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Boy Erased: A Memoir of Identity, Faith and Family
Boy Erased: A Memoir of Identity, Faith and Family | Garrard Conley
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Boy Erased is a heart-wrenching memoir about nineteen year old Garrard Conley's experience after he is outed by his rapist in college to his Baptist parents and subsequently enrolled in a Southern Arkansas conversion therapy program called Love in Action where he is introduced to damaging methods and idealogy to "cure" him of his sexual orientation. How a parent could inflict this on their child is beyond me. (1/?)

TheIntrovertedDodoBird I've watched the satirical Cult Classic 'But I'm a Cheerleader' and the equally poignant adaption of this novel, but reading the inner narrative of a survivor of conversion therapy is another thing entirely. How is this happening in almost every US state? How are LGBTQIA+ people still being failed by politicians? How are parents subjecting their children to these heinous "methods"? (2/?) 3mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird It breaks my heart that Conley is just one voice in an ocean of the voiceless who has experienced this kind of trauma. I found myself frustrated by various online reviews that attempted to minimise Conley's experience by the number of days *8* he spent in Love in Action and thought it was erroneous that so many people had opinions on how he should tell his own story, claiming that his crisis of faith and relationship with god should have (3/?) 3mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird taken a back pedal in favour of concentrating on the inner dialogue of his sexual orientation. Perhaps I'm feeling overly protective of him after experiencing his past alongside him by reading his memoir. Harrowing & raw, it might be an extremely difficult topic to read about, but I think it's important for everyone to hear Conley's voice. As a queer person, I know how lucky I am to grow up with a supportive, liberal, atheist parent. (4/?) 3mo
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TheIntrovertedDodoBird I just hope that Conley has found happiness, peace, and acceptance in his life now. I would love to read more of his work in the future. Excuse the lengthy review - I just couldn't restrict my thoughts to 500 *something* characters. 3mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird [trigger warnings: internalised and externalised homophobia, suicide ideation, rape, self harm, and experiences surrounding eating disorders] 3mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird [added my favourite piece of art to the collage, We Two Boys Together Clinging, by David Hockney, albeit humble and crude in style, yet politically, it also inspired my favourite poem by Walt Whitman, and I was reminded of it while reading Conley's memoir] 3mo
JenniferEgnor Saw the film adaptation on Netflix. Infuriating that this is still legal in a lot of places. 3mo
peanutnine So heartbreaking. I don't know if I could handle reading this one, it makes me sick to think of the abuse inflicted by parents on their children 3mo
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Powerful and heartbreaking book. I must say, mother🥰

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley

Goos read

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This book was definitely very eye opening and hard to read at points. It‘s an important story that I think should be read, but I just really didn‘t love the writing. I had a hard time staying engaged with this one and definitely wish the author hadn‘t jumped around as much as he did with the timeline.

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#LittenListen #Audioathon

Not an easy listen. I will never understand how a parent can choose religion over a child and not find that detrimental to the child‘s well-being, or not to care. It‘s very well written, and I was interested in the author‘s point of view. But if you pick this up be prepared to deal with some emotions.

#Arkansas #ReadTheStates

Hooked_on_books When I was in medical school, we had a patient who was underage but a teen and needed a blood transfusion. His parents were JW and said no. He said he wasn‘t JW and wanted the blood, so we were able to go forward. With younger kids, sometimes a court order is required. I try to be sensitive to peoples‘ beliefs, but isn‘t your child‘s life the most important thing? It‘s something I‘ll never understand. 3y
Soubhiville @Hooked_on_books yes I agree. If you decide to have children their lives should be your foremost concern. Otherwise why have them? 3y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Looks like a tough read. If he had the courage to write it, we must have the courage to read it. As if God, if they exist, cares who we love. The idea is ridiculous to me. This is why I'm not a fan of organized religion. So many preach love, and yet don't live it in practice. #loveislove #tbrpile

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Non fiction about a teenage boy, from a religious family, who gets sent to a anti-gay conversion program.

