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Carte in tavola
Carte in tavola | Agatha Christie
Decisamente uno strano invito a cena quello che ha ricevuto Poirot. Il suo anfitrione, il mefistofelico Schaitana, ha infatti promesso al celebre investigatore di mostrargli la pi strana delle sue collezioni: quella di criminali che hanno commesso un delitto e non sono mai stati scoperti...
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It‘s been years since I read this one, and it was interesting to reread and see what I remembered. (I did forget whodunit) I enjoyed having all the super sleuths in one book!

#1953 for #192025

mabell Correction - #1936 - I have no idea why I thought #1953! 2mo
Librarybelle Hooray! I think I read this one a long time ago…I hope to read it (again) sometime soon! 2mo
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Back to work abd back to the daily commute, so I was able to finish this one this week. In general, I enjoy the Poirot novels with Ariadne Oliver as his sidekick, she is a funny and quirky character. With this novel I liked the notion of a murder happening directly under Poirot‘s nose. 🥸

Ruthiella This on is another of my favorites. If you ever get the chance, watch the BBC adaptation with David Suchet . They made some interesting modifications to it. 5mo
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella I love the David Suchet version 5mo
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView ?
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ?

1) I'm gonna say Codenames by Vlaada Chvatil. Technically not a "board" but in the same vein!

Although, I did make the mistake of playing the filthy "Deep Undercover" version with my parents recently. Trying to link words like "beaver", "kinky" & "motorboat" with my family turned out to be... awkward.

2) Tagged. Again, not technically a "board" game, but close enough ?

willaful 😱 😱 😱 10mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love Codenames—my favorite version is Pictures! 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @willaful I know right 🤣🤣 10mo
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RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly Yes, pictures is fun! I wish they'd release MORE PICTURE CARDS though!!! I'd buy them all. I'm gonna get the Harry Potter edition I think. 10mo
willaful I kind of wish we could get the raunchy version for our online games. 😂 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @willaful Weirdly it's the only version of Codenames that has a 2.0 version 😆 10mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday 10mo
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView ?
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ?

I think this is between ? ? ?
Although I have been known to enjoy a cheeky ?
Non face emojis... ???

Now Mum and I have to do some soul searching as to why "We need to talk about Kevin" was the first thing we both thought of in association with ? emoji...


I'm gonna change the subject and say Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie for ?

The_Penniless_Author Yours is definitely 🤨 It's not even close. 11mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Ohh you mean I use 🤨 most? Haha 11mo
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TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 11mo
The_Penniless_Author Yes 🤨 Rae 🤨 that 🤨 is 🤨 what 🤨 I 🤨 mean. 🤣 11mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I'm just saying, if I'm 🤨'ing you more than 😊'ing you, maybe you need to be more 😊😊😊 to your Rae pal? 😘😋 11mo
The_Penniless_Author I count four 😊s to only one 🤨 in your last comment, so I guess I'm doing OK. 😇 11mo
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This is also a Superintendent Battle book but no Bundle.😥 Clever. I've read 17 books in my escape month. Starting to get back to my life. Being able to escape into books has been great.

Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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My first thought was House of Cards by Michael Dobbs, but I notice this has already been used. So choosing this Hercule Poirot Mystery.

#Cards #DivineDecember

Eggs ♦️♣️♥️♠️👏🏻👏🏻 2y
willaful This is a very fun one! I've read it so often but still am always surprised by it somehow. 2y
Andrew65 @willaful This is one I‘m yet to read but hope to get to soon. 2y
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I found this one fun, with multiple sleuths, one of them a writer of mystery novels, which felt playfully meta. I have absolutely no knowledge of bridge, except to know that it's way more complicated than euchre and therefore not something I'm likely to play well, but that didn't hinder my enjoyment of the novel.

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Drove across town twice, jogged three miles, helped one of my kids record an orchestra audition, and figured out where the painters left the lightbulbs from the dining room light fixtures (but not why) and still found time to read from three different books, the tagged on audio (while jogging, driving, cooking, cleaning), Remainder on Kobo, and Watership Down as a read-aloud with my son while he put clean sheets on his bed. Multitasking!

