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Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Recently divorced and having no family of her own, Joy Candellaro is beginning to dream of a new life with widower Daniel O'Shea and his son, Bobby, until a fateful Christmas Eve forces her to make a painful choice. Reprint.
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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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My second time reading Kristin Hannah and omg I loved this book so much I almost wanted to immediately read it again.

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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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IRL book club pick for December was silly and felt dated to me. However, I am decidedly not the audience for this story, so it may work for many others! I can see this being a Hallmark Christmas movie.
Joy has nothing to celebrate during the Christmas season and makes a split decision to jump on a plane during her Christmas break from school librarianship. The subtitle is “a fable” which is helpful to keep in mind.

Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This was a fun, fluffy, comforting read. It did have some unexpected surprises which made me want to throw my #Kindle across the room and let me ranting about the author‘s betrayal, but in the end I am quite satisfied. #ebook

*rated G romance

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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It was cute, but pretty hokey for Kristin Hannah. Main thing is, you get your happy ending!

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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At first I was like.... "what"???? Then I was like ..."ohhhh"!!!! Then I was like , " cute and clever". An easy Christmas day read.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Not a favorite for me, but an enjoyable book. Filled the #jinglebellrock prompt for #averymerrybingo @Jadams1776

Jadams89 🎅🏻🎉 3y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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I think this is my first Kristen Hannah book. The twist surprised me but i think that‘s part of the appeal. Great Christmas read, if you‘re looking for something romantic and sweet.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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📚: This 📕 is about riding the waves of life‘s ups & downs, believing in the magic of forgiveness & ❤️. I recommend it for readers who need a comforting, quick read. Prepare yourself a bubble bath, grab a 🍷 or 🫖, & soak in the cozy. As with any K.H. 📚, to appreciate it fully, you must suspend logic for a bit & find solace in romance and magical realism. If you can do that, this made-for-Hallmark tale is likely to calm your soul. 3/5 ⭐️ 240 pgs

CherMoreBooks I read this last year and enjoyed it. A perfect holiday read! 3y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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I needed a lighthearted tale after the last few books I have read.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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When everyone is reading Halloween reads, I read this one from my Cloud Library set around Christmas time. Easy read. Amazing storytelling. Wonderful way to spend my day.

Ruthiella You rebel, you! 😜 3y
MelAnn @Ruthiella that's me! 3y
Allylu I loved this book when I read it! 3y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Day 23 - #Joy #SleighTheStacks
#ComfortAndJoy #KristinHannah

A Christmas story that I read in 2018.

OriginalCyn620 🎄❤️🎅🏻 4y
LatrelWhite I‘m reading it now!☺️ 4y
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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This was such a cute little Christmas story! A little sappy, but not too much to give you a tooth ache. Just a lovely little story about finding family. +26 for #wintergames #teamreadnosedreindeer

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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This was a perfect wintery read for this time of year, as long as you can let a lot of unrealistic story points go by without getting annoyed 😁. The main flight of fancy in my opinion was the main characters forgiving her loved ones for an ultimate betrayal that I just don‘t believe a normal person would get over. The big secret was also pretty easy to figure out really early on. But still entertaining! 🌟🌟🌟#wintergames2020 #merryreaders

Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This is a pick simply because I'm impressed by the amount of Hallmark movie cliches the author fit into this slim novel.
Joy is divorced after learning her husband has cheated on her ...with her sister. Now, sister is marrying the ex-husband ...and having his baby. Joy spontaneously buys a plane ticket to a town called Hope and plane promptly crashes.
(Reader, that's only the first 30 pages 😳)

Jas16 Omg. That kinda makes me want to read it. 4y
kyraleseberg @Jas16 Right? A friend read this them mailed it to me and said it was so bad it had to be read 🤣 4y
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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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A friend said this one was so cheesy it was awful but the kind of awful you have to read. So she promptly mailed it to me when she finished 🤣
I've made a promise to make it a gift that keeps on giving and will mail it on after I've found out just how cheesy it is!