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I add books all the time to my wishlist on Overdrive. By the time they become available usually I have forgotten why I added it, or what it was even about.
That was the case of this book!
I did like it. I haven't yet watched the movie - but from the trailers Nicole Kidman looks as though she did great in her role has Gerrard's mother.
Everyone has a story. What Garrard has had to go through to become the man he is today is staggering. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sleepswithbooks I recently watched this movie. It‘s hard on the heart but important ❤️ 5y
ItsAnotherJen @Stacypatrice I have heard with this one it is almost better to watch the movie first before reading the book. Have you read it yet or just watched the movie? 5y
Sleepswithbooks I only watched the movie so far. I had free HBO for a weekend and DVR-Ed it 😂 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I knew I wouldn‘t like the subject matter, but I don‘t like the writing either! Just not engaging me. May come back to it....or not.

MicheleinPhilly This was NOT an easy one. 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly I sort of expected the content to be hard, but the writing didn‘t help at all and just seemed to make it more of a struggle. 5y
JennyM I am with you on this. I really didn‘t enjoy the book because of the writing. I wasn‘t engaged at all. 5y
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Cathythoughts I‘ve never heard of this one. The writing doesn‘t sound so good here..... 5y
TrishB @JennyM @Cathythoughts I definitely wouldn‘t recommend because of the writing. 5y
Cathythoughts Trish, I hope the book I sent to you on Monday will get to you soon 🤞🏻 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I have a parcel to collect from the PO that I‘ll go for tomorrow- they shut at 1pm so I haven‘t chance in the week. I‘ll let you know 😘 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I wish I hadn't seen the movie before reading the book. I think I would have enjoyed the book more, felt more emotion while reading it, had I waited on the movie. Regardless of my reading preferences, my heart broke for Garrard and his experiences.

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley

This was a really interesting look into the reality of religion versus sexuality. I wish he could have a happier ending; it will be interesting to see if he writes more.

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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The only time I can read with this little guy around is when he‘s napping!! Guess I better get to it!
#MackAttack #dogsoflitsy

AlaMich Puppy!!🐶❤️ 5y
Crazeedi Sweet doggy!🐶❣ 5y
wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐶 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Oh my goodness @AmyG what a box!! Thank you so much for everything 💜 Can‘t wait to start reading the books, and the treats are perfect!!

@BookishMarginalia #summersantagoespostal

monalyisha Sing, Unburied, Sing was *so* good! 🧡 5y
AmyG I‘m happy you like everything! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sing!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks No Exit is sooo good!!!! 5y
Bklover Great stuff! 5y
CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 5y
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Just watched his TEDtalk. It was great. If, like me, you read this book and wondered how on earth he was so close to his mother but she didn‘t notice he was gay, this will answer that question for you. He‘s also delightfully funny...and he even shows off the LIA handbook he STILL has (I think it‘s mostly to prove it really is as bad as he made it out to be). Here the link: https://youtu.be/JmCtZz-RztQ
#garrardconley #boyerased #TEDtalk

