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The Witches Are Coming
The Witches Are Coming | Lindy West
The highly anticipated next book by the author of the New York Times bestseller, Shrill.
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A new book that my sister gifted me. It sounds right up my alley.

TheBookDream I really likes this one 13mo
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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Incisive and funny by turns, inclusive, empathetic, incredibly well written. The claim that my enjoyment is a result of confirmation bias cannot be dismissed out of hand. It's deeply satisfying to have a person confirm just how shitty some (groups of) people have been acting in eloquent, expletive-sprinkled essays. This work is first a call to action, because everyone is capable of being more compassionate, doing more to foster a better society.

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Today's 'scratched my brain just right' line:

"...fundamental delusion: the bootstrap ethos...that capitalism is an opportunity for the exploited to prove themselves..."

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Memorable phrasing again:
"...the soft violence of willful ignorance, the barbaric fiction of rugged individualism."

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A moment of appreciation for the upgrading of an old phrase: "err on the side of caution"
It's not just about not being cautious to avoid SOUNDING insensitive, it's about caring enough to be careful in your word choices.

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It gave a great voice to so many of the frustrations I have, and with humor. It was a bit sad to remember that things have only gotten worse since this was written though.

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IuliaC Lovely photo! 2y
Ellohcin @IuliaC thank you! Was so nice, sitting by the fire, reading. 2y
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A soft pick. While I liked some of the essays many fell flat. A whole essay about how she has just realized Adam Sandler is not funny and built his career off being horrible to minorities and the disabled community? I felt I could have written this in the 90s when I wasn't understanding why people liked him.
Good essays too though, and some laughs.
This was my March #bookspin because I am totally on top of things.

Leftcoastzen I love your reading buddies! 😻😻😻I felt the same about this book , some essays were really good , some kinda fell flat .I like her earlier collection better 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Leftcoastzen yes! Shrill was so good. It didn't feel as dated as this one already does. 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Finished this walking on a beautiful day in Wisconsin! @Clwojick #teamslaughter

BiblioLitten ❤️ 3y
Nute Whoa! The big tree is stunning in shape and color!🌳💚 3y
JenReadsAlot @Nute I know! I had to take pictures when walking! 3y
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This was mentioned in Cultish and sounded interesting so I went down the rabbit hole. This #audiobook is read by the author and it's very political and very funny at times. I definitely enjoyed it. Obviously if you think Trump was the best president ever, this may not be for you.

JenReadsAlot I'm starting this next on audio so great to see your review! 3y
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1. Not exactly. But I do take notes and write down book mentions and quotes and vocab and stuff. I guess it's like a journal of my reading journey.

2. Every month is a good reading month in Vanessa-land. Although I haven't read anything yet that totally blew my socks off.

3. Today I'm grateful for @TheAromaofBooks and her fun #BirthdayBash readathon.

I tagged a random book that I am listening to and quite enjoying.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡🧡🧡 3y
Eggs Thanks for playing 🤗📚👏🏻 3y
TheAromaofBooks Awww thank you!!! ❤ 3y
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I hadn‘t heard to Lindy West before listening to this book. Libro.fm recommend it for me and it looked interesting. I really like her, a lot! She covers so so many topics and is smart, honest, funny, genuine and brave. I truly enjoyed this book and so glad that she has a tv show too (which I also looked up) called Shrill. I would recommend this book and will look out for her current and future projects.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Shrill was the first book of hers I read, and I fell in love too. She has such a great voice. 3y
KatieDid927 I also recommend Shrill! It‘s even better, imho. 3y
SarahBookInterrupted Oh, then I‘ll stack that one too. Thanks! 3y
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Eggs Thanks for reposting ❤️🥳❤️ 3y
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Here‘s my July #TBR!
🧙🏻 To catch up on the #MonthlyKeyWordGXO challenge I need to finish the tagged book & also read
👑 The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
🐴 Gordath Wood by Patrice Sarah
👀 Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
😇 The Third Angel by Alice Hoffman
💍 Continuing my sister read w/ The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory
🦖 For fun, Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #3 by Jason Ciaramella
📚 Which should I read first?

