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Letters from Skye
Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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A sweeping love story told through letters, spanning two continents and two world wars. For fans of My Dear, I wanted to tell you, The Postmistress and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. UNITED BY LETTERS. SEPARATED BY AN OCEAN. DEVASTATED BY WAR. A letter isnt always just a letter. Words on the page can drench the soul. Elspeth Dunn, a published poet living on the Isle of Skye, answers her first fan letter from Davey Graham, an impetuous young man in Illinois. Without having to worry about appearances or expectations, Elspeth and Davey confess their hopes, dreams and fears, things theyve never told another soul. Even without meeting, they know one another. But as World War I engulfs Europe and Davey volunteers as an ambulance driver on the Western front, Elspeth can only wait on Skye, anxious for his return; wondering if theyll ever get a chance to meet.
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: EPISTOLARY

LETTERS FROM SKYE is a book of letters from a fan to a poet…fan letters that turned into more than just correspondence.

A fun, well written read with a love story and history woven in.


Eggs Great choice! I see this is on my Litsy TBR !! 2y
Teresereading I loved this book, and loved Skye when I visited in 2016 2y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Oh! I forgot to say…I (FINALLY) made it to the Post Office today! 😱📬📦

@Amiable @Nute

Amiable @monalyisha I was in Providence last week —I should have just swung by and saved you the postage! 😀 3y
Nute Exciting news!🤗 3y
monalyisha @Amiable Hilarious. 😂 3y
monalyisha @Nute 🎉🎉🎉 3y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Oh hey!
I finally did some errands & can stop shame-avoiding Litsy! 🙈 @Soubhiville your book is en route!

Soubhiville Oh please don‘t feel guilty! There was never any hurry. ❤️ 3y
monalyisha @Soubhiville That‘s sweet! But I‘m a Capricorn & a lapsed Catholic. Guilt is inevitable. 😅♑️🙏🏻 3y
Soubhiville 🤣 3y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I mailed out my #BookCupidSwap package today! Lucky mystery match scheduled to receive on Thursday, 1/28! 📖💘📦

candority Wonderful! I love that homemade paper! 4y
DinoMom Very beautiful 4y
AmyG So pretty! 4y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I finally deemed it safe to visit The Post Office...& the workers weren‘t wearing masks. 😣 #fail

BUT — some lucky Litten I‘ve long owed mail to has a package arriving soon! I‘ll tag you when Tracking says it‘s near.

TrishB I haven‘t been yet, and I owe a lot of lovely people letters! It always looks packed ☹️ 4y
monalyisha @TrishB It‘s tough right now — & Litsy is a kind place! I‘m sure people understand. 💕 4y
TrishB Very true ❤️ 4y
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marleed I‘m so surprised the workers aren‘t wearing masks. Around here the mail carriers have been wearing masks and gloves- even outside, for months. I guess I just assumed that was true everywhere. 4y
monalyisha @marleed I was surprised, too. Also, a woman (a sales clerk) in another store today took something I was carrying out of my arms and touched me with pretty much the entire length of her bare arms against my bare arms. I was caught totally unawares. Didn‘t expect that in the slightest. I did not feel good about my public interactions today. 4y
ravenlee My last visit to the post office was before the state-wide mask mandate, but we wore masks. Clerks didn‘t, but they had the plexiglas barriers up. But then the clerk (think he‘s a manager) picked up and moved his barrier to point out something to me on the form I was filling out. It didn‘t make me feel very safe. 4y
monalyisha @ravenlee Yes. The barrier didn‘t seem big or solid or foolproof enough to warrant the absence of masks. 4y
Laughterhp Really? I‘m surprised they wouldn‘t be wearing one in RI (I‘m assuming). Though I did go to a gas station in Warwick and the cashier wasn‘t wearing one but there was a clear barrier in between us (but they were walking around the store 😕) 4y
monalyisha @Laughterhp I was surprised, too! We‘re in Warren now. 4y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I wanted to be a mail carrier when I was little because I thought I would get to read all the letters. Reading novels in the epistolary style is the next best thing to quench my nosey tendencies. This one has been on my list for awhile, and is the last library book in my possession since the lockdown. It‘s a forbidden love ❤️ and loss story that takes place during WWI & WWII. Between a so-so and a pick? I‘ll give 2/5💌s.

runswithscissors007 i still do want to deliver the mail. dream job. even as a grown up i may be romanticizing it a bit... lol! 4y
Wife @runswithscissors007 I‘m still all for it too! Except on days over 80 degrees 🥵 4y
UwannaPublishme When I was a kid, I remember our mailman Chippy used to read all our vacation postcards and keep the neighbors up on all the news. 😁 4y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Day 28 - #LoveLetters #FebruaryFeels
#LettersFromSkye #JessicaBrockmole

Loved this book and the movie too!