GingerAntics I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 5y
TheBookHippie This is on my TBR. Hoping I can stomach it. I heard it was marvelous. (edited) 5y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I wasn‘t sure I was going to be able to stomach it. Maybe it‘s that I‘ve gotten used to some of this madness, but I think it‘s his mentality about it. It wasn‘t nearly as bad as I expected it to be. I mean, what happened to him certainly was, but his mentality colours the way he tells the story, so it‘s easier to read. 5y
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GingerAntics @TheBookHippie he‘s so good at not letting you know quite what the ending is going to be until you get there, so there was one point during the book when I decided I just needed to know, if I was going to go on. I needed to know he was okay, the scared 19/20 yo was going to be okay. So I googled him. All it took was the one sentence under “personal life” on his Wikipedia page: “Conley resides in New York City with his husband.” (edited) 5y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie after that I happily finished the book. If you‘re not sure, I‘d go for the TEDtalk first. He‘s much more humorous in that one, and you get to see for yourself that he‘s fine with all this, he‘s cool with his parents. So you can see it all worked out. I think knowing that going in really helps when you get to the hardest/most heartbreaking parts of the book. 5y
TheBookHippie I‘ll try it when I return home from vacation 😩 so afraid. Oye. 5y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I was, too. I knew if I didn‘t read it while I had it, I‘d have to be on the waiting list for another 6 months, so I just read it. The build up is way worse. 5y
ItsAnotherJen Thank you so much for sharing the link to his TED talk. 5y
GingerAntics @JenFowler I enjoyed his talk as much as the book. He‘s clearly a very nice guy. I love that he‘s turned out okay after all the madness from his teen years. 5y
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Wow. Just wow. This book is short but powerful. The things people will do to other people in an effort to force their beliefs on others is despicable. Books like this, situations like this, make me grateful that I have severed all ties with people who believe in madness like this.
Garrard is a strong and amazing man. He has more love in his little finger than I may ever have.

GingerAntics I have no idea how he‘s managed to forgive his parents for sending him to 8 days of hell. I don‘t know how he‘s gotten past the year he spent trying to live in his academic world and his parents conservative Christian world, simultaneously. I‘m so thankful and glad he‘s had the courage to write this book, to put everything out there for the world to see. I‘m so happy I‘ve googled him and found he has a husband now. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics I hope they are happy together. I hope he is happy now. I hope that the self loathing, eating disorder, and suicidal ideation are mere memories now. The photos I‘ve seen online seem to suggest that this is likely the case. The people who gave this book a “so-so” because they disagreed with the methods in the conversion therapy are completely short changing Conley for the wonderful writer and incredibly brave human being he is. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics At least, I hope that‘s what they were disagreeing with. If they are disagreeing with his mental health and his happiness despite the madness found within this book, I‘m going to have to restrain myself from telling them where they can go and what they can do there. I am so glad he walked out of that madness when they got pissed a him for not being angry, and never went back. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 (edited) 5y
GingerAntics I‘m glad his mother realised her son didn‘t need to be there and refused to ever bring him back. He is the bravest, badassest man and I love him. #boyerased #garrardconley #brave #lgbtq #badass 5y
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I know otherwise intelligent people who will never reach this point. They will never understand the world around them, they will never experience some of the amazing history of the world or science that explains it, because it‘s not biblical. I love these people and I feel sorry for them.
#garrardconley #boyerased #science #history #censorship

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This madness damaged people, it damages families. Homosexuality has never damaged a single person or a single family who didn‘t hold the bigoted, hateful beliefs propagated by these camps. These should be outlawed in every and all civil societies. Period.
#garrardconley #boyerased #conversiontherapy #abuse #barbaric

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I‘m sorry, no one is working for any kind of decent deity when they traffic in human suffering, personal hurt, and emotional scars. The mantra of “hurt people hurt people” is just an excuse to continue hurting people and to not take responsibility for the pain and suffering people cause other people.
#garrardconley #boyerased #hurtpeoplehurtpeople #totalcrap #excuses

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I was happy to see that while his father was an ordained Baptist Missionary pastor, he didn‘t end his relationship with his only child after he left the madness of conversion therapy.
#garrardconley #boyerased #fathersandsons

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This blows my mind. Until recently, and I‘m all too many cases still today, the Baptist Church supported slavery (when it was still legal in the US) and racism, but that is never acknowledged, it‘s never been repented of, at least half the time it still exists. Yet they want to claim to be the moral majority. The thing that confuses me the most is African American Baptists. How can they even bring themselves to participate in that BS?!