Ruthiella Many years ago my mother made the painters buy new curtain hardware because it had disappeared. We found it months later in a closet. 😆 2y
Smrloomis Wow, you got a TON of stuff done! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 2y
ImperfectCJ @Ruthiella I can totally see that happening! I was actually on the phone with the painting company talking about the bulbs when I found them, which was amusing. 2y
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3. Christie brings in several detectives from past novels. Did you enjoy revising these characters? Which detectives would you have liked to be included in this group?


TheAromaofBooks I always love seeing Superintendent Battle. He's one of my favorites. 2y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks I think it's fun to see these characters together, especially when I don't necessarily love the books in which they appear. It reminds me how great the characters are and how I would have liked to see more of them in other (better) outings. 2y
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2. This book introduces Ariadne Oliver, who is widely considered to be a stand-in for Christie herself. What did you think of this character? What commentary is Christie making on her role as the author?


TheAromaofBooks I am not always a fan of authors writing themselves (or versions of themselves) into their stories, but I absolutely love Ariadne. She's so funny and self-depreciating, and listening to her complain about how she randomly decided to make her detective a Finn and now she's stuck with him just brings me joy every time haha 2y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks YES! I totally know what you mean about some of the issues of authors writing themselves into their books, but Christie definitely strikes the perfect balance. She's commenting on the ridiculousness of her situation while also being aware that it's ridiculous that she feels that way, you know what I mean? 2y
TheAromaofBooks Exactly, and she doesn't take herself too seriously. One series I read the author wrote herself in and basically made this character a paragon of every kind of virtue and it annoyed me SO much how she spent all this time basically bragging about herself and how amazing she was. Christie makes herself an absent-minded, somewhat ridiculous middle-aged woman who scatters apple cores everywhere she goes, and I love it. 2y
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#agathachristieclubR2: I'm trying to get caught up on stuff, I have no idea what month we're on, so here we go!

Please remember to tag anyone who has previously commented!

1. Did you like this book? Why or why not?

TheAromaofBooks This isn't my favorite Christie, but I did enjoy it. I really liked the way that she made this a sort of “locked room“ type mystery with only three possible suspects. 2y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks I agree! I think it's also really fun that she brings so many past characters together. If only Miss Marple had been there! 2y
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I kept getting distracted by how much I preferred the (David Suchet) TV version. In my opinion, they improved it and brought it to life.

Not one of my favourite Poirot books, sadly.


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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie

This was so fun! Probably haven‘t read it in 25ish years and just wanted something lighthearted and fun! Such clever writing. She builds such suspense and intrigue without adding disgusting language or characters. It‘s a true art form, and I love it every time.

Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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A good murder mystery of Poirot. It has a good plot with interesting characters. A murder happens in a small party almost in the presence of Poirots. How he tackles is really worth reading. 3.5⭐️

Interestingly both my #bookspin and #doublespin books are by Queen of mysteries 😊 this book was my #bookspin for March

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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In the forward to this mystery, Christie writes that the story has 4 suspects to the murder. And even with 4 suspects and the unveiling of their backstory, I still get surprised at the ending. I‘m easy to fool, and Christie is a master storyteller.


Ruthiella This one is particularly good, I agree! 3y
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Okay I did not see that twist coming! Every time I think I've solved it, Christie pulls out the rug again lol. This was a very enjoyable Poirot. Someone is murdered during a bridge game. Poirot and three other sleuth-types are in the next room when it happens and team up to solve the crime.

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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Made 481points in the last week (including my first ever #bookspinbingo), for a total of 9701 points in my first #wintergames.