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Last Christmas read of 2020☃️🎅🏼🎄🛷

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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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My current read is my #12daysofcolours Day 4 pick: cranberry red! 21 points for #merryreaders #wintergames2020

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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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I wanted to like this book better than I did. I read it in less than a day and it kept me intrigued how it was going to end, however, the whole premise of the story was pretty predictable from the beginning. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This was good. Like a Hallmark movie but with a twist. 26pts for #merryreaders #wintergames #wintergames2020

@Clwojick @StayCurious

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Looking for a Hallmark Christmas movie in book form?

This was definitely it. A great one to pick up during the Christmas season.

#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2020

Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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A little Holiday tale!🎄✨#KristinHannah

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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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I really do hate a romance novel. But I love a Kristen Hannah novel. About halfway in, I almost bailed. It sure was feeling a bit smarmy. But then I hit part two and it became much more of a Hannah novel. It went from smarmy to magical. But I only gave it four stars, because she made me suffer through the smarmy first.

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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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#fable #fallfinds
#splendid #wordsofoctober @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

This modern-day #fable tells the story of a woman named Joy. In what should be a #splendid holiday, Joy is at an emotional crossroads and needs a miracle.

Coleen_Nieto @eggs i just picked this up last week! I'm looking forward to reading it. 4y
Eggs Great ❣️❣️ @Coleen_Nieto (edited) 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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#hollyjollyreading #wreath

Hoping everyone had a blessed and joyful holiday!

OriginalCyn620 Hope you did too! Love that cover! 🎄 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover ❤️❤️ 5y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah

I give this book a solid 3.5. It is pretty much what I expected. A nice little love story with a bit of Christmas magic mixed in.

I‘m glad I read it. We can all use a little bit of magic during the holiday season.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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@vkois88 you out did yourself! Thank you so much for the #xstitchexchange box! Thank you for doing this and for hosting a wonderful swap. Thank you for including my little one in it. 💙 This just shows that Litsy is full of wonderful people. Thank you!

vkois88 Thank you again for participating ❤❤❤ I'm so glad you like it, I was so worried. The books for LO are all ones we own and love too! 5y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Finished this one up in the tub last night. Solid meh rating. A cute holiday story but asks for a little too much suspension of belief. #bookandabath #whatamyreads

riversong153 Is that waterproof or are you the bravest person I know? 🤣 6y
aschermetz @riversong153 I am the bravest person you know! 😂😂😂 This is my third Kindle and I‘ve been taking them in the bath since the beginning. Have never dropped one, knock on wood! 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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This book is so infused with hope and magic. I loved the characters and the setting. It is a perfect quick read for the Holidays. It is like a Hallmark Movie.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Coffee/reading date with my husband. Starting a new book tonight! I have never read anything by Kristin Hannah. A few of her books have been on my TBR for a long time, so this one seemed seasonally appropriate.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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I spent a lot of time in the middle of this book being SUPER confused. At times it was just bit too far fetched for me. But to be honest I just loved its overall theme of Christmas magic and I was excited to find out what happened next. Worth the read, especially if you don‘t mind a bit of magic in your stories.

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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Guys I am only 52 pages into this story and it has already been a *wild* ride. Terrible sisters, plane crashes, weddings, ghosts, unplanned babies, I don‘t even know. 10/10 Can‘t wait to find out more after my Cafe Rio intermission.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Finished this guy yesterday. This was a precious, warm Christmas story. Much like Hallmark Christmas movies I enjoyed this cuddly book!

Reecaspieces I enjoyed it as well!! I loved the uniqueness! 6y
Bklover I‘m surprised this one hasn‘t been made into a Hallmark movie! 6y
bridge12 @Reecaspieces I know!! I loved that her coma “dream” was a bit different from reality! 6y
bridge12 @Bklover I would totally watch this movie hundreds of times! 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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1. Start setting up a bullet journal
2. Work, clean, and read
3. Gingerbread
4. The Tagged book
5. @mlutz

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Guys. I just want sit and read the tagged book and drink hot chocolate. But I‘ve been at school until at least 5 every night this week and I‘m having a rough time doing anything else. Teenagers will be the death of me.