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This is disheartening. How many men, how many boys, have been assaulted by this jerk, by “David” simply because no one was willing to speak up?
#garrardconkey #boyerased #disgusting

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For a group of people who love to tout that “all things are possible with Jesus,” they sure do love writing people off who have even the slightest difference in world view.
#boyerased #garrardconley #humanityisnotanillness

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Yes, because it‘s better to stay silent about pedophilia than to talk about sex or protect children. 🙄 These groups like to condemn Catholicism for the exact same thing. I guess they‘re just trying to redirect everyone‘s attention from their own perversions.
#garrardconley #boyerased #childabuse #stopchildabuse #protectthechildren

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You mean like the belief system your torturing these people with?! FFS
I never heard of this kind of insanity until I moved to Texas. Even seemingly kind people believe that sometimes this sort of thing is necessary. I‘ve heard people say “Being gay isn‘t a sin in and of itself. You can‘t control that. Acting on it is a sin, so just don‘t act on it. Just be celebrate.” WTF
I‘m sorry but this mentality is totally twisted.
#garrardconley #boyerased

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The idea that anyone can “pray away” their sexuality is ridiculous. Hell, they think more prayer will keep teenagers from having sex. That‘s why teen pregnancy is so much higher in these areas than in other areas where parents take a slightly more realistic approach.
#garrardconley #boyerased #humansexuality #conservative #headinthesand

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Starting this now. I‘m in a much better place mentally than I was on Friday. I‘m hoping that holds out with the absolute BS I know this book is going to contain. I‘ve been waiting to read this book for a while. It‘s come in from the waitlist. I‘ve got my restart of Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows on standby in case I need a break; otherwise that‘s next.
#boyerased #garrarsconley #conversioncamp #childabuse #spiritualabuse

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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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This was my book club‘s February pick, and it yielded a great discussion. It‘s a powerful coming out memoir, dealing with themes of spiritual abuse, shame/guilt, and loss of faith. Conley‘s story is heartbreaking, and SO many times I wanted to shout at the people running the misguided & cruel conversion “therapy” he was subjected to. His faith was stolen from him due to “Christians” completely misrepresenting who God is. Continued... ⤵️

BarbaraJean However, the writing felt rough. The nonlinear narrative needed more careful editing & time cues to help orient the reader. Many passages felt like the writer was trying too hard, or hiding behind oblique references & efforts to be poetic. I hate criticizing memoirs—it‘s the writer‘s story to tell, to their own comfort level, especially when dealing with difficult personal content. But this would‘ve been more effective if written more directly. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Agreed. The content was important, but the timeline was offputting. 5y
saresmoore Very insightful review! 5y
BarbaraJean @saresmoore Thank you! ☺️ @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Right?! It was hard to get at what was being shared, and what was being shared was so important. 5y
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The back & forth jumps in the timeline were erratic & confusing ("Is he in college now or at LIA...oh wait, he's washing cars at his dad's lot.")...characters were indistinguishable..."Who is J again? Who is T? Who is S...oh yeah, peanut butter girl."
He was at LIA for 8 days, and only a small portion of the book is devoted to that time. The rest of the book felt overstuffed with angsty thoughts & flowery prose that called attention to itself.

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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This was very well-written and insightful but there was a HUGE disconnect for me with all of the religiosity. I probably should have been prepared given that he‘s the son of a pastor and the whole notion of “ex-gay therapy” is steeped in certain religious beliefs but I found it overwhelming. Also, I personally think “ex-gay therapy” is a crock of horse 💩so I feel like I went into it with a chip on my shoulder...👇🏼

