. This book looks at the 24 hours surrounding his heart being transplanted into a woman on the brink of death, and how all involved deal with it. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Moray_Reads I read this with a different title. It's fantastic. A worthy winner of the Wellcome Prize 7y
Prairiegirl_reading I just went searching for this on my Indigo app. It's called Mend the Living in Canada. 7y
BeyondtheBookends2 Sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Up next. British title: Mend The Living. Been looking forward to this one! Told within 24 hour period.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Just hope this translation is good. The English have Jessica Moore translating and The American edition has Sam Taylor. The British title is so much closer to the French title. 7y
the_hibernator I was trying earlier today to buy this book on Barnes and Noble's site, but they don't carry it! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @the_hibernator Amazon, BD and BO have it...if you purchase from BD, you'll get the better title...so much closer to the French title. 7y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 @the_hibernator it's only $6.39 for the hardcover on Book Outlet. (edited) 7y
the_hibernator Thanks @JanuarieTimewalker13 ! The BO deal is a great price. Though I agree about the silly American title. I was wondering this morning if Americans are less elegant, or if they simply like titles that tell you briefly what a book is about. 🤣 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @the_hibernator it's so ridiculous to change the British title for an American audience. I wonder who made that decision and based upon what criteria. I've told a few people about the 2 titles ...they would pick up the book if it had the British title, but not the American title. I gave the librarian the British title and she couldn't locate it, then she found the American title and they ordered it for me. Now, I'm just waiting for my friend 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 To receive hers from BD, so that we can do a buddy read with 2 different translations. 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Just heard a wonderful review of this French film, on my favorite movie podcast..... I had no idea they had made a film adaptation of this book! ..... I loved this beautiful, quiet, moving novel..... I just hope that one of my local movie theaters shows this 🤞🎬

Verity Ooooh. Always nice to find another Wittertainee. (How do you find another Wittertainee? You just find them) (edited) 7y
KarenUK @verity those two make my week! I love their banter... 😍💕 HTJI! (edited) 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I just got this out of the library! Wondering why they changed the title on the American edition. I like Mend The Living title better. 7y
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Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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I had to think about this prompt for a while. 😂 It's hard to figure out which books have #muscles in the title or on the cover. 👐🏼👅#aprilbookshowers

LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
Yeah_I_Read I loved "your heart is a muscle..." 7y
BookishFeminist @Carboni06 I sadly haven't read that yet! I started it a while back & was enjoying it, then had to return it to the library. It's on my shortlist though. 7y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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#day24 #17booklove #heartinthetitle Some of the longest sentences of any book I've ever read, but WOW are those sentences gorgeous! It's so unique, as it follows the actual physical heart of a young surfer, and his organ becomes the driving force of the novel. As his young life and the life of those around him is destroyed, we see his heart bring life to another. Beautifully translated, it touches on the nature of grief and our capacity to love.

Cinfhen I've been wanting to read this novel for awhile, thanks for reminding me 😘 8y
Reviewsbylola I've had my eye on this one. 8y
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Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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Just started reading #MendTheLiving and already entranced by it. It's the story of a heart - a heart that's located in the brain-dead body of a young man.

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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal

Loved this book! The prose was so beautifully written and so "in the moment." Great read!

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Fits with one of my goals to read more books in translation. But this book also appeals for its bigger issues: organ donation, life and death, grief, parenthood. Beginning of first long sentence in photo.

CarolynOliver I loved this book. One of my favorites last year. 8y
BethFishReads @CarolynOliver I missed it in hardback so happy to get a chance to read it now 8y
DebinHawaii This sounds like a good but potentially emotional read. 8y
BethFishReads @DebinHawaii I agree. Not your light beach book 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Finished his one this morning while everyone was still sleeping. It was slow going at first, but very touching at the end. I wish I could read it in the original French.

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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A friend of mine, a coworker, was killed in the line of duty. Thankfully, his parents decided to donate his organs. His parents have been blessed to meet the people whose lives have been saved and significantly improved by the organs they received from my friend. This one line from The Heart really sums up, to me anyway, why family should be at peace with organ donation.

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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It's hard to see but that little brown thing on the left is a dog squeezed between me and the couch. She's in heaven, hiding beneath a blanket and me. Time to finish this book and call it my 106th for 2016!