Chrissyreadit I just told a parent teens are both the hardest and the best group ever ❤️ 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Joy Candellaro is trying to get over her husband falling in love with her sister so she takes an unexpected flight to get away but the plane crashes. She does walk away but there is another explosion. She finds her way to a cabin and meets a father and son, Daniel and Bobby, and she hopes to be able start over again. There is an unexpected twist and a surprise ending. I found this book to be very thought provoking and magical at the same time.

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Comfort & Joy: A Novel | Kristin Hannah

It was an okay storyline. Not great but not terrible. It‘s a short quick read.

Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Reecaspieces I enjoyed this read! Not my favorite by her. But I give her a thumbs up for uniqueness and creativity. So yes. I loved it 6y
Bklover I did enjoy reading it. I don‘t read much romance anymore but I know that back when I did I‘d have loved this - do any of you notice stages in your life where you read certain things that now no longer interest you? It was a unique storyline. This definitely didn‘t hold up to the level of 6y
jb72 I‘m not a romance reader, but this book didn‘t feel like total romance. It was a good and unique story. It sort of showed the complexity of our brains and our hearts too. The ending seemed far fetched, but that‘s what romance is. I do wonder how her soul knew where to find Bobby in his time of need? 6y
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jb72 @Bklover I agree...book stages in our lives. When I was a teen I read more romance. Then I found sci-fi and started reading that which lead me to horror which is my favorite genre. I‘ve found in the last ten years I branch out some more on my reading genres too. 6y
EadieB @jb72 @bklover I was thinking it was Maggie that somehow led Joy to Bobbie. (edited) 6y
jb72 @EadieB @Bklover Yes, that would make sense. Maggie knee it was time for her to go so she led Joy there knowing she could help both Bobby and Joy find happiness again. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Reecaspieces That was the icing on the cake!!! 6y
Bklover I thought it was very strange how some of the things were exactly as she remembered and some things were totally different. It was nice that the tree was the same though. 6y
jb72 I‘m glad she found the tree. Daniel really loved Bobby and it showed with the gift for Joy. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Reecaspieces I felt her happiness through the pages. I wanted her to find them so badly. Especially for Bobby‘s sake. 6y
Bklover Well said, @Reecaspieces ! I kept worrying about Bobby! 6y
jb72 Bobby really needed Joy to be real, and I think Daniel did too. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Reecaspieces I feel like she had to investigate. She had to know. Weird! 6y
Bklover She definitely had to check it out. Weird stuff! 6y
jb72 She needed to know and I think it‘s always a good idea to take a chance. I felt like it was a bit of a stretch for her to be willing to get back on a plane so soon. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Reecaspieces Well it is kind of far fetched. But kudos to the author. Unique! 6y
jb72 It was a stretch to continue to believe it was real knowing the truth. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Thanks for the buddy read, @EadieB ! I can‘t give this a pick, it really ended up not being for me. But, I‘m glad I read it with you all. #buddyread #kristinhannah

EadieB You‘re welcome! I liked it and thought it was a different type of story that left some questions but I felt good for Bobby. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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All I‘ve been in the mood for is Hallmark Christmas movies and this definitely fit the bill. It‘s a little heartbreaking, depressing and quite the journey, but you know has to have a happy ending! This is my first Kristin Hannah and based on this book, I‘ll definitely read more of her. I just have to remember not all her books with probably be Christmas like.

#buddyread #monthofhannah #authoramonth #comfortandjoy #kristinhannah

DivineDiana I read this last year, and gave it the same rating. I also read another of her books which I enjoyed much more. (edited) 6y
GypsyKat @DivineDiana The Nightingale is fantastic! 6y
Bklover This is definitely a “Hallmark movie” book! 6y
Laughterhp @DivineDiana @GypsyKat The Nightingale has been on my TBR forever! Maybe I‘ll finally get to it. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Finally got my hold in from the library! I‘m going to have to catch up!!! #buddyread

jb72 It‘s a quick and easy read. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Light fluffy Christmas romance. I don‘t read much romance - I did enjoy this and zipped right through it! Points for originality. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#buddyread #authoramonth #monthofhannah