RamsFan1963 You can never go wrong with Robin McKinley. 3y
PaperbackPirate @RamsFan1963 2 of my friends from book club were gushing about this book so I‘m looking forward to it! 3y
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Probably a case of #RightBookWrongReader because I did not enjoy this at all. Lindy West is bright and articulate, with a biting sense of humor but there‘s such a bitterness to her tone. I feel like she‘s quick to put others down and she seems to always be in fight mode🥊 #MoreMehThanYeah #BorrowNotBuy

Megabooks Hmmm…I loved this and have read it three times. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #DifferentBooksForDifferentFolks 😘 3y
KatieDid927 She‘s definitely snarky but I‘ve definitely found no bitterness there, personally. 3y
Cinfhen We are out of sync on this one @Megabooks 😉💕 3y
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Cinfhen Hmmmm, definitely snarky!!! That‘s a better word choice @KatieDid927 I just felt like she put others down a lot / I just didn‘t connect with her humor 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
Kimberlone I tried reading Shit Actually, her collection of movie reviews and had to bail. I don‘t mind snarkiness at all, but the humor used to criticize the movies she reviews was mean spirited and the tone was too internet-y for me to enjoy in a book format. Surprisingly, I love the show based on her book Shrill (streaming on Hulu), but a lot of that has to do with Aidy Bryant‘s endearing performance. 3y
Hooked_on_books I liked this one, but think this is a very fair assessment of it. I feel like she was really angry when she wrote this (totally legit), and it really bled through, not always in the best way. I definitely liked Shrill more. 3y
Cinfhen Thanks for articulating how I felt @Hooked_on_books / the book had a rather hostile tone but like you said, legit 😉 3y
Hooked_on_books There was a bell hooks book I read at one point that just seethed anger and it just didn‘t work for me. Both of which are legit. I had someone accuse me of tone policing. 🙄 It‘s never wrong for a person to push their anger out onto the page. But it also won‘t work for every reader. And that‘s ok, because no book does. I don‘t think it‘s wrong for people to have and express anger, and I do think some readers will respond more positively to that 🔽 3y
Hooked_on_books anger, as it reflects their own or helps them better understand someone else‘s anger. But saying a book didn‘t work for you because it‘s angry is not the same as saying the author should not have been angry. I‘ve gone a little off topic, but I clearly am still annoyed at having had that accusation leveled at me in the past. 😬 3y
Cinfhen I hear ya! And I 💯 agree with you @Hooked_on_books ❣️😊😘 3y
britt_brooke Fair review! I liked this one, but didn‘t care for Shrill. Her tone can be really hit or miss. 3y
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Breaking from octopuses for a little witchy insight 🧙‍♀️ 🧹🔮I‘m not really a fan of Lindy West…she‘s very bright but there‘s a meanness to her humor and commentary that I don‘t respect.

alisiakae I still haven‘t read one of her books. My non-fiction reading has dropped considerably since the start of the pandemic. I‘m reading an excellent NF book right now, but I‘m just not always in the right headspace for it, since work is so busy at the moment and I need lighter fare in the evenings, so it‘s taking me much longer than normal to read through the essays. 3y
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“I think we can all agree that this fully checks out and that indeed it is men who are the true victims of witch hunts. Which they invented. To kill women.”
I wish she would have addressed intersectionality more in this book but she did spend an entire chapter shitting on Adam Sandler which I‘ve been doing for years so I‘ll recommend it.

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West's writing is quippy, sharp & intelligent. She states her opinions clearly with good supporting information. However, she is somewhat heavy-handed in her approach. This reduces her accessibility & makes it less likely for her to attract a wide range of readers. I found her to be very funny & smart. She is easy to listen to & understand & made talking about boring political topics quite enjoyable.

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Our Governor in Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer‘s response after she was called a witch by a GOP leader 😂😂

vivastory She's awesome. Months ago Josh Malerman was thrilled when someone pointed out a copy of Bird Box on her shelves 4y
Andrea313 Love our gov! 👏💪❤️ 4y
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PathfinderNicole Our governor is the best! 4y
Branwen I love our governor! 😍 #mittenlitten 4y
mdemanatee Oh my gosh I immediately thought of this book too. This is amazing. 4y
Palimpsest Oh my..I LOVE how she responded! 4y
Chelsea.Poole Oh wow! Love this!! 4y
Tamra Bahahahaha Good for her. 4y
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I binged this in a couple of hours. I liked Shrill just a touch more but would recommend this book nonetheless. The essay about her husband‘s online gear-swapping group was my favourite.
March 2021 #BookSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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I‘m trying out a book journal for the March 2021 #BookSpinBingo rather than my usual el cheapo « draw a grid on a piece of computer paper, use both sides » grid ?
#BookSpin: The Witches Are Coming
#DoubleSpin: The Ringed Castle
I started Midnight in Chernobyl this morning so will be aiming for bingo in that middle row!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looks great!! I've been using grid-lined composition books for my book journaling and quite like them. 4y
rabbitprincess @TheAromaofBooks I keep buying notebooks but then thinking nothing is good enough to write about in them 😂😂 This is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles notebook that I‘ve started about four different things in. 4y
TheAromaofBooks It's truly the curse of beautiful journals!! 4y
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1. Tagged!
2. I‘m going to cheat because I used to intern at a radio station in their library and was reminded of an album I once catalogued, called “Rendezvous in the Yurt” and it always made me chuckle.
4. I am waiting for Colin Jost‘s book.