Crazeedi Great story 5y
EadieB @Crazeedi I loved it too! 5y
MySharonaK I love Letters from Skye ! 5y
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EadieB @MySharonaK Me too! 5y
oddandbookish This is one of my favorite booksn 5y
EadieB @oddandbookish One of my favorites too! 5y
Eggs Cover Love ❣️❣️ 5y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Day 19 - #LettersEpistolaryNovel #SelfImprovementSept

A sweeping story told in letters, spanning two continents and two world wars, Jessica Brockmole‘s atmospheric debut novel captures the indelible ways that people fall in love, and celebrates the power of the written word to stir the heart. Sparkling with charm and full of captivating period detail, Letters from Skye is a testament to the power of love to overcome great adversity.

MySharonaK I completely agree with your review 💙 some books just come into your life at the right time and that was my experience with this one 5y
EadieB @MySharonaK This is a great story and a very nice movie too! 5y
MySharonaK @EadieB I had no idea there is a movie! 5y
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MySharonaK @EadieB thank you ! It looks lovely 5y
EadieB @MySharonaK You‘re welcome! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚😊 5y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole

It was lovely ❤️

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Happy Valentines Day! This seems the perfect book to be reading right now. What says Valentines like love letters?! I‘ve had this book for ages and haven‘t picked it up before now. It‘s one of those, why haven‘t I read this and at the same time I‘m thankful for a new treasure. #epistolary

Soubhiville 👋 hi! I‘ve missed seeing you here! 6y
Foragingfantasy @Soubhiville hey lady! 👋🏻 I‘ve missed y‘all too! 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I enjoyed the audiobook. I have a feeling when it comes to this book, audio is the best version. An American man reads a Scottish woman‘s poems and sends her a letter. They become pen pals and their relationship deepens during the dark days of wartime. She is married and has never left isle of Skye, he‘s a student about to get married. It‘s a poignant and heartfelt book, describing the time period well, and the longing for something you can‘t get.

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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Started listening to this one 🙂

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Loved this one! Great audiobook 👍 6y
Tove_Reads @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Enjoying it so far! 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Page 16 😍

I've owned this book for a long time and because of Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge Task 1, I'm finally getting around to reading it. I'm nervous because it is always compared to Guernsey and as far as I'm concerned those are BIG SHOES to fill.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Only two chapters in but already loving this #epistolary novel with 2 storylines, one #WWI, one #WWII. I‘ve just started reading more from these time periods lately, something fairly new for me.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I didn‘t leave enough time in my morning routine to open up my official #WitchPleaseSwap package...but I did crack open my “Thank You” gift from @MeganAnn 🖤. Thank you so much for making a special effort to make me feel appreciated! You‘re the best. 🔮 Also, check out her cute, little moon doodle on the envelope!

Jess_Franzino Such a cute moon! I had decorated the original box I was going to send your package in, but then USPS insisted I switch to their flat rate box and they didn‘t have sharpies 😆 Ahhhh....can‘t wait for you to open your “official” #witchpleaseswap package! 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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A beautiful, touching novel that slowly unravels its plot through multiple timelines. The novel is about two solitary souls who reach out through letters. It was all about devotion, betrayal, family, and war. Elspeth and Davey are characters that Jessica Brockmole wrote to come alive, and alive they seemed, the novel read as if these were real letters from two real people that fell in love with only pen and paper.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole

I can‘t describe how much I love this story!

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Doesn't everyone match their whisky to their book? Beautifully written story made even more delightful with a wee dram of the only whisky from Isle of Skye. #whiskywednesday

Liatrek Prefect pairing 😊 6y
emmaturi Super pic! 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Finished this a week ago. It was a good book to read in between reading some heavier material. I like peeking in on what people write to each other and for that reason I enjoyed the book. Unfortunately, the overall story itself was just so-so.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Maybe epistolary novels aren‘t for me. At the 1/3 point I was ready to bail. At 2/3, I was determined to finish so I could Pan it and move on. It‘s done now, and while the ending made things a little better, I‘m still just glad it‘s over. The writing was fine, but I struggled to like the main characters, and the letter format didn‘t work for me. I don‘t dare say more because of spoilers.

rabbitprincess Sorry the book didn't work for you, but I love the blanket! 6y
DGRachel @rabbitprincess Thanks! I got it at Target a year or two ago. 😊 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Starting this tonight since it‘s the next due back to the library and others are waiting on it so I can‘t extend my check out. #Bailey had claimed the center of the bed, as usual. 🙄 #dogsofLitsy #currentlyreading

britt_brooke 💚🐾 6y
Melissa_J I loved that book! I hope you enjoy it. 6y
SledgeReader @DGRachel I‘ve got this one on my stack based on the Litsy chatter! Hope I can make my due date too. #blameitonlitsy📖 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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In sale today for 2.99. Its a book written in letters (I love books written in letters!!)