EadieB I just finished this too! Tear-jerker! 6y
Reecaspieces I had some chores this morning 🙄. I will finish this afternoon 6y
jb72 I finished it too. I‘m not sure how I feel about it yet, but it was an interesting story for sure. I‘m not a romance reader, but this was a cute story. I think I gave it three stars. 6y
jillannjohn I‘m not a romance reader either and I‘m still working on this one... 6y
Reecaspieces @jillannjohn @jb72 it ends up being a romance but I consider this more of a family healing book. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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jb72 Frankly I was not entirely surprised. But I was a bit perplexed by the turn of events. 6y
Laughterhp I was actually kind of disappointed that it wasn‘t real. I didn‘t really guess or put together what was going to happen. 6y
Reecaspieces Yes and no....I knew something was up. I actually thought she was a ghost. Not in a coma. Hmmmmm WELL PLAYED! 6y
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EadieB I was kind of disappointed too because I was invested in the story of Daniel and Bobby. @Laughterhp (edited) 6y
Pamwurtzler Same here- I was looking for a happy ending at that point. I guess I‘ll go ahead and read the rest to see what happens next! 6y
bridge12 I‘m still behind and haven‘t finished. I guessed she was in a coma but I‘m still really invested in Bobby and Daniel and wanting them to run into her somehow, and they fall in love and build a cute family 🥰 I‘m a total sucker for a good ending 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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jb72 I suspected what was happening, but not entirely sure. I thought either she was dead and being brought back to life OR she was suffering some massive head injury. 6y
Laughterhp My thought was that she had some internal injuries that were catching up with her. And then I realized what was going on. 6y
Reecaspieces I have been saying it all along in my head ...she is dead or dreaming. 6y
bridge12 Yeah, I had assumed pretty early on she was dead. However, Joy has a dream around chapter 8 of her sister saying “Joy, please wake up” so I thought she was in a coma. Finally, at the church waking up from the coma. 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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jb72 I thought it was perfect. It actually gave me more insight to what I thought was happening too. I‘m glad Maggie helped Joy so she could in turn help Bobby and Daniel later on. 6y
Reecaspieces Ditto what @Jb72 says! 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Bklover Tough one- my instinct would be to let her worry longer. But I like how she did it. 6y
jb72 If it was me, I never would have called. She doesn‘t deserve the common decency of even that. 6y
Laughterhp This is tough for me too. I wouldn‘t want to let her off the hook so easily, but I guess Joy is the bigger person and made sure her sister didn‘t worry. 6y
Reecaspieces I understand all of y‘alls feelings. I am very glad she did it. Not saying I would...it is a fiction book! Lol 6y
bridge12 Yeah, I probably would have never done it. I was incredibly relieved for Joy that her sister didn‘t answer so she could just leave a voicemail 6y
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Comfort and Joy | Kristin Hannah
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Bklover Yes- it felt like she was jumping in with both feet. 6y
jb72 Joy was pushing it way too fast in my opinion. While I‘m on for living in the moment and taking chances, she was in a tragic plane crash and caught her sister sleeping with her husband. She needs to take a breath. 6y
EadieB @jb72 @Bklover I thought she was pushing too hard also! (edited) 6y
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Bklover My comment disappeared! (edited) 6y
jb72 @Bklover I thought so! I was like wait....I replied but then I was couldn‘t figure out where it went. 6y
Bklover Hmmm. I think I said I don‘t know how they can be madly in love when they hardly know each other. Or something like that. 😳 @jb72 (edited) 6y
jb72 @Bklover Exactly....she might somewhat know Daniel, but he certainly does not know her. 6y
Laughterhp I agree too. She was definitely pushing too hard. Especially since she doesn‘t know why Daniel split with his ex wife and with her recent passing. @EadieB @Bklover @jb72 6y
Reecaspieces @Laughterhp @EadieB @Bklover @jb72 I agree with all of y‘all. Joy is trying way too hard. I think she is just wishing...so therefore she is pushing 6y
jb72 @Laughterhp @Bklover @EadieB @Reecaspieces I think it‘s that way for a lot of women. They want the relationship and family and busy feeling. And that‘s totally fine, except when you‘re still recovering from a past bad relationship. You need to be alone to work on yourself first. Who‘s to say Daniel is the total wrong man for her? 6y
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