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Reading in my quiet room tonight while my husband plays video games in the living room. I love having a separate room to go to and be still and quiet. #readingroom #shutupimreading #nothingbutabook #quote #bookclubbook

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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My book club, Conway Avid Readers, picked The Heart by Maylis de Kerangal as our December book. Diving into it finally. #bookclub #centralarkansasbookclub #conwayavidreaders #avidreader #maylisdekerangal #theheart

Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal

"Marianne and Sean lower their eyes, planted like stakes in [Remige's] office doorway, wordless... they themselves are overwhelmed by what they've just done... "donor", "don-ate", "aban-don", the words clang together in the hollow of their eardrums, bore in one after the other."

Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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This book is such an achievement. To write so clearly about such an emotive subject (organ transplants) without any unnecessary drama or sentimentality is a joy to behold. Not a wasted word, not an unnecessary perspective. Beautiful.

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Mend the Living | Maylis de Kerangal
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My #firstlitsypost was 5 months ago! I'd just finished Mend the Living & was excited to share. It follows the immediate aftermath of the death of a young surfer "...nothing has ever seemed more violent, more complex than coming to sit beside this woman so they can delve together into this fragile zone of language where death announces itself, so they can go forward into it, together." #booktober And thanks to @Yossarian my first ever follower ?

The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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#day21 #translatedbooks #somethingforsept Livres de fiction Français dans la traduction ?

katedensen ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Perfect time of day to finish. Loved this book with its bittersweet ending. Highly recommend!

BookishFeminist I loved this as well 8y
RealLifeReading I'm always on the lookout for translated books. Will have to check this out! 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Anyone who does call shifts knows this feeling!

Megabooks #truth I hated being on call! 8y
Notafraidofwords I worked at the mall during my college years and hated hated being on call. 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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As an ICU nurse I deal with a lot of death and grief so I'm very interested to see how those difficult issues are addressed in this novel.

BookishFeminist I really enjoyed this book. 8y
KrisConstantReader I read it a while back, I liked it. 8y
bookish_wookish i absolutely loved this book!! 8y
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SeeJulieRead Count me as another one who enjoyed this book! 8y
jessdean Can't wait to see what u think. I worked ICU for 10 yrs & have been in hospice now for 7yrs. I've been wanting to read more having to do with our fields of work. 8y
Viji @jessdean , I will post a review when I finish. Eighty pages in, so far mostly about the parents' reactions when they find out. Well-written. The author has either been in a similar situation or did a lot of research. 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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This book is a beautifully written look at what happens when the heart of a young man is donated to save the life of another. It is obvious that Kerangal did her research as every step of the process is marvelously detailed and weaved in a complex story surrounding the donated heart ❤️❤️❤️

MrBook Creative pic! I like 😊. 8y
stargazerblue49 @MrBook Thanks! Figured I could use the stethoscope for something nice before things get crazy for me next week! 💊💉🌡🔬 8y
MrBook Nice. Good luck with next week! 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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"... because Juliette - Juliette was Simon's heart." ❤️❤️❤️

Onioons Really loved this book! 8y
stargazerblue49 @Onioons I am getting through it slowly but surely! I am really enjoying the writing and I am really appreciative of how much research she must have had to do for the medical aspect of the book because she seems pretty spot on as far as I can tell! 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Testing out my new glider chair in my reading nook. Loving it so far! ❤️📚

MrBook Oooh, glider chair. Nice! Great read too. 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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Rough days call for carbs and a good book. Now I just have to decide if I want to work off the calories on the dreadmill or just keep reading... 🤔🤔🤔

Josie Keep reading!!!! 8y
[DELETED] 3558467437 Agree! Keep reading! 8y
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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THIS. This right here. Medical-ese is so efficient, yet so cold. This speaks to me. 💉

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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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The Heart: A Novel | Maylis de Kerangal
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This is not the whole first sentence. It continues for another quarter page. That has to be a record or something. It was, at least, a very beautiful sentence. 💜

Read_Abundantly I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that! It took me a few pages to find my rhythm with the book due to the structure, but the imagery and descriptions were so with it! 8y
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