MicheleinPhilly Overall I‘m glad that I read this and I hope that Mr. Conley is living the life he loves and loving the life he lives. 3🌟 5y
TrishB I nearly picked this up in the shop the other day, but thought I would get really annoyed with the religious stuff. I‘ll wait for a kindle offer I think. 5y
AmyG I found this a few weeks ago at a used book sale. Thanks for thr heads up. I, too, feel that kind if therapy is utter nonsense. And I am not religious. So....I guess I shall see. 5y
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saresmoore My dad (raised in an uber-conservative Christian home, came out & separated from my mom after 25 years of marriage) is working his way through this book and finding it to be very cathartic. I want to read it simply because it‘s resonating so deeply with him, but I think it‘ll be hard to stomach. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @saresmoore Oh that‘s fascinating. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools but discarded it decades ago. I guess it didn‘t resonate as strongly with me because religion didn‘t factor in to my coming to terms with being gay/coming out at all. But I think it would be very interesting to read this and compare notes with your dad. ❤️ 5y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB That was part of the reason why I had to keep putting it down. That and just the whole “the sky is falling” mentality of his parents. I have VERY little patience for parents that share their mindset. I guess I‘m intolerant. 🤭 5y
MicheleinPhilly @AmyG Once again my ridiculous obsession with reading a book before I see the movie forced my hand! 5y
TrishB The movie thing was pushing my hand too as my kids want to go and see the film (if I go I pay!) but I want to read the book first. I‘m guessing your intolerance is more to do with other people‘s.... 5y
TrishB @saresmoore for your Dad it must be good to read something that resonates so strongly, I can see why you would want to read. 5y
8little_paws I have a friend who was sent to conversion therapy by his family. He's estranged from a bunch of his relatives now. He's got some real weird views on faith that's for sure. 5y
HippieChickHomeschool This was such a hard read, but I thought it was so well done. I was really able to see the humanity of the parents, which I appreciated, rather than painting them as evil nut jobs. @saresmoore I think you‘ll be able to stomach it, even though it‘s not a fun read. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @HippieChickHomeschool That dinner that he had with his mom towards the end made me 😢. And then when he called her to “save” him. Ugh. The whole thing was just a gut punch. 5y
Reggie @saresmoore I‘m sorry to hear that about your dad. I was raised Catholic, confirmed and everything, and when I came out to myself, it took a long time to get over thinking I was going to hell. I wish him peace. And your mother as well. 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley

Well to be honest I found this book to be sad...I did not agree with what the boy went through it was heartbreaking and harsh and for what? I don‘t want to spoil it for anyone. The book was well written but I did not agree with what went on. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

MicheleinPhilly I‘m reading this now and it is very difficult to get through. I just keep wanting to shake the parents like “He‘s gay, he‘s not a serial killer. Calm down.” 5y
NenaB Exactly! He was born that way..you can‘t change him..the parents I mean there were gays way back in history why were the parents not accepting? Poor kid! 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Finished Once Upon A River by Diane Setterfield. It was such a magical story full of characters and romance and overall great storytelling. So magical it reminded me of Like Water for Chocolate or House of Spirits. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. My next book is Boy Erased..the movie is coming out soon with Nicole Kidman!

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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This one is getting read in dribs and drabs because it is heart-wrenching. But I thought this morning‘s sun said it best: Denying your authentic self for any reason is a prison.

LauraBeth This sound like such a heart-breaking book. 💔 5y
TrishB That statement is so true. This sounds like an awesome read. 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Talked about conversion camps earlier in the week with a few people on here. All I can say is, “isn‘t karma a bitch?!” Is it wrong to laugh at this guy? He‘s tortured unknown numbers of people; now he‘s going to do exactly what he tortured those folks for doing. WTF?! I still feel like he needs to apologise to all the people he‘s tortured over the years first... but that‘s just me.
#conversioncamp #badparenting #wtf #lgbtq #karma