StayCurious Great job! 3y
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Another fun mistery with Poirot and a clever murder 🧐

Third book read for #wintergames2021 #teamgamesleighers and #bookspinbingo 👍

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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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December's #AgathaChristieClubR2 read wasn't Christmasy, but it was a great mystery so it all worked out. It had been quite a while since I read this one so I couldn't remember how it played out. A rich and not particularly nice man tells Poirot that he collects all sorts of art, and includes people who have literally gotten away with murder as a type of art. He has a brilliant plan to have a dinner party and invites Poirot, Superintendent ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Battle, Colonel Race, and Mrs. Oliver (authoress of detective novels), along with four people whom Poirot realizes must be part of the “art collection“ of successful murderers. By the end of the evening, the host is dead, and one of the four murderers must have killed him. This involved a lot of legwork finding out about the past (potential) murders of each of the four, and I quiet enjoyed the journey. I also love Mrs. Oliver & her ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) funny complaints - pretty much the only time I enjoy an author putting herself into her own fiction, as Christie doesn't try to turn Mrs. Oliver into some kind of heroic, long-suffering individual full of wisdom. All in all, a fun and entertaining read that I thoroughly enjoyed. 3y
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keys_on_fire Hoping to read some Agatha next year as part of @TheSpineView ‘s #seriesread2022!! 3y
TheSpineView Good book!👍📖📚 3y
Jadams89 🎁🎅🏻👍🏻🎄🎉 3y
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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December's #AnyWayYouReadathon starts today and I am hoping to finish five books, including the tagged, which I started yesterday afternoon.

I didn't get much reading done yesterday because my sister and brother came over and we ended up playing my newest tabletop game (games are my other addiction, second only to books), Mantis Falls, whose tagline is, “Like life...a cooperative game that's really only cooperative sometimes.“ It's absolutely ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) brilliant and left me feeling like I should be posting game reviews here as well as book reviews 😂

Anyway, hoping to get some more reading in this weekend, unless I convince my husband to play my new game with me. I'm convinced he would make a fantastic assassin. (I mean fictionally, not in real life... probably)

Thanks for hosting @Eggbeater @kimmypete1 @MidnightBookGirl !!
marleed Haha. Sounds like a great game! 3y
Eggbeater Good luck! Sounds like a great game! Thanks for joining! 3y
dylanisreading Sounds fun! 3y
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Eggs ♣️♥️♠️ 3y
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Oh what a surprise, I‘m behind on my reviews again.

I‘ve been on an audio kick this week.

This was a short book. Poirot is invited to a party by a man who collects Murder items. And then dun dun dun, is murdered by someone at the party. Poirot and Superintendent Battle work together to solve the crime.

I loved that both Battle and Poirot were in this book. Overall, I found this one just okay.


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A delightful gem of a locked-room mystery that really keeps you guessing all the way to the end.

Full review here: https://iannathanielcohen.weebly.com/incspotlight/the-incspotlight-cards-on-the-...

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I find that many of Christie‘s lesser known books have strange titles. This one fits though once you start reading because it centers around a bridge game. There were only 4 possibilities for the murderer, but I still got distracted by red herrings & didn‘t know the right person. I liked this one—some suspense & a combo of Poirot, Superintendent Battle, Mrs. Oliver, & Colonel Race.

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It's been ages since I read an Agatha Christie novel. After reading this one, I conclude that I terribly and definitely missed it. Led by the very famous and must I say my favourite detective of all Christie's sleuths, Poirot once again shows the brilliance of his grey cells. It's bit different from the usual as the author says in her foreward, this novel focuses more on the psychological aspect of murder. Also if you know bridge, this is for you.

Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This was actually my first Christie and first Poirot. I‘ve been learning bridge (positive side effect of lockdown!) so this was particularly fun to read. Though I hope none of my future rubbers are quite this exciting.

282Mikado I love AC. It has been a while since I have read anything from her and this doesn‘t sound familiar. Into my stack it goes!😁 4y
Dostoyes @282Mikado I hope you enjoy! It was a fun/short weekend read. If I‘m not mistaken, I think AC wrote herself in as a character, which was quite amusing. 4y
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie

Mr Shaitana holds a dinner party with four detectives and four murderers who got away with their crimes. While his guests play bridge, Mr Shaitana is murdered. But which of the murderers did it?