Jess7 @britt_brooke I snagged this bc it reminded me of this one: 6y
Melissa_J I absolutely loved this book! 6y
britt_brooke @Jess7 Thanks, I may grab it. 6y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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1. Favorite Love Story: “Letters from Skye” - Jessica Brockmole
2. Favorite Fictional Couple: Blue & Gansey. Favorite “Romance”: their whole crew. 💞 “In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.”
3. Favorite Flower: Peonies. Sea holly.
4. Favorite Candy: I‘m going cheap/popular: Reese‘s PB Eggs. Take 5. Sour Patch Watermelon.
5. Red or Pink: Red

monalyisha I think the art cred on the Blue & Gansey fan art goes to: squidwithelbows 🤷‍♀️🦑 (edited) 7y
JoScho I love all the pics! 7y
monalyisha Thanks @JoScho 🤗 7y
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ReadingMeagan Letters from Skye is so great! I will have to add that to my re-read list 😊 7y
monalyisha @ReadingMeagan I‘ve still never read anything by Sara Gruen. 😱 7y
ReadingMeagan @monalyisha I‘ve on read At the Water‘s Edge. I keep meaning to read Water for Elephants. One day! 7y
monalyisha @ReadingMeagan Interesting! I own “Water for Elephants” (I bought it after falling in love with “The Night Circus”), but I don‘t think “At the Water‘s Edge” is even on my TBR! I‘ll have to add it. 7y
ReadingMeagan @monalyisha I hope you like it! It had me wanting to visit Scotland 😊 7y
monalyisha @ReadingMeagan Oh, I‘m already there. All I want to do is hunt for the Loch Ness Monster. 😅🐉🌊 7y
ReadingMeagan @monalyisha Then you will love that book!!! 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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👋 Hello! Today is Sunday which means I have time to catch up on the latest episodes of Once Upon A Time and Andi Mack. -
QOTD: What show do you need to catch up on?

UwannaPublishme Once Upon a Time! 🙌🏻 7y
GA_Bookworm07 I love andi mack. Im all caught up on my tv shows. I have 4-5 christmas movies to watch. 7y
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KrystleTheBookSlayer I need to catch up on all of my TV shows! OUAT, TWD, Supernatural are the ones that I'm the furthest behind on! I haven't even started the newest season of OUAT yet! 7y
oddandbookish @AvidBookWorm02 I just started watching Andi Mack a few weeks ago and I just love it. It‘s such a good show even though it‘s for kids. 7y
oddandbookish @Krystle1 The newest season of OUAT is really good! I think they did a good job rebooting it. 7y
GA_Bookworm07 @oddandbookish yea it is. I love it. 7y
SilversReviews I LOVE The Isle of Skye in Scotland, but I wasn‘t that excited about this book. 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I haven't forgotten about you @ReadOrDieRachel ! 💌🐦📬 #litsypenpals

*letter being delivered via carrier pigeon. keep an eye to the sky.

readordierachel 🕊 Looking forward to it! 7y
RaimeyGallant We're playing #LibrariansForTheWin today. You win! ;) 7y
monalyisha @RaimeyGallant that's great news! I love to win. 😉 7y
monalyisha @ReadOrDieRachel I *actually* mailed your letter today. (I think I might owe you double-time correspondence next time.👯) 7y
readordierachel @monalyisha Ha! No worries! This is a low pressure situation. They do call it snail mail after all. 😉🐌 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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It's gloomy over here on the East Coast today. So I'm California dreamin'. 😉 @ReadOrDieRachel your letter's en route! Or it will be... as soon as I get some stamps. #whereimwritingfrom #litsypenpals

readordierachel Yay! 👍 7y
monalyisha @ReadOrDieRachel Hopefully you've received your first correspondence! 🤞🏻 (edited) 7y
readordierachel Got it! I'll open it today! 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Dear Mr. Graham,

You should have seen the stir in our tiny post office, everyone gathered to watch me read my first letter from a 'fan,' as you Americans would say. I think the poor souls thought no one outside our island had ever laid eyes on my poetry. I don't know which was more thrilling to them--that someone indeed read one of my books or that the someone was an American. You're all outlaws and cowboys aren't you?

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I scavenged a pretty blue typewriter from the basement of my last apartment. I've been meaning to get it fixed up for quite a while now (an embarrassing amount of time, really). This should provide ample incentive!

#litsypenpals @steverogers

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I made the mistake of reading this epistolary novel just after I finished The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Letters from Sky lacks humour. It's just too serious and the main character Elspeth is not very likeable. I read it in short bursts during my lunch break so this may have lessened the impact? Maybe it just wasn't the right time.