GingerAntics @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego check this out. So much to comment on here. He‘s still cool with what he‘s done, but he‘s going to live openly as a gay man now. Huh?! Maybe we should send him to his own torture camps for a while. Maybe he‘ll get back with his wife/ex-wife. 🙄 5y
Karisa Whoa! How can he not at least admit regret for his part in such actions? If he's still identifying as a Christian, what happened to the "Golden Rule?" One thing to struggle with own identity, another entirely to hurt others. . . 5y
GingerAntics Whoops, forgot to include the link to the article. He claims that being a part of the conversation therapy movement was a time of growth for him, but he stopped growing so he decided to go from bisexual to gay. WHAT?! Dude‘s lost his damn mind. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c48bfb8e4b025aa26bf78... (edited) 5y
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GingerAntics @Karisa right?! He claims that his time in the conversation movement allowed him to grow and he remembers it “fondly.” 🙄 He‘s not growing anymore, so he‘s “embarked on a new life-giving path.” I kinda want to laugh at him, but I also kind of want to slap him. 5y
Karisa I'm not a psychologist but he's sounds like a sociopath. No empathy for others there at all! 5y
GingerAntics @Karisa none what so ever. I don‘t think he feels any regret. I think in a way he still thinks it‘s okay. Maybe he thinks he‘s a lost cause. It will be interesting to see what the Mormon church has to say about this guy. I can‘t imagine what it must be like to be one of his “patients” right now. 5y
Karisa @GingerAntics Yes, he does need a well-deserved laugh/slap/kick in the rear. Where's karma when you need it? 5y
GingerAntics @Karisa right? I kind of like that he‘s being outed to the entire country now, but he‘s kind of signed on for that. 5y
ChristieWitch I did some research on conversion camps/therapy for my MA thesis and found that it's become very common for conversion therapy leaders to either be "ex-gay" themselves or pronounce themselves as being gay after their work. Most have apologized for putting others through terrible "therapies" but it's not surprising to read about one who has no remorse for their precious actions ? 5y
GingerAntics @ChristySevern that‘s interesting. I knew the thing about leaders being “ex-gay.” I didn‘t know that they have turned away from it and been openly gay. So basically, until these people come to terms with their own sexuality, they‘re just torturing other people with the same sexuality who have come to terms with it? Lovely. 5y
ChristieWitch @GingerAntics There's a documentary I watched and used as a source that specifically spoke to those "ex-gay" leaders who turned around and became "gay again" called "This is What Love in Action Looks Like." It was really interesting and went into a lot of different aspects of conversion therapy from those admitted to the facilities involuntarily, the leaders, "graduates" of the programs (most of whom returned to an lgbtq lifestyle after leaving). 5y
GingerAntics @ChristySevern oh I do love a good documentary. I‘m going to have to look that one up. That sounds interesting. 5y
ChristieWitch @GingerAntics There's also "One Nation Under God: Investigating Historical Efforts to Help "Cure" Homosexuality." It's a little older (1993) but gives a background into the creation of these facilities and how it's progressed over time. It's all really crazy but also really interesting. 5y
ChristieWitch @GingerAntics That one's on amazon to rent and I believe on YouTube to rent as well. The second one I found on a website. I think if you Google it you should be able to find it ☺ 5y
GingerAntics @ChristySevern I‘ll have to check both of those out. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I haven't come across this article, and am not familiar with this person. But the "converts" running these programs obviously have thier own trauma too. The whole situation is wrong and messed up. Which is why these places shouldn't exist in the first place. 5y
GingerAntics @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I hadn‘t heard of him before yesterday either. There is a link to the article in the comments. I googled it after it was on the 10pm news. 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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A memoir about the author being outed to his family, and subsequent time in conversion therapy, ie "pray the gay away therapy". Its awful & sad that this "treatment" still exists.

GingerAntics It‘s sad when you hear guys talk about being so happy they were sent to those camps and how happy they are to be married with children and “praise god.” 🙄 It‘s heartbreaking. I can‘t imagine what life is really like for those guys. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @GingerAntics it's a heartbreaking situation. I wish no one ever had/has to go through this kind of thing. 5y
GingerAntics I completely agree with you. Then again, the priest I grew up with went on sabbatical for about 3 months. Later found out he was sent away to the holy land to decide between the priesthood or his (totally legal) girlfriend. After “wha?” my first thought was, I hope his decision wasn‘t based on fear. I can‘t imagine the fear these poor kids/teens go through. I want to hug them all and tell them they are loved for themselves. 5y
ReadingEnvy One of my student workers was sent to conversion therapy. I told him he should sue his family. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @ReadingEnvy It's just so awful & traumatizing. 5y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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It has heart. Hopefully the movie also lives up to my expectations.