First of all, I have to say I know nothing about bridge, so a lot of Poirot's line of questioning went way over my head. Despite that I enjoyed being bamboozled by it not being the person who I considered the most obvious suspect.

Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Cards on the Table (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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TFW you‘ve stayed at the hotel they mention in your novel!

LeahBergen I‘d love to go there!! 5y
umbrellagirl @LeahBergen it‘s lovely. definitely recommended, and not just because of agatha‘s connection. 5y
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Christmas hols, day 11, book 15.
#24B42020 day 5, final day.
Starting what will probably be the last book of the year/decade, possibly the first of the new one.

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Mostly I‘ll be spending time with my friends, Agatha and Hercule. Looking forward to a quiet night in and one more day off before returning to work.

Balibee146 Happy New Year ❤️🎉 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy New Year 🎊🎆🎈 5y
Laughterhp Love this! 💚😂 5y
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rabbitprincess I wore a sparkly cardigan to work today because it‘s New Year‘s Eve ?  5y
umbrellagirl @rabbitprincess I may still be wearing my pajamas... 5y
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Another Poirot book, not so good... All the bridge thing was a little confusing I guess.

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In the forward it says that this is one of Hercule Poirot's favorite mysteries. 😊 Not one of mine but still good, and I always love reading about Mrs. Oliver with her crazy ideas and her apples. 😆

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#abbainaugust #thenameofthegame

The name of the game, according to both Edith Wharton and Agatha Christie is “bridge”. 😂😂 Must refresh myself on how to play it, or maybe not, seeing it keeps getting people into trouble!

Cathythoughts Look at that fabulous cover 💙💙on the House of Mirth (edited) 6y
batsy I've long associated bridge with "bad things are about to happen" ? 6y
Meredith3 ♦️ ♥️ ♠️ ♣️ 6y
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Centique @Cathythoughts isn‘t it just? 😘 6y
Centique @batsy eeek! 😳😂 6y
Mdargusch Good choice. I want to learn how to play bridge but it just seems too serious for me. 6y
Cinfhen Great graphics and clever choice ❣️❣️❣️ 6y
emilyhaldi Clever!! I wonder if Bridge is going to die out completely at some point 🤔 maybe I should learn 6y
merelybookish Good one! Whist is the game that I associate with novels. (Whatever that is...) 6y
Reviewsbylola My grandma is 92 and bridge has always been her passion. She still plays weekly! 6y
Centique @Reviewsbylola that is the cutest thing ever 😍 go Grandma! 6y
Centique Thanks ladies 😘 @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi @merelybookish I don‘t know what whist is either... (edited) 6y
Centique @Mdargusch I learnt to play it with a group at work years ago - they laughed a lot while playing which was a good sign! You‘re right, i think it can be taken VERY seriously 🧐 6y
BecomingBeing One of my few qualms about the book is the focus on bridge which I have no knowledge of. 6y
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Only took me a month to finish this one in between all my other books. Like all the other Agatha Christie books it did not disappoint.

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Hercule Poirot is invited by a most interesting man to a dinner party. Mr. Shaitana collects unusual things and wants to show off his collection of unconvicted murderers. Shaitana assembles four sleuths and 4 murderers. Shaitana, of course, ends up murdered while his guests play bridge. Poirot, Ariadne Oliver, Colonel Race, and Superintendent Battle join forces to find out the past crimes in order to solve this one.