BookmarkTavern I love Lindy West‘s writing! I just bought this one a couple weeks ago. Thank you for posting! 4y
Reagan @ozma.of.oz it was my first time reading her writing but she had me in stitches a few times! 4y
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I laughed at parts, I got angry with her at parts, I rolled my eyes a little at parts.

I‘d put this in between a pick and so-so. I read it for bookclub, and I probably wouldn‘t have chosen it otherwise.

I appreciate that the author read the audio, and she did it quite well.

TW for abortion, although she doesn‘t talk about it in a traumatic way.

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Great book of essays, fantastic on audio. West always brings an interesting perspective to the world and her pieces on #metoo , Adam Sandler, television, climate change and trump‘s America had me thinking, laughing and lamenting but ultimately feeling hopeful. #nothalloween #witches

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#currentlisten May not be the same witches, but seemed like the right time of year!

sgoffe That's so funny (and appropriate)! 4y
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I was glad to finally get to this book. I first heard about it when I saw her speak at the Ubud Writers Festival in Bali a year ago. I raced home to Australia, watched her series Shrill & my husband bought me this book of essays, which has since sat unread of my shelf, until this week.

Although its US focus meant I was unfamiliar with some of the people she writes about, I enjoyed this cutting, clever, funny cultural critique.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great on audio.

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I don't know why I don't like this book more...I agree with so much of what West speaks about in this book. I too dislike Adam Sandler and don't understand his popularity. I can appreciate being presented with a different perspective than the one I've lived. #lindywest #thewitchesarecoming #shrill #feminist #womenauthor #femaleauthor #politicalpopculture

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I love Lindy West's writing voice so much, she does a fantastic job blending humor into serious topics and she articulates the anger I've felt about a lot of the current political and cultural climate in a way I've never quite been able to. I'm working my way backwards through her books and look forward to reading/watching Shrill soon!

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Some excellent essays in this feminist takedown of politics and entertainment. West is also super angry, which although a reasonable response to discrimination and misogyny, kind of knocked me over when taken all in at one sitting. I guess I was expecting a more varied tone within the collection but it is mostly a long rant, which is warranted, but I guess is not exactly how I take in information best. Worth reading, but maybe not quite my style.

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I love Lindy West‘s books on audiobook. She is so smart and doesn‘t try to hide it; she‘s also open and vulnerable. She‘s one of those authors that I‘d like to be friends with, but I‘d probably just sit in the corner of the booth listening to her talk rather than contributing anything myself. 😂

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This is probably my favorite white feminist essay collection ever. She hits the right notes between a drive towards activism and humor. I don‘t know of a writer in her genre that can blend the two better. Simply brilliant! #audiobook

BarbaraBB Coming from you that says a lot! 💚 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Are you saying I‘m addicted to feminist essay collections? Because if you are, I‘d totally agree!! 😂😂 (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB Lol, of course I did 😉. And the brilliance 💛 4y
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BronwynMahon This was one of my fave reads this year! 4y
Megabooks @BronwynMahon 👍🏻👍🏻 4y
Hooked_on_books I love her. I got to meet her at a book signing a few years ago and may have fan-girled over her just a tiny bit. 😬 My signed copy of Shrill is a prized possession. 4y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books so jealous!! 😎😎 4y
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Lindy West‘s book of essays is highly readable and entertaining. She turns serious topics into beach reads! My best description is Rebecca Solnit meets Cosmopolitan! Lindy West has written a sexy, smart feminist book of our times. It‘s good! So read it!!!! 🚺

melissajayne I heard the book discussed on a book podcast a few weeks back and I can't recall which one, but it sounded good. 4y
iread2much This looks like fun 😄 4y
Megabooks I‘m listening this for the third time now. 4y
PaperbackPirate I loved Shrill and look forward to this one! 4y
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“The witches are coming, but not for your life. We‘re coming for your lies. We‘re coming for your legacy. We‘re coming for our future” ❤️

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Megabooks I‘ve read this twice! 4y
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So inspiring at this moment, and so hard to believe she finished this book and published it... what, over 6 months ago.


