A very good YA read with real depth! I‘ve enjoyed the other books by this author that I‘ve read.
#pop25 - book about a food truck
A very good YA read with real depth! I‘ve enjoyed the other books by this author that I‘ve read.
#pop25 - book about a food truck
Wow. I mean… wow. I don‘t know what I was expecting from this book, but it was definitely not this.
FULL REVIEW: http://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2020/09/review-way-you-make-me-feel.html
This book is very cute! A nice romance storyline with some interesting sub-plots, and I love Clara‘s initial “enemy” coworker turns out to be a really good friend for her. I recommend for a sweet, easy read!
Didn‘t think I was going to like this one since I usually like YA books featuring kind, smart, obedient kids and this heroine is NOT that. But she changes, and the secondary characters, particularly her dad, make up for her brattiness.
4/5 for this! I loved this one! Clara grew so much in this book. I also loved Rose and Hamlet! Such great characters. This was such a funny cute book. I cannot wait to read more from this author.
“Graduate MLS student writing papers in Arctic Temperatures”🥶 If you haven‘t heard,Texas is in the middle of a winter storm ( ice, wind, snow,& freezing rain), anywhere between -2& 15 degrees this week since Saturday. Thankfully haven‘t experienced any power outages in my house. Fireplace 🔥 is on & rather be reading than writing papers ! Before you make fun- yes, Texans(other than NT) NEVER experience this kind of weather & no one is prepared
I thought this was a really cute book. Very reminiscent of Jenny Han. I loved the characters and the culture and the fun story line. I definitely am interested in reading more from this author!
Well, the cover is fabulous. I just lost interest in the middle, but this could very well be because I listened to an interview with the author where she said she found the middle of books boring ! 😂 once I pushed pasta s got to the last quarter I was into it again. Very light, fun. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another fun book by Maurene Goo. I like that the teenagers in her books act like teenagers, making dumb mistakes and learning about their real friendships. The food truck setting was also fun, and I loved the relationship between Clara and her father.
I‘m currently reading all three of these (one audio, one print, and one ebook). All of these would be good to read on a long #layover since they‘re keeping my interest. #LetsTravelAugust
Because my beach read was disappointing I needed a palate cleanser. What better than a YA love story centered around food?! I really enjoyed this one, it was totally unpretentious and didn‘t try to be something that it wasn‘t. It‘s one I‘d been meaning to get around to reading but just hadn‘t had the time, glad I finally did.
So I tried to read The Way You Make Me Feel but I'm giving up at chapter 10. I need something where I don't hate the main character and some badass-ness and Jay Kristoff has been aceing his marketing lately so TIME FOR A REREAD! TIME TO START PREP FOR DARKDAWN CAUSE I KNOW THAT BITCH IS GONNA HURT US!
May was such a great month in terms of books. I had an awesome time reading so many Asian-authored books for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The only dud of the month was Machines Like Me - great idea, McEwan always writes well and had its moments but man that was one boring robot.
Have you read any of these books?
Enjoyed a walk on the Canal today. It was impromptu, so I didn‘t have earbuds, but I enjoyed just walking and watching. And now I‘m off to read until I fall asleep!
#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn
Week one update post. I missed one of my posts from@last week. My total is actually 49.
More importantly, this challenge has been a very good motivator for me. 7.7 doesn‘t seem like a lot, but I only started walking intentionally a couple of weeks before this started. The week before that my miles intentionally walked were ZERO!
#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn
When I was a teen, YA didn‘t exist. And pretty much all the books I was reading were written and starring white people. I hardly remember reading anything with an Asian protagonist. Or if there were Asian characters, they were stereotypes.
So reading this was with a wistful, oh if only I could‘ve read this when I was younger. But also a, who cares if I‘m reading this too late, I‘m just glad someone is writing this for the young girls of today.
A book that begins with a Rilo Kiley quote is destined to be a great read.
This book was so fantastic and I FLEW through it. This is my favorite kind of YA novel...the author‘s style, the growth of the main character, excellent best friend character, parent redemption, and a setting I get to learn about. Highly recommend for a YA summer read. Or spring read. Or like whenever. I‘ve already started passing it around to my friends.
#currentlyreading 📖🧡🍜🌊🌴
“The Way You Make Me Feel” by Maurene Goo
#books #reading #maurenegoo #yalit #thewayyoumakemefeel
21 days later, I finally finished reading “The Way You Make Me Feel” due to 🥶 Wintery freeze and school😎& it was a good book. Would recommend to everyone. The plot was great throughout the story, but the ending is kinda short but sweet. #storybooktalethursday#maurenegoo #thewayyoumakemefeel #thoughtfulthursday
As a youth services library staff, and a parent of two teens, and a writer of YA. I read a lot of YA! I loved this book. It is a classic love story, easy to read, and delightful. Despite the fact that it‘s fairly predictable, I enjoyed the hell out of it and stayed up late to finish it. I highly recommend it for teens and adults as well.