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I‘m going to call this one #blameitonbatsy 😂😂 Because @batsy mentioned her favourite sleuthing duo was Poirot and Ariadne Oliver - I hadn‘t read one with Ariadne in it yet, so I had to address that oversight quickly! This was classic Poirot; reading them is like going to visit an old friend - I was totally duped by the final reveal and suitably anxious along the way. Ariadne is a great character 😍

batsy 😂 Yay! So happy you liked it. I remember this one as being good fun. I'm being good and following along chronologically with the #agathachristieclub and I think her stronger books come a bit later. 6y
LiteraryinPA This is a great one! Glad you liked it. 6y
Ruthiella Absolutely one of my favorites with Poirot😀 and I love Mrs. Oliver and how she complains about her fictional Finnish detective! 🤪 6y
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Centique @batsy I‘m jumping around which is unlike me! I think I used to just grab whichever was on the library shelf. My favourite is the last one, Roger Ackroyd, I loved that so much. 6y
Centique @LiteraryinLititz @Ruthiella I loved having the 4 sleuths and Ariadne is SO funny about her detective novels 🤣 6y
Dragon I love Ariadne Oliver and her love of apples 🍎💜 6y
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#24in48 My tbr is full of mysteries. I am going to do my best in spite of a busy weekend.

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I just loved this. A classic, cosy crime, perfect for beach holiday reading. 4 sleuths, including Poirot in fine form, are invited to dinner with 4 apparent murderers. The host is killed. Clever plotting with interchanging narrators, twists & turns & a nice dry humour. Some find her characters 2-dimensional but I find them vivid & true to life (as far as this genre goes). Love her brisk style & London setting too. 👌🕵🏼‍♀️

LiteraryinPA This one is a good one! 7y
Abailliekaras @LiteraryinLititz Agatha Christie does not disappoint! 7y
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More Agatha Christie and French onion soup! This was a fun one that started at a party and matched four suspects against four detectives. Would have made more sense if I knew how to play bridge, though.

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#thisorthatswapedition ❤️both 📚introvert in every day life extrovert at work. Weird eh? I blame it on being a Gemini ❤️ COZY!!! 📚quidditch duh! ❤️ equal opportunity 📚 I want snow but I live in sand. ❤️ if I have to chose, romance.

BethM @Mommamanzi I've become the same weird intro/extrovert when I used to be a pretty solid extrovert. I however blame it on work 😂 7y
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Closed-room mystery with only 4 possible suspects, but still tricky.

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Here is the Agatha Christie omnibus. As you see it's not in perfect condition since I bought it used. It was published in the 80s. It includes the stories: The mysterious affair at styles, Murder on the orient express, Cards on the table, Death on Nile and Curtain. As I earlier mentioned it's in Finnish but as you said it would definitely be an extraordinary item in your Christie collection. @Lizpixie

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Watching Poirot while coloring cats by #FloraChang with gel pens.

Kat.Kao Ha I'm watching that exact episode right now! 7y
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Saturday morning reading with my reading buddy. He is unimpressed with Poirot. #agathachristie #maidensofmurder

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Forgot to post when I finished this a few days ago. Another Christie I never read before. Only four suspects - sounds boring, perhaps? Not at all, though! Really good one.

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I think this is Cards on the Table (google translates it as 'Poirot plays the game' and the blurb mentions Mrs Oliver)

I learnt French in highschool so my Grandpa thought buying me this was hilarious when he was holidaying in Paris. #seasonsreadings2016

saresmoore Well, that is one yellow cover, but those crocheted furry hedgehog babies are so cute! 8y
Jaimelire This would be perfect for me...love agatha christie and I'm French! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @saresmoore, school bus yellow 💛 thanks! they just appeared under my computer on day... 8y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Jaimelire, it would! Do you think I translated the title correctly? 8y
Jaimelire Yes, you translated correctly 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Jaimelire oh good! My highschool French has mostly slipped from my memory 😕 8y
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#novemberland #day17 #booksandfavecardgame I love playing Euchre. I learnt how to play when I was about 6yrs old, my parents had boozy card nights and I used to sit on my dads knee while they played. Euchre, 500, poker, gin rummy I love them all, but euchre is my favourite. I never got the hang of bridge though, which is the card game being played in this book, bridge and cribbage were never my thing. #christiescrimeclub

TheLondonBookworm Hehe great picture! 8y
Zelma I adored cards! Euchre, gin, poker, all of it. Never learned bridge we have some intense cribbage tournaments in my house. 😆 we're going to play some poker tonight with friends - should be fun. 8y
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