Prairiegirl_reading I loved this! I listened to the audio and I want a paper copy for sure. She‘s awesome! 4y
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She starts out talking about the Parkland kids and Greta Thunberg, and then her stepdaughter at a school event unveiling a Black Power historical mural... I couldn‘t help but think this was so timely for what we are living through now.....months later.


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Ugh! I was thinking about this this morning as Trump attacked the 75 year old man shoved by the police and left bleeding on the sidewalk in Buffalo, NY...that one that‘s been on the news shows the last few days! 🙄

“Platforms could do something about it. Never forget that they choose not to.” 🎤⤵️

vivastory I didn't hear about this until just now. I'd say there are no words, but I can think of plenty 4 letter words 😤 4y
sprainedbrain Unbelievable that he gets to spout his hatred like that with no checks and balances. 😡 4y
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Loved this one, no surprise though with Lindy West, who can make you laugh while discussing the most serious of topics. A few felt a bit dated, but most felt like they could have been written today, which is amazing when you consider how much has changed and shifted in just the last few months.


AnneFindsJoy On my TBR, love her humor! What task did you use this for? 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AnneFindsJoy I think I‘m going to use it for #SomethingAboutSocialJustice....because she talks about a lot of current issues currently going on. 4y
AnneFindsJoy @Riveted_Reader_Melissa thanks, good to know, I still need that task too :) 4y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AnneFindsJoy It a bit of a stretch there, but that‘s where I‘m sticking it. 😉 4y
AnneFindsJoy @Riveted_Reader_Melissa haha that‘s what I felt about Big Magic for education task.. but I love that this challenge is flexible enough that we can lean toward our interests and still make it work 😀🙌 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AnneFindsJoy Yes, I like that about it too. I‘ve Read a few that could count in more than 1 category too.... I picked Pushout for jail reform/incarceration, but ended up counting it in education, it could have easily fit in either. 4y
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I 💙 Lindy

Melissa side note: as bad as everything else is, I‘ve been thinking a lot about those defense contractors lately, so much of our taxes goes into “defense spending”, we need it they say, more than healthcare or education, we can‘t go without....but apparently we have SO much and make so much military stuff, we are now selling it to police departments, because well, someone has to buy all that extra “absolutely essential🤮” stuff. #BLM

Prairiegirl_reading Absolutely why police departments are militarized. 💯 4y
ulyssesartmiller It‘s written in the Federalist Papers that the constitution grants not only absolute power to the military for the protection of the US and its interests, but that it also gets whatever budget it claims to need, and must be the first to receive money from Congress when they‘re voting on budget allotment. 4y
ulyssesartmiller I was appalled when I read that bit. (edited) 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ulyssesartmiller But Congress and the courts don‘t have to interpret the Constitution that way...but of course that explains why big players making tons of money might want to fund someone like the Federalist Society...and why they spent Obama years holding up Court appointments are now racing to fill as many seats as they can... 🙄 (edited) 4y
ulyssesartmiller @Riveted_Reader_Melissa tend to agree with your conclusion! 4y
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“Men can choose how they treat us, and this is the world they choose. Frankly, not being angry would be irrational.”

🎤 drop!

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So smart and eloquent about feminist (humanist) issues. Yaaaassss!

madams421 Oh I want to read this one! 4y
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Very timely read! I highlighted a lot... West really helped me to verbalize some of my thoughts and frustrations.

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#BLM March Greenville SC May 31st 2020

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I posted part of this same quote yesterday! It just fits this moment so perfectly! Terrifying, yet the moral clarity has never been greater! 4y
Kathrin @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I started to read the book today. Total coincidence.. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Kathrin I started it on Friday! Great coincidence, for both of us! I love that that quote from the introduction spoke to both of us this weekend. 4y
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The Judge at the sentencing of Ted Bundy....why does this remind me of Brock Turner a bit, the poor poor man and his potential as an athlete.🤮

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She‘s not wrong....🙁

KVanRead Ugh! So true. 4y
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Discussing how someone like Ted Buddy was considered very likable, charming, charismatic....but every woman, no matter how qualified, who runs for office is “not likable”.

“Likability is a con, and we‘re falling for it.”

JNSibanda So much truth there 🤔 4y
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