After a hard day yesterday, I stayed up way too late last night changing my state of mind with this delightful book. Reading it as the selection of the month for the Young At Heart Book Club. Just what I needed. 😍
Overall, this was a really nice, light read. I LOVED the setting, because (unlike Clara) I think working in a food truck could potentially be really super cool, and for the most part I liked the plot too. Sometimes I felt like you were just told instead of shown some of characters‘ personalities, but seeing as I was going into this looking for a sweet swoony summer read I got everything I asked for.
There was an adorable romance. But for me, the stars of this book were the incredible development of the main character and her relationships with her Dad and new coworker Rose. I love how much Clara learned about herself and what she really values in life!
I think I liked this. Well, okaayy...that‘s not accurate. I did like it. The characters are definitely different - Clara is the rebel daughter of Korean-Brazilian immigrants. Rose is the uptight African American daughter of high powered attorneys. Hamlet is the super sweet Chinese son whose parents live in another country. Very diverse. But I felt they became less genuine by the end. They grew, but it didn‘t seem real. #YA #DiverseBooks
@Trashcanman I appreciate that everything about this giveaway is RANDOM! Sometimes random is better than planned. Thanks for hosting! 🙃 #randomgiveaway
After getting into a fight at school, Clara is sentenced to work on her father‘s food truck for the summer as punishment with the girl she got in trouble with, Rose. Clara slowly gets to know her former enemy and even dates a guy who genuinely cares for her. She starts off as a unlikeable bratty teen but has real character growth after she allows herself to open up more to people and care about the real things in life, family and friends.
“I hated when he gendered the stupid truck. To retaliate, I called my boobs Brock and Chad, which my dad hated with equal fervor.”
Thanks to the All The Boys I Loved Before movie I‘m craving some cute romance that has a POC MC. And from what I‘ve heard you can‘t go wrong with Maurene Goo.
I was skeptical when I started this read. Clara was such a narcissistic brat and just annoying to read. But I enjoy the enemies to friends trope and was curious enough to see how she and Rose would get along. The book became truly enjoyable as Clara began to mature and become self reflective as the summer progressed. Her budding romance with Hamlet was adorable as were some of the barbs traded between her and Rose. A fun, diverse read.
I find myself relating a lot to this which is one of the main reasons I love my job (Special Ed. E.C./Pre-K paraprofessional). Kids that young don't judge or critique you. They love & accept you for who you are.
Decided I needed to take a break from my current high fantasy read for a bit & enjoy something light & fluffy. The title reminds me of the Michael song which always makes me think of a favorite (& often quoted) movie of my sisters & I. The final dance, which includes this song, is one of my favorite parts.
Some purple book covers for #PurpleRain I can't wait to read the tagged book; I loved her last one. The cake at the bottom came from one of those BuzzFeed lists of cake order fails, and it seemed appropriate for this prompt! Another great year in purple. #PrinceofJuly @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
Clara is a practical joker who goes too far and is punished by spending her summer working on her dad's food truck.
Honestly, I almost DNFed this book after ten pages, because Clara was so completely unlikable and selfish. I'm glad I finished, because she does redeem herself, though there wasn't as much character development as I would have liked.
Overall it was an easy, cute, predictable read. Nothing brilliant, but still entertaining.
It may be 97° outside right now, but damnit- I can't be sitting out in the woods and not make a s'more! Now, to eat it without getting my book sticky...
Starting book three for the weekend. It's 98° outside today, so we've mostly been hiding in the cabin, but it's still so relaxing to be out here in the middle of nowhere. 💖
We wore out my niece swimming (Happy Father‘s Day, brother!) and now it‘s time for some #poolreading.
#currentlyreading - I really disliked Clara at first as she was exactly the kind of person I can't stand IRL, but I adore her dad and love her character development, as well as her growing friendship with Rose.
I'm actually going to read my Uppercase book this month in a timely manner... huge pile of ARCs and TBR pile be damned lol.
Finally got to open my latest #Uppercase book mail!! Got some awesome socks and Alice in Wonderland iron-on patches!!! (Oh yeah, and this book!)
Food trucks and romance? Say no more.
Please excuse my Olaf pajamas. 🙈
The Fierce Reads tour was excellent! Thank you to Boswell Books and Oak Creek Public Library for hosting. The authors were all amazing and wonderful. ❤️
It‘s another grey day in Seattle. 🙄 This book is bringing some color into my life. 🌸🦋 And food. It‘s making me so hungry. 🌮🥘🥟🍭
#panelreading #fiercereads