#gay #gayreads #nonfiction #religious #nonfiction #truestory

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I would give the book 3 ⭐️. The format of flipping back and forth kept me confused. It would have been better, imho , to be told linearly. Beyond that, Religion will kill us all. You can quote me on that one. #praythegayaway #sickreligiouszealots

Melismatic This sounds like a true tear jerker. 6y
AmyG The premise if this is just awful. I agree about religion...or maybe most of them. 6y
Samplergal @Melismatic it‘s not. I found myself being angry, but I feel much of organized religion these days doesn‘t do what it was originally thought to do. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I am about halfway through and this “pray the gay” away stuff is just creepy. I feel so sorry for these people, with religion being shoved down their throats. What a horrible bunch of “Christians “. #disgusting #goodbook #wrong

CarolynM Did you know there's a movie just out based on this book? Not sure if I want to see it. 6y
Samplergal Yes and I do want to see it. I just like to read the book first. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Starting this as I want to see the movie. But, book first.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I asked for this one for Christmas, for the same reason. 6y
CaitlinR A heartbreaking, incredible read! 6y
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We were going to see the movies...but decided we wanted to read the books first. 😁

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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I needed to read the book before I could watch the movie, and I‘m glad I did.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I need to get this book still. I'm so intrigued & I'm certain it will be eye opening & heartbreaking. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I am going to finish this book, it‘s really good I‘ve just been too damn busy!! I‘m infuriated and sad that the reality is that so many people have been sent to conversion therapy to “fix” something that doesn‘t need fixing, and that some people honestly think that you can just pray away the gay.

Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I'm sad to say that this wasn't quite what I thought it was going to be. It was very long and a lot of what was written, to me, didn't seem very relevant to the story. I also did not enjoy how it jumped around in time because the transitions weren't very smooth. A bit of a let down.

Cinfhen I borrowed this from the library and returned it pretty much unread...the writing did not pull me in either 😔 6y
elisebarker Totally agree with this!! There was so much anger in the book too.. he said he was over all of it, but it didn‘t seem that way. 6y
Busha1984 @Cinfhen @elisebarker I was so disappointed especially since they're making it into a movie 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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This book was such a punch to my soul. A heart breaking story of loving yourself and your family, and when those two are at total odds. Conley‘s experiences are horrifying and incredibly sad. Conley comes from a part of the US I do not know a lot about, and it was both fascinating and incredibly depressing to hear about his upbringing. Despite its intense subject matter I would definitely recommend this book.

MicheleinPhilly I need to read this before the movie comes out. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley

Wow. Such a beautifully written book about a heartbreakingly painful topic. It‘s amazing.

No_One Oh wow, yes it does sound like a tough read. And it sounds like something I want to read. 6y
Loralie It has sections that are very tough to read, but it is written so well. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I wanted to read this book before the movie came out and I have complete faith that Lucas Hedges is going to give a heartbreaking performance.

We have to be better than this. Conversion/ex-gay therapy needs to be a thing of the past— it should have never even been a thing at all.

JamieArc My husband works as an organizer for LGBTQ+ rights and it is crazy to me that he has to lobby/organize to get bills passed to ban conversion therapy. That it‘s not a thing of the past. 6y
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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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This book was hard to read. The things that are done to young men and women in the name of a supposedly loving God are just ridiculous. My heart goes out to each person. I feel very happy that my home church has been accepting openly gay members at least as long as I‘ve been alive. Just the amount of self loathing and mind twisting the author experienced is heartbreaking. 4⭐️ #nonfiction2018

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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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I came in from a 10 hour drive to two new library books on #Overdrive 🎉📚🎊 Now if I can keep my eyes open, I may start this one. 😉😴😴😴

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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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A heartbreaking and unflinchingly honest look at ex-gay “therapy” and the toll it took on the author when he was forced to attend by his parents. #audiowalk

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Boy Erased: A Memoir | Garrard Conley
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Beautiful weather for an #audiowalk