Melissa_J Too bad you didn't enjoy it more, I loved it! 7y
Dragon Thanks @Melissa_J most people seemed to love it. It just didn't work for me. I think I should have waited longer before I read it. 7y
MrBook Not every book can be a winner 😕. Great review! 7y
Dragon Thanks @MrBook 👍😀🐉 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Apparently Im not too cynical to completely fall for this epistolary love story. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Such a wonderful book.

Zelma I enjoyed this one too. 👍 7y
Dragon I'm reading this one at work 👍#lunchbreakreads 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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What a great #epistolary novel! I wasn't sure how I felt about a romance based on an affair but Jessica Brockmole made it work. I'm a little slow getting through audiobooks but this is definitely one worth listening to.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole

#bookmail out to @BookBabe @MrBook , and @PatriciaU ! Much love from this coast to my other one, ha. 🍿

BookBabe 😊❤️ 7y
LornaDH @BookBabe Hi! Did you get it? Spelling mistake wasn't mine. 💜 7y
BookBabe No, we haven't gotten it yet! What spelling mistake? We received the one regarding the grandparent, that's the last thing we got from you. Hope nothing is lost in the mail! 7y
LornaDH @BookBabe Sent two weeks ago now. I can't write on presentable envelopes. So my PA addressed it, and spelt @MrBook's name wrong. Soz. I have the receipt, so it should arrive. 7y
MrBook @LornaDH Aww, lol, no worries 😊. We received it Monday afternoon 😁! 👍🏻👍🏻🍻 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Love Love Love! I could talk about this book all day long. This is an #epistolary with an alternating time-setting = 1910's & 1940's. There is friendship and love and loss and happiness and heartache and redemption. I love stories that pull at my heart like this one, so it isn't a shock that I gravitate toward these rereads.

I added the audiobook from the library-there are several narrators and they're all SO PERFECT. Too many to list here but 💯

Zelma I really liked this one too. I am sucker for the time period and epistolary novels. 8y
Cinfhen One of my favorite songs has the same title, now it's playing in my head 🎵🎵🎵Letters from Sky by Civil Twilight 🎶 (edited) 8y
Debiw781 Loved this book as well! Excellent audiobook!! 7y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Rereading this book that I love SO MUCH. I added the audiobook to my reread and it makes me love the story even more. There are several narrators and they're all so, so great. (Particularly with the different accents: I love that! It makes the story bigger for me.) The first time I read this, it was a print-only read, so the audio just feels like a great big bonus of YES.


okthislooksbad Yes yes YES this book owns my heart 😍😍😍 8y
Luv2readbookz Loved this book. One of my favs. 💕💕💕 8y
Irisheyz77 Ooh audio sounds like way to go 8y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Listening to an intriguing #epistolary story on a chilly morning. Doughnuts and coffee on the menu at church this morning!

JoeStalksBeck Mmmmm 8y
Debiw781 I'm trying so hard to resist eating one @Book_Addict 8y
LauraBeth I ❤ church doughnuts 😀 8y
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JoeStalksBeck @Debiw781 oh go on. You deserve a sweet snack on a Sunday! ❤️ 8y
Reviewsbylola 😍😍😍😍 I am a donut addict!! 8y
Bostonmomx2 Oh you suck. Now I'm gonna have to send hubby to the donut shop 😉 8y
Debiw781 @Reviewsbylola me too!! ❤ And lol @Bostonmomx2 they are so tempting! 8y
Megabooks You're killing me with those donuts! #celiacdiseaseproblems 😭😭 8y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Finishing up this lovely book while supper cooks! Also enjoying this amazing wine that we bought on our anniversary trip up north...Chateau Chantal Reserve Chardonnay, so buttery and delicious! If you haven't been to Traverse City, Michigan, you need to! Lots of vineyards and an amazing indie bookstore called Brilliant Books! #bookvacation

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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I really liked this epistolary novel of letters between an American student and a Scottish poet, all of which started out as a "fan mail" letter. This book is reminiscent of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. A great book to end 2016!

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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.

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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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#SeasonsReadings2016 #SetOnAnIsland 🏝⛵🏞

A lovely little historical tale & romance (told in letters), between a poet on the Scottish Isle of Skye & an American volunteer ambulance driver for the French army during WWII. 📝💙💌

Recommended for fans 'The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society' or of Epistolary fiction.

#HistoricalFiction #Epistolary #RecommendsDay

saresmoore Ooh fun! 8y
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Today's #booktober is #debutnovels, and I'm here to wave a gorgeous historical fiction that went entirely under the radar in your faces. That's all.

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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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This was a surprising delight. I read it straight through in one night and I now have a very urgent need to visit the Isle of Skye.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole
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Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole

If you adore romantic handwritten letters, lost lovers, finally finding those lost lovers and after so many years making eye contact with them again. You might want to give this a read. This story brought one tear.

Letters from Skye | Jessica Brockmole

I lost interest almost immediately but tried my best to keep going. As much as I hate giving up on a book, I just